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In tribute to our dear dog...

Lori D.

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We just held our dear puppy, 13yo, (my avatar picture) as he went to sleep, and went home to heaven from the vet's office today. The sweetest, most gentle-hearted creature I've ever known, who trusted us whole-heartedly. He taught us so much about the gentle virtues over the course of his life with us. It was he who chose US at the humane society, and came home smiling at us even still wobbly-legged from anesthesia because he *knew* we were his family and he was coming HOME. (adopting from the H.S. requires the animal be neutered first). He was our DSs' "growing up" dog, and both were very close to him.


His passion and gift was retrieving tennis balls when at home, and sticks in the lake when camping. He loved hopping for pieces of popcorn while the family watched a movie. He just liked to lay next to someone in companionable silence, being part of his "pack". He leaves a hole in our hearts that will never be filled.  :crying:


In tribute, to our dear dog.







Edited by Lori D.
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Lori,  I'm so sorry.  I have literal tears in my eyes writing this.  We are big animal lovers and we love our dogs!   Our female lab will be 13 this Oct.   She's not as agile and energetic as she used to be.   Hugs!

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I am so sorry. He was a beautiful buddy. We had to say goodbye to our German Shepherd this year. It is the hard part about loving our animals.

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Oh Lori! I am so sorry. :crying: I hope he knows he has a family of WTM aunties here bidding him the fondest of farewells.


RIP dearest darling puppy.


And I am sending you many many virtual hugs Lori.



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Condolences to you and to your family. BTDT.  Your dog had a long life, but when they are suffering and/or their quality of life is very poor, their owners need to help them.  We had our German Shepherd put to sleep several weeks ago. She was 11 years old and she was born on our lot.   I hope, in 2 or 3 months, you will consider adopting another dog and giving that dog the same love your family gave to this dog.  

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


We have one family dog at a time and we lost a dog two years ago that looked very similar to your guy.  It was so tough.  The click of his nails on the floor and the jingle of his collar...gone.  The world just didn't seem right.  I'm so glad you got to spend the time with him that you did!

Edited by Attolia
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I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy. I love this passage from Cynthia Rylant's Dog Heaven:


"When dogs go to heaven, they don't need wings, because God knows that dogs love running best. He gives them fields. Fields and fields and fields. When a dog first arrives in heaven, he just runs." 


I agree with you that your boy is in heaven. "In the Lord's hand is the soul of every living thing.." (Job 12:10). "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them" (Isaiah 11:6). "..The creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Romans 8:21).


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: to you and your family.

Edited by MercyA
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:crying:  :crying:


I'm sorry for your loss.

I posted recently about my dog and his health scare.  We thought we were going to have to put him down and I cried that whole day.  We've been able to prolong his life (seizure controlled by meds) but I know it's not a long-term fix.


Best wishes to your family as you adjust to being without your sweet dog.

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:grouphug: I love his very intellectual picture in your avatar. I always picture him typing out your very helpful posts. I have just been really appreciating your great advice in the Book list for a rising 7th grader thread, as I work on dd 12's literature plan for this coming year. Thank you!

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Thank you all for you hugs and sympathy, and sharing about your own dogs. Hurting for all of you who have lost precious pets, too. 


My head knows it was time and the right thing to do, but my heart misses my faithful friend terribly. Woke up crying because he's not here. No dog will ever take his place, but I do know that a dog does have a place in our home and hearts, and in a few months, when the time is right, we'll start looking and praying for our new furry friend.


Thank you all for giving me some of your time to share about our dear dog, and to grieve alongside us. You all are the best.

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