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Some positive thoughts please

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

So scary! I'm even more impressed with my local pharmacy, where there is a consult with an actual pharmacist with any new prescription. I won't be changing pharmacies any time soon!

It's generally the law every where that pharmacist's consult when dispensing.  They consult mostly to answer questions and clarify instructions.    But in a hospital rx are prepared daily and sent straight to the nurse's station.

Both cases, software matters. 

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We have finally made it to the children's hospital in Melbourne  came by plane and they were able to squeeze me in. 

Have been seen by nurses but not a doctor yet at the children's hospital. 

It was an actual pharmacist who filled his prescription. The pharmacist told me it was his error 

I don't have much charge on my phone left

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I don't know what kind of damage they suspect, but FWIW -- DH's ALT and AST have been close to eight times the upper limit of normal due to a cancer medication he was on. His liver recovered just fine. In fact from what we understand most oncologists don't really bat an eye until the liver counts reach five times normal. Of course things might be different with a kiddo, but I'm posting that in case it gives you some comfort.

Edited by Pawz4me
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18 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I am getting the idea that they are way way more concerned about his skin rash and some syndrome that I didn't catch the name of than his liver

I hope that he recovers from the rash quickly. So scary! Big hugs to you all. 

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35 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I am getting the idea that they are way way more concerned about his skin rash and some syndrome that I didn't catch the name of than his liver

I am so glad you made it there safely, and that they let you fly with him. 

It sounds like they are concerned about Stevens-Johnson syndrome.  Does that sound right?

I don't have direct experience with it, but I had a student with it, and there was another child with it on the same hospital unit as my son.  It's also something they warn you to look out for with certain medications.

It is a pretty scary thing, but it sounds as though they are on top of it.  My student made a full recovery, and the child in the hospital seemed to recover well, although I didn't know the family well enough to follow up after they went home.  Hopefully you will have the same outcome!  I am so sorry you're in this situation. 

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

We have finally made it to the children's hospital in Melbourne  came by plane and they were able to squeeze me in. 

Have been seen by nurses but not a doctor yet at the children's hospital. 

It was an actual pharmacist who filled his prescription. The pharmacist told me it was his error 

I don't have much charge on my phone left

Don't be afraid to ask for a way to plug your phone in when the dust settles a bit--they are used to people needing things like than in an emergency and will probably be really nice about it. 

I'm glad that the pharmacist owned up. I bet he's miserable about this. 

33 minutes ago, BandH said:

It sounds like they are concerned about Stevens-Johnson syndrome.  Does that sound right?

It sounds like they are on the right track. Praying for you both as well as the folks at home waiting. Hugs.

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56 minutes ago, BandH said:

I am so glad you made it there safely, and that they let you fly with him. 

It sounds like they are concerned about Stevens-Johnson syndrome.  Does that sound right?

I don't have direct experience with it, but I had a student with it, and there was another child with it on the same hospital unit as my son.  It's also something they warn you to look out for with certain medications.

It is a pretty scary thing, but it sounds as though they are on top of it.  My student made a full recovery, and the child in the hospital seemed to recover well, although I didn't know the family well enough to follow up after they went home.  Hopefully you will have the same outcome!  I am so sorry you're in this situation. 

Yes that was the name, that or possably Toxic epidermal necropsy 

They are also testing for things like Rubella just to keep an open mind 

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7 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Yes that was the name, that or possably Toxic epidermal necropsy 

They are also testing for things like Rubella just to keep an open mind 

I hope you get good news soon!  

Children's hospitals are amazing places.  They can work miracles. 

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21 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Yes that was the name, that or possably Toxic epidermal necropsy 

I googled because DH is on his way out the door to work (he's talked to me about this before because people come into the ER now and then with S-J Syndrome), but it sounds like they classify the skin rash as one or the other based on specific features and severity but that it's all kind of the same ball of wax/reaction process.

I'm glad they are considering differential diagnoses as well. 

Do you have anyone in the city to be with you or bring you things you will need?

Does it help for someone to google what the hospital has to offer should you need it? Different floors in our hospital have different things, but all of them have pullouts for parents to sleep on, and they have a gift shop with some necessities. The hematology floor here will outright offer to do your laundry and fix you up with a toothbrush and toiletries as they have kids with extended oncology stays. Other floors, it's hit and miss, but they can likely direct you to some options.

There may also be ways to feed yourself that are available only to parents of kids who are inpatient, and in our hospital, those options are more convenient and usually more healthy if a bit repetitive. 

ETA: If I have the right hospital, Google is a friend in need...https://www.rch.org.au/familyservices/


About Family Services


    The Family Services and Volunteers Department aims to improve the hospital experience for our patients, families, carers and friends by providing five, family-centred services backed by a team of dedicated staff and volunteers.

    Main street reception

    Our friendly and knowledgable Main Street Reception staff, located at the ground floor entry, are usually the first point of call for families and visitors who require assistance with hospital enquiries.

    The Family Hub

    The Family Hub (formerly known as the Family Resource & Respite Centre) is a home away from home for families and visitors, offering a comfortable lounge area, kitchen facilities and a fully-equipped business centre. It is also where families can book a free ticket to the Hoyts Beanbag Cinema, make an appointment with a Centrelink representative or financial or legal advisor, grab some emergency clothing or a toothbrush.

Here's the link to The Family Hub: https://www.rch.org.au/frc/


Edited by kbutton
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1 minute ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Twin 1 has a team of at least 15 specialists that I have seen and aparently more in the background working on his plan. Some of them were woken up last night to give their expert advice. 


So the latest update is that it is all connected to the medication overdose. the liver damage is minor and will self heal. He has some blood abnormalities that they are monitoring. The rash is still increasing but slowly. Like slowly merging into a sold red, but apart from that his skin is OK, so not those terrable skin syndromes first thought. His airways are good 

So mostly all very very good news 



That is wonderful news.  I hope he is comfortable and you are able to get a little rest.  It's better that they are calling in all the specialists and maybe it's an overreaction, than the opposite!

I will keep him in my thoughts.  I hope knowing that we're all thinking of him and you, and wishing for the best in our own ways, gives you some peace so you can rest a little. 

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Oh my word just seeing this, thank goodness for a mostly good update. I'm so so sorry Melissa what a nightmare. If you're still in Melb and need anything over the next few days, please let me know. 🙏

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