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  1. That’s an interesting observation about the clippers being a worse experience with bigger dogs. Our lab hates them. Even with treats it is an unpleasant experience for everyone. Our cat, with obviously smaller nails, is much more compliant. The new puppy is going to be a big boy, so we may have to look into the dremel. Perhaps the lab could be acclimated to it too.
  2. You’re welcome! Did you start usng the dremel when when they were puppies?
  3. Yes! That’s it. Thank you so much!
  4. Okay hive, I need help looking for an old thread here about trimming a dog’s nails. Someone had posted a link for a really detailed explanation of how to cut a dog’s nails. I think the website was by a veterinarian and she may have been Canadian. (Maybe specializing geriatric dogs?) I’ve used the search feature here and done a google search of the site and I can’t find it. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
  5. Thank you! How frustrating that you couldn't get them to work. That's why I'm trying to see what other options there are. They aren't inexpensive, they're hard to find, and I can't find many reviews about them. We don't have a Fitbit, so that isn't an option. I guess I'll keep looking. Thanks again!
  6. I know a number of people have used the Oak Meadow Integrated Health and Fitness course. I'm having trouble finding the heart rate monitor that they recommend. Has anyone either had any luck finding it or used a different one? Just a plain one, not a Fitbit or anything like that. (When I called OM, they said many of their students were using Fitbits.) TIA
  7. Thinking of you and praying for your family today.
  8. We’ve done this the past few years and taken the donation to a food bank on Epiphany.
  9. For those of you who write daily, how long do you usually spend on it? I’ve decided to try it this year for the first time. We’ll see how it goes!
  10. Thanks! I found one site that talked about some of the variations, such as number of stitches on each side of the point and stitch height. I think it only mentioned adding three stitches at the top and skipping two at the bottom. I haven’t done enough crocheting to know if that is something that can be altered without totally messing it up! ;) A video is a good idea. Maybe I can find one that talks about the chevron pattern in general and get an idea of how it works and then use the number of stitches from the book.
  11. The book makes it sound so easy! Ten stitches up to the top, add one, nine stitches down to the bottom, skip one. Most of the patterns I’ve looked at seem very different. I saw somewhere that the author was asked if it was a real pattern and she said it is and that she’s made a number of blankets with it! I’m new to crochet, so I was hoping to find a simple explanation of it.
  12. Thank you! I’ll take a look at that.
  13. I was curious if any crocheters familiar with the book Esperanza Rising could tell me if the crochet pattern that Abuelita teaches Esperanza is an actual pattern. It sounds easy, but I can't find any zigzag or wave patterns that seem as simple as what is described in the book. Thanks!
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