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Hive, I need a friend

plain jane

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So sorry you're going through this! Our oldest dd is in the same spot- it's been almost a year since her dh lost his job. It's tough!! Are you getting any help, like food stamps or free medical insurance for your kids?  I hope you find some relief soon- I know the stress is just awful. 

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Hey gals.  I haven't been active much on here for some time.  I don't know what brings me here now other than I am in dire need of a friend.  Of *some* sort of shoulder to cry on.  Please don't quote me as I need to delete this, but for now I just need to get this off my chest.



I'm so sorry. (((hug)))


I do wish you and your family all of the best. I wish I could help out. 

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We were there a couple years ago.  I understand every single word you typed. :grouphug:   You are in my thoughts and prayers.  I know there is little that can be said to help lift the weight of everything, but know you are not alone and that you matter, even when things have gone so horribly wrong.  :grouphug:

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Praying for you.


Does your husband have a degree or skills he could use in another direction? There are some openings for good jobs around here (of course, COL is extremely high, and I know moving or sending him to work away from you may not be an option.


Not trying to problem solve, but...Ok, maybe I am... :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry you're going through this.  :grouphug:   We've been there, unemployed, empty checking account, not knowing how to buy food...  It's hard to understand just how stressful it is until you've lived through it.  You will come through it though, even if it seems impossible right now. 

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Praying for you and hugs! I've missed seeing you around here. I'm so sorry you are going through all this. I went through a period similar to this when my husband was so sick with MS he couldn't work.


Advice: sign up for all the government help you can right now and hold your head up high. It is there to help people get on their feet. Try to get food stamps as well. 

If you have a water bill or electric bill hanging over your head, try to ask for help from your church, or even a neighboring church. Most churches have a specific fund for those type of things. I know our church did and my dh (the pastor) helped many in need. 

Above all, take a deep breath. You can make it through. Hugs to you during this terribly low time for you.

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