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Bittersweet day...


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I don't post too much here, but I read daily, and feel like this group is 'home' in so many ways. I hope you all won't mind me dumping all this here...

Today our foster son goes home. We've had him since he was discharged from the hospital, and he will be 1 this week. He is a dream angel baby, and we love him so, so much. The move is good, it means the system did what it was intended to do. So part of me is celebrating with his bio family, our case workers, and especially for him. But a bigger part is devastated. I knew it was coming, I know I signed up for this, I know all that. It doesn't make it any easier. My kids are losing their brother, and we are losing our son. I have moments where I can't breathe, where the realization of what is happening is too much. I know in time, we will heal, and it won't be so very hard. Right now though, I just want to hold him forever and not let go. This really sucks.

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I'm sorry. I understand, we foster too.

Good job for being part of the process & know the love and care you gave him started him out in life with what he needed.


It does get easier. (& a call from the placement person with another kiddo who needs a home is often what helps it get better fast, just because you wind up so busy)


Or, take a break for awhile and then jump back in.


Thanks for doing what you're doing. Hang in there. Thinking of you

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Sending so many hugs to you right now as my eyes brim over with tears. I cannot imagine how much your heart aches but what a blessing you provided him while you had him. That love and thst bonding will provide him a lifelong foundation. You are amazing for what you do.

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Thank you all for the hugs and kind words. It means a lot, really. I cried on and off all day, but tried to hold it together for my kids sake. They are so very sad. Tonight is sure to be long and hard, and I don't think sleep will come. I'm imagining him, in a totally new place for the first time, and wondering what his little brain is thinking...that is breaking me right now. I'd never left him, all he knows is our family. He is really easy going, and I know he will adjust and be ok, but I wish he could understand what was happening. His bio family has our contact info, and I'm hoping so hard they will keep in touch. It would mean the world to all of us. I think this is the hardest thing I've ever done.

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Sending many  :grouphug: this morning as you adjust.  He was lucky to have you there when he needed you.  May his biological family be here for him too.  I hope they stay in touch, esp if they have questions, and you can watch him grow up into a fine young man.

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How are you doing today?


I'm hanging in there. I still cry at random times...when I found a pair of his socks tucked away in my car, or when I glanced at he time and almost went into his room to wake him up from a nap...stripping his crib to wash the bedding was hard. When I walk through the store and find myself in the baby aisle, looking to see if there is a sale on wipes. Any time a friend texts to see how I'm doing, their kindness brings me to tears. And yesterday I got a reference form for another friend who will be doing foster care, so that made me cry...happy tears because her family is incredible and they will be an amazing foster family, and also because it will break her heart. She is just like me-she will love fiercely and with wild abandon, and will also experience a huge loss.

Last week one of my very best friends made me a beautiful wall hanging with the quote "Grief can only exist because love lived there first" and a space on the side to add our foster children's names. I can't hang it yet, but it's a comfort to know that all this terrible sadness is worth it because there was so much love for him.

My kids are doing ok, they are tip toeing around me...they totally sense that mommy isn't ok. My oldest gave me permission to go hole up in my room whenever I needed to and she said she'd watch the other two. She's a great kid. Every night, the girls and I sit in their room and watch old videos and look at pictures of him. It's good therapy.

My hubby left for three weeks the day before baby left, so that kind of stinks too. While we haven't been super close lately, it would be comforting to have him here at this difficult time. He has been calling or texting multiple times each day to check in on me, so that's a good thing.

It's all surreal. He just....disappeared. I keep having moments of anxiety that I'm forgetting him when we load up the car or that I hear him cry, and I realize no. He is gone. I really wish it would have been more gradual. We went from a 2 hour weekly visit to completely gone, and I am so worried about how he is handling that. Does he think we abandoned him? Is he crying for us?

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I am always in awe of our fellow boardies who do this type of work.  Many hugs to you and your family.  :grouphug:


Me too. The strength, patience and love you must have as I'm sure your entire family must have as well. I'm so, so sorry for your pain but congratulations on a job well done. In a way, it's like a graduation. A child moving from one stage of life into another with you behind him the entire way.  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 

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It's all surreal. He just....disappeared. I keep having moments of anxiety that I'm forgetting him when we load up the car or that I hear him cry, and I realize no. He is gone. I really wish it would have been more gradual. We went from a 2 hour weekly visit to completely gone, and I am so worried about how he is handling that. Does he think we abandoned him? Is he crying for us?


 I think you are wise to be concerned that he might think *you* were the ones who disappeared.   Forgive my ignorance; I know nothing about foster care.  But are you "allowed" to contact the bio family?  Can you ask how he's doing, can you maybe request that now *you* get the two-hour weekly visit, at least as a transition period?

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Last week one of my very best friends made me a beautiful wall hanging with the quote "Grief can only exist because love lived there first" and a space on the side to add our foster children's names.


I love this!  That's a great friend...  Your family sounds awesome too.  My prayers and best wishes are with you - and with him and his family.  Kudos for the "job" you lovingly do to help your neighbor. 

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I think you are wise to be concerned that he might think *you* were the ones who disappeared. Forgive my ignorance; I know nothing about foster care. But are you "allowed" to contact the bio family? Can you ask how he's doing, can you maybe request that now *you* get the two-hour weekly visit, at least as a transition period?

Contact with his family is in their hands. Up until this point, I had only briefly met some of his bio family. We got along and everything was very comfortable, but no information was exchanged. I did give them my phone number at our last drop off, and I heard from them last night! He's doing well, settling in, and they've said they will send us pictures soon. I'm so happy to hear he is ok.

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