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Hobbies for couples...


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Gardening though he deals with the soil while I do the pruning. His mom gardens but don’t allow him to so the first time he gets to do gardening was when he was 33 and helping me set up my patio garden. My kids garden when they want to. 

Music. His main instrument is the clarinet, mine is the piano.  We also play other instruments.

Hiking. My health isn’t back to normal so we are only doing less strenuous (to me) trails that has rest stops. 

Audio equipment. I have always been interested in audio equipment, from turntables to speakers to mixers. My husband is mainly interested in headsets but he is happy to tag along and learn more.

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We did ballroom/Latin dance lessons for a while - that was a lot of fun, but kind of costly. 

We started fencing a couple of years ago, and have kept it up - we both enjoy it. He's better than me, but we have fun. Our fencing club has once/week "hang out" time afterwards, which is an added bonus (and once/month "nerd night" though we've yet to partake of that). 

We watch assorted shows together. 

I recently started going with him to his "boot camp" exercise class once/week; that's been surprisingly fun. 

He gardens, and I hang out in the yard with him, help harvest the crops (he has fruit trees and veggies when it's veggie season), and we just enjoy being in the yard together. 

We were playing a video game together in the mornings, between "coffee time" and "start work" time, but we've dropped that. 

We go out to eat/to a brewery/etc. once a week or so -- we still have the grown kids at home, and youngest is still youth group age for one more year; so, on Weds, we drive him, do the grocery shopping, then stop at a brewery down the street from the church and play cards &/or scrabble until time to pick up DS. 

Fencing has been the biggest though -- we go to practice 2-3 times a week, and for part of the year, have a tournament roughly once/month or so; sometimes they are out of town, which gives us a built in overnight mini-getaway as well. With adult-still-at-home kids, that's been extra nice.

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We enjoy hiking. My mobility changes with how active my RA is, but we live somewhere with a lot of great and easy shorter hikes. We do a lot of day trip hikes from our area so I can soak in our hot tub at night to recover. We are about 20 waterfalls in on my waterfalls bucket list. 

We also both play with watercolors. Nothing we do is particularly talented artistically (those genes skipped me), but it’s fun. 

We are also a bit of foodies. Cooking or ordering in a variety of foods is fun for us. Pre-COVID, we ate in restaurants. 

We both read quite a bit, and Dh enjoys watching policy wonks on YouTube. We talk quite a bit about geopolitics. 

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We plan vacations, mostly Disney vacations. We don’t always get to go on the vacations, but we have lots of fun planning them. 
We like to go shopping together at thrift stores and junktique stores (more junk that real antiques) 

We go on drives together. Sometimes we have a specific destination planned, but other times we just drive. My DH does most of the driving, but we have our best talks while in the car. 

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Another thing would be to volunteer somewhere together…..elementary school, or any school, food banks, nursing homes, foster care agencies (once had a retired couple pick up foster son for visits…..he loved it and they enjoyed him and it was a huge burden lifted for me not to have to do that much driving), garden club or humane society, etc

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Taking notes.  Dh and I are the quintessential opposites attracting and have zero hobbies in common; the approaching empty nest is a bit concerning.  On the few occasions we go out together, we talk about our kids.

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52 minutes ago, katilac said:

Also taking notes, as dh's newest idea is that I might enjoy accompanying him when he golfs. 

No, no I will not. I acquiesced to 18 holes on a pretty day, and it was most definitely about 9 holes too many. 

Robin Williams has the best take on golf. Search it on YouTube 

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Music - he plays guitar, I play ukulele.

 Sometimes we go to the gym together. 

i know couples who do ballroom dancing.

 We like camping/hiking/travel.

 My parents have started reading/discussing the same books.

 My DH’s grandparents would drive around and find old barns to draw.

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Board games, biking (sort of .. he likes it more than me, but I do like it some and like Tandem rides when we can get around to them), watching F1 races, trying new restaurants (is that a hobby?).  I'd say that we also aspire to more travel as a hobby especially when we become empty nesters. 

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Lots of physical activities have been mentioned already. 

Some things my husband and I enjoy together: cooking, reading the same book and discussing, movies, concerts, listening to podcasts, and volunteering with our church, Ronald McDonald, & Habitat for Humanity.

He also follows college football and basketball. We have had season tickets some years. Other years we watch at home (usually I half watch and half read a book). 

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We have no real hobbies in common. I mean we’ll cook or eat or take walks or see a museum or movie together, but there’s no crossover in interest of true hobbies. We’re often in the same room doing different thing. 

We now have a two month old grandson so we do both enjoy gazing upon him like lovesick fools. I think we could make a hobby of campaigning for this child’s affection. 

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My ex husband taught me how to play Cribbage and a couple other card games that we played together.

Current dh and I play video games together. That's how we met was playing a video game online together.

I taught current dh how to crochet and cross stitch. He's meticulously detail oriented so he is really good at both.

I keep saying I'm going to teach current dh how to play Cribbage but it hasn't happened yet.

Dh likes to watch TV shows and I've never been a big TV watcher. But every now and then I get sucked into the story line of a show he's watching and we watch together. That's how I ended up watching The Big Bang Theory, True Blood, Stranger Things, Boardwalk Empire and a bunch of other shows lol!

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We don’t really “share hobbies” in that sense.  We both volunteer for the firehouse, but in different roles. We hang out with mostly the same friends. We read/watch/scroll similar topics separately, but talk about them later. We plan house projects together, but usually work separately.

Good conversation is really important to me. Activities, meh.

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Hobbies together is...well, they're not something we do a lot of together.  We have our own hobbies that we loop each other in on, but most of our shared "hobbies" are also "chores". 🤣  Dh and I cook together about once a week.  We compete in Wordle.  We do yard work together and fold laundry together and various other things. We complain about schoolwork and compare notes (I'm still bitter that the one week I was loathing math he was building a specific calculator in his coding class that would have solved the issue).  We do make time for just each other without distractions once a week, usually with a short tv show we're watching (we're alternating Ted Lasso and Unstable right now to make them last longer).  When we don't have obligations the next morning cheese and wine make it into the mix.

But we really prefer our own hobbies to trying to do something we love together.  We have different interests, body types, and abilities, and this puts serious limitations on what we can do together.

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It's interesting to see what some people consider to be hobbies... There are things we do together that I don't consider a hobby, like volunteering or exercising. One of our current hobbies is trying to get to all of the craft breweries within three hours of us. There are so many and we're constantly finding out about new ones. We started gardening last year and are getting that started again this year. It's almost time to get the vegies from the nursery to transplant to our garden.

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18 hours ago, hjffkj said:

We put together murder mysteries, we write and share together, listen to audiobooks or read to each other, go to the gym, do murder mystery puzzles, play boardgames, and I'm sure I've forgotten something 

Do you have any murder mystery games that you recommend?  Dh and I are into true crime a bit, so that may be a good option for us.  Thank you!  

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Our main hobby together is riding our ATV's as it's something we both love to do. We are in Alaska and once break up is over and the trails are open to off road vehicles, we are out most weekends that we don't have other commitments. Summer/ fall is super short here so our time is limited and we take full advantage.

We do enjoy other activities together like traveling, hiking, walking the dogs, snow machining, house renovation stuff, fishing, attending hockey games, music performances, plays, etc. 

Hubby is truly my best friend and I enjoy time with him.

Edited by Corbster98
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These are excellent responses!   Thank y'all!   I'm going to make a list and run it by dh tonite.     My health and sometimes his will keep some things out of reach for us, but there's some others that I'm excited to run by him!     
I especially love the idea of Ren Faire, but I don't know that he would do that with me.   I wonder if there's a group nearby.  hmmm.... 

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3 minutes ago, Corbster98 said:

Our main hobby together is riding our ATV's as it's something we both love to do. We are in Alaska and once break up is over and the trails are open to off road vehicles, we are out most weekends that we don't have other commitments. Summer/ fall is super short here so our time is limited and we take full advantage.

We do enjoy other activities together like traveling, hiking, walking the dogs, snow machining, house renovation stuff, fishing, attending hockey games, music performances, plays, etc. 

Hubby is truly my best friend and I enjoy time with him.

Dh was in Alaska for 7 weeks this past summer and his fave activity was atv'ing.   He loved it!  

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7 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

Dh was in Alaska for 7 weeks this past summer and his fave activity was atv'ing.   He loved it!  

With the sunny days where we are and endless daylight, it makes for so much fun!! 

So glad your DH loved it too while here in the state. 🙂

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I would classify many of the things DH and I enjoy doing together as "interests" or "activities" rather than "hobbies".  To me, the term "hobby" implies a more serious pursuit.  DH and I enjoy things like going to the botanical gardens, visiting an art museum, going fishing, taking a picnic to the park, going to the ballet or a concert, playing ping pong, participating in a wine tasting, etc.  but I wouldn't consider them "hobbies" in that they are not things that we do on a regular basis.  We will also work on various projects together, such as putting in a garden, sorting through old pictures, or building a compost bin; these are not repeated projects in a category, such as repeated woodworking projects.  We enjoy playing board games, but don't do anything like attend board game conventions as a hobby.  The joint activity that we invest the most time and resources in is travel.  We also play bridge with a bridge club. 

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No one has mentioned getting in each other's way in the kitchen and then tripping over ourselves apologizing?  That seems to be ours right now. 🤣🤣

We do enjoy some things together but like Bootsie I don't think of them as hobbies. We like jigsaw puzzles - for some reason that's a winter thing for us, though I'm not sure why because it's not as if we are outside constantly in nice weather. We both read and don't have a lot of overlap but will sometimes hand over a book if we think the other will enjoy it, and then talk about it. We both enjoy baseball and will catch a game on TV or (rarely) in person when we can. We like to walk and explore, and I try to get him out to a trail or an arboretum/public garden when I can. I recently bought a membership to a localish arboretum so I can make him go - he likes to go, he's just not one to initiate it. Oh, we get the Wall Street Journal which I mostly ignore except for the book reviews and fluff sections, but he passes me articles and after dinner we will work on the crossword. Gah we sound like such old boring people. 🙂


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We took up Tango :-), cook one nice meal a week together, play Euro board games, have guests over regularly.  We both love to read and catch each other up with what we're reading (our tastes overlap about 50%).  We have an ongoing read aloud for car trips (trips of more than 30+ minutes).  

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That's an interesting question for us, because we really don't have the same hobbies or, to some extent, interests, yet we really enjoy each other's company. He's a runner, I'm not; I like to write, he doesn't; he loves to watch sports, I don't; I am (or was) a musician, he is not; and so on. He loves movies, and I am kind of ho hum about them unless I get started on some series, which happens occasionally. But he loves it when I go to a movie with him. We like to eat out together, we both enjoy reading, and we enjoy the occasional tent-camping excursion. We like to travel, but he travels internationally for work, and I wouldn't want to go with him for that because of his crazy schedules. Due to finances, mostly we just travel to visit family these days, but we'd love to do a fun trip somewhere. We are both introverts, and enjoy sitting in the living room together, each doing our own thing. We have good talks about all kinds of things, and have the same values. From reading over this, it sounds like it wouldn't work very well, but it does, and we have a strong, solid marriage. While we have friends, we like to spend time with each other the most.

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We play a lot of card games.  Cribbage is the most common.

We both play music, but not together.  However, we have a family-wide hobby of regularly finding and sharing new music finds.  This can be as simple as sending the Spotify link to a new (to us) artist or song.  We have a giant all-family playlist in which we all contribute and edit.  Dh and I step it up by taking turns playing new stuff while we are actually together.  Even better if we can find videos on YouTube.  At least once a week, this fills a weeknight.

Going to watch live music and attending music festivals.

I am very into fitness while dh is less so.  But we do enjoy working out together if the activity of choice is agreeable to dh at that moment.  Typically running or skiing.

Hiking, snowshoeing, canoeing, camping, and backpacking.

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On 4/23/2023 at 8:37 PM, katilac said:

Also taking notes, as dh's newest idea is that I might enjoy accompanying him when he golfs. 

No, no I will not. I acquiesced to 18 holes on a pretty day, and it was most definitely about 9 holes too many. 

Driving someone playing golf is dreamy…quiet, pretty, outdoors…drinks and snacks…nothing to do but let my mind wander. It doesn’t get much better

then usually more drinks and meal after…I love it

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21 hours ago, QueenCat said:

It's interesting to see what some people consider to be hobbies... There are things we do together that I don't consider a hobby, like volunteering or exercising. One of our current hobbies is trying to get to all of the craft breweries within three hours of us. There are so many and we're constantly finding out about new ones. We started gardening last year and are getting that started again this year. It's almost time to get the vegies from the nursery to transplant to our garden.

I consider anything that’s done for pleasure to be hobby-like.  Not as traditional as photography or tennis, but still done for pleasure. 
I find volunteering fun. 

The price of nursery veggies is astronomical in my neck of the woods! $5.50 for a single squash or tomato plant in a tiny container. My fellow shoppers at Lowe’s were pretty shocked.  Hopefully your supplier has lower prices. 

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20 hours ago, WildflowerMom said:

Do you have any murder mystery games that you recommend?  Dh and I are into true crime a bit, so that may be a good option for us.  Thank you!  

We've done two by this company https://www.unsolvedcasefiles.com/ and have enjoyed them. We got one as a gift and found the other at our library's library of things section. I'm not sure if a one time use thing is worth the normal cost though.

The mystery puzzles we do are by bepuzzled, this is one of them, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Grounds-For-Murder-Classic-Mystery-Jigsaw-Puzzle/33359608?from=topicPage. We have managed to find all of ours at thrift stores for $1 though. I'm not a good gauge of what is worth spending money on though because I don't pay full price for anything.

As for actual murder mysteries, we've never done the premade ones. We create our own storylines, characters, props, abilities, etc and invite friends over to partake as characters we choose for them. We also participate in ones that friends create themselves.

Another thing we enjoy doing together are escape room type games. We like this series the best https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/213460/unlock-escape-adventures

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