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Tax return, have you filed yours yet?


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Have you filed yet?


Return or owe? 


What are your plans with your return if you got one?





Even though I dropped things off a few weeks ago at the CPA we just got everything signed yesterday.  


We are getting a return, really large.  We have tried over and over to not get this and even asked our cpa, but it hasn't ever worked. 




Most likely putting it into maxing out retirement savings.  Exciting!

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No, I've still got to add the non-cash charitable contributions and find out how much we paid in car-tax. We moved and paid twice. It's going to take some digging to find these last few things. 


We are going to get a huge refund from the loss on our house and it going to help pay for the bathroom remodel on our current home. I want to make sure we squeeze everything we can out of this return. 

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I nearly finished a week and a half ago but need one piece of supporting paperwork for the new furnace we put in last year.  When I get that I will file.  Our return is quite a bit larger than anticipated.  First year we had someone in college and the credit from that helped tremendously.  We had hoped to start working on replacing windows in our house (will be a multi year project)but now the stove has thrown an error code relating to the circuit board so we may have to hold off on windows till we know if it is fixable or will require replacement.

Edited by cjzimmer1
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Have you filed yet?

Waiting for the company stocks tax form from Morgan Stanley which is only available online after Feb 24th.


Return or owe?

Return from federal and state.


What are your plans with your return if you got one?

Every year it goes to paying property tax but we have to top up as returns combined is less than property tax.

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We are getting a return, really large.  We have tried over and over to not get this and even asked our cpa, but it hasn't ever worked. 


We have this issue as well.  We don't want to end up owing money, but we would prefer not to get as large of returns as we usually do.  This year we managed to get it a bit lower, but still larger than ideal.


We are going to spend the return on an ADHD evaluation and some upcoming medical expenses.



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Filed, accepted, received state return already, expecting a large federal return to come tomorrow.


The second our state return came it went into savings. When our federal comes a small portion will pay for swim lessons for the kids and the rest will go into savings.

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Have you filed yet?

No, but I finally finished gathering everything and plan to work on it today and tomorrow.


Return or owe? 

We'll likely have a small return, but not enough to do anything big. We try not to let the government hold our money interest-free all year.



What are your plans with your return if you got one?

No plans. It won't be big enough.


Florida doesn't have a state income tax but does allow you to take some deductions for sales tax. There's a standard and an itemized option - we usually do standard.



In 2015 dh's company was sold then disbanded, and that involved moving retirement funds about as well as paying one out in a lump sum. Though I've done our taxes for years I was afraid I'd miss something with all that went on, so we had a CPA at the financial firm that handles his retirement do our taxes. As it turned out, I could have done what we paid him >$300 to do. This year we're going back to having me do our taxes.






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Have you filed yet?

     Yes, submitted and accepted late last week.


Return or owe? 

     We're getting a decent size return. We've tried making adjustments to lower our return, but nothing has significantly helped.


What are your plans with your return if you got one?

     Pay off my truck!!

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Have you filed yet?

     Yes, submitted and accepted late last week.


Return or owe? 

     We're getting a decent size return. We've tried making adjustments to lower our return, but nothing has significantly helped.


What are your plans with your return if you got one?

     Pay off my truck!!



Awesome that you are going to pay off your truck!  

That will be so nice every month.



I am glad I am not the only one who can't get the tax refund to be lower.    

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Mine will be extended as we wait for business profits to be determined.


I have no idea whether I will owe or be due a "refund."  If a "refund," most likely it will be applied to 2017 estimate payments.


Taxes don't excite me.  :P


Back when I was a normal person getting a W-2, I was careful to pay only the amount I had to pay, so either I owed a wee bit or I got a wee bit back.  Back then there was this thing called interest income on bank accounts, and it made more sense to get that than to give the government an interest-free loan.  Nowadays I suppose it only matters if you can pay down an interest-bearing loan faster.  :/

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I started working in Aug and apparently that put us in a higher tax bracket so we owe this year.  I claim 0 and DH claims 2 and we still owe federal and get some back from State, but it isn't quite enough to cover Federal.


I am also married to a CPA, so we do extensions and never get anything until after Oct. 15th.

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I filed in January and am just waiting on my refund this week.  I'm hoping it comes tomorrow because bills would like money.  I'm so glad that I won't *need* my tax return after this year.  Tower climbing sucks in pay and hours, so I'm grateful we got a job that is more consistent pay.  Unfortunately, we are still dealing with the aftermath of 3 years of bad pay.  So, we will be paying bills.  Lots and lots bills, including a loan we had to get in July to keep us afloat and two maxed out credit cards.  *sigh*  I would love a new refrigerator, but so many other things come first.

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I made a spin-off post but no one came. :(


I'll just ask here.


What software do you all prefer? Paid or free?


I like turbotax.  It is incredibly easy and walks you through the steps if you need it to.  The cost has never been an issue because I have always gotten a coupon code for it, which they generally have right before the new year or close to april 15th.

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For the first time we have a CPA preparing our return. We dropped everything off to them last week and hope to hear back soon.


Last year we had to pay around $3,000. We should have adjusted our deductions, but we didn't. I am anxious to see what we have to pay this year. I hate taxes.

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We filed with our tax guy last week. We're getting a small state refund and a good federal refund. We just bought a new house and it doesn't have a fence so that's where our money is going.


Tax guy advised us not to change anything because next year when we file we will have lost the child tax credit for oldest and we will be mostly taxed in a higher bracket. So, we're hoping we break even next year.

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Haven't even started. Still waiting on two forms.


 And found out yesterday that I'm expected to do my inlaws' taxes this year also. Their tax guy retired last year and for many years MIL organized and handled the taxes via their CPA. MIL has dementia and cancer and with their tax guy retired, they are just unwilling to let a stranger handle their taxes.  I have no experience with the stuff they deal with- military retirement, social security, bonds, etc. Should be quite the learning experience.    

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Our refund was deposited today.


We are doing some car maintenance and I am getting a laptop for my accounting work.


We are holding onto the rest for possibly moving later this year. Our son has been offered a spot at a fantastic high school and we want to move closer to the school to keep his commute manageable.

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Have you filed yet?


Return or owe? 


What are your plans with your return if you got one?





Even though I dropped things off a few weeks ago at the CPA we just got everything signed yesterday.  


We are getting a return, really large.  We have tried over and over to not get this and even asked our cpa, but it hasn't ever worked. 




Most likely putting it into maxing out retirement savings.  Exciting!



Flooring and counters for the kitchen

Medical bill

Wedding expenses for DD

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