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Everything posted by Frosch

  1. Now. I always put my decorations up the week of Thanksgiving. I start in the living room and then work my way to the dining room. That room is often still decorated for fall/Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving. Then we do the outside after Thanksgiving. I did entertain the idea of doing a very simple decor this year. That idea was abandoned pretty quickly. It's going to be a colorful, glittery, and brightly lit year.
  2. I can later today. I'm actually shuffling the yarn right now. I mistreated the stash during the COVID time and am now paying the price for my negligence. (I am winding yarn and tidying up all the yarn.) Old glass-front gun cabinets make wonderful yarn cabinets. I know I have seen them on Pinterest.
  3. That buffet/sideboard is gorgeous! I would love to have a piece like that. Sadly, we are at the "piece-in, piece out" stage of our antique collecting.
  4. I have three china cabinets throughout the house. The youngest is from 1947 and stores my yarn in my craft room. The other two are smaller antique pieces to store my pretty glass. (I collect Early American Pattern Glass) I also have an antique buffet and two chapel hutches from our time in Europe. (china, serving dishes, vases, and silver) But that's for stored items and not arranged for display. Estate sales are great places to get some lovely china cabinets. We have no minimalism in our house. 🤣 However we do host all of the family get-togethers and dinners plus five to six other parties each year so I have and use a lot of stuff. (That's my excuse for the amount of stuff stored here.)
  5. Two rescued GSD's at our house. One was a puppy that we failure to thrive. (a beautiful old girl now) and the other an old neglected fellow who is the most adoring and appreciative dog I have ever known. They both have their own issues but aggression isn't on the list. Our COVID-based issues have been dryer parts on back order, allergy shots for one itchy GSD on limited availability, and hunting down my kid's limited menu items due to his allergy testing. Oh, and I had to wait for 3 months to get recalls done for my vehicle. (sigh)
  6. I come from a family of dark humor and sarcasm. We learn it very young. My sister (much older than I has owned a copy of that since it's printing. Her children and I grew up with it and always laughed about the poor pitiful children. My sons loved it too. It's far superior to The Uncle Shelby's ABZ book. (Though that one is rather devious.)
  7. If I could move the laundry upstairs where the bedrooms are, my life would be better. A pool and a screened porch would be the sprinkles on my cupcake and I would never leave the house. (and the kids wouldn't either.)
  8. This is our thought also. I am almost resentful of the things that are creeping back into our lives. I really enjoyed our time with no plans except what we wanted to get done. We were always very excessively busy. Since being sheltered at home and forced to stop doing things...I've learned to say "no." I'm sure that my community will not be happy that I've changed my outlook on things....but I'm happy about it.
  9. I'm a Scout Camp Director. Our Camp only operated in June. Due to COVID, we cancelled our program in April so Staff could find other jobs and Troops to find other camps. Since then, most of the other camps have cancelled too. Our individual troops are looking at doing week-long camp programs.
  10. I make most of the same decisions. (school, work, family.) The only thing I would change is that I would have dumped that old college boyfriend much sooner and married my current husband when he first wanted to get married instead of waiting a year. I would also have been a whole lot more calm and less over-reactive in our early relationship...but that what 20-somethings seem to do. If I wanted to change my whole life, I would have gone ahead and applied to graduated school and not been basically bullied out of it by a hated professor. However, then I would never have met my husband and had my wonderful kids...so it's really had to regret that decision.
  11. We have ones with 550 cord and plastic toggles/cord locks. I have a kid with a latex allergy so most elastics are out and I didn't want to tie straps into my hair so I made all of ours with cord locks that I had from a sock holder.
  12. We have about 6 per person and a little bin to put dirty ones in to be washed. (I wash them with dish towels and dishcloths on sanitize setting.) I would also agree with the two weeks worth. Worse case, she has many to chose from to match her clothes.
  13. Ours has been moved to July, along with prom. Hopefully, all will be better then and we are back to a "normal" kind of life. Kid was happy. He gets prog and graduation and he can relax and focus on college preparations separately.
  14. Hubby is retired military so that would be nice. I think I might try the app since my DVD's don't include the rebuild series. I started a different yoga program on amazon about a week ago. Very peaceful but way too hard. At least it gives me lots of room for improvement. 😉 I'm recovering from joint surgery that was supposed to be a 3 month recovery but was "way more intensive" than anyone expected. (I love that.) It has really messed with my balance and mobility.
  15. I have the DVD's but I got a new computer with an external DVD player so it's not simple to use. 😞 I'm trying to see if I should just load them all on my computer or get the app version.
  16. I have all my kids and husband home. We've had a wonderful time all together. Other than not being able to see my non-household family, we haven't had any negatives. We've gardened. We worked on the house and other projects. The kids have played games together. The college kids transitioned to online classes. We all need haircuts andI would love to eat a meal out in a restaurant. But I am actually feeling a little sad about the real world coming back in to my little nest that we've built here.
  17. I have to return LED lightbulbs today. I bought several because they have colors. Some colors don't work well in some rooms. The yellow ones are especially troublesome. And different brands are different tolerable levels of color. So I buy several, screw them in and decide if the color is tolerable or will drive someone insane. Then I take back the losers because those things cost a fortune.
  18. I have the same problem trying to understand Girl Scout troops. How can you have a "troop" made of one age group? That means you have to have a ton of volunteers for each small group of Girl Scouts. The leaders have to do all the work for all the activities. It is so very different form how BSA units are set up that I can't really comprehend how in the world it can work. Our Cub Scout Pack has over 50 kids in it. One treasurer. One Committee Chair. One Cubmaster. Each of the age groups (per grade and sex) has a leader and an assistant leader. Den leaders only plan den activities. (2 to 3 meetings a month) They don't plan the camp outs or the award meetings or the parade float or the pinewood derby. Heck, I don't even buy the awards. I let the Awards Chair now what I need for each child each month and they handle all the paperwork and purchasing. AND the parents are all involved in the den and pack activities. Moms and Dads both. I don't even have a kid in our pack. My kids are all too old for Cubs. For Pack camp outs, the parents take them and I show up for activities. It's great for me as leader.
  19. The strangest thing is that BSA called the troop program "Scouting, USA" back in the 70's. I think the GSUSA was ticked off then but since they weren't recruiting girls, they got over it. I lead a girl's Cub Den. Many of them are dual enrolled in BSA/GSUSA and BSA/AHG. The girls don't have any problem discerning the two programs.
  20. Not a blended family, but we do have some "long" generations. My mom became a grandmother a few years after my birth and a was a great-grandmother before my children were born. My youngest is the youngest grandchild. The oldest grandchild is 30 years older and is a grandmother. The currently there are 20 years between the oldest and youngest great-grandchildren...but my kids haven't had children so that number will increase by a huge amount My father is older than his Uncle so the "long" generations are multi-generational. You can't look at people of a similar age in our family and assume that they are on the same generation.
  21. I have a male and a female GSD. I think that personality is more important than the sex. My female is high energy, very driven, and super protective. My male is low key, non-protective, and a bit clingy. (He's scared of the rabbits in the yard) Someone else will have a protective male and super calm female. It just depends on the personality of the animal. Males are generally larger. My male is about 30 pounds more than the female. Be prepared for shedding though. They have a double coat like Huskies and they shed their undercoat twice a year. I sweep all the time!
  22. Love my central vac! I have hoses upstairs and downstairs. The vac is in the garage where I can clean vac the cars too. I also have the dustpan option in my kitchen. I sweep up the stuff and then hit the switch and it gets whisked away. It's the most wonderful thing ever.
  23. That was our experience too. My son was homeschooled but received services from the school starting at age 4 for various issues. He showed signs of dyslexia but they said that they could not diagnose him until 3rd grade. Of course, by then his little smart-self had learned to accommodate fairly well and was reading above level by 5th grade. By age 12, he had reached full accommodation and could do oral readings with no signs of an issue.
  24. We don't keep an opposite set thermostat but we do have two Nest thermostats. Check your local power company. We got ours through them for $100 cheaper than the home improvement stores. They paid for themselves in savings in four months. (We didn't have programmable thermostats before.) You will need a c-line installed to power the Nest if you don't already have one. We had them in place and our HVAC guy just needed to hook them up. I love being able to check the house status when we are away from home. We plan to add on the smoke detectors and the Nest doorbell when it comes out.
  25. Frosch


    Why are they making him wait 5 weeks for a BOR? That doesn't seem right and is way too long. And they cannot link his advancement to the family doing a volunteer activity. That's against policy and is downright shady.
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