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Susan in TN

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Susan in TN last won the day on August 19 2022

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About Susan in TN

  • Birthday 11/14/1969

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    : Land O' Cupcakes

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  1. Good morning! 2 more days 'til Puppy! We watched a movie last night (Yesterday) after the concert, so everyone slept late. Sister-in-law works all day today so I said good-bye to her as we will have to leave for the airport before she gets home. Nothing really planned for today as far as I know. Just hanging around. When the boys are up we might give the new basketball hoop a try. Should be fairly entertaining, lol. Coffee!
  2. Good morning! We are still in MN. It's my sister's birthday today. Yesterday we played dodgeball and pickleball in the house gym and my brother got his basketball hoop installed. Tonight we are going to a Chicago cover band concert. I love watching the outdoor kittens play. Coffee!
  3. I'd like to see a video of the cats throwing a fit. My brother and sil have two outdoor kittens who live in an outdoor "cat habitat" for now until they get older.
  4. Good morning from MN! We are staying in my brother's house which he designed. It's huge. Plenty of room for the 14 of us who are here. We played dodgeball in their 2-story mini gym this morning. Coffee!
  5. Dd15's temp is down to normal so she is packing!! I went out and got some sudafed.
  6. Good morning! It's The Queen's favorite day! Dd15 is still sleeping so I don't know if she is running a fever. Her temp went up to 102.6 yesterday afternoon, but then was normal a few hours after tylenol last night. I'm hoping it burned itself out. Anyhoo. It's almost 8am and breakfast is ready but everyone is still asleep except me and the dogs, who are starting their morning wrestling match. Anyhoo. We leave for the airport at 1pm. If dd15 is able to go, I will run out to get her some Sudafed. Coffee!
  7. The Ladies of Grief Book Club was very nice as usual. For a bunch of old widows, we sure have a lot going on. Our book was The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules which I can't say that I recommend simply because it was originally written in Swedish and it seems something was definitely lost in translation in terms of style and humor. It's just pretty clunky in English. However, if you are fluent in Swedish you should definitely give it a go.
  8. I have been working on getting pine sap out of my favorite stretchy pants. They are going through the wash once more and with any luck they will be wearable. Meanwhile, ds29 said he almost passed out after doing some stretches with his hands and wrists. Svengo. Anyone else having weird medical issues they want to throw at me?
  9. Good morning! Dd15 is still running a fever and with the stuffiness. 😭 What do you do if you've bought a plane ticket for someone who can't fly? I am pretty sure it is not refundable or transferable (Delta). Maybe she'll be OK by tomorrow. I have book club this afternoon. Otherwise just getting ready for the trip. Coffee!
  10. I had a hummingbird feeder for a while but the bees and ants took over. I probably should have taken better care of it. Sometimes I get a hummingbird around my hanging flowers on the front porch. We get so excited we probably scare them away pretty quick, lol.
  11. Well there are a bunch more packages on the front porch again. Maybe I should get a giant camping tarp and stake it down over their front steps 😂
  12. Our new neighbors have had packages on their front step since yesterday and it looked like they have not been home (car not in driveway) and since it looked like it was about to rain, I grabbed a couple trash bags and put them over the packages so they wouldn't get wet. Then we left for the walk-in clinic. The packages were gone when we got back. Sigh. I hope they didn't think I was being a crazy person.
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