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Can we take a moment and celebrate (brag alert)?


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I thought the same thing. You have barely aged and look beautiful! Congrats on your anniversary!

I agree with you completely when you stated "but we still show up". So true to making any marriage work especially when the challenges arise.... and they always do.

Your marriage is a beautiful testament to devotion and love. Even though you have had your fair share of struggles, you have so many blessings and a beautiful love story. 




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3 hours ago, Katy said:


Now tell us how you look prettier now than you did 26 years ago. 

I love seeing "then and now" photos, and find that I tend to prefer the "now" photos over the "thens." Great looking couple, and congratulations over being there for each other through it all!

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4 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

That is so great for you all! 

And y'all were such BABIES in that wedding picture. But all young couples look like babies to me now. I look at my own wedding pics from 1997 and think, I was an infant and had no business getting married. 🙂

Except that @BlsdMamalooks exactly the same in the then and now photos! 

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Congratulations! I agree with the others: you age in reverse, Miss Lovely. And from your posts here, I know your loveliness comes from the inside out. 

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On 6/22/2022 at 9:27 AM, fairfarmhand said:

That is so great for you all! 

And y'all were such BABIES in that wedding picture. But all young couples look like babies to me now. I look at my own wedding pics from 1997 and think, I was an infant and had no business getting married. 🙂

Right? I met him when I was 16.  We were both dating other people and were friends.  Started dating the winter/spring of my senior year. So - didn't know him for 16 years, have known him 30 - 2/3 of my life.  How weird is that mathematically?

On 6/22/2022 at 9:34 AM, Carrie12345 said:

Not that the superficial matters, but how you can list all that and then post a picture where you look like you might be 24 is way beyond my ability to comprehend!
Congratulations on 26 very full years!

LOL - the lighting was good in that most recent one or you'd have seen the smile lines around my eyes and my silver looks like highlights. 🤣

On 6/22/2022 at 9:36 AM, Ali in OR said:

Congratulations! We share today as our anniversary too--31 for us. Love the pics.

Congratulations!! 🥰  31 is an incredible accomplishment. <2 

On 6/22/2022 at 5:55 PM, Lady Marmalade said:

Congratulations and what amazing photos! Thank you so much for sharing them with us.   Did you always want to have a large family or did it just kind of happen that way?  Such a legacy, I'm honored to "know" you.  🙂

My mom and dad were each one of eleven and I thought that was neat, but I was never a "think towards the future" girl.  When we got married, we already had our oldest and DH was fine stopping there.  It took me two years to convince him two could be fun.  They were a very responsible and planned three years apart. 😉 He went to basic training & AIT, I became a believer, he came home to someone very different.  It was good in so many ways - I was a really wild teen previously and was not using any type of compass to steer my life.  My feelings at any given moment were the steering wheel.  SMH.  After Basic & AIT, he was willing to have another and that was Hannah (26 weeker, necrotizing entercolitis, died at 12 days) in SoCal - a long way from me being able to be comforted by my family.  We grew a lot closer in those four years.

I held a personal conviction about using hormonal birth control that he didn't share but did support if that makes sense? It was very complex to navigate because we were not on the same page in so many ways but we championed each other? After our two late losses, he had to make a personal decision regarding his responsibility for my health.  The December loss after William was really ugly and life threatening and he had a vas.  I'm not sure I agreed but I supported him if that makes any sense?  SO, no,, we never planned a large family and sometimes I'm still surprised by it.  I watch my oldest DD in the midst of pregnancies, little ones, and no sleep and I'm still shocked I did it, lol.  It didn't feel hard in the middle of it!

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