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Would you hang these on your wall? A Poll!


Would you hang these on your walls?  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you hang these on your wall?

    • Yes, stop being a prude!
    • Yes, but I'd drape some flowers or a pretty scarf conveniently around them.
    • Yes, but I'd hang them so high you could hardly see anything.
    • No, and I'd sell them.
    • I'd paint over them or put another picture in the front and hang.
    • Give them back to the family member who didn't want them either but was trying to be nice.
    • Something else, elaborate

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Ok, this is fun, but it's actually kinda serious. My grandmother brought some really nice art prints back from a family trip to Italy years ago, had them framed in glorious 70s gold and cream, and they become the stuff of legend. Somehow they got handed down to me. She hung them on her walls, and apparently they got so many comments and eyebrows that she gave up and put them away. :D A family member gave them to me, thinking I'd enjoy having something of my grandma's. 


The two prints are:


The Temptation and Expulsion of Adam and Eve which you can see here The Temptation and Expulsion of Adam and Eve – interpretation | Unit 3




The Creation of Adam seen here The Creation of Adam - Wikipedia



I've had them for 3+ years now and haven't been able to decide. They've been in my laundry room, on a shelf, waiting. Well the time has come! Advise me on what to do with these nude dudes!   :lol:


The prints are 9X21, framed out larger, so the figures themselves are a bit bigger than barbie dolls basically. Big enough to be educational. Definitely not skinny like Barbies. Built out, full-figured, you might say.  :laugh:
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No I would not. I promised my favored art history professor to eschew prints of very famous pieces in favor of art I could afford to buy. That's stuck with me and with rare exception I only display art we have bought by mostly still living artists.



This isn't a prudish thing. I'd hang a nude, but not a print of a nude museum masterpiece.

Edited by LucyStoner
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I hate cheap prints.  Even nicely framed ones.  


I doubt you could sell them for more than the cost of the frames.  The images are just too familiar.  Try giving them back or feel free to do what you want with the frames, but don't feel guilty about not displaying them.

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While I like the art itself I wouldn't hang it in my house. It just isn't appealing to look at daily. I want art work that I smile at everyday I see it. I would get real sick of those prints quickly

I agree! They don't make me smile. Having my grandma's rolling pin makes me smile, but these don't.


No I would not. I promised my favored heart history professor to eschew prints of very famous pieces in favor of art I could afford to buy. That's stuck with me and with rare exception I only display art we have bought by mostly still living artists.



This isn't a prudish thing. I'd hang a nude, but not a print of a nude museum masterpiece.

It's true, I'd rather have my photography or things we make. I saw some fiber art when we were in Sedona, but even that I didn't want to buy but wanted to make it myself. 


I hate cheap prints.  Even nicely framed ones.  


I doubt you could sell them for more than the cost of the frames.  The images are just too familiar.  Try giving them back or feel free to do what you want with the frames, but don't feel guilty about not displaying them.


Yup, I kinda felt guilty about it. Guess I'll toss that feeling. 


I had no clue so many people would be in the no way, wouldn't bother camp! Well that's consoling! I may be able to find some really bizarre use for them, like in the top of a closet ceiling. Can you imagine people cleaning out my junk in 30 years and going WHAT IN THE WORLD...  :lol:


I think, since that family member hadn't hung them, they wouldn't want them back. I'll definitely ask before I toss.

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My childhood piano teacher had a oversized print (nicely framed) of the Creation on her wall.  She had taped (on the glass) a strategically placed fig leaf on Adam. ;)  As I child, I loved the print.  I found it classy and very different from the boring old family pictures hanging on my walls at home. 


ETA:  As others have said, unless it has meaning to you--gone, gone, gone.   

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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I have nothing against nude bodies. And I'll do prints (though we do have a lot more original art, kid art, and antique maps up). But not those particular ones. No Baroque anything, thanks.


If someone wanted them, I'd happily give them. But if no one else in the family did, I'd snap some photos for memories, and then cannibalize the frames for something else or donate them.



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No I would not. I promised my favored art history professor to eschew prints of very famous pieces in favor of art I could afford to buy. That's stuck with me and with rare exception I only display art we have bought by mostly still living artists.



This isn't a prudish thing. I'd hang a nude, but not a print of a nude museum masterpiece.


That's my thinking on art.  I grew up in the art world, and every one of my mom's friends is/was an artist.  Our house is decorated in living artists' work.  A few of those living artists have passed away recently, but still...  I support and love their work.  A few of them went on to some measure of fame (or infamy, in the case of one particular artist!).  One of my favorites is actually a nude, so not a prudish thing here either.  


Prints of famous artists belong in books, on a shelf, pulled out occasionally.  :)  


The exception I'd make is if I had loved those framed prints of my grandmother's, when I was growing up. I supposed if I'd spent hours gazing at the framed prints in admiration, I'd feel more disposed to hang them out of sentimentality now?  


Honestly, I'd give the framed prints to someone who loves them, or donate them.  


But if you enjoy them - by all means, hang them and enjoy!

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Given my tastes and the set-up of my house, I'd store them most of the time, and pull them out a few weeks a year to go in our study/homeschool room during a relevant lesson. For the most part I don't like hanging prints, and I have just about zero wall space in the study, but I could temporarily prop them on the piano and have fun discussing the family history and art history, plus show that Mommy's not afraid of nudes! Then pack them away again.

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Given my tastes and the set-up of my house, I'd store them most of the time, and pull them out a few weeks a year to go in our study/homeschool room during a relevant lesson. For the most part I don't like hanging prints, and I have just about zero wall space in the study, but I could temporarily prop them on the piano and have fun discussing the family history and art history, plus show that Mommy's not afraid of nudes! Then pack them away again.


I quite like the idea of pulling them out every so often, just to chat about that period in art and the family history.  That's a fun thought!

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PS when I was a kid, we had the "Life and Times of ___" series, which contained those paintings and many similar, which we could look at any time we wanted.  Likewise I have art history type books in my house with such paintings.  So it's not me being prudish.  It just isn't my family's idea of decoration.

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My childhood piano teacher had a oversized print (nicely framed) of the Creation on her wall.  She had taped (on the glass) a strategically placed fig leaf on Adam. ;)  As I child, I loved the print.  I found it classy and very different from the boring old family pictures hanging on my walls at home. 


ETA:  As others have said, unless it has meaning to you--gone, gone, gone.   


Love it!   :lol:

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I love the idea of putting them on the ceiling of a closet or a small bathroom.  I would 100% do that, hands down.  Probably the bathroom rather than the closet. 


I'm another person who likes to have original artwork on the wall rather than prints.  In fact, I'm in the process of gathering a few extra paintings, and when I have enough, I'm going to turn a wall in my living room into a wall of pictures, pretty much unbroken, from floor to ceiling.  It's a small wall and it'll look awesome.  If the frames were interesting enough, and if my wall was big enough, I might put those pictures of your Grandma's mixed in with the art on my Wall of Art.  They'd just be part of a huge mix.  


But I wouldn't hang them standing alone, unless they were on the ceiling of the closet or bathroom.

Edited by Garga
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No, I wouldn't hang them in my home mainly because they are too grand, honestly.  I'm not a huge fan of prints of masterpieces, though, and am pretty particular about which ones I'd put up in my house.  BUT, I'm sentimental and would probably keep them.  No idea where I'd store them depending on size, but I wouldn't want to get rid of them because of the family story.  (Although eventually I might.  LOL)

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No and I'd give them away. I don't care about nudity, but I don't like the expulsion from the Garden one; it's ugly. I don't find anything offensive about the Creation of Adam but, again, it's just not my style.


I did long ago have a print of a Steve Hanks watercolor that was a nude, though not very overt. And it was in my bedroom sitting room. I did change my mind about having that as art on the walls after I had kids, though.

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Who cares what the hive thinks?  If you haven't been able to decide what to do with them for this long, you don't love them, you just feel some sort of weird obligation.  Ask your family members if anyone wants them, and if not, donate them and feel good about it.

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I think you should hang The Creation of Adam on a ceiling in your home -- in the laundry room, the bathroom, a closet. Somewhere unexpected that would make you smile at the silliness of its grandiosity as well as the ceiling location. A smile that would help you remember your grandma.


Or, if you don't want to do that, take photos of both, print out smaller versions & put them on the inside of the cabinet door where you store the rolling pin. Donate the originals & smile at the (reduced) artwork artfully hidden in the cabinet alongside her rolling pin.



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Well, the second one is actually the wallpaper that is all over my Master Bathroom.   :lol: I don't really have a choice there  (I like the second work of art but I really don't want it as my wallpaper.  I keep intending to remodel but have not had the time/energy/funds since we moved in).  


As for the first one, no not my style.  Not prudish about it, I just don't find that one appealing.  I have seen versions of that one done in a way that was more appealing to me.


I will be honest, I think DH, my mother, my brother and my kids would all really be uncomfortable with the first one hanging in our hallway.  They are already used to our wallpaper, though, so maybe I am wrong.  :laugh:

Edited by OneStepAtATime
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If you are uncomfortable about getting rid of them, pack them in paper with a note inside about their history and who they belonged to and why. That way if someone is going through your stuff after you're gone, they'll understand they're not yours.


I don't like them and wouldn't hang them just for sentimental reasons. Your grandmother must have been quite a character.

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No I would not. I promised my favored art history professor to eschew prints of very famous pieces in favor of art I could afford to buy. That's stuck with me and with rare exception I only display art we have bought by mostly still living artists.


This isn't a prudish thing. I'd hang a nude, but not a print of a nude museum masterpiece.



I do not hang reproductions on my walls. It has nothing to do with them being nudes; I would not hang a print of Van Gogh's sunflowers or Monet's water lilies either. 


I'd donate them, or give them to an artist friend who would like the frames.

Edited by regentrude
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