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I hit a cat


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On the way home tonight with all the kids in the car, about three blocks from home. I watched it die, and it was horrible. I didn't want the kids to see so I pulled around the block and called the county sheriff non emergency number. Reporting it was all I had to do, but I told them if they happened to find the owners please tell them I felt terrible, especially since it looks so much like our beloved kitty.


I came home to pet our cat and feel better only to find a window screen knocked out and our inside only cat gone.


I have a really terrible feeling I just killed our cat.


(And my husband is working overnight and I don't have anyone to talk to IRL so I came here...)

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I've had a really horrible week at work with some very bad fatal car accidents amd kids and this kitty has not left my side. I'm not even really a cat person but he's been sleeping on my bed and sitting on my lap. He must have sensed I really needed the comfort the last few days.


I just have a really really awful feeling.

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I so hope you are wrong. I feel sick for you. :grouphug:  3 blocks seems like a lot for an indoor cat to explore first time out. Usually my cats stay right by the door or the single time one pushed through a screen she stayed right by that window trying to jump back in. Since you weren't home, maybe kitty is in hiding just waiting for you.


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I so hope you are wrong. I feel sick for you. :grouphug: 3 blocks seems like a lot for an indoor cat to explore first time out. Usually my cats stay right by the door or the single time one pushed through a screen she stayed right by that window trying to jump back in. Since you weren't home, maybe kitty is in hiding just waiting for you.

He was found as a stray, so he hasn't always been an indoor cat. My best friend found him as a kitten next to his mother's body, I assume it was feral. She's allergic and needed a place to keep him temporarily and we wound up never finding him a home. :). So even though it's the first time out of my house in a while, he was born feral and lived outside until he was about three months(according to the age the vet gave him). He's just over a year now.

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Is it too late to double check? I don't know how close a look you got.


I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but I once accidentally killed a cat. I didn't know who to call. It wasn't near any homes. It was at night and I was alone. I briefly got out of the car and looked to see if it was alive (no traffic). I was sorta relieved in a sense that it was not because I had no idea where I would take it. Didn't own any pets at the time and didn't know any local vets or anyone to call. I felt awful but there really wasn't anything I could do. Another time a bird hit my car while I was driving! I really thought it would move out of the way. These things happen :(

Edited by heartlikealion
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He was found as a stray, so he hasn't always been an indoor cat. My best friend found him as a kitten next to his mother's body, I assume it was feral. She's allergic and needed a place to keep him temporarily and we wound up never finding him a home. :). So even though it's the first time out of my house in a while, he was born feral and lived outside until he was about three months(according to the age the vet gave him). He's just over a year now.


We had a 2 year old cat literally walk in our front door one day in January. Skinny, dirty but sweet as candy. So we took her to the vet and into our home and she settled right in as an indoor cat. Last week I was reading outdoors when my dh picked up the cat to bring her out to say hello. The cat lost her mind. She was having nothing to do with the outdoors. All that to say, hopefully they adapt to being indoor cats faster than we think and your baby is still close to home. Put some food out just in case. My optimism wants to say the coincidence would be too great the other cat is your cat. I truly hope so. 

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Oh, hon.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Two of the worst days of my life were when I hit a rabbit and when a cat was caught in the engine compartment of my car. I understand. Praying your kitty will come home. 

Edited by MercyA
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Listen, better the cat than the people in the car!

I'm a relatively new driver and DH warns me not to swerve on impulse and hit a tree with my kids in the car.

(So sorry still).

The other option was a vehicle in the other lane. I hit the cat instead.

Mine still hasn't come back. We have an enclosed front porch so I left the front door open hoping he finds his way back to the porch.


I'm just very weary right now.

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We thought our cat a very unusual looking cat and then saw one just like her outside (after we moved 3 miles from where we had lived, was he the dad? I don't know). 

I found out that a friend who lives about 3 miles in the other direction has a cat that looks just like her also.

Then I saw a wanted/missing poster for a cat in the area that also looked just like our cat.

So I'm holding out for case of mistaken identity or someone took your kitty in. I hope he returns.

I've read it's a good idea to leave a sock or two of yours in your yard, here and there, so he can smell it and know he's in the right area.

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