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One thing you did today to reduce stress


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Exercised. Finished some schoolwork yesterday so I don’t have to think about it today.  Going to my local mosque tomorrow to help at their food bank. Its hard for me to get out the door every Thursday morning for this, but I always come home feeling peaceful.

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I watched the midterm prep video. It was rather dry, with just a voice over while looking at a piece of paper. I nearly didn't watch it at all, because it reiterates the same thing from class, but the professor took the time to go through each chapter on the outline and specifically say what she would not be covering on the exam and giving a few examples (ahem) of what the questions would be.  It dropped my stress significantly from the million things I had to memorize down to just half a million. 😄

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I took my girl cousins to the Lauryn Hill concert in Newark last night. Ms Hill was two hours late, we couldn't understand a thing she sing, we were getting second hand high from all the weed, and it was a confusing mess, so we left about an hour in.

But since we hadn't all been together in years we had a great time, laughing and talking about our parents (three sisters and a brother), growing old, and all sorts of mess.

Best time ever!

It was one of their birthdays so we will give to find another horrible concert for her birthday next year. 🤣

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I met some friends for winter tea and shopping at the farmers market. It was a beautiful fall morning here. In just a few weeks the sun will disappear for a few months, so it was nice to enjoy it while I could. Plus, winter tea is my favorite drink and I found good potatoes for baking. Usually the potatoes here are very small, so that was a fun surprise.

Dh is traveling and I have quite a lot going on the next two weeks, so I really enjoyed the relaxing, peaceful morning. 

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I got up early and Read my Bible and prayed. Then I gave my dh a backrub for a few minutes while we chatted about what's going on today. So many times, I jump out of bed and get started, forgetting that connection is a key to dealing with life productively. Connection with God, connection with my loved ones. It helped me later when my dd18 got snippy with me because I was already connected with my dh. 

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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

Not letting Dh’s attitude and choices drag me down. This takes substantial emotional effort.

Being purposely thankful and aware of my blessings, small and great. 

Being outside in the sunshine

Oh goodness.


Insert my dd's name here and I could write the same post. And isn't it great to have some sunshine again after a few gray days?

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We've finally been having some cool mornings. I took my coffee and Kindle out on the screen porch and read for a while. Now I've been on hold with a doctor's office for 14 minutes. I've been trying to contact them for 2 weeks and finally got through to someone who immediately put me on hold. I needed that early stress reducer! 

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I had a rare day at home yesterday and was feeling really calm and focused on stress so I did all the things.

- exercised, meandered outside with dd and then pulled some weeds, a walk and talk with dh after he got home, a hot bath with candles and read about health, silly dance in the kitchen with the girls, and snuggled with everyone in my bed

today so far:

10 min daily meditation and yoga; having a hot cup of tea now while the girls do some independent work; this evening I'll play pickleball outside between client visits

Today's meditation focused on enjoying those moments of unexpected downtime as an opportunity to slow down and focus- instead of being frustrated. This is a good reminder for me.

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I listen twice per day (most days) to a podcast of the Book of Common Prayer daily office, morning and evening prayer. I try to start the day with it though it doesn't always work that way. If possible I sit in a quiet place (my back deck is best, though I have to position my chair to not get stressed out by the, uh, unattractive areas of the yard) or while walking someplace beautiful. Then in the late afternoon I listen to the evening prayer. They really help me to focus and refocus my day. 

Not every day, but I try to have a session of Lectio Divina using an app most days of the week. Another thing that helps get me out of my head. 

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Yesterday morning I took an hour to light the Honeycrisp Apple candle from Trader Joe's and read for an hour.  Last night at the end of all of the kid running for the day, dh and I went on a long walk among the falling autumn leaves and chatted, and then after the house was quiet for the night I did yoga.

This morning I am getting stuff done and off my nagging to-do list. Being proactive in managing stuff saves me from the stressful last minute scramble. 

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I worked in my garden beds. I spent an hour prepping them for winter. It was gorgeous outside, and we have had so much rain that I have been waiting a long time to get out there. I then ran some errands and took the back way, which is longer, in order to see the fall color while the sun shines. It is peak here, and the forests were breathtaking!

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On Tues/Thurs and some Sat, I go fence. Exercise. Social interaction (with grown-ups). Stabbing people and it's okay. 

Also, coffee.  And sometimes a glass of wine at night. Although more that's about the "sit and do nothing for 30 mins to just veg" aspect, and can be subbed for hot tea, etc. instead. (and sometimes is). 

music. Listening to/singing along with. 

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9 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Not letting Dh’s attitude and choices drag me down. This takes substantial emotional effort.

Being purposely thankful and aware of my blessings, small and great. 

Being outside in the sunshine

OH, those too, for me.  Exactly those. 

5 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Took my dog for a walk and I'm enjoying a cup of tea after my organizer just left.  We went through 2 boxes of crap and 2 grocery bags of paper left the building!!

Also the organizing - I've been rearranging/decluttering my closet, slowly, over the past while. It's helping so very much. 

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5 hours ago, marbel said:

I listen twice per day (most days) to a podcast of the Book of Common Prayer daily office, morning and evening prayer. I try to start the day with it though it doesn't always work that way. If possible I sit in a quiet place (my back deck is best, though I have to position my chair to not get stressed out by the, uh, unattractive areas of the yard) or while walking someplace beautiful. Then in the late afternoon I listen to the evening prayer. They really help me to focus and refocus my day. 

Not every day, but I try to have a session of Lectio Divina using an app most days of the week. Another thing that helps get me out of my head. 

Thank you for sharing this. I would have never thought to look for a podcast for that. Now I wonder what else I might be missing. 

I had never heard of Lectio Divina either. I looked it up, and that sounds like a wonderful practice to me. 

Contemplative prayer is really helpful to me, but it’s very difficult lately—to quiet my mind. So thank you for sharing.

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