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Prayers for dh


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Back for an urgent surgery on Friday. Couple of days of drops to get ready and no lifting, strain etc in hopes retina doesn’t tear again. I guess scar tissue is pulling the retina away and is in danger off tearing again. We haven’t even finished paying on the last surgery yet. We are very discouraged 

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First of all, it’s great that they found it.  Second, I’ve known people who have had multiple retinal detachment surgeries and ended up being able to see despite that.  Third, please avoid all ofloxycin antibiotics from now on, including eye drops but also systemics, because they can cause retinal detachment.  Fourth, and most importantly, hugs and prayers. 

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The surgeon seemed happy enough, he was surprised at the amount of tearing he found that wasn’t there Monday, so lasered it as best he could. But that could cause more scar tissue. He was happy with the amount of scar tissue he was able to remove, but they had to put another bubble in because of the tears, so face down again until they say stop. Another trip down in the morning to check progress. Then another trip Wednesday.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and we’ll wishes

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