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My son found his birthmother on Facebook -- update

Rose in BC

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I think we have a plan. The social services has agreed to provide birth mom with some financial support for food and stuff in exchange for twice monthly visits from social worker and more frequent contact with our local social worker. Not perfect (I don't want my son to starve but I'm not overly keen about financial compensation to birth mother.). Social worker explained to birthmother that she has no legal claim to son. That we are his parents. However this is a formal agreement with social services which ensures some accountability. The agreement will be for three months. Social worker told me they don't believe ds to be in danger. A completely different style of home, but not danger. Oh and attendance at school is obligatory.


I also contacted police to see what would happen if they ever picked him up. With this plan in place we have some protection. Police said their concern would be for his physical well being which is being provided.


It was a tough day. Social services weren't exactly eager to be involved this way (I get it) but I reminded them we had sought council from them about letting him go to birthmom in first place and they advised us to let him go and I also told them we adopted a boy with significantly greater challenges than was identified at time of adoption. That they had a moral obligation to help us. I guess I convinced them because at 4:30 they called with this plan.


Again not perfect (which would be boy at home happy with his family) but okay for now. Who knows what happens in three months.

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That plan sounds like a reasonable agreement.  It helps you to know someone will be checking on him, but still doesn't push him to go into hiding to avoid being found.


 I can't imagine your pain, it is almost like you have felt double the pain of delivering him.  Once, accepting him, adopting him, and loving him despite his prickly ways....and now the pain of being his mom and him being removed from your care with out a chance to be ready for him to go.  The pain of raising a special needs kid is so intense, but to add this to it....that is just over the top!


 What a tremendously painful year for you.  :grouphug: Hugs, and prayers of love and warmth to you and yours.



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Is there any way to make sure your son knows she is getting money specifically for his care?  I'm thinking, if she does not spend it solely on him, he may get a glimpse at another, unpleasant, side of her.  And if she does spend it solely on him, you can be relieved that there is at least that fundamental tidbit of care.




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 And I don't think the police actually jail runaways. I think they keep returning them to their family, but I've never heard of anyone incarcerated more than temporarily for running away repeatedly. 

Actually, they do.  They are called Chronic status offenders in the juvie world.  Runaways, truants, and probabtion breakers.  In GA and SC they are held for 60 days in a special juvie hall.

I used to volunteer as a tutor in a CSTOP program.

But that's in the states.  No idea what canada does.

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Is there any way to make sure your son knows she is getting money specifically for his care? I'm thinking, if she does not spend it solely on him, he may get a glimpse at another, unpleasant, side of her. And if she does spend it solely on him, you can be relieved that there is at least that fundamental tidbit of care.

Excellent idea. If nothing else, Social Services should discuss this with your son.

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:grouphug:  Rose.  It may not be ideal, but a plan like that isn't terrible either.  Official services and contact are a security in this situation.  Still... I am hoping for better for you eventually.

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Is there any way to make sure your son knows she is getting money specifically for his care?  I'm thinking, if she does not spend it solely on him, he may get a glimpse at another, unpleasant, side of her.  And if she does spend it solely on him, you can be relieved that there is at least that fundamental tidbit of care.


Good point. I think he should know exactly how much she gets to care for him.

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I heard this song (by Bread) on the radio and thought of you:


It don't matter to me
If you really feel that
You need some time to be free
Time to go out searching for yourself
Hoping to find
Time ... to go to find

It don't matter to me
If you take up with
Someone who's better than me
'Cause your happiness is all I want

For you to find
Peace ... your peace of mind

A lot of people have an ego hang-up
'Cause they want to be the only one
How many came before it really doesn't matter
Just as long as you're the last
Everybody's moving on and try to find out
What's been missing in the past

And it don't matter to me
If your searching brings you back together with me
'Cause there'll always be
An empty room waiting for you
An open heart waiting for you
Time is on my side ...
I know it does matter to you, but hopefully "time is on your side."
Wishing you peace in the mean time.
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Again thanks for all the care and concern.


The birthmother will get room and board directly with he getting a small allowance for needs I.e. clothes. They will give him money twice weekly so that he doesn't have a large chunk to blow at one time.


It's been a very draining week and if you can believe it this afternoon I went to a funeral of a friend of mine only two years older than me. She died of cancer diagnosed nine months ago. It's a reminder of how short life is. And I don't want to waste my life. I've spent a lot of time this summer grieving. Even today I feel drained.


I want to wake up tomorrow with a fresh start. And not feel guilt that we couldn't meet all his needs.


It's going to take some effort.

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He is so fortunate to have such a supportive mom. :). Hugs to you.


You may remember my 15 yr old ds found his birthmother on Facebook in May. Well she sent him a plane ticket and he is going to see her July 4th.


As time ticks closer i can see the stress building in him but he's insistent on going. Honestly I won't be surprised if he changes his mind at last minute, which we would fully support.


I guess we'll see Thursday. I'm drained from the drama already but there could be a lot more ahead.

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Again thanks for all the care and concern.


The birthmother will get room and board directly with he getting a small allowance for needs I.e. clothes. They will give him money twice weekly so that he doesn't have a large chunk to blow at one time.


It's been a very draining week and if you can believe it this afternoon I went to a funeral of a friend of mine only two years older than me. She died of cancer diagnosed nine months ago. It's a reminder of how short life is. And I don't want to waste my life. I've spent a lot of time this summer grieving. Even today I feel drained.


I want to wake up tomorrow with a fresh start. And not feel guilt that we couldn't meet all his needs.


It's going to take some effort.

You absolutely met his needs.  He was fed, kept warm, clothed, had medical care, had a home, had a family, had boundaries, had support, had forgiveness and had love.  


No one will ever meet his wants, because his version of satisfaction....will never, ever, be the version seen from the outside. My guess is.... If he says "can I have a peanut butter sandwich" he likely got mad and said "you made it with Strawberry. I hate strawberry, you know I only eat grape" (even though he ate strawberry last week).   His version of the question makes it impossible for him to have his desires met.  I would surmise that anytime his desires were met, it was typically by happy accident.  That is why this family has him off kilter. It is all new.  There is no 'you know.....'.  


No one could meet the wants of kids with RAD.  Attachment, fondness, being grateful for compassion....(and on and on) is contrived, altered and askew.   You know this better than anyone. 


There is no way you should feel guilty. I know you can't control this feeling but please work towards letting go of it. You can't win a game, when you don't know what the rules are and since they likely changed every day, you didn't have more that a lucky chance on any given day.  There is no way you could have met his wants all the time, but I have zero doubt you absolutely met his needs. 



I know you have to process through your feelings of loss, but know that we all adore you here and will do anything we can to support your walk through this hell.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I think the plan with social services sounds like it is as good as you could hope for. You did a great job arranging it!


Also a huge hug for you on the death of your friend. I had a close friend die from cancer last fall and am still gathering myself back together. Not sure why it has been so hard for me but it has been. Totally agree with living each day to the fullest. I feel so bad for you going through this along with your son's problems.

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I want to wake up tomorrow with a fresh start. And not feel guilt that we couldn't meet all his needs.


It's going to take some effort.

Ok. That is what I will pray for you - release from guilt. His needs are a bucket that no person can fill. You give what you can. But you can't give wholeness, healing, freedom from suffering, the peace that passes all understanding. Those are not your to give, and I will pray that you will see what you do give as enough. You give your best.

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Rose, I haven't commented here but I've been reading all summer. You are amazing! Please don't think you didn't meet his needs. No one thinks that!!


I hope you and your family can take a nice road trip to get away. Check into a hotel, swim and let someone else cook for a few days!

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People, I just about lost it. I picked up the phone tonight and birthmom was on the other end. It startled me. I have talked three times with her before...all before ds left.


The boy needs shoes. I knew that because he called Saturday to inform me that if I was his real mother I would want to send money for shoes.


Well no. I don't want to send money. But i did phone my sister who is relatively close and asked her if she would take him shoe shopping. Absolutely. She gave me the days she was available. I forwarded information to son.


Well that's not good enough according to birthmom. And he needs food too. The money that we arranged through social services doesn't start flowing until next week. Well my sister is willing to feed him too. Nope, not good enough.


That turned into 45 minutes of hell. (I had the sense to FaceTime my sister for her to listen in case i wasn't objective).


She told me I was legally obligated to provide for him. I assured her we would care for him if he was living its us. Nope. No matter where he wants to live I need to financially support him. I told her that made no sense. If my dd suddenly wanted to move to Toronto I would have to facilitate that?


It was bad.


My sister was signaling to shut it down. So I told her that our next conversation would be with social services on line.


I am a bit rattled. (And rambling. I just needed to vent.)

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Hold out. I wouldn't ever give them a dime. They are users and I think they will help your son to become such too and certainly encourage him to manipulate you.


Smart woman to FaceTime your sister.


Smart woman to insist on going through legal services to deal with them.


You are being far more patient than I'd ever likely be.


I pray one day he comes home ready to accept your love and return it.



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I'm sorry. I been following since the beginning and it just keeps getting worse. I wouldn't give them money. If he wants to be out on his own then he needs to know what it is truly like. It sounds like they are very manipulative. They wanted to take him from you but aren't willing to bear the cost of that. That shouldn't fly. Don't pay his expenses. Don't enable the behavior. Just keep telling him that you love him and you will always be there if he needs it but don't let them use you for money. I hope he will eventually come to his senses and realize what he did.

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Thanks for listening ...and assuring me we're not being unreasonable. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight. Sometimes it seems too overwhelming. My dh is so upset right now. As is my daughter. I just keep replaying the conversation in mymind.


And the worst part? We so are willing to have a relationship with that woman. But I can't see that ever being likely given how she communicates with me.


I am going to soak in a hot bath. Maybe that will help. (Someone posted about accidentally buying a bottle of southern comfort tonight.....I wished I were her neighbor :). )

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Rose, I admire your dignity, your level-headedness and the way you are dealing with all of this through the obvious love you have for your son.  You are being beyond reasonable and accommodating. 

These people are manipulating your son (and that he will unfortunately have to learn for himself) and are trying to manipulate you. 

Stay strong :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: .

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Honestly (and now the tears are flowing) I feel like my life has become a bad made for TV movie.


I can't believe this mess.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Rose, this conversation with birth mom was a godsend.  Now you do not have "suspicions" that the woman is using your son for the money.  You know it.  There is great freedom in knowing absolutely the truth in a situation.  When you know the truth you speak from position of superiority over those who wish to hide the truth from you. 


You have arranged for his care.  Your sister is willing to step in.  That is enough.  He knows where to go if he needs help.


This woman is mentally ill, most likely.  Is it any surprise that the child she gave birth to has an attachment disorder?


You know the truth.  Your son will, hopefully, one day see the truth.  You have done enough.  The arrangements are in place.  They can live according to those arrangements or he can return home.  The choice is his.



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I still don't get how the birth mom went from "I want my son back" to "you're his mother, you feed him."  ??  I realize we are not talking about rational people.


Sorry you are going through this.  I think you are doing the right things.

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I don't think I would be paying for anything. I would not pay for shoes either. They wanted him, they can support him. I was giving my mom major issues as a teen. I took off over and over. At first she did send money and stuff but I still treated her bad. Finally she was done and while it ticked me off it was the best thing she could have done. I would take no more calls from her either and if your son starts in with that, if you were my real mother stuff I would say well your with her let her buy your stuff tell him you love him and hang up. There is no pleasing people like that. I can't believe she had the nerve to call you. What a piece of work. You have done all you can now I would just try to concentrate on the kids at home and getting back to a new normal. I hope you feel better soon  

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Rose: I  believe that you should never aid them financially, in any way. To clarify, I do not believe that you should send them money, or, that your sister should buy shoes or food, or anything else for him. Let them (and Social Services) provide what he needs. I am sending you gentle hugs from Colombia



Very sorry about the death of your friend. My wife's best friend died, last November, of Breast Cancer that spread to other areas of her body, She was several years younger than my wife.

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