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Can't sleep... worried about my dh's surgery Monday! (UPDATE in #96)


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My dh is having some semi-risky surgery on Monday.  He's been through so much already.  He's a tough guy and is not worried, himself!  But this involves his head and brain, so...   It's at Mayo and he'll be in good hands.  But prayers and good thoughts are appreciated.  He's the love of my life.


Update:  He was given a "report to surgery" time of 11am.  The surgery will last about 6 hours.  Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, prayers, and words.  It means a lot!


Tomorrow at this time it will be over.  


UPDATE:  6:30pm Central Time.  Just a quick update -- I've really appreciated your prayers and good thoughts so very much.  THANK YOU.  It has been a long afternoon of surgery, and is still ongoing.  We've just been told that although things are moving slower than expected, it is all going very well.  We are of course very, very grateful.


Three of our daughters are here, my sister, a brother-in-law, plus my brother who works here keeps checking in with us.  Before the surgery, the main surgeon spent about 30 minutes with us (on top of the extensive pre-surgery appointment last week) going over everything again.  We believe my husband is in excellent hands.




Edited by J-rap
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Where we lived before, our next door neighbor was a Neurosurgeon.  They can, and do, frequently, perform miracles.  I will include your DH and the doctors and nurses and everyone who takes care of him in my prayers.

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Praying here! I'm glad to hear he's at Mayo, but I would still be worried sick because how can you not worry when it's someone you love, right? The waiting is the scariest part. The longer you have to wait, the more time your mind has to go to scary places.


Keep praying and remember that he will be in the best possible hands, and maybe if you try to focus on being positive and trying to keep your dh from worrying too much, that might help a little.


I'll be praying for him -- and for you, too! :grouphug: I'm so sorry your dh needs such major surgery. :(

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I prayed for your DH and the doctors and nurses and others who will help him. Yes there there is a risk with any surgery. Of any kind. Years ago when we lived next door to the Neurosurgeon there was a girl in the small City my wife is from who had a problem. We got the data one Sunday I took it to him. He was shooting Pool with another doctor. I had hoped he would study the case and make a recommendation. Better than that he told me that he would present her case to the Neurosurgeon board in the hospital where he worked. Their suggestion was not to do surgery. As I recall there is little blood loss in Neurosurgery? Good luck to your DH


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Thanks for the time -- I'll be sure to pray!


And keep focusing on what you posted -- whenever you are worrying, remind yourself that in only X number of hours, the surgery will be over and your dh will be on the road to recovery.


I wish you guys didn't have to go through any of this. :grouphug:

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Praying for your peace of mind and for your husband's wellbeing. I am sorry that your husband needs surgery, and I hope this surgery will help his recovery from everything else he has been through. I pray that the outcome is even better than could be imagined.


A six-hour surgery is long. Do you have something to keep your mind busy, to help keep the worry away? Something that doesn't require a lot of thought would be ideal, books, magazines, puzzle, games, hanging out on the WTM forum.

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sending this up again.  prayers for you and your dh!  yes, check in with prayer requests through the day if "you/dh" would benefit from that.  do you have anyone who will accompany/visit you during that time frame? 


eta:  I used the wrong choice of words.   What I meant to say is if you're up to it - anyone would benefit from prayer!   Hope that makes sense.   :)   :grouphug:

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