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How long in the shower?


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My boys have super short hair and they don't shave in the shower, so when we are in a hurry I want them out in 5 minutes.  10 minutes is considered acceptable normally.  When it gets over 15 my blood starts to boil and I have been known to bang on the door. 


My dh takes 20 very hot showers but he has a very bad back and that is his way of being able to move for the day. 

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Oh. Showers are my downtime.

I'm in there a good 20-30 minutes, sometimes longer.

I can be in there that long without even beginning to wash up.

It used to be baths but when we moved I never bonded with the bathtub at the new house.


My boys shower every night after sports' practices.

This is washing face, brushing teeth, then washing hair and body (same soap).

Our hot water is pretty much instant so they spend about 6-10 minutes on this.


The ones who go to brick and mortar school also shower in the morning.

It's more of a wake up, wash off the night - brushing teeth, washing sweaty pertinent parts.

This runs about 3-4 minutes, they're in and out.


They all have short hair and we have a water pik in the shower.

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I shower in about 13-15 min. That includes washing, shampooing, shaving, and I brush my teeth in the shower while the conditioner is setting. I'm efficient that way. :tongue_smilie: If not shaving, then 10ish, but It seems I'm always shaving something. Maybe I'm harrier than the avg woman? :mellow:


Ds is in and out so fast, I'm not sure that the water actually hits him. 2-3 min. :huh:

Dd, on the other hand, will be in there for 20-25 min! If i could average them, it would be pretty good. :lol:


Dh varies so much, I can't really say. Sometimes he finishes his shower with a bath.

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If I don't have to wash/condition my hair, it's 5 minutes.  Otherwise, 10 unless I feel the need for more to wake up.  My son, with short hair, takes between 5 and 10 minutes.


To save water, generally my husband and I do Navy showers:  get body, hair, and washcloth wet.  Turn off water.  Lather up, turn water back on, rinse.  I do a second step for conditioner.  Not all showers are conducive to this.  I used to nag my kids about this till I used their shower once.  The way it works, the temp goes all the way to cold before it turns off.  It just doesn't work. 

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I'm in and out in about 10-15 minutes, it might go to 20 if I'm shaving and exfoliating. My kids are still at that stage where they want to shower as quickly as humanly possible so they can get on with their lives, but I think 10-15 minutes seems pretty reasonable.

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Until recently, about 5 minutes for me. Now...20 or so. My life is not quite so hectic anymore. Ds tends to take a minimum of two 30 minute showers a day. Sometimes, he is in there for over an hour. He blocks the tub and fills it with the shower; turns shower off if hot water runs out; turns back on if he needs to reheat. The boy likes water. If I were limiting it for some reason, I think 10 minutes should be enough for most anyone.

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I take about 10 minutes to actually wash (from cold water till done--it takes a couple of min to get hot water to our shower), 15 if I shave, up to 20 if my back is sore and I use the warm water to help warm my muscles as I stretch them out. 


My son takes about 10 minutes.  My 15yo takes about 20 (shaves every day) but she has always loved to linger in her bath/shower since she was a baby.  


One thing to remember is that pre-teens/teens, especially boys often use their shower time to  'de-stress'.  IYKWIM.  Our state does not have water issues so I have always given them as much time as they needed in the shower without question.  If I need them to hurry for some reason (others needing the shower etc), I try to let them know ahead of time to not linger in the shower. 

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Personally between 5-10 mins just depends on how much time I have for the shower. Occasionally, 15 mins but I use it more to settle my mind like somepeople do a bubble bath. 


For my kids we aim for 10 mins and use a timer. They set the timer at 8-9 mins and have 1-2 mins to finish up. My daughter likes showing every day and doesn't always wash her hair so she may just do a 5-6 min shower. They both (13 and 12) love showers so I try and be ok if they go over a bit. But 12 mins is the max. My tot we don't really time since a lot of his time is water play with the bath tub filled a bit, his cleaning time to soap and shower is about 2 mins.





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I've never limited time in showers.  I am done in about 10 mins with water running the whole time.  Dh takes at least a 45 minute shower if not longer.  #1 probably 20-30 minutes and #2 takes a bath--enough water to play and splash in.  And we all bathe everyday.

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I can take my shower in about 5 minutes, and that includes hair washing and a quick shave (not a first-shave-of-the-summer shave  :)).  But for a bath -- my choice method -- I usually lounge for 20-30 minutes.  It's my downtime.  :)  My kids have all gotten pretty quick in the shower too, I guess because we had one shower and seven family members.  Ten minutes is usually tops, although I have one who takes quite a bit longer if time and no lineup outside the bathroom.

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I don't interfer with the time oldest ds19 is in the shower. I spent his very early adolescence forcing him into the shower, I'm glad he wants to be clean now. Showers in the morning.


dh: 20 min showers in the morning.


Me: 5 min or less if I don't wash my hair. 10 min with hair washing and shaving. I shower in the morning. Often I shower at the gym away from home.


dd16 : 15-20 min. Showers in late evening


ds13: 20 min. we have to go in and tell him to turn it off because he's likely to close the drain and let water over flow, thinking it's funning to watch (he has intellectual disabilities). Showers in the evening


Now, your perspective may be different. I have a large water heater, that produces very hot water. When I was growing up my family had a very small water heater. It ran out after 15-20 minutes. My sister used up the hot water daily and knew she was doing it. She would listen to me get up early and race to the shower so she could use it all. My parents didn't think there was anything wrong with this. If I had a small water heater and several people wanting to shower at the same time we would definitely put showers on a timer.

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It takes me about 15 minutes, but I have ridiculously insanely long hair (like, almost to my knees).  On a particularly tangled day, it might take me longer, but I will generally turn off the water if I'm needing extra time to detangle with conditioner.


For DD, 10-15 minutes since her hair isn't as long as mine.


For anyone with short hair, 10 minutes or fewer.

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This is rather fascinating for me. In Australia (Queensland specifically) we had a very long drought when I was growing up, it basically went from when I was the age of 9 till about 15 or 16 (the effects lingered for a few years after that as well). It was so bad they got to the point of trucking water into some towns.


4 minute showers was the recommendation from the government. It was even drilled into us at school during the years I attended. We used to be able to get 4 minute waterproof shower timers with a little alarm preset to 4 minutes in them for free from the newspapers etc. I think my MIL still has hers. That's back in the day when you could only water the garden during certain hours, specific days of the week, and yes you could be fined for watering outside those times (I think sprinklers were completely banned for awhile too). If we wanted to wash our hair we would buddy up, my sister and I would shower together for a total of 8 minutes lol. Of course there was no law against longer showers but since we were on tank water and the price of ordering water had skyrocketed (and the waiting list for delivery was growing) we did our part! It was better than being without water while we waited for a water truck to fit us in. It was 2-3 weeks wait at one point, so dad used to order as soon as the first tank was empty (we had two)


The restrictions are gone now, but when you grow up accustomed to that, I guess you never really get out of it. I doubt I have ever been in the shower longer than 10 minutes at most, and my kids don't need more than 5 minutes! I think most people my age in the area would have similar sentiments. I cannot fathom having a 30 minute + shower. What do you DO in there? lol


Edited to Add: I'm not saying there's anything wrong with long showers, not at all! Just that they're a foreign idea to me :)

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The restrictions are gone now, but when you grow up accustomed to that, I guess you never really get out of it. I doubt I have ever been in the shower longer than 10 minutes at most, and my kids don't need more than 5 minutes! I think most people my age in the area would have similar sentiments. I cannot fathom having a 30 minute + shower. What do you DO in there? lol


I don't take long showers, but:


a long hot shower can be good for sore muscles

I didn't know people actually stand and sing in the shower (thought it was movie thing) until I got married

pouring water is a great place to decompress

when life is particularly awful, I have sometimes stood in the pouring water to cry

and there's more...

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5 minutes if my hair is up and 8 minutes if I wash it. My disabled son with compromised motor function can shower in 10-12 minutes provided he doesn't need a haircut. My able-bodied, tiny teen girl friggin moves in. She'll stay in 15-20 minutes. I just don't understand at all.


Now if we're talking baths, I can linger for an hour with a book or movie :-) I have a small soaking tub (sort of like a Japanese tub) that I adore in the winter.

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I'm in and out in 5 - 10 minutes, the same for dh. Ds used to give us so much trouble getting in the shower, and would be in and out in about 5 minutes. This year he's decided he likes to think in the shower. The other day he was in for over an hour! He usually is in there for about 45 minutes. I guess he has a lot to think about, lol. I hate the thought of all that water being used (I remember periods of severe drought restrictions growing up) but it's best to leave him be when he's stuck in his head.

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I grew up with a well that ran dry at least once a day every summer (the pump went on and ran out of water after 10 mins) also water heating was mostly by fire and the cylinder small - we had baths with multiple people using the water (showers were not commonly in houses then in NZ) Even now there are usually water restrictions each summer and electricity is expensive so short showers are normal. The exception for me is when my shoulders and neck are stiff and my head aches. My kids won't go in the shower and since we don't have a bath they use a plastic bin in the shower cubicle or just sponge bath if there isn't time for a bath.

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5 minutes or so unless I'm shaving...then add another 5?  I don't usually linger.  


My girls?  It seems to be inversely proportional to how many people need a shower and how long we have before we leave  :glare:


My oldest will take for-ever in the shower.  You can chalk off a good 30 minutes or more if she is in there.  

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We have water supply issues, so everyone gets the washing done as fast as possible with the threat of the water just suddenly shutting off.  My boys with short hair and no shaving can be done with the water in 3-5 minutes (and we have a shut-off button in the shower to stop the water flow and keep the temperature set while soaping up).

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I'm in and out in 5 - 10 minutes, the same for dh. Ds used to give us so much trouble getting in the shower, and would be in and out in about 5 minutes. This year he's decided he likes to think in the shower. The other day he was in for over an hour! He usually is in there for about 45 minutes. I guess he has a lot to think about, lol. I hate the thought of all that water being used (I remember periods of severe drought restrictions growing up) but it's best to leave him be when he's stuck in his head.


Um.  I hate to tell you he probably isn't actually "thinking".  :leaving:

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My usual shower is about 10 min, which includes hair, washing, shaving, and brushing teeth. I then spend another 5 min on the essentials in the bathroom but outside of the shower. When ds15 showers I have to bang on the door every morning without fail. He even has a shower timer and is supposed to be out in 10 min but he will easily spend 30 min and use all of the hot water if I'm not paying attention. This is our biggest struggle from day to day. DH is the same as DS, though we're long out of the house before he gets up for work in the morning.

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I can be out in 6-7 minutes if I don't have to wash my hair. My hair is long and curly, so it slows me down a fair bit--I'm in for about 10-12 minutes then. If I have to shave my legs (lower only, generally), then 15. I'm more lenient when my DDs are in the shower, because they never want to get in, and if letting them luxuriate in there a bit makes it easier to get them to shower, I allow it (unless we're in a really hurry). Plus, I hate being hurried in the shower unless we're in a major time crunch, so I try not to do it to anyone else. Plus, we all have problematic hair, so I allow extra time for that.


I have been known to tell DD12 that I will turn off the water from downstairs if she doesn't wrap it up though! She's improved over the last year or so. 

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