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Doctors are confusing sometimes

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5 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Second, push for pulmonary rehab and physical therapy once you are stable.  Exercise helps you use oxygen more effectively, and keeping muscle tone in your body improves quality of life. 

Or cardiac rehab. It’s very similar to pulmonary rehab, and each hospital system might differ in which program they tend to emphasize. When my son had it, he qualified via a six-minute walk test and maybe a couple of other benchmarks. 

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19 minutes ago, kbutton said:

Or cardiac rehab. It’s very similar to pulmonary rehab, and each hospital system might differ in which program they tend to emphasize. When my son had it, he qualified via a six-minute walk test and maybe a couple of other benchmarks. 

I should clarify that my son had pulmonary rehab, but he qualified for either one.

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I have developed a tremor in my right hand/lower arm. It is very shaky. I have to clench something to stop it. 

I am scared

My dh reacted that way recently when he was ill. We don't know for sure what caused it, but we did see that it is a rare side effect of prednisone, so he went off of it (after talking to a doctor). He didn't actually have what he was initially diagnosed with, anyway, so he didn't need prednisone. His hands were shaking so badly he couldn't hold a cup to drink. It was quite scary!

ETA: I do see it started a couple of days ago for you, so I don't know that this would be applicable.

Edited by Jaybee
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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The tremor started 2 days ago. But it is now at the stage where I dropped my phone. And can hardly balance food on a spoon

long shot - but I get this when I have a nerve pinched in my neck or shoulder from sleeping wrong. I wonder if since you have been basically bed ridden you might have compressed something? 

Hugs. I hope it is something temporary and fixable!

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The tremor started 2 days ago. But it is now at the stage where I dropped my phone. And can hardly balance food on a spoon

It’s probably not related but this does happen for some people post-Covid as well so may not be related? Also stress and anxiety can contribute 

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I also have a close friend with sarcoidosis. She had a heck of a time getting diagnosed, too. She was feeling pretty miserable at diagnosis, but after a few months of treatment the symptoms went away, and she's not had any trouble since. It's been 2-3 years now.

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The specialists want to assess the extent of the sarcoid and possable organ damage before starting treatment. As the steroids will mask it. So a few days of more tests and a repeat of some of the scans I have had. The specialist also said he has a feeling there is something that has been missed or overlooked. 

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23 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The specialists want to assess the extent of the sarcoid and possable organ damage before starting treatment. As the steroids will mask it. So a few days of more tests and a repeat of some of the scans I have had. The specialist also said he has a feeling there is something that has been missed or overlooked. 

Sounds like a team that is working hard to figure out your complex case.

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On 8/24/2023 at 2:27 AM, Melissa in Australia said:

Just got the results. It is sarcoid, but the most severe version. 

Just saw my new doctor. He said good it isn't cancer but it is still a serious desease. He said he will be back first thing in the morning. Treatment will be complicated aparently. He will tell me in morning as he has to study all the tests I have had over the past few weeks

Hi, Melissa! I'm so glad they are being thorough! Continuing to pray for you and your fam.

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The doctor team thinks there is something going on with my heart. They think my rapid pulse with huge jumps with the slightest exertion might be what is making me breathless, and the reason I can't walk. 

The doctor team said they have never seen anyone with a heart doing what mine is before, not to this degree. They now have cardiologists in the medical team

So I have been having lots of scans and tests today. They are trying to see if I have sarcoid in my heart. 

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Oh, Melissa, my own heart hurts so much for you.  This has been such a long road for you.  I hope they figure this all out very soon with a good treatment plan so you can recover and feel better.  I wish I could do something to help as you go through this.  Sending so many positive thoughts and gentle hugs.  

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How scary this all must be! At least you seem to be in very good hands, and they are thinking ahead to optimize treatment. But it's never a good time when docs tell you they have never seen anything quite like your case...(your case might end up being published!) And it hopefully (probably) means you'll get more attention. I bet they all can't wait to get you started on the road to better health. (I didn't mean to "heart" your message...) Hugs to you and your family, who must miss you dearly.

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9 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just saw a cardiologist 

Aparently my heart pump was functioning at 50% last week on scans which is within normal

Results from today's scan  heart pump functioning at 40%

I need your shoulder to cry on

That's so scary - I am so sorry. We're all here. Remember though that even if the Drs in that hospital haven't seen (say) sarcoid in the heart before, there will be others they consult with, even if they're overseas, who have and will know what to do. And I guess while all this info is overwhelming, it sounds like things are happening fast and so hopefully they'll be able to get on it and help you really soon. Feel free to express how overwhelming this all is, because it's intense, and we're all here to listen. 

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I know that sounds scary, but figuring it out is a good thing. Now they just need to figure out if it’s cardiac sarcoid or if something else caused cardiomyopathy or another heart condition at the same time. 

Sarcoid in your heart is more serious than most sarcoid, but survival rates are still very high compared to the types of aggressive cancers they were considering last week. A year on prednisone isn’t fun but it is effective for the vast majority of people. And the good news is you have really good doctors working hard to figure this out now. 

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4 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just saw a cardiologist 

Aparently my heart pump was functioning at 50% last week on scans which is within normal

Results from today's scan  heart pump functioning at 40%

I need your shoulder to cry on

I'm so sorry you are going through this.

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8 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just saw a cardiologist 

Aparently my heart pump was functioning at 50% last week on scans which is within normal

Results from today's scan  heart pump functioning at 40%

I need your shoulder to cry on

Oh I really hate this news!! I so want your story to be different. Lord, please have mercy on Melissa.

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Melissa this is just a big scary awful thing and it seems you can't catch a break.  Our shoulders are collectively here for you to cry on at any time.   It does seem that your medical team is thorough and on top of it all.   Praying they figure it out and treatment is successful.   My deep hope is that with proper treatment your heart will heal and regain proper function as well as healing everything else.  

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13 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just saw a cardiologist 

Aparently my heart pump was functioning at 50% last week on scans which is within normal

Results from today's scan  heart pump functioning at 40%

I need your shoulder to cry on

Assuming you are referencing cardiac ejection fraction.  Cleveland clinic has a nice explainer on what is beng measured and what these numbers might mean.  Maybe you will find it helpful?

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20 minutes ago, wathe said:

Assuming you are referencing cardiac ejection fraction.  Cleveland clinic has a nice explainer on what is beng measured and what these numbers might mean.  Maybe you will find it helpful?


Lying down almost flat my pulse is 115

Sitting on edge of bed my pulse is between 125 to 140 and I start to feel breathless

If I stand my pulse jumps up to just below 160 and I am completely breathless, panting  with a tight chest. 

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3 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:


Lying down almost flat my pulse is 115

Sitting on edge of bed my pulse is between 125 to 140 and I start to feel breathless

If I stand my pulse jumps up to just below 160 and I am completely breathless, panting  with a tight chest. 

Was this going on before you got Covid? Or did it start after? That kind of rapid heart rate is one of the side effects of Covid in some people - it was my only symptom. Mine wasn't quite that high, but I was hitting the 130s standing still and if I tried to stretch and put my arms over my head hit the 140s. And I was exercising fairly regularly before that. Took 6 weeks to go back to normal. Just a thought. 

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32 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Was this going on before you got Covid? Or did it start after? That kind of rapid heart rate is one of the side effects of Covid in some people - it was my only symptom. Mine wasn't quite that high, but I was hitting the 130s standing still and if I tried to stretch and put my arms over my head hit the 140s. And I was exercising fairly regularly before that. Took 6 weeks to go back to normal. Just a thought. 

I was trying to avoid posting this because I know I bring everything back to Covid but this. My sis does transcription for a cardiologist and she gets case after case of “I had Covid recently and now my heart rate keeps spiking”

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