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Add my back, lumbar 3 to the broken list. All my breaks (ribs, pelvis, back) are considered stable and be weight rearing. That means the treatment if PT. I walked today, from bed to chair with a walker.


My clavical, femur, and knee are deep soft tissues bruised, along qith my lungs.


Theyfound the guy's name and that he has insrance. He may have hd drugs in the car.


I found a chunk of glass in my nose today and constantly find someon my body.


The kids are with friends; except for andrew.

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Ouch. I get the glass thing.... dh was in a wreck years ago, we found glass for months in the strangest places!


Do.not.settle if his insurance offers a lump sum now. Its too soon. You have either 2 or 3 years (can't remember) and once you settle, you are done. I was told settlement is 2 1/2 times all expenses to account for pain and suffering. And that is minimum. Also, be prepared for the insurance company asking for a verbal statement, they will try to get it soon. Don't admit any fault, they may try to get you to. Get someone, a friend, a lawyer, to help you figure out what you want to say. The less the better, facts only. We went without a lawyer because they were fair in dealing with us. But I said the second they weren't I would get one.


So sorry you are dealing with this.

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Continuing good thoughts for your healing.


You probably need a lawyer to help you work out the insurance claim. The issue of your lost income will be important since you have multiple sources, making it a bit complicated.


I agree with the previous poster. Do not settle. I believe you have 2 years,but that probably varies by state.

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I just posted on the other thread, then saw this update.


I am *so* glad the other guy has insurance. I agree with the others to not settle.... in fact, I would consider a lawyer or at least someone who has gone through something similar---- there will be questions that need to be asked and you may not know about them. Really--- you need someone to help you. You will need help with things you can't even imagine yet. Susan C. has great advice.


I can't stop thinking of you. I'm sending healing thoughts your way.

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Joanne, I am deeply sorry that this has happened to you. You have faced so many trials with such dignity and strength. May the support from your friends, in real life and on this board, help ease some of the burden.


Thank goodness the man was found and that he has insurance.

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Thanks for posting the update, Joanne -- I'm sure it's a real chore for you to try to get on the computer right now, but we really appreciate knowing how you're doing.


It's such a relief that the guy has insurance. Was he charged with leaving the scene of an accident? I can't even begin to imagine what kind of horrible person could run away from something like that, knowing full well that you were trapped and seriously injured inside your car. He must have been drunk or on drugs, or there was something else he didn't want the police to know at that moment.


I am so, so sorry you're suffering like this. :(

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Ouch. I get the glass thing.... dh was in a wreck years ago, we found glass for months in the strangest places!


Do.not.settle if his insurance offers a lump sum now. Its too soon. You have either 2 or 3 years (can't remember) and once you settle, you are done. I was told settlement is 2 1/2 times all expenses to account for pain and suffering. And that is minimum. Also, be prepared for the insurance company asking for a verbal statement, they will try to get it soon. Don't admit any fault, they may try to get you to. Get someone, a friend, a lawyer, to help you figure out what you want to say. The less the better, facts only. We went without a lawyer because they were fair in dealing with us. But I said the second they weren't I would get one.


So sorry you are dealing with this.


Sound, sound advice.


Meanwhile, shall continue to pray for your complete recovery.



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