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The Christmas Hits list


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For DS14, the car-racing video game Forza 4. He is obsessed with performance cars of late. Also loves his all-things-Nike theme - a gym bag, shirt, socks. And in a mark of growing maturity, thrilled with his own blow dryer.


For DS11, his first-ever iPod, along with 2 Peanuts books and Lego movie Legos.

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My oldest daughter got a fashion plates set, and she loves it! She's been playing with it all afternoon. And I'm happy because I always wanted one and never got it, so it's a win-win.


Of the course the Lego sets are all popular.


The Spirograph is popular, if not maddening.


Overall, it's been a great Christmas! :)

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Everything was hits here too:


Dd - new art set which dh compiled specially with some really really nice stuff in it;  book, Ed Sheerhan CD, IPod case, minion flash drive


Ds - new effects pedal for electric guitar, book on gunsmithing, "World's Okayest brother" shirt from dd, a Star Trek Red shirt from me and a turn table that will arrive for New Year's, minion flash drive


Dh - speedometer for his bike, Home Free vocal band CD, bike water bottle, and a Hebrew Bible that hasn't come yet since it has shipped from Israel


Me - three sessions with a personal trainer that I asked for, Molly Katzen's "Vegetables Dishes I can't Live Without" cookbook (I got this from the library and was so sad when I had to take it back!), and what blew me away - ds made me some new wallpaper for my computer by taking photos of my favorite cat Agatha who disappeared a number of years ago on Christmas (most likely a coyote) and making line drawings of them using some kind of a computer program.  

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I was feeling terrible about Christmas this year...  I had been very sick two weeks ago, and BabyBaby had a birthday & friends party, plus SweetChild had *24* Holiday shows with her song & dance ensemble- so I just was not able to do the shopping, but actually, not much planning- so gifts were kinda random- what I saw wherever I happened to be, KWIM?


Oddly enough, all the girls had a gift or two that they just LOVED...


Diamond loved her "book quotes" mug made (decorated) by her sisters. She also loved her "Huntress" action figure.

SweetChild was thrilled with the $10/clearance price $8.50 set of ELF makeup brushes.

BabyBaby loves her socks. Just boring packaged athletic socks from Walmart- cushioned, breatheable, arch support, mostly grey but colorful toes/heels.

Mr. Rebel got his own toenail clippers, but that gift was more for me. :ack2:

I got a gift certificate for an hour massage! :wub:

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8yo DD -- Imaginext (Fisher-Price) castle dragon, LEGO Dragon Mountain, light saber

6yo DD -- stuffed Grumpy Cat, light saber, all the Ninja Turtle half-shell heroes/sewer lair


Honestly, everything was a huge hit here! Oldest DD informed me that it was the best gift-year ever...which is great, since apparently Santa dropped the ball last year and gave them "weird outdoor toys."

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dd 24 and fiance- engagement sitting and photographs

ds 20- professional microphone for his camera

ds 14- stop action camera, software and book

dd11- playmobile and cowgirl boots (such a tweenie- sniffle- I love this age!)

dh-nerd- Annotated Jewish Bible

Me- serious shea butter body lotion- love!


For everyone - minecraft books and an arcade quality air hockey table- total win! 

Working and homeschooling has been challenging but it's been a blast to have some cash flow!!

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Very sick with awful, wet cold. Was down to the last quarter of a box of Puffs with Lotion. Then my son produced and gave me an almost full box from his room, left over from when he was sick. He gets the perfect gift award, at least for this year! And now my husband doesn't have to try to go to the store on Christmas Day.

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Everything!!! The best ones I think-

Dh-weathertech mats for his new truck and cigars (I had to call his best friend for the name/brand)

Dd3 (4 years)-a trampoline and Magformers

Dd2 (6 years)and dd1 (9 years)-dirt bikes

Dd2-a ton of crafts, in fact, she's already done about half of them!

Dd1-tons of books, including the last three Gods of Olympus books in hardback and Rick Riordans greek gods book. A spy kit.

My mom-convection oven and dutch oven from us and a veggeti (sp???) lol



*updated with ages

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I forgot mine! My dh bought me four books on raising chickens and building coops. It's a small gift, but I love it because it's totally ME. It's nothing he would ever want, and I know it was hard for him to understand that about me...I don't want fancy or expensive. I love to read and throw myself into researching things. And we just bought a house with acreage and I'm dying to have a small homestead. He does.not.get.this. Lol. He doesn't see why I'd want the additional work if I could run up to the store for food. But despite not understanding me, he got me something that is truly special for ME. And so it means the world to me. I've been reading them all day.

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Dd17- an original painting by one of her favorite (small time) artists. She was in tears when she realized what it was. Best reaction ever.


Ds12- this is embarrassing, but he was crazy about the spam he got in his stocking. He also loved the model Ferrari that he has to build.


Dd10- Heelys.

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Dd is ever so happy about her sewing machine, even though she knew she was getting it, and was nagging Nanna for sewing lessons all Christmas afternoon. Poor Nanna didn't want to give sewing lessons on Christmas Day, so we're going back today so Dd can try her luck again. :D


Naturally everyone *loved* the hankies she embroidered for them. :) With running stitch accomplished, she's raring to learn something else!

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Big kids loved their new iPad minis.


Ds11 also got a 3ds Pokemon game that he's loving

Dd9 was pretty excited about the magic 8 ball and the magnatiles

Ds1 is thrilled with everything, play food, play pots and pans, little trucks, puzzles, littl people

DH got a bunch of cards against humanity expansions, perfect for our New Years party

And I got a day rental kayak and stand up paddle board for dh and I, I've been wanting to do it since we got here, some new gel polish, a Yankee candle


And All of us are going on a submarine ride tomorrow!

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All good here too.


Ds: slot car track, Playmobil, Star Wars lego, wizard's cape, UT hoodie

Dd: giant stack of horse books for WP Equine Science, Breyer horses, Playmobil, Frozen shirt

Dh: golf gps watch and basketball tickets to see the Vols vs. Alabama.

Me: Seeing my family love their gifts!

LOTR songs and poems cd set, theater tickets to see Joseph (for all 4 of us), a soft warm scarf

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My 11 yo asked for a microscope, which we initially were not going to get him, but after coming up with no other ideas, we got him this one, along with a box of blank and prepared slides.  He has looked at it all afternoon.  He also loves his Tardis blanket and some Under Armour gear.  He loves everything.  You could wrap a used spatula, and he would rave about how awesome it will be for his scrambled eggs.  


My 14 yo's favorites were an Eno and a pair of fuzzy headphones.  These both beat out the bed (actually a new headboard; we are buying the rest tomorrow--hard to hide new mattresses).  


My 17 yo is crazy-hard to buy for, but she seems to like her kilim boots.


My husband and I talk all the time about retiring to Wyoming in 10 or 12 years, so he has loved his box of Wyoming books, maps and a flag.


Me:  My 11 yo's relatively quick recovery from the flu.

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Dh - Frank Zappa CD's and DVD.

Me - Fitbit, Photoshop Elements

Big dd - tickets to see Caberet on Broadway (with Emma Stone), Chipotle gift cards.

Ds - 3DSXL and Pokémon game, Minecraft books, Skylander book, SIMS 4

Little dd - 3DSXL and Hello Kitty game, Fairy books, and a Frozen ear warmer that she's been wearing all day.


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Dd 15yo -- Miranda Sings sweatpants -- bright red, bad fit, with "Haters Back Off" across the bum. Also, tons of Grumpy Cat stuff.


Dd 19 -- hat I knit that I hated, but she thinks is perfect.  Also, personal coffee maker -- thanks to all who answered that thread.


Dh -- Ninja -- the Nutri one


Me -- subscription to Threads (sewing magazine)

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Hits(thank goodness because they only got one big thing)

16yo-36 acrylic set she requested

13yo-video game, he loves it, my 20 yo picked it up for me, I don't even remember the name

11 yo- Galaxy 3 tablet, she is over the moon! I'm not telling her I got it for free when I upgraded phone in Sept

7yo- " old" Easy Bake I found at a second hand store with all the pieces for $3. It had coupons in it that expired in 1994 . She has baked all day.

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Me: a beautiful salad bowl hand chiseled from one solid piece of cherry wood by a local artisan and a big crock for making pickles/sauerkraut

Dh: moustache wax, beard oil and a bottle of good scotch 

Ds10: new clothes, web cam, framed posters to redecorate his room 

Dd6: her own laptop, a 2015 diary, earrings  

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All of us- a trip to Disney World in January.


Me- an apothecary jar


Husband- DVD collection of corny sci-fi movies from the 80s- Flash Gordon, Dune, Last Starfighter, and Battlestar Gallactica (he thought this was the greatest thing ever)


Son 18- credit card (tied to my account) and a Zelda map puzzle


Son 16- book on epic battles thoughout history and an expansion set to Arkham Horror board game


Son 14- Lego Star Wars Scout Trooper ship and a blue Link hat from Zelda


Daughter (almost 12)- bed for American Girl Julie and a piece of American Tourister luggage


Yesterday we let the kids open a case of various soda in glass bottles and Mario Kart for the WiiU.  Both were a huge hit and the kids said that there were fine with only that for Christmas.

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DS12: A didgeridoo. He'd forgotten he'd asked for it and was highly amused and happy to open it this morning.


DS9: His bow and arrow (nerf) that he asked for last year, but for some reason didn't get and he waited a whole year and asked for it again and FINALLY got.


ME: iTunes gift card. I'm not all that big into music, but I just bought almost every single song I love and it's wonderful to have all the music I love in all the same place. (I only like about 100 songs in all the world.)


DH: Well, I don't know. He doesn't care about presents on Christmas. He liked everything equally. He's just happy for the day off work to lie around relaxing and eating Chinese food.

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DD16 pair of Uggs (she chipped in $100) and Bearpaws. Clothes from Ambercrombie, Hollister, AE and Pink. DVDs, Tech accessories, nail polish, perfume, Buffalo Wild Wings GC, lots of boot socks, bath items, lip glosses etc.


DS20. Bose headphones , 8 Ghibli and Anime movies. 2 tv show series, several CDs, Pathfinder books, Amazon GC, Magic cards (specific cards).  


DD8 AG doll and clothes. MLP items, bath items. puzzles, Bearpaw style boots, Kimochi octopus, 


DH All-CLad waffle iron and some yummy mixes and syrups.  FireTv stick that he no longer needs (bought for his work travel but he got laid off 2 weeks ago ;0(  )   French Press and coffees.


Me.  Car windows tinted, Instant Pot, Starbucks GC, 

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Meghan (11) loved her karoake machine with cds to go with it.

Maleficent, which I luckily got for five bucks.

Alex sewing kit, flower press, mosaic horse jewelry box

Ever After High stuff and a couple of books...a board and a card game-Ogres and Elves and Cardline Animals, fun!


Her brother gifted her a scrapbook and card kit, she was so excited. :)

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DD 7: A pink lion Beanie Boo that I searched everywhere for on her birthday but did not find in stores until NOW. Also, Lego Friends.


DD 5: Beanie boos and Lego friends as well. Heidi Hecklebeck books were a hit too, she sat down and read 3 chapters the second she opened them.

DS 3: PlasmaCar and Tonka truck for the win!

DS 4 mo: Wrapping paper... and a taggie blanket. 

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This is our first Christmas as a family of three, so I think I went a bit overboard trying to make it a good one, but luckily the kids loved absolutely everything and said it was one of the best Christmases ever, so that made me happy.


DS16's biggest hits were the Game of Thrones LARP sword (like a nerf sword but much larger & cooler!) and tee shirts from Tee Fury and Think Geek. He also got the new Molecules book, Old Norse books, a wind-up 3CPO, a Nanoblock Parthenon, special Lego minifigs (Roman commander, Julius Caesar, Minotaur, Cyclops, Barbarian), Mongolian throat singing CDs, and a bunch of fencing equipment.


DD12 had a very Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli themed Christmas: her favorites were a stuffed Jiji (cat from Kiki's Delivery Service) and 5 Totoro-themed tees from Tee Fury (she squealed when she saw the Totoro/Hello Kitty mashup). She also got a Kiki's 2015 planner; Totoro playing cards, makeup bag, coin purse, and charms; book of the artwork from Spirited Away; several anime DVDs; a Soft Kitty bathrobe (Big Bang Theory reference); Simpson's Lego; and some Ugg-type boots from Target.



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Ds11 is begging us to find old credit cards and gift cards so he can use his guitar pick punch. Seriously, the kid has already punched a lifetime supply of guitar picks and he wants to punch more.


The kids pretty much liked everything that they got. They always do, they're easy that way.


DD's fiancé liked the book we got for him, What If? I knew he would because my boys have been reading it non-stop and he's got similar interests.



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Link (almost 11) - Zelda Skyward Sword for the Wii.  It's not new but we hadn't bought it for whatever reason, and he was so happy about it he jumped up and down.  :lol:  Then again, he is pretty dramatic.

Astro (9) - Super Smash Brothers for the 3DS.  He is laid back so we rarely get big reactions from him.  When he got this he did go, 'YESSS!!' and throw his hands in the air.

Pink (5.5) - stuffed Pikachu that talks and sits on her shoulder.  Not surprisingly.  She is one of those kids who you want to open your gifts, though - everything she opens is ''Sooo beauuuutiful!'' 


Those were probably some of the biggest hits.  They were happy with everything though.  :)

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DD (16) - ukelele, Prisma markers, piano/vocal books of a few of her favorite musicals

DS (12) - tennis racket, Lego set, Planet Doku game

DH - a few new outfits (b/c he rarely buys clothes for himself)

Me - KnitPix circular knitting needles set, two books I've been wanting to read


And the grand surprise...After everything was opened (or so they thought), we pulled out envelopes for the kids with passport applications and announced we're taking a trip to England and France this summer!  The look on their faces was priceless.:)

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