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s/o Stocking up....How Much Toilet Paper Do You Have In Your House Right Now


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Currently, I have about 4 months worth. We could make that last longer if we were really careful.


Side note: My dh gave each kid a roll of TP and told them he'd give  $5 to the person who could make theirs last longest. (My kids are 12, 15, and 18 so I felt pretty confident that they would not leave skid marks in the drawers) 


My 18 yo looked at the tp and said. " I lose." Some sacrifices she just wasnt willing to make.

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Probably the same here. I get the extra big rolls of Northern TP and I never even knew how long they lasted--I just always made sure I had two packages of 6 in the garage as backup, one for each bathroom. Turns out that 1 roll lasts about a week--this is true in both bathrooms, each with 2 regular users. I had purchased an extra couple of packages on sale before shelter-in-place (I do miss TP sales...), so it turns out that I probably had an 18-week supply then. Package sizes are a little different now, but probably still about the same total amount on hand. I keep buying as we finish a package.

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At least a years supply for our household of 10. My dad bought two cases, so just under 200 rolls a few months ago when it couldn't be found anywhere. He intended to store it for any of his other children who needed it because we our household already had a case which is just how we normally buy it.  My siblings, I have three who are local,  did end up splitting up one case. So, when toilet paper became available again easily my dad got another case just in case it disappears again.

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12 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Oh and we have The Case of Last Resort (POM) that would probably make it a few month on its own because no one wants to use it. 😂

My dh calls that "John Wayne" Toilet paper. It's rough tough and wont take sh** off of anyone.

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Half a Costco size pack, so probably  a month or two. I was going to pick up another pack last week, but they were out of their brand. Our low-flow toilets don't like the fluffy brands, so I will wait till next week and hope it is back in stock. We have some back stock of a super-cheap-quality brand, so I am not worried about running out. Dh's work sells some supplies to restaurants. It was a case he brought home a year or two ago. I refuse to use it, so he uses it in his bathroom. If I get desperate, I suppose I could use it....just don't want to. 

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My timing was perfect. I bought one bag of Costco TP right before it went crazy (maybe first week of March). We just ran out of it and replaced it 3 weeks ago with another bag from Costco. So I am guessing I have enough for one more month. 

I live dangerously 🙂 

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Honestly, back in February I bought 2 12 packs.  And we had some left of another 12 pack.  We still had 8 rolls left a week ago when a friend called me from across town to complain about running out of toilet paper.  I had just gotten a box of Who Gives a Crap? 48 rolls, so I took those 8 rolls over to his apartment.  

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1 hour ago, hjffkj said:

At least a years supply for our household of 10. My dad bought two cases, so just under 200 rolls a few months ago when it couldn't be found anywhere. He intended to store it for any of his other children who needed it because we our household already had a case which is just how we normally buy it.  My siblings, I have three who are local,  did end up splitting up one case. So, when toilet paper became available again easily my dad got another case just in case it disappears again.

How are you managing this magical feat? We currently have 5 in our household, and I have 3 cases - about 240 rolls. No way will that last us a year. The tp I've been buying has 508 sheets a roll, and we seem to fly through it.

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Probably a couple of months' worth.   I thought I had stocked up and then realized we had none, so I stocked up again.  THEN DH tells me he put my first stash "away" in cabinets I don't normally use or see, so we had double the amount.

But I did get some packs for my dad when he moved here.  When they say you can only buy one pack, you look for the largest pack there is!

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Guessing a three plus month supply.....not sure how much the kids have in their bathroom.  We gave them the really cheap stuff to use up and it seems to be lasting.  They are also using other bathrooms more than normal!😉

I have always believed in a good supply of tp.  Probably the only time I have ever had less than a months supply was right before Covid.  








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Five packs of Target brand toilet paper (18 rolls per pack) and one pack of Costco toilet paper (30 rolls per pack). My main extensive toilet paper user is DS14 and he used less than expected. We used up about 4.5 packs of Target brand toilet paper from March until now.

Costco has toilet paper stack up to almost the ceiling when we went. Safeway has toilet paper back on its shelves. I didn’t go to the toilet paper aisles at Target but I assume it’s back since isopropyl alcohol is finally back on shelves. 

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2 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

I currently have 8 rolls.
I had planned to buy a package of costco brand last week, but they were out of their brand.  I could have bought charmin, but I couldn't justify the additional $5 when I had at least a week's worth at home I knew the costco brand would likely be available this week.

TP isn't in short supply here so I am back to the 1 costco pack per month deal.  

I struggled with the same decision  two weeks ago and I ended up buying the charmin because it was the first time I had seen toilet paper at Costco since the end of February and I figured I rather pay an extra $6 (that's the cost difference at my store), than risk running out because I expect to see lockdown coming back soon.  Of course today, they had kirkland and charmin.  I grabbed a kirkland since I normally buy 2 packs at a time but they are limited to one so at least this gets me my 2 packs at home.  But we go through a roll every 1-2 days so I need to keep my stock pretty high.

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3 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Oh and we have The Case of Last Resort (POM) that would probably make it a few month on its own because no one wants to use it. 😂

When things were low, I found an Amazon brand 12 or 24 pack.

The family made fun of me about how bad it was going to be.  I told them better bad tp than no tp.

It actually turned out really soft and nice, as good as the regular tp we get.

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As of today I have 9 packs of Marathon 48-count which would last us 5-6 months. My goal is 10 packs because I suspect once fall/winter hit I won't want to be out in stores...and our Costco will close temporarily if any of their employees get COVID. No way am I fighting people in Wal-Mart for tp.

We also use tp for tissues so go through it rather quickly due to that. And my mom is living in town so I have supplies for her, too.

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I’d estimate somewhere in the 4-6 month range. We’re supposed to get 2 more kids, so I’m not sure how that will go.

I’m actually a little surprised I don’t have even more. I’m a stockpiler by nature, so there’s always been plenty of toilet paper stashed in the house. I remember exactly 1 time somewhere in the past 15 years in this house when we were down to 1 package (not roll, package) and I didn’t like that feeling!

Right now, I try to pick up a package of toilet paper one week and paper towels the next. I haven’t been having much trouble with the TP, but decent paper towels are hit or miss.

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I don't know.

We never got anywhere near low enough on it that I bothered to figure out how long on average TP lasts us. And it just came back in fairly good supply this week (Walmart was at about 80 percent of normal on Monday, which was a huge improvement over what it had been for the past few months), and so I haven't wanted to be selfish/greedy and stockpile more than we really needed. We definitely have enough to last us a month or so, and that seemed like plenty. I'll probably stock up a little more now that it's readily available. I'd like to maintain a couple of months' worth going into fall/winter.

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6 months worth. I’ll be ordering more before fall.

I have a weird thing with keeping a large stock of toilet paper in the house even in normal times, so this isn’t unusual for me. Because I already had a lot stashed away in February, I didn’t need to buy any at all when the shops were low. I promise I don’t hoard. 

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Probably 75 rolls.

I have had the store brand 30-pack on my curbside pickup grocery shopping list every week since I started using that service in April. Until 3 weeks ago, they only had it in stock once. I finally got some, 2 weeks in a row! So, I just removed it from the re-order list.

I probably was close to running out except that I found a 24-pack of quilted northern on amazon in late May.

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10 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Oh and we have The Case of Last Resort (POM) that would probably make it a few month on its own because no one wants to use it. 😂

We have some of this too. TP for the Zombie Apocalypse, 1 ply, not real soft, but better than nothing. I've got enough to last awhile. I typically buy the giant packages anyway. I don't feel like counting I have TP in 3 different bathrooms and emergency TP in the basement bathroom closet.

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Currently, we have more TP in storage than we normally ever do. Not sure months-worth, but probably 6 or more. 


I have long been attracted to those on-toilet bidet sprays and kinda wish I could get agreement in the household to go that way, at least for partial use. Dh is a plumber and could install those in a couple of hours! 


I do think it’s true some sacrifices seem a bridge too far. 😁

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8 hours ago, Arcadia said:

Five packs of Target brand toilet paper (18 rolls per pack) and one pack of Costco toilet paper (30 rolls per pack). My main extensive toilet paper user is DS14 and he used less than expected. We used up about 4.5 packs of Target brand toilet paper from March until now.

Costco has toilet paper stack up to almost the ceiling when we went. Safeway has toilet paper back on its shelves. I didn’t go to the toilet paper aisles at Target but I assume it’s back since isopropyl alcohol is finally back on shelves. 

Our local grocery store went empty the first couple of days after people became aware of the worsening situation locally (I'm in the Austin area) but I went shopping earlier this week and it was back on the shelves -- barer than normal. But HEB is making sure the drought doesn't happen again. We *love* our HEB. (grocery store)


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9 hours ago, dsmith said:

How are you managing this magical feat? We currently have 5 in our household, and I have 3 cases - about 240 rolls. No way will that last us a year. The tp I've been buying has 508 sheets a roll, and we seem to fly through it.


Ha I meant 4 cases. I'm silly and was so tired all yesterday.  With 4 cases that is 7 rolls a week and that is pretty accurate for what we go through.  

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We have 2 packs of 12, plus whatever’s left in a 3rd open pack. 

I used to keep only 1 pack or 12 on hand, and when we were down to 4 rolls, I’d buy a new pack.

Now, I’m keeping 3 packs on hand, and when we’re down to 4 rolls in the open pack, I’ll buy another pack.  

So, I’m keeping 2 unopened backup packs at all time and will dip into those packs if I must.

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I had bought a case of Costco brand in February , which lasts us at least 6 months. I started looking the end of May, and Costco had a plethora of Charmin, but nothing else. Costco brand was finally in stock the middle of June, online, still not in our store.

i caved and bought it online and paid the 2.00 more. So,I have a case plus a couple rolls in each bathroom. 

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It will be many months before I need to buy more tp. I have bulk package on hand. We have bidet attachments on our 2 toilets upstairs, but not on our downstairs toilet.  We have baskets of washcloths for dying after using the bidet, so we can go on forever without toilet paper in the master bathroom and the upstairs bathroom if we needed to.  The half bath downstairs, which guests use, is the only one that needs toilet paper at all, so we only need a fraction of the tp most Americans use.

I'm recent bidet convert. It really is more sanitary and effective.  And living in a place with hot, sweaty summers, it's a shower fresh feeling after each use, because you did just shower your bits. I'd been planning on getting one as we've transitioned to more frugal living, then COVID happened and tp and bidet attachments were scarce.  My husband had one in his upstairs bathroom next to his office for a couple of years because that's what he prefers. He still uses tp to dry, but when I finally got mine a couple of months ago I bought a cheap pack of colored washcloths. There are  couple dozen in each of 5 different colors so each family member would never have to worry about using cloths someone else used in case they are bothered by the idea of using a clean, laundered cloth that someone else had used previously.  I put them in  baskets to sit on top of the toilet tank. Since everything is squeaky clean before the washcloth is used to dry, you can hang the cloth up after using it and reuse it many times if you like or you can use each washcloth once and put it in the laundry basket that hangs on the backs of the bathroom doors.

My only daughter still at home doesn't use the bidets, she just uses those toilets as regular toilet with tp.  Since we have access to tp, it's her choice, but if we no longer have access to tp, we've got the bidet option on hand, ready to go.

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I'd estimate 14 rolls spread between 3 bathrooms. I normally by 12-packs of Charmin mega rolls. When TP first became unavailable, I didn't worry, then I bought one 12-pack at Aldi's because it was available and I was getting low. The next time I bought was when I could get Northern in my normal weekly Wal-Mart pickup order. I won't let my supply get as low as I used to any time soon, but I've never stockpiled and won't start now.

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We use cottonelle mega rolls and have to check when we buy them. There are two ‘styles’ - like one is called soft and one strong or something. Anyway, one has way more square footage per roll and that’s what we use. Our house averages 1.5 rolls per week. Main bath uses one every seven days and the other two less often.    We always stocked enough for a few months and that’s still how we do it. 

Bidet users- does your bidet also dry you? My niece/nephew installed bidets on their toilets at the start of the lockdown but you still wipe yourself after to dry yourself. Does that really save tp?  

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I just bought a 36 roll pack at Costco, and we already had one unopened, so 80+ rolls. That will last a very long time. I normally wouldn't keep that much around but reading the stock up threads was getting to me so I bought a few things we reliably use today. Also, in theory my kids are going back to college next month so they would take some along. I am less and less confident that that's going to happen, but it's not like TP goes bad.  


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Family of seven   Currently have two Costco pack of TP but adding to it.  I'm in process of stocking up for kid college dorms and son that is moving out next month.  Plan is to send a Costco pack with each of them and still have two at home.

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2 hours ago, Annie G said:

We use cottonelle mega rolls and have to check when we buy them. There are two ‘styles’ - like one is called soft and one strong or something. Anyway, one has way more square footage per roll and that’s what we use. Our house averages 1.5 rolls per week. Main bath uses one every seven days and the other two less often.    We always stocked enough for a few months and that’s still how we do it. 

Bidet users- does your bidet also dry you? My niece/nephew installed bidets on their toilets at the start of the lockdown but you still wipe yourself after to dry yourself. Does that really save tp?  

You dry with a hand towel or wash cloth for that purpose, not TP.

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You dry with a hand towel or wash cloth for that purpose, not TP.

And the hand towel/wash cloth get hung up in the bathroom? Laundry room? One time use? Family use?

Trying to wrap my brain around this one...that would mean a lot of washcloths for me to wash because I can't see re-using them sans washing.

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We have at least a 6 month supply. When TP was nowhere to be found I had 18 rolls in the house for our family of 6. We were able to get a 45 roll pack through a friend who could order office supplies. It's not great TP, but I'm making everyone use it. We had just finished our 18 original rolls when Costco had TP again so I bought a pack. When I did my next Costco run a month later, I bought another pack. I told my DH, I never wanted to stress out about having enough TP again.

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4 hours ago, Hilltopmom said:

You dry with a hand towel or wash cloth for that purpose, not TP.

I guess that makes sense- that’s how I dry off my bits after a shower.  My niece and nephew put one in their guest bathroom and I guess they expect us to use tp. Which also makes sense for visitors. 

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6 hours ago, Annie G said:

My niece/nephew installed bidets on their toilets at the start of the lockdown but you still wipe yourself after to dry yourself. Does that really save tp?  

Only if you use tp to dry yourself.  We use designated washcloths for drying as they can be laundered and reused just like any towel is reused to dry your body and laundered. 

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