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s/o engagement ring


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I wear my wedding ring all the time and my engagement ring with it when I leave the house. My wedding ring is just a thin gold band. It was the only thing for our wedding that was cheaper for me than DH. My engagement ring is a small-ish diamond solitaire. DH was a poor law student when we got engaged. DH wears his wedding ring everyday.


Our rings were blessed during our wedding ceremony, so if we lost them, replacing them wouldn't be quite the same.

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I wore both until my oldest was born. Then I noticed one of the prongs on my engagement ring left a tiny scratch when changing her diaper...so I stopped wearing it. I stopped wearing my wedding band 6-7 years later when I gained weight and it became too tight.


DH stopped wearing his band 2 years ago when he was struggling with blood clots during chemo and his fingers kept swelling.

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Yes to both, all the time. Although my "engagement" ring has been replaced and updated, since we couldn't afford much when we first got engaged.


DH has a ring, but he never ever wears it. It's a sensory thing; he can barely stand to wear his Garmin when he runs.

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On my right hand, I wear a diamond ring my dh gave me when we had been married 14 years.  I like it better than my engagement/wedding set.  


Orthodox wear wedding rings on the right hand, so I wear a slim band on my right--it is a ring my sister gave me years ago.  :0)  


At any rate, I've got a ring on each hand.



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I don't have an engagement ring. I specifically asked dh not to give me one. For once, he listened!


I wore my wedding ring until during labor. I didn't swell during pregnancy, but I needed to take it off when I went into labor. And then I just never got it resized. So I don't wear it.

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I took mine off during my third pregnancy.  I have not been able to get them back on.  It has been 11 years now.  I want to get them resized, but there is always something else that needs to be done first.  My husband also stopped wearing his because of weight gain.

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I wear mine all the time.  My wedding band is a wrap for my engagement ring and was custom made for me.  The two are soldered together.  Lately it has gotten too loose and has fallen off a few times because of weight loss.  I have been wearing it on my index finger for now. DH wants to get it resized but I am not sure how much it will cost.  DH wears his wedding band all the time unless he is working doing things that would make it hazardous which isn't very often.

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My engagement ring was a band with inlaid diamonds so it's also my wedding ring. I love it. Unfortunately I am about 20lbs too heavy for it to fit comfortably without making the skin all wrinkly.


Recently I bought a couple stainless steel really cheap rings on Amazon. One is plain that I wear all the time. The other has a big fancy c.z. that I wear on Sundays or to dress up.


I didn't wear my ring for a long time because it was too small. But DH is deployed and once while out (with all my kids even!) I think I got hit on. 😨 So I bought myself the band to wear until i finally stick to a diet. 😆

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slightly O/T, but then again not:

I have trouble with the concept of engagement rings. How does the idea of an engagement ring that is worth several monthly salaries and historically the show of earnest money on part of the man who is doing the buying fit in with a modern understanding of equality? 

Exchanging rings as a sign of serious intent I get; a hugely expensive one sided transaction I don't. (Plus I also abhor conspicuous display of wealth.)


Am I the only one who thinks this is outdated?

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No, not for years. I have an engagement ring and wedding ring welded together. They now don't fit, and they're stupid-expensive to get enlarged.


I was actually talking to dd about this a couple of days ago, how tastes change, as to fingers and that a simple plain band would be best. I'm not sentimental, though.

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Exchanging rings as a sign of serious intent I get; a hugely expensive one sided transaction I don't. (Plus I also abhor conspicuous display of wealth.)

This was actually where my conversation with dd started: the concept of engagement rings, and indeed engagement. Do you need a sign of outward commitment in the space between dating and marriage? Shouldn't your behaviour speak for itself (that you're "off the market")? And what's the point when engagements break down and there's no legal contract in that period? No answers, just the issues we were pondering!

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slightly O/T, but then again not:

I have trouble with the concept of engagement rings. How does the idea of an engagement ring that is worth several monthly salaries and historically the show of earnest money on part of the man who is doing the buying fit in with a modern understanding of equality? 

Exchanging rings as a sign of serious intent I get; a hugely expensive one sided transaction I don't. (Plus I also abhor conspicuous display of wealth.)


Am I the only one who thinks this is outdated?

You are (I think) assuming that your understanding of equality is universal. There are still a number of people who hold to more traditional views regarding marriage, marital roles, etc. 


I don't think it's outdated, personally.


OP, I wear my wedding band at all times. I think I had to take it off during surgeries. My engagement ring sits, right now, in the jewelry box DH gave me on our wedding day (ring needs to be resized and it just isn't conducive to "where" I am in life - and it scratches little ones). 

DH wears his wedding ring unless he's in the shower. His has been replaced once, I think, although I don't recall why. Occasionally he forgets it on the soap holder in the shower :)

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slightly O/T, but then again not:

I have trouble with the concept of engagement rings. How does the idea of an engagement ring that is worth several monthly salaries and historically the show of earnest money on part of the man who is doing the buying fit in with a modern understanding of equality? 

Exchanging rings as a sign of serious intent I get; a hugely expensive one sided transaction I don't. (Plus I also abhor conspicuous display of wealth.)


Am I the only one who thinks this is outdated?


Think of it as an early "push present". We women are the ones who have to endure pregnancy and childbirth, and for many of us, it leaves permanent negative effects on our bodies. The least we can do is get the occasional piece of nice jewelry as "thank you" from our hubbies.


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I wore mine anytime I wasn't actively baby wrangling til after the last child. It (engagement ring set into a guard ring for a wedding set) no longer fits and the estimate to resize and restore a worn prong was a gazillion dollars, so I've not worn it for quite a while. I have an anniversary ring that fits so I usually wear that. I miss my original, though.

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I wore my engagement ring for 15 years. The band was worn through and the prongs were loose. Dh had my diamond reset and added some emeralds which are my birthstone. I wear it all of the time.


I haven't taken my wedding band off in almost 25 years.


Editing to add that Dh has only taken his band off for surgery.

Edited by amy g.
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I wear my engagement ring and an anniversary band 99% of the time. I take it off for showering, swimming, kneading dough, and really messy crafts. My original wedding band was a family heirloom that barely fit when I first got it and couldn't be resized without totally throwing off the design. I took it off during my 1st pregnancy and never could get it back on. That's when DH and MIL gave me the anniversary band as a "push present". 

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I don't have a separate engagement ring. We used the main stone in a temporary setting and added the other two in a different band right before the wedding.


That said, I only wear my ring when I'm going to be out and about. It's big and likes to catch on things along with being the most valuable possession I own, so I tend to baby it a bit :)

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Husband made our wedding bands.  They are thin, and because he never wore his (didn't like it under rubber gloves) I wore both of them.  Then when he was back in a dental lab that he could do gold, we took some old gold, some from my mother, and some from my grandmother (and then some from a random wedding band I bought at a pawn shop because I needed more gold) and he made me third gold band.   (The others were a silver metal color from his left over technique metals from dental school and a couple JFK silver dollars.) 


Wore it for about two years.  Took it all off when I went to Boy Scout camp.  Came back and started swimming and working out in the pool and just never put them back on.  


Not an issue. 

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slightly O/T, but then again not:

I have trouble with the concept of engagement rings. How does the idea of an engagement ring that is worth several monthly salaries and historically the show of earnest money on part of the man who is doing the buying fit in with a modern understanding of equality? 

Exchanging rings as a sign of serious intent I get; a hugely expensive one sided transaction I don't. (Plus I also abhor conspicuous display of wealth.)


Am I the only one who thinks this is outdated?


DH-to-be and I exchanged rings - simple, but unique bands - in the last 2 months.  :wub:   We, too, felt that it would feel very strange if only I wore a ring. The commitment is a joint one.  I feel so very honored that he wears that ring.


Our rings are also our wedding rings.  I guess we'll have to take them off before the actual ceremony!


Our ceremony will also be non-traditional.  We are self-officiating our marriage, which is legal in PA (only one of two states in the US which allows it).


OP, I never take my ring off.  I am very, very low maintenance when it comes to appearance.  No jewelry, other than my ring and a necklace he gave me.  Taking my ring off would be too much work.  Hee hee!

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I wore both my wedding and engagement rings until I started having an odd reaction to them. My skin was turning bright red around the rings, and they were gold so it wasn't a metal reaction. When I was seven months pregnant with DC#3, I decided I wanted a wedding ring, so I went into a James Avery and bought a silver one for $50. I'm sure it was odd, a heavily pregnant woman with 2 children in two, but the saleswoman was very nice. I walked out with a wedding ring, and I've worn it ever since. DH has had three; I bought him a very nice one after he lost two expecting he'd keep track of one with a name brand attached. I was right.

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Dh wears a simple gold band.


I haven't worn my ring in probably 12 years. We planned our wedding in a few days.  I never liked the set,  but we got a decent deal on it as it was used (called off wedding). I planned to have it remade when we had more money, by having the small center stone moved to a side stone.  By the time we had the money, I realized the ring really meant nothing to me.  An accent stone had fallen out, so I took it off and never looked back.  

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My wedding ring is a thin gold band and I've worn it pretty much constantly for the 26 years we've been married.  So has DH.  His ring won't come off anymore, not because of weight gain (he weighs about the same as when we got married), but because it won't slide over his knuckle.


I wear my engagement ring all the time, too, but it's actually a replacement ring.  The stone fell out of my original ring a few years ago and was never found. I was sad because the ring had a lot of sentimental meaning to me, but DH got me a very beautiful (and much bigger) diamond for my birthday.


On my right hand, I wear an anniversary band with three diamonds.

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