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If you could have ANY job, what would it be?


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One job that has always appealed to me is medical transporter…..the person who comes to get you in your hospital bed or wheelchair and brings you down for tests, x rays, transfers you to a new room or to the car to go home, etc.

I love the medical world (but don’t want to make the decisions of the medical provider) and love meeting people.  I would get paid to walk my entire shift, Interact with a lot of people, learn stuff, but if someone was a problem, I would only have them for a few minutes.   I would also like to think that I could be a calming force or encouragement for them in time of medical crisis.

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I had my dream job. I was a teacher for 15 years until I became a sahm (the other dream I always wanted). I can't remember NOT wanting to be a teacher. While many (most?) people have to figure out what they want "to be" I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. 

Today? No way. Nor would I encourage a young person to go into teaching. The profession is so different now and teachers have to watch every word they utter. It's especially bad in my state. My heart aches for a friend who's a teacher but also recently came out as gay. She has to hide who she is while at work.

Back to the topic. I loved teaching. I planned to return after ds started school and would have if we hadn't decided to homeschool. I don't know what job I'd want today if I was someone just starting on a career path. Teaching is all I ever wanted to do.

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2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Mad scientist

Warrior princess


Before clicking on to enter the thread, this response showed as "Mad scientist Warrior princess."  I like that job title!  😄

I'd be a linguist, but one who worked with people. (I need to not spend too much time in my own head.) I had a linguistics professor in college who would weave the most interesting narratives about how people, culture, history, and geography affect words and language.  He could talk for an hour about one word and how it evolved into its modern usage in many languages.  

Or a physical therapist, but not like the corporatized, beholden-to-insurance-companies version we have today.  I'd want to be able to use problem solving skills and have patient involvement, not create a plan and hand it off to the PTA to implement.  I worked with one like that years ago ... she was a gem.  

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Archivist or Archival Librarian

Fact-checker or research assistant for an author or someone else creating content (I love doing random research)

some kind of Linguistics researcher...not sure what the actual jobs are in Linguistics other than college professors or people out studying rare languages...I don't think I would actually want to do either of those things!

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In my teens I wanted to be a Rocket Scientist or a fashion designer and settled to being an Electrical Engineer. Now as an adult I'd pick Electrical or Mechanical Engineer. The downside from this career for me is the lack of part-time positions. 

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ER Doc.  I love having high pressure envorinments, medicine, excitement.  I'm maybe thinking about this now that I am done HSing.

Therapist.  But I don't know if I want the responsiblity to hold all those people up and not feel guilt when taking a vacation or whatever.

Chaplain. Combines my love of spirituality, helping people at difficult times, and medicine.

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Nanny -- have done that in the past, would do again

High risk OB nurse -- would strongly consider but it would require sacrifices with my family that we are not interested in making

Children's librarian, maybe

Patient advocate -- I do a version of this as a volunteer, and I do love helping patients by explaining and helping them talk to their doctors


I always thought it might be fun to be a restaurant reviewer too.

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2 hours ago, Ottakee said:

One job that has always appealed to me is medical transporter…..the person who comes to get you in your hospital bed or wheelchair and brings you down for tests, x rays, transfers you to a new room or to the car to go home, etc.

I love the medical world (but don’t want to make the decisions of the medical provider) and love meeting people.  I would get paid to walk my entire shift, Interact with a lot of people, learn stuff, but if someone was a problem, I would only have them for a few minutes.   I would also like to think that I could be a calming force or encouragement for them in time of medical crisis.

Having had a child in the hospital twice last summer for major, major stuff, I can say that the transport people were wonderful. It does make a difference! My son had a t-shirt that we had lots of people sign who were involved in his care (one stay was for a planned major surgery), and we made sure transport was represented. 

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I would just try a variety of jobs and switch whenever I got bored. Or do them all on a rotation. Or find a varied workplace (like a hospital) and do all.the.jobs a little at a time that interested me without having to change workplaces. Since this is without regard to qualifications, and the like, there would be no interviews or paperwork needed, lol! Nothing particularly hot or sweaty though. 

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I love all these varied ideas.   

I thought of this earlier when my dd asked if I enjoyed working in a nursing home kitchen as a dietary aide and then cook.  I did that for 8 years and honestly loved it as I worked with good people.

Now I really do enjoy my job.   Wish it was closer to home (35 minutes away) and paid more, but I love what I do and the people I work with.

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2 hours ago, Hilltopmom said:

Children’s librarian.

(I’m an elementary special Ed teacher but really just mostly like the books and the kids, if I’m being brutally honest)

or STEM lab teacher


I have been/am both.  

Isn't perspective a funny thing? 🤔

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A photo journalist for National Geographic.   I would travel all over and write article and take pictures.   I would go to war torn countries, deep in the jungles, etc....

It was my dream as a child.   But then I decided it may not be a good career with a family, so I didn't pursue it.

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Work in the local gin distillery with the gin-distillery owner who I really like...

BTS poet-laureate with a special focus on the ouvre of Min Yoongi.

Person who is hired to only give critical feedback on how schools are continuously failing.

Person hired to give 'life' to a historical home, just dress up in something, idk, muslin, and then walk around in the house or sit drinking tea, reading, writing, while visitors get to walk in the gardens.

provide therapeutic writing sessions in a variety of settings incl women's prisons






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If my back didn’t constantly hurt……Since this is a dream, it won’t be…..so

I’m coming to work in @I talk to the treespet rescue. She will have a very successful operation, and I will be paid enough to make a living while also doing what I love. 😁

Or…I would love to be highly educated on nutrition and be paid to coach and advise people on diet and nutrition. I’d love to have a career helping people get healthier and feel better. 

Or…I would say being a veterinarian is my ultimate dream job, but this day and age it’s just too difficult to deal with irrational people. And I couldn’t deal with all the emotions of having to put people’s pets to sleep. Gone are the days of the old school vet. So this job is only a dream. 

Edited by Indigo Blue
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I would like to be a princess, or a college professor. I would like to do research in the area of perception and memory. As a princess, I would not be the warrior kind. I would be the kind who wears pretty dresses and doesn't worry about money.

Edited by Janeway
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1 hour ago, DawnM said:

A photo journalist for National Geographic.   I would travel all over and write article and take pictures.   I would go to war torn countries, deep in the jungles, etc....

It was my dream as a child.   But then I decided it may not be a good career with a family, so I didn't pursue it.

They’ve got snakes in the jungle, you know. 😜 

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That is a hard one. Don't know.  Several things I considered doing, I am not willing to pay the price to do it:  I wanted to be Amy Grant when I was younger. But all of the traveling for concerts that would have meant being away from my husband and children. Nope. 

I enjoyed teaching.  I may do it again someday. Don't really know. 

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28 minutes ago, bibiche said:

They’ve got snakes in the jungle, you know. 😜 

I know, I have seen them and they are all deadly!  That is why I hate them so much.   But I am still adventurous, but like Indiana Jones' said, "Why did it have to be snakes?"

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I love, love, love to sort and organize, but not my own stuff--other people's. 😉 Especially books and art supplies.

I would love to decide where things go and how they are arranged in a charity thrift store, especially one benefitting animals.

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I'd just like to get paid for running the homeschool library I have.  But I don't want anyone who uses it to have to pay.  I need a rich person to fund this project.

I also wouldn't mind being an archivist.  I like organizing things and I can live without the people interaction.

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2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

When I was young I wanted to be Tasha Tudor or have a Tasha Tudorish lifestyle including the watercolor painting and books. But then I read stuff that her children wrote about living that way and it wasn’t so idyllic. 

Interesting!  Did you read a book about her?  I'd be interested in reading something about her. 

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