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I admit it, I'm really starting to get scared.


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My left leg is sitting here twitching like crazy.


I finally admit it.  I'm *really* scared.


I can't run - gait is off.

My left leg drags.

I have clonus, though mildly.

My left leg started twitching a little over a week ago -100, 200, 300+ times a day off and on.

Tonight is the first time my right leg has twitched. 

My reflexes in my right leg are totally crazy hyper-reflexive.

I have zero pain.

I have negative MRIs (four of them) and a clean EMG so far.


I will admit it, I'm really freaking out that I'm about to be diagnosed with ALS a week before my 40th birthday with little, little kids.

I'm waking up in the middle night and not sleeping great.  :(


The neuro has referred me to U of Iowa because well, I'm *really* young.  Those hyperreflexes?  I'm just SO young she says.  Yeah, on just the right side?  


I get the feeling this isn't good.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I would be scared too.  Google and support boards would make things worse, but I wouldn't be able to stop myself. 


I'm really sorry that you are going through all of this right now, especially right before your birthday and Christmas.


I am adding you to my prayer list. 


When is your appointment at U of Iowa? I don't know about neurology, but I seem to remember DH saying that they have a really well regarding neuro-ophthalmology program.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm sorry you are going through this.  It is frustrating and scary.  My dh has something neurological going on, and the docs can't figure it out either.  We are waiting on an appointment in February while symptoms build.  


Praying you get some answers soon, and some peace about whatever those answers are.   :grouphug:


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:grouphug: :grouphug: Waiting is so hard.  I am scared for one of my kids right now. We are awaiting test results that may lead to more tests and possibly major surgery if it is what I suspect it is. Part of me hopes I am right because it could solve some big issues and hopefully lead to a better quality of life, part of me hopes I am wrong. I am trying to be rational, but anytime the tumor word (even the benign type) gets thrown around, I kind of lose it.


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