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In desperate need of prayer for mentally ill college student.

dirty ethel rackham

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UPDATE in post #119.


My kid K went back to college on Saturday and things were looking up.  (new attitude, new medication with fewer side effects, possibly a new major.)  Something happened on Monday where K was accused of something that would be antithetical to their social justice conscious, police were called (a hot button for K who is passionate about the Black Lives Matter and Trans Lives Matter movements) and K was portrayed as the bad guy.  K is having a mental breakdown and panic attacks. I am worried that they are showing signs of paranoia as well.  Dh is on his way up there and brought our dog (per K's request) as a therapy animal while they work through what to do next.  I am scared.  I wish I could go, but K trusts dh more right now and, due to my recent ankle surgery, I can't manage getting around the campus well and doing stairs.   

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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I can't imagine how difficult this must be, especially not being to be there yourself.




I don't know if you are in the mood for reading, but I attaching an article on 'stigma-free' zones. A great many towns and schools in our area are adopting stigma-free policies that aim to educate people about mental illness. (The town in the article is not my town, but it was an early adopter of stigma-free.)



Edited by Alessandra
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Thanks to all of you for your quick prayers. 

Huge hugs and prayers. I am sooo sorry! Is there anyone local to you that could come hang out with you while you wait for word? Someone who wouldn't add to your stress?

Dd15 is home since it is her Spring Break.  I have a friend coming over this afternoon.  Otherwise, I am pretty numb since I have been awake the better part of two nights worrying.  I was in a panic calling area hospitals thinking that they checked themselves in or something.  They just didn't hear their phone.  I have to make myself do taxes today to fill out FAFSA so that if there will be college in the fall, we will have that done. 

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Thanks to all of you for your quick prayers.

Dd15 is home since it is her Spring Break. I have a friend coming over this afternoon. Otherwise, I am pretty numb since I have been awake the better part of two nights worrying. I was in a panic calling area hospitals thinking that they checked themselves in or something. They just didn't hear their phone. I have to make myself do taxes today to fill out FAFSA so that if there will be college in the fall, we will have that done.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs.

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:grouphug:  I hope you get reassuring news soon.


There has been so much more awareness of mental health in recent years; you may find the school is sympathetic. I hope the police dept. has a way of identifying K as someone who is in need of help, in case they are called in the future. :grouphug:

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Thanks for all your support and prayers.  The school has been very supportive and K has been to the counseling center several times since the incident took place.  They recommended that K go to the hospital.  K did go, but decided not to stay (good choice.)  In the past year,there have been protests on campus about the police and their handling of minorities and LGBTQ community.  I wouldn't be surprised if they were equally problematic with the mentally ill.  It looks like someone who has had a beef with K started an argument and then managed (quite easily due to their mindset) to convince the police that K was at fault, resulting in a public disturbance ticket and a no-contact order. K moved out of this kid's dorm last year to get away from him.  


But, I am not sure what to believe since K is not in their right mind at this time. 

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Thanks for all your support and prayers. The school has been very supportive and K has been to the counseling center several times since the incident took place. They recommended that K go to the hospital. K did go, but decided not to stay (good choice.) In the past year,there have been protests on campus about the police and their handling of minorities and LGBTQ community. I wouldn't be surprised if they were equally problematic with the mentally ill. It looks like someone who has had a beef with K started an argument and then managed (quite easily due to their mindset) to convince the police that K was at fault, resulting in a public disturbance ticket and a no-contact order. K moved out of this kid's dorm last year to get away from him.


But, I am not sure what to believe since K is not in their right mind at this time.

My perspective comes from the special needs community, but I agree with you that it is critical for police to learn to deal with people who may not always react 'typically.'

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It's so very hard to know our kids are struggling and suffering and not be able to be there with them. I hope your beloved child gets the needed help and that you get word soon that things--if not OK--are at least not as bad as you feared.

Edited by Reluctant Homeschooler
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Dh made it up there with the dog.  They are having lunch and will update me later.  Being here at home has me alternately on pins and needles and staring into space losing track of time.  I really need to attack those boxes on the dining room table and organize them into something useful for taxes.  April 1 (FAFSA DEADLINE) is tomorrow. 

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