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s/o what was your first vehicle? and what happened to it?

Chess Dad

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It was in 1980 and I was 16.  My first vehicle was a Red, 1972 Mercury Marquis, It had 460 4 barrel and ate gas like a pig!  I loved that car.  It was truly a Heavy Metal Car.  I remember the first day I got it.  My older brother, Melvin, helped me buy it, and I stopped in the middle of nowhere on the way home and cranked the stereo.  it had 6 speakers and the sound was amazing for a 1970's vehicle.  


I drove it for four years.  I broke down on a county road, while in college, and did not have the money to pay for the tow bill. The tow company kept it.


Here's a link to a picture of what it looked like.  http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7351/12092938705_30459dc576.jpg

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Late '80's model ('88? '89?) Hyundai Sonata. It was a cream puff but my college did not allow freshmen to keep cars on-campus so my dad let my cousin (who'd already totaled 3 previous vehicles) drive it. Surprise, surprise, my cousin totaled it as well [insert angry face here].

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My dh's first car was an '80 Volvo.  He got it before we were married.  We drove it for about 150K miles, and sold it to a friend.  He ended up driving it a LOT and living in it when his wife went berserk and changed the locks.  He sold it to a friend who drove it to 600K+ and then we lost track of it.  The interior was trashed but that car just kept going.


My first car was a Honda Civic 1974 or so.  That thing would not die, and the interesting thing was that I could move all my possessions in that car.  I sorta miss those days.  We traded it for a Honda Prelude which I adored.  It was red and had a sunroof.  And a great stereo.  


I have been very very happy with all the cars I have owned, and all but one we bought on spec, never having test-driven it.  




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It was a 1980 (I think) Datsun 210 (not the B210) Hatchback. It was dark green - still my favorite color for a car. It was the mean green crusin' machine. It had no power steering or AC, but it was mine and I paid for it. I traded it in on a Dodge Shadow, which I drove until it was paid off. 

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My step-father gave me a 1974 Pinto station wagon, complete with faux wood trim. I recall that it had a leaky radiator. I sold it for $50 or so when my then boyfriend talked me into buying a 1969 Karman Ghirardelli (with bad heater boxes and failing transmission). My first reliable car was my 79 Honda Civic..


ETA: Karman Ghia.....auto correct is so funny.

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A 1966 dark teal Buick Skylark convertible. White pinstripes, white interior, white rag top. It was amazing! I drag raced all through high school at every stop light someone challenged me at - never lost! Had a HUGE engine and I could watch the fuel gauge go down if I floored it. My parents sold it to a collector when I was a sophomore in college and needed more reliable transporatation. It spoiled me for ordinary cars!

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An old Buick (previously driver's ed car) that my dad drove and passed on to me. I drove it for seven years and it had a LOT of miles on it..don't remember how many. We traded it in when oldest dd was a baby. It coughed big clouds of black smoke all the way to the dealership. We got fifty bucks for it.

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In high school (late 90s) I drove my parents' 1976 Thunderbird and 1992 Mercury Sable station wagon. They eventually sold both very cheaply to transient families in need.


I did not own a car until my junior year of college when my DH (then fiancĂƒÂ©) traded in his 1998 Mustang convertible for a much more practical 2003 Toyota Echo. He went ahead and put me on the title because we were due to get married in less than a year. We traded it in on a minivan when I was pregnant with DS. I miss that little car sometimes (especially the gas mileage!), though the lack of cruise control was annoying.

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How funny!  DH and I were married in 1980 and our first car was a Le Mans.  (I think that is spelled right).   It was a muted orange and, oh so, BIG!  In fact, it was so big we called it a "boat" (as many of the cars were).   LOL!  :) 


I do not remember what happened to it but we may have sold it to buy another. 

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I had a 1987 Plymouth Turismo.  It was a good little car, but eventually it gave me a lot of problems.


One of my teacher preparation coursed involved creating fair tests.  One exercise we did was a multiple choice test that we would know next-to-nothing about.  The idea was that you could achieve a certain minimum score just by guessing.  The test was on auto mechanics and I scored the highest grade in the class.  When I was asked how I achieved that score, I told them that my car had this problem (pointing to a test question), and this problem (another test question) and this problem...


Eventually my mom traded cars with me so that I would have a more reliable vehicle.  One day my sister called me and said that she had some news.  "Mom is OK, but the car is totaled."  When I yelled "YES!" into the phone, my sister was in disbelief.  "Did you hear what I said?"  "Yes, Mom is OK, and the car is totaled."  Both of these items were good news for me!

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A used, early '80s Toyota Corolla I bought while I was still 15 and started driving on my 16th birthday.


I couldn't take it to college. My father let a co-worker borrow it for a couple of days when her car died and she hit a deer - totaled it. :(

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I'm young enough that I am still on my first vehicle! It's a red '94 Ford Falcon, and it's been hotted up something fierce. Men in high-powered cars at traffic lights think I am a young hoon, and challenge me to competitive risk taking activities. I pretend not to notice them.

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Early 80's yellow Volvo that my dad bought me as a Christmas present for a few hundred dollars when I was in college. It was exactly what I had asked for. We called her Rollergirl. She faithfully took me to Graceland and camping and other road trips and back and forth to college up and down the east coast. Her engine was old and possible to be tinkered with. I loved her very much.


When she was clearly dying, I gave her to my step-sister, who drove her back and forth to high school and around town, where it was okay if she died en route. My step-sister sold her before heading off on her gap year for a couple hundred dollars to someone who lived a couple of miles away from his work and only needed a car to get back and forth.

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A 1980 something Buick Electra--I think it was the last year they made them. My parents bought it from a woman who thought it would be her last car, so she babied it and kept it in top shape. I drove it for several years. My husband and I were offered a deal on a newer Buick from an estate sale--pristine condition and priced well below blue book. We decided to go for it, and my Electra's transmission went out by the side of the road before we could pick up the new car. We sold her to a transmission shop. I miss the instantaneous acceleration. My subsequent cars have had plenty of power, but that car took off like a rocket. My grandpa used to grin and say, "this car has wallop."


The funny thing is that my husband's first car was also a Buick Electra, but a much earlier model.

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My very first car was a Dodge Dart....an old one that I think we paid maybe $150 for in 1987...the car was a 70 something. We fixed the things that needed fixed, and before I could even get my permit, my brother took it out for a drive and blew the engine.  :cursing: My first car that I actually got to drive, and also got my first loan on was a Cutlass Calais. I had it for a couple of years, and ended up selling it to a co-worker that needed a smaller car because he had to drive farther.

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I bought it in 1990.


It was a 1986 or 87 Chevy Cavalier.  Blue on top, and black on the bottom (I can't find a pix of that color combination).  The original owner had all the upgrades, so I am guessing the two toned colors must have been an upgrade since I am not finding any pix of it.


Dh and I were already dating when I bought it and we had it for at least a dozen years.  We kept it as an extra car when we got a big truck, because it was paid off and it was much cheaper on fuel.  We traded cars with a neighbor, so I know it was running for at least a year or so after the trade.


Dh's was a Volare. I have not idea what happened to it.  My guess is that it was traded in on one of his VWs.  He has had at least one VW, almost his entire driving life.

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My first car was a Ford Fiesta, don't know what year but it cost me $500.  Eventually the front doors stopped opening from the outside, and I had to crawl through the hatch to get in.  Then someone ice-picked all my tires, and I didn't have enough money to buy new ones, so I drove around with this tire-seal spray and would re-seal them before I headed off to work and then home each day.  I think that may have also been the car I had that had a bit of a brake fluid problem - I remember driving around with a bottle and refilling it when the brake light came on...


My dad actually managed to sell the thing to someone (for obviously almost nothing).  He later saw it broken down along the street; I have a feeling that was the end of it.

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The car I count as my first car (as in the one I actually drove any real amount) was my 2002 Ford Taurus. Dh got her for me for my 22nd birthday (we bought her in April and got married in October). She is currently sitting in my backyard awaiting the last payment from my brother who will use her for work (she has over 200,000 hard earned miles). Her name is Sandy (and yes I name them all, currently we have Sandy, Beau, Luna and Sevien (Sevien is Dh's motorcycle, Beau is Dh's truck and Luna is my Fusion)

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It was a horrible used Audi. It had been in a crash and rebuilt, but we were too naive to know it. it was on its last legs anyway. It was sold to us by an Italian Communist from Russia, of all people!

After it bit the dust on the highway, and was a total loss, the guy who sold it tried to get us to hire him to repaint it. When we wouldn't, he got his elderly Mom to call and scream at us.

Good times!

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 It was a California car (meaning it could never have survived so long in any other climate lol)-- an ancient 411 VW sedan that needed work every other week (dh was a car tinkerer back then).  It cost us $1200 and was 100%  adorable.


ETA: I/we drove that thing up Highway 1 to Big Sur and more. <3


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That I paid for?  I went in halfers on a then-13yo yellow Chevy Chevette which sold for a total of $450.  It drove OK, but the driver's side door wouldn't unlock among other things.  I eventually figured out that there was half a key broken off in there, and if you just stuck your key in there halfway, it would in fact open.  :p  That was in grad school.  Before leaving for grad school, I shared the family car with 5 other drivers.  That was a Chevette too.


Oh - what happened to it?  The yellow car was given to my kid brother when my dad gave me his old Camaro.  I don't know how long it continued to run.  The family Chevette was totaled in an accident by my younger sister.

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1984 Honda Civic Hatchback; bought it used for $1500, and put 150K miles on it, and sold it to friends who drove it in LA another 100K before selling it to someone else...


Loved that vehicle! Bought it just months before getting married; it had super visibility and you could put virtually anything into that car between the hatchback and the 60/40 split fold-down back seat. We sold it when our first was born, as the Civic had no AC, and NO way we would drive our precious little one around in 100+ temps every summer with no AC!!  :eek: We still have the 1993 Saturn SL-1 that we bought to replace the Civic -- almost 200K and still running (the AC, too)! :)

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I think mine was a 1980 Honda Accord. I bought it with a car loan when I graduated in 1986. The transmission failed after I had it for 6 months and I couldn't afford to fix it, so I had to trade it in and get a newer car that put me in even more debt.

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I was one of those spoiled kids -- my parents bought me a brand new Mustang a week or so before I got my license.  I drove it until I'd been working for a couple of years and had saved up enough money to trade it in and pay cash for a new vehicle.  I think by that time it had about 70,000 miles on it.

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My Dad won a red Pontiac Fiero at work. (For those who don't know what it was, it was a two seater car, with the engine in the back, and the spare in the front under the hood.  A completely impractical car for anybody but a single person. :))   He called me at home (I was 16) and told me I could pick it up at the dealership that Thursday.  I almost died of shock.  I assumed my car was going to be our old Jeep Wagoneer.  I was so psyched because it had speakers in the seat and a cassette deck (there were no CDs back then).  The Jeep had an 8-track which you couldn't find stuff for.  


I had her through college until she was traded in on a Mitsubishi Eclipse when I graduated.  The Mitsubishi was a stick-shift, and I loved her to death.  She was so much fun to drive.  

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1983 . First car a 1972 Toyota Corona. Baby blue 4 door. I loved that car. I paid it off $50 a month but can't remember for how long. I drove it for about 3 years and sold it to a co worker for $800 down. She was suppose to pay out another few hundred, but of course I never saw it.

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Brand new, fire engine red 1988 Ford Festiva. It was so tiny that when I would park I'd pick up the car and attach it to my keyring so it wouldn't get lost.


A few days before Mother's Day in 1992 I took my mother to Franks Nursery and Crafts to buy her a dogwood tree. We were gonna stuff that tree in that tiny car, but when I went to bring the car to the front of the store...it was gone.


It had been stolen. The man who stole it had it for 3 days and put 1000 miles on it. But he got drunk/high and smashed it into a parked car. He backed up to drive away and smashed it into a second parked car. My car stopped working at that point. The people in the neighborhood whose cars he was smashing came out to see what was going on. When he tried to run away, they all ran after him, tackled him, and pinned him to the ground until the police could come.


He served a year in prison for grand theft auto.

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The first cars that were "mine" were hand-me-down Volvo station wagons that had been our family cars. The first was an '86 that I drove junior and senior years of high school (it died while my sister was driving it home from work) then a '94 that I got for my last year of college and drove until it became too unreliable when my kids were babies. My parents took it back and now one of my brother's bachelor friends is driving it. Those cars were tanks. My brother was rear-ended two different times in the '86 and while both other cars were totaled, the Volvo got scratches on the bumper and a slightly bent tailpipe.


The first car DH and I bought together is a '06 Hyundai Elantra that we're hoping to replace soon. In college DH drove an Oldsmobile Delta 88. That was quite a boat of a car. He sold it to the uncle of his girlfriend at the time before buying his sister's old Geo Prism for law school.

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It was an old gold-colored VW van/bus.  We got it right before we got married, before we moved out East for grad school.  My husband sewed curtains for it.  When my husband got his first job after grad school, the company provided a car so we sold the van. 


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It was a silver monte carlo. I.don't remember the year. I loved that car. Sold it to my cousin when I got my Lebaron convertible. Then came the Buick park avenue. Loved that car as much as my monte carlo. So sad when it was stolen. Cutlass supreme was next. And then came the mini van. And then the second mini van which I still drive.

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Why does this topic seem so dear to my heart (and so many others, by the looks of things)?  :lol:   


First (and most favourite) car was a 1981 VW Rabbit 5-speed with a/c!!!!  It was used, but in great condition. I'd still have it if I hadn't moved and couldn't keep it. :crying:  

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1990 Plymouth Sundance I bought second- or third?-hand in 1998. Red. Everything I owned at the time fit into it.


I drove it until 2001, when we bought DH's car (only new car ever, and he still drives it) and he gave me the car his parents had handed down to him. We donated the Sundance, as its cash value would've been in the $100 range--depending on how much gas was in the tank, I suppose. ;)

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In 1987, it was a 1984 navy blue Volkswagon Rabbit (Wolfsburg edition) that I paid $3500 for with my own money at age 16.  I learned how to drive a stick on it.  It lasted through college.  I drove that thing from NJ to college in SC for two years and OH for two years.  In the end it would continue to "run" a good 30 seconds once you turned it off.  I loved that car.  I got a new car when I started law school in 1992 because my parents didn't feel the Rabbit was safe any longer.

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