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What things are your kids in this year?


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Ds 16--almost 17: Boyscouts and NYLT (boyscout leadership training--he's on staff); he's trying Model UN this year; he's in church youth group and may do a weekly service club related to this.  He dropped climbing this year, but may start TaeKwanDo in January. He works part time, as well.


Dd 14: acting class; 2 youth groups (our church and good friend's church); TaeKwanDo, organ and piano lessons; Good News Club staff; works Sat. at apple and fir tree farm through Sat.


Ds 12: this child is way too busy, but gets bored easily and doesn't really want to give up anything. so far it is working, but we'll see).

Youth group (both of the above, I wish he'd drop the one not at our church, but his best friends go there. It would be super hard to drop ours); First Lego League; guitar lessons; praise and worship band at co-op; Boy Scouts; fencing every other week, TaeKwan Do weekly; babysitting every other week; dog walking occasionally.


Dd 8: possibly singing at a music program at a local church where ds takes guitar--not sure yet--she's been doing it for 3 years; soccer; fencing every other week; piano lessons; she wants to join the Kid's club at the second church, but so far we've said no.She might start TKD with the oldest in January.


In general, we try not to be too busy, but that worked way, way better when the kids were younger.  With them not in school, we want them to have music lessons and sports, but the juggling can get insane.  We also live in an area where seeing friends is not easy b/c there is no public transport and you can't walk anywhere from our house. Some of my kids needed to get out more than we were.

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Ds7 - jazz and ballet Saturday.  Piano, only 15 min a week, at the same time as his sister.  Choir once a week with sister.  And the two of them are doing skating lessons, though that is short term, only 8 weeks - they go with some friends.


Dd9 - piano, choir, skating.  


dd12 - piano and singing - her teacher wants a bit more time to work on singing, her voice is really maturing.  Violin - twice a week, one time is orchestra.  (she walks to this, whoo hoo.)  She's decided to join the adult choir at church, so that will be once a week plus Sunday once she gets to where she can sing in the service.  And she's doing a few things at school - I think she signed up to do some fun volleyball after school Tuesday, and she is planning on trying out for the school musical - they are doing Shrek.


ETA: dd12 is also doing youth group at church, which is about every second week.

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I only have one at home, and he's 14. He swims but doesn't do a lot of competing. It's more for exercise. That's 3 nights a week, 20 minutes away. He's on a drama ministry team at church that practices weekly. They do service projects, perform in children's church monthly, and do a couple of in-state missions projects each year. They are going to Alaska next summer to work with a missions partner of our church. He is in our Christmas program that is requiring 2-2.5 hours of practice weekly right now, and that will pick up in late November. Our co-op meets every other week. I'm about to start having him volunteer outside church at least a couple of times a month. Our homeschool group is having a teen social monthly that he is going to as well. 

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During the school day:  band and choir, which are optional.  They also have a robotics course that used to be optional, but is now required.


School-run but after school: seasonal sports, youth group, theater.


Church & Sunday School.


Non-school/church related:  Gymnastics, horse riding, TaeKwonDo, scouts (AHG), math tutor, middle school book club.  Also one of my kids is a runner - she runs in organized races, but not as a member of an organization.

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Let's see...


Oldest (25) spends time working, with his wife, with our grandkittens, and heads out with friends to play Settlers of Catan types of board games (although more involved than that one).


Middle (23) keeps himself busy with med school and still tries to get out with some old juggling and dance pals (two different activities - pals in each).


Youngest is quite involved with his Study Abroad.  We're supervising that for another week just to be sure he's doing his best.   :lol: Does that qualify as helicopter parenting? ;)


These questions are so easy to answer now.   :coolgleamA:   When it comes to activities, empty nesting is a breeze - all the good (listening + more) stuff and none of the taxi driving or schedule hogging.

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Let's see...


Oldest (25) spends time working, with his wife, with our grandkittens, and heads out with friends to play Settlers of Catan types of board games (although more involved than that one).


Middle (23) keeps himself busy with med school and still tries to get out with some old juggling and dance pals (two different activities - pals in each).


Youngest is quite involved with his Study Abroad.  We're supervising that for another week just to be sure he's doing his best.   :lol: Does that qualify as helicopter parenting? ;)


These questions are so easy to answer now.   :coolgleamA:   When it comes to activities, empty nesting is a breeze - all the good (listening + more) stuff and none of the taxi driving or schedule hogging.


Favorite game ever!!  :D  

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Oldest:  At community college.  Interning with a game company, designing animation and art.  Currently getting his portfolio together to go to a 4 year school.


Middle: Men's chorus at school, School Drama/performance group/club, working part time at our local grocery store 


Youngest:  Scouts and the most social of all of our kids, constantly asking for a ride to a social event!

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Monday and Thursday: running club

Ever other Tuesday: teen group at the library

Friday: piano lessons, french tutoring by a teen, we play board games and go on very, very local field trips to places such as the playground, grocery store, music store, ....


Usually once a month we drop into:

a rock climbing event

a Saturday trail run group.

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Youngest (high school): special Olympics swimming. Boy scouts. Best buddies. Capernaum.


Middle (college): Pokemon club -- leaders role. Battleship (not the board game) intramural team. Tutoring at elementary school near her apartment. Hiking.


Oldest (grad school): lifeguarding to supplement income. Online gaming when he has time.

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Oldest non work activities include caving, cave rescue and cave surveying.  He also likes to cook, play online video games and read.


Middle is busy moving back here and starting her new job,  Free time is movies, reading, and sometimes fishing.


Youngest is currently in New Zealand on study abroad and over there she is trying some new activities once (like bungee jumping and skydiving) and continuing with interests in birding and with plants. She also likes movies and actually so does my oldest. 


Like Creekland, I am happy not having to chauffer.  I am also grateful that I get to have so much contact with my adult kids  Things we do together include sometimes movies, concerts, watching shows or a college football game together, going out to eat or creating tasty meals at home and just conversing.

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Oldest non work activities include caving, cave rescue and cave surveying.  He also likes to cook, play online video games and read.


Middle is busy moving back here and starting her new job,  Free time is movies, reading, and sometimes fishing.


Youngest is currently in New Zealand on study abroad and over there she is trying some new activities once (like bungee jumping and skydiving) and continuing with interests in birding and with plants. She also likes movies and actually so does my oldest. 


Like Creekland, I am happy not having to chauffer.  I am also grateful that I get to have so much contact with my adult kids  Things we do together include sometimes movies, concerts, watching shows or a college football game together, going out to eat or creating tasty meals at home and just conversing.

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High school senior -- ballet classes several times per week (plus their full length ballet, Napoli, is in a couple of weeks, so extra production classes right now), church choir (she's writing the program they will give on tour next spring), various theatre things around town (eg, already cast for Ruby Sunrise at a community theater next spring, but rehearsals won't start until ... um, February, maybe?)


We go to a weekly yoga class together 


The main time suck right now feels like it's figuring out college applications  :willy_nilly:


College senior -- up to her eyeballs in tech theatre until the current show opens in a couple of weeks.  Also, posting daily pictures of her kitchen sink on Instagram at sinkupdatez



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Ds18:  Rock climbing (competitive), works part time, plays drums for worship team, and is taking all his classes at the community college.  Plans to run track in the spring.  He wants to start Swing Dance lessons if he can adjust his schedule.

Ds17:  Football.  He's part time at the community college.  He also plans to run track in the spring.  


Ds15:  He's taking an outside biology class once a week, and he also plans to run track in the spring.  He's always busy with projects:  he loves art, photography, and film making.  He's always occupied with something worthwhile.  He'll be taking Swing Dance lessons (probably after football season because of the timing of the class).


Ds13:  Just finished Cross Country.  He's going to do wrestling (I think that season runs late winter).  He's also going to start Swing Dance.

Ds11:  Also just finished Cross Country.  He's also going to start Swing Dance.

Our piano teacher moved in May, and I haven't lined a new one up yet.  I'm still trying to decide how to handle music.

I miss the days when they were younger when the 6 of us too Judo together, and when all 5 went to the same gymnastics class, and our piano teacher was my close friend and her kids, so it was a playdate once a week with piano thrown in.


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All four DC (ages 13, 11, 10, 7) - piano lessons 1x a week, karate 2x a week (DS7 sometimes goes with me to a third class), church Christmas program rehearsals start next week and will be 1x a week.


DD13 is going to start singing in the church choir with me next week.


We are looking for an art class for DD13 but so far can't find anything that works for us. We would also like to get all four into swimming lessons but haven't been able to afford it yet.

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Oldest (age 15): Some classes at community college, robotics league, monthly book club.


Middle (age 12): Online chess club, chess tournaments, robotics league, youth group, 2 monthly book clubs, nursery helper at church, monthly drama class, semi-monthly art class, origami club at the library. Will be starting work as a mother's helper soon. She's also on the waitlist for a series of Saturday math and science enrichment classes - this week is the last week for notifications. She also runs cross-country, but she's not doing that this semester - we'll pick it up in the spring.


Youngest (age 10): church program (similar to Awanas), gymnastics, 2 monthly book clubs, monthly drama class, semi-monthly art class. 


Can you tell who is the sole extrovert in the family?


I'd like to get back to piano lessons, but we're strapped for time, and their teacher went back to teaching, so I haven't looked too hard. 

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Band (Ds11)

TKD (Dh, Dd14, Ds13, Ds11, Dd7)

CAP (Dd14)

FLL (Ds13, Ds11)

AWANA (Dd7, Dd3)

Choir (Dd14, Dd7)

Piano (Dd14)

Tumbling (Ds11)


Is that it? It feels like more than that. :P


Oh, Dd14 also volunteers a couple of places and is learning to drive.


The older kids occasionally go to organized youth group activities, but our church doesn't have any so they only attend when it works with our week.

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DS22 :) Not sure - he doesn't live here ;)


DS16 -- Boy Scouts, Mixed Martial Arts (7+ classes per week), Magic the Gathering (Worked in the summer at scout camp and plans to again next year)


DS12 -- Boy Scouts, Karate (6 classes per week), Youth Group, Dungeons and Dragons at the Library, Percussion Band


We also volunteer as a family at the mobile food pantry every month, and some special events at the local Mission/Shelter.

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DD made her first video. She is participating in the "Breakthrough Junior Challenge".  



The Winner will receive a USD $250K Scholarship, his/her Instructor will receive USD $50K, and their school will receive a USD $100K Science Lab.  When the "Public voting starts (on the 23rd?) I will post a link to the 3 minute video and hopefully get some votes for DD from people here on WTM.


She goes to Zumba classes 2 nights a week and really enjoys that.  She was also taking a Conditioning class 2 nights a week, but that's very tough and she said it was boring, like going to the gym, so I don't think she is going to continue with that class.


She has other interests which I guess may be hobbies, but also may influence her thoughts about a career..

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My kids are 2, 4, 6 and 8.


Speech Therapy (2, 4 and 6 year olds)

Social Thinking (6 and 8 year olds)

Spanish (4, 6 and 8 year olds)

Art (6 and 8 year olds)

Parkour (4, 6, and 8 year olds)

Trampoline and Tumbling (4, 6, and 8 year olds)

Swim Lessons (6 and 8 year olds)


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Dance, dance, & more dance and public school.


Robotics and DE classes. ( and seems to have forgotten that late night d&d restarted in Sept, thankfully)


Part time morning preschool and once a week tumble tykes. Soccer for the fall.


Speech therapy


Someone needs to learn to drive.

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DD12: The First Tee (golf club), golf lessons, confirmation class, violin


DS6: Violin, kid's fitness class at the YMCA, The First Tee and possibly soccer in the spring. Wanted to do Boy Scouts but there weren't any other boys his age signed up so decided to wait another year.

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13 yo, 8th grader in ps:

Competitive Irish dance, 8 hours of lessons per week.

After school theatre, performing in a Shakespeare play.

Preparing applications for high school, including compiling an art portfolio.

Most free time is spent working on drawing technique, especially using computer based programs.

Figuring out how to complete 30 hours of community service for school requirements. Trying to work on helping shelter animals.

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DS10: outside violin, harp and piano lessons + 2-3 hours of practicing a day, gymnastics once a week, a friend's church group once a week, altar server on Sundays.  



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One does dance, voice, piano, co-op, art classes plus youth group and some volunteering.


The other has Boy Scouts, 4-H, co-op, art classes plus youth group and some volunteering as well.


And at some point they will both want to do a community theater play. We are usually in 1-2 per year.

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Boy - junior - various theater (2 shows this fall), musical theater/opera group that meets 3 hours a week.  Piano, voice, guitar lessons.  Youth theater council.  Finishing a music certificate program in the spring - need to plan his own recital.  Dual enrolled.   Sometimes takes dance or acrobatics when we can fit it in.  College visits count right!?


Girl - 8th grade - dance, violin - private lessons and orchestra, various theater.  Drawing class.  Book arts club.  Voice lessons.

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We alternate, so only two kids have sports this season, but we will add more stuff after this is done. 

B 14-gaming club, coding, teen advisory board

J 11-gymnastics, coding, Tween gaming, day camp


J 8- soccer, coding, tween gaming, day camp


W 6- junior coding, day camp

T 2- Speech and developmental therapies, library playgroup and story times, rec center play group

Additionally, we have a zoo membership, so we go often, middle kids have classes at Lego land a couple of times a year, we hike, and will be taking classes at Environmental Education Centers, we have field trips both as a family and through parks and rec, and we attend lots of local community events. 


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I need to get the kids in more things.   Hmm


Only if you feel like they need it. :) Just because other people are super busy doesn't mean you have to be.



Oldest (age 16): Writer's club, Volunteers one day a week at the library. Needs to find a job.

Middle (age 15): Public school, Youth group, Robotics, Science Olympiad, French club, Some other club I'm not clear on that meets a couple times a month. Neglects chores to text with her boyfriend. :p

Youngest (age 3): Dance, gymnastics, co-op (for preschoolers and kindergarten, very small, lots of play time and hands on learning, she adores it)

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14 yo: art class at the CC 2 days a week, 2 church youth groups (old church and new church), plus a standing date to play games with friends once a week. All that takes about 10 hours a week, and it's feeling a little full to her, but still okay.  In the spring she hasn't decided about taking another CC class, but she'll be starting ballet again.


And for the 13 yo: (deep breath... and GO): After-school club at the community center 4 days a week/3 hrs a day, soccer (2 practices, plus game on Saturday), church youth group, Awana (helps out with the Cubbies), and theater.  That adds up to over 20 hours a week.  She actually wouldn't mind adding in more, but I would mind.  She thrives when she's busy-busy-busy.


   :driving:  <--- actual footage of me during the week.



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DS (18) is at college - he's trying his hand at Mock Trial there.

DD (15) is a sophomore - play and choir currently and will be doing Mock this year as well.

DD (13) - choir


Then all of them do random or less random classes within our homeschool program - Spanish, science, writing for some.


Written down this does not look like a crazy schedule.

In real life?  I'm whooped.

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It's another crazy, busy year with extra activities, but we love them. I try to group 2 or more dc together for lessons or activities where I can, but it gets harder as they get older.



17 yo - violin ensemble, homeschool band (trombone), music ministry at church, pit band at community theatre, teaches violin, soccer, internship at vet hospital


15 yo - classical guitar performance group, theatre, basketball, hockey, part-time job at rec centre, own racket stringing business


13 yo - violin ensemble, homeschool band (trumpet), pit band at community theatre, theatre, art, soccer, cadets (extra activities: drill, orienteering, biathlon, marksmanship)


11 yo - classical guitar performance group, theatre, soccer  (He just started going to b & m school and had to give up several homeschool activities, unfortunately. The school doesn't provide anything similar.)



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DD15 has ballet class six days a week -- almost 20 hours of dance, on top of school work (enrolled in private school, so she has homework). Extra rehearsals for Nutcracker. Church youth group one night a week. She's now volunteering in the church nursery periodically on Sunday mornings, but I'm not sure how often she will be scheduled for that. She wanted to do cheerleading again this year, but it couldn't fit in her schedule. Nothing fits in her schedule, because she has no free time.


DS13 takes drum lessons once a week and plays in the school band. He is starting to play the bass guitar (brand new, no lessons yet). He would like to do martial arts, but so far we haven't fit it in our schedule. Youth group. He will run track in the spring.


DS12 plays sax in the school band and practices sometimes at home but does not take lessons (he should, but doesn't want to right now). He'll play basketball this winter and wants to try track in the spring. Youth group.


DD12 is finishing volleyball this week and wants to try cheer. She will want to be in her school play in the spring. Youth group.


The boys could use an organized physical activity (martial arts, crossfit, Parkour???). I run around so much in the afternoons, picking kids up from school and getting DD to ballet (I'm driving from 2 pm to at least 4 pm, and sometimes 5 pm, daily; thankfully, DH usually does the late night run to pick DD up from dance) that it is really hard for me to sign up for something more, but it would be good for them to have another regular physical outlet.


I didn't think I would be one of those moms who was running kids around to activities all the time. :smilielol5: We are actually less busy now than when DS was a competitive gymnast.


And I want to add that every family and every child is different. What one needs may be the wrong choice for another.

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I need to get the kids in more things.   Hmm


Not necessarily.  There's much to be said about keeping a slower pace - that was my original hope, but I lost, lol.  (Also, age of kids has a lot to do with it too!)


15yo - TKD, homeschool drama production, chess and chess coach


14yo - piano, soccer 


12yo - piano, basketball (two teams), swim, chess and volunteer chess coach


9yo - violin, swim


(Academically, 15 and 12yo have one full day out of the house and 15 yo has 1 additional class out of the house; 14yo has one afternoon out of the house)  Somehow it looks pretty tame written like that, but on the calendar it's a little crazy.  (Oh, and the older three go to youth group Sunday evenings.)  

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We cut way back, last year I think. It was all too much, too much money and time).


All of mine do-

scouts (same night dif. groups)


homeschool group (low key group I lead)


We are heavily involved in what we do and that keeps us busy enough.

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