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Can you stop a miscarriage? TMI - mamas only


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I'm so sorry, BlsdMama.


Just wanting to prepare you, one pf my babies died at 9 weeks and I miscarried a few weeks later. The baby was delivered fully intact with little toes and fingers and labor was really painful the last few hours (I had been having contractions for almost 24 hours beforehand but experienced transition as usual, the cervix still need to dialate after all). I actually had to get in the tub to help with the pain for several hours and was totally unable to parent at the time. I'm glad DH was home that day. 

Edited by LavenderGirl
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I'm so sorry.   :grouphug:


I went through a bunch of early miscarriages, but none after 12 weeks.  I did go into early labor with DD, which was stopped with a day of IV fluids.  I'm not sure if much can be done at 12 weeks.  


I'd call my OB, not necessarily go to the ER, unless there were problems.  For me, it's something I'd rather do at home.



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I'm so sorry for your loss; it's stinks.  Take care of yourself.

So we went in today in order to get an ultrasound.  We figured if there was a heartbeat, we'd ask for early progesterone injections.  


But, there was no heartbeat.  The gestational age of the baby was between 8 and 9 weeks.  It should have been between 11 and 12.  So, now we wait.


Just for Hive reference, yes, they *can* start progesterone.  It really depends on individual history.  Unfortunately, they wouldn't have been able to do much at the ER.  My sister went in two weeks ago with moderate bleeding (she is almost two weeks ahead of me and expecting IVF twins) and the ER could do nothing for her.  She had to go to L&D where her doctor was.  (All was good for her babies though, thank God.)  In my case, where we already know that I deal with low progesterone through mid to later pregnancy, they would have gone ahead and prescribed it.  


This miscarriage will, most likely, be less difficult than  a "true" 11 week miscarriage simply because baby and placenta never developed much past 8 weeks. :(  My kiddos are pretty sad, especially Sarah, as this was "her" buddy baby.  Tears all around.


Thank you so very much for your kind words, all your advice, and most especially the prayers.  I truly appreciate the kind support.  


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So we went in today in order to get an ultrasound.  We figured if there was a heartbeat, we'd ask for early progesterone injections.  


But, there was no heartbeat.  The gestational age of the baby was between 8 and 9 weeks.  It should have been between 11 and 12.  So, now we wait.


Just for Hive reference, yes, they *can* start progesterone.  It really depends on individual history.  Unfortunately, they wouldn't have been able to do much at the ER.  My sister went in two weeks ago with moderate bleeding (she is almost two weeks ahead of me and expecting IVF twins) and the ER could do nothing for her.  She had to go to L&D where her doctor was.  (All was good for her babies though, thank God.)  In my case, where we already know that I deal with low progesterone through mid to later pregnancy, they would have gone ahead and prescribed it.  


This miscarriage will, most likely, be less difficult than  a "true" 11 week miscarriage simply because baby and placenta never developed much past 8 weeks. :(  My kiddos are pretty sad, especially Sarah, as this was "her" buddy baby.  Tears all around.


Thank you so very much for your kind words, all your advice, and most especially the prayers.  I truly appreciate the kind support.  



I'm so, so sorry.  I had a similar m/c.  Baby died around 8 weeks, but didn't begin m/c until 12-13 weeks.  It was more painful than my 5-6 week m/cs, but otherwise not more complicated.  I did not "look" for the baby and sac and they were simply lost with the rest of the blood.  Definitely not like a "true" 12 week miscarriage.  


I hope it goes quickly for you and that you are surrounded by supportive loved ones.  

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Thank you all.


I think the chaste berry I took on Sunday hoping to ward off the inevitable worked a little too well. :(  Everything came to a total stop and has not restarted. 


So, for mamas who have BTDT, can I just ask - how long?  How long could something like this possible take?  Because at 12 weeks, if baby passed at 8.5, it's been 3.5 weeks......  I could alternate black and blue cohosh.  I honestly cannot fathom mentally consenting to a D&C at this point.  But I am wondering, for health, is infection a risk if we pass 4 weeks?  5 weeks?  I am bleeding some, but absolutely no contractions or cramping like this weekend.

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Thank you all.


I think the chaste berry I took on Sunday hoping to ward off the inevitable worked a little too well. :( Everything came to a total stop and has not restarted.


So, for mamas who have BTDT, can I just ask - how long? How long could something like this possible take? Because at 12 weeks, if baby passed at 8.5, it's been 3.5 weeks...... I could alternate black and blue cohosh. I honestly cannot fathom mentally consenting to a D&C at this point. But I am wondering, for health, is infection a risk if we pass 4 weeks? 5 weeks? I am bleeding some, but absolutely no contractions or cramping like this weekend.

Mentally, the time before a d&c is rough. Physically it is wonderful. There is no pain or drama. When it is done, it is done except for some light spotting and you can move forward with emotional healing. I know it is hard to think about but please consider it. I went thorough all the drama of an early miscarriage and still ended up with a d&c. I could have saved myself a month of my life if I had just gotten it done ASAP.

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Thank you all.


I think the chaste berry I took on Sunday hoping to ward off the inevitable worked a little too well. :( Everything came to a total stop and has not restarted.


So, for mamas who have BTDT, can I just ask - how long? How long could something like this possible take? Because at 12 weeks, if baby passed at 8.5, it's been 3.5 weeks...... I could alternate black and blue cohosh. I honestly cannot fathom mentally consenting to a D&C at this point. But I am wondering, for health, is infection a risk if we pass 4 weeks? 5 weeks? I am bleeding some, but absolutely no contractions or cramping like this weekend.

I struggled with the decision but opted for a D&C with my second miscarriage. It was not physically painful and really only kept me down for a day or so. Part of my decision came because my husband travels and I didn't want to go through the physical process of miscarrying while he was out of town.


Good luck with your decision!

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Thank you all.


I think the chaste berry I took on Sunday hoping to ward off the inevitable worked a little too well. :(  Everything came to a total stop and has not restarted. 


So, for mamas who have BTDT, can I just ask - how long?  How long could something like this possible take?  Because at 12 weeks, if baby passed at 8.5, it's been 3.5 weeks......  I could alternate black and blue cohosh.  I honestly cannot fathom mentally consenting to a D&C at this point.  But I am wondering, for health, is infection a risk if we pass 4 weeks?  5 weeks?  I am bleeding some, but absolutely no contractions or cramping like this weekend.

First, they will want to make certain you did not have your dates wrong. Probably with blood work and an additional ultrasound. With my first, my body would not let go of the pregnancy (and had increasing hormone levels though not in the amount large enough to be normal). I ended up with a d&c at 16 weeks. It was about 4 weeks after we figured out things weren't progressing normally.

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I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through this. I know how hard it is :(


I have no idea if my experience is typical, but I had a 12 week miscarriage, and they said the baby probably passed at 10 or 11 weeks.  I have a full labor and it was very painful.  I did have the baby at home but ended up in the hospital for retained placenta at which point I had a D&C.  It took several days between the diagnosis and labor and the waiting was extremely difficult for me. I am glad we had her at home, but I also wonder if it would have been easier on me to have the surgery and focus on emotional healing.  I think whatever you decide is ok, whether seeking pain relief or surgery or just letting things continue as they are.


I so hope that you find healing and comfort whatever you decide.  Hugs.

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So it didn't go well. Apparently I'm not a rock star at doing things "gently." I want to thank you all so very, very much for your prayers. Truly. The miscarriage started cramping very lightly at 6am. Apparently a well used uterus does an incredibly bad job of clamping down. By 6:15 I had passed the placenta, or at least a large part of it, and tissues. I was very upset I couldn't find the baby. :( DH was home, thank God. Uterus didn't clamp, got an ambulance ride, fluid, a blood transfusion, a d and c... The uterus began behaving itself after about an hour or so and began cramping but they also gave me something. It wasn't oxytocin like I expected. It gap penned all so crazy fast. Please hug any first responders you know for me. They are awesome human beings.


The real blessing? They were so so respectful. They did a full ultrasound to make sure baby had passed out of the uterus before beginning the surgery and they were totally willing to look for baby if she was still there. She was not. I must have missed it in the mess. I thought the willingness to respect my wishes was just incredible. I did not expect that kind of care or respect.


Most amazing? I'm home. Apparently once they fix the problem, you are stable, eat, empty bladder, etc., you can be released. Can't be alone for at least 24 hours but there is almost no bleeding at all now. I feel at peace about it all. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers.


I feel good. Tired,but good.

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So it didn't go well. Apparently I'm not a rock star at doing things "gently." I want to thank you all so very, very much for your prayers. Truly. The miscarriage started cramping very lightly at 6am. Apparently a well used uterus does an incredibly bad job of clamping down. By 6:15 I had passed the placenta, or at least a large part of it, and tissues. I was very upset I couldn't find the baby. :( DH was home, thank God. Uterus didn't clamp, got an ambulance ride, fluid, a blood transfusion, a d and c... The uterus began behaving itself after about an hour or so and began cramping but they also gave me something. It wasn't oxytocin like I expected. It gap penned all so crazy fast. Please hug any first responders you know for me. They are awesome human beings.


The real blessing? They were so so respectful. They did a full ultrasound to make sure baby had passed out of the uterus before beginning the surgery and they were totally willing to look for baby if she was still there. She was not. I must have missed it in the mess. I thought the willingness to respect my wishes was just incredible. I did not expect that kind of care or respect.


Most amazing? I'm home. Apparently once they fix the problem, you are stable, eat, empty bladder, etc., you can be released. Can't be alone for at least 24 hours but there is almost no bleeding at all now. I feel at peace about it all. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers.


I feel good. Tired,but good.


Oh, BlsdMama! I'm so thankful your home now, safe, and feeling good. I also could have been that part of the placenta remaining attached that caused the uterus to not clamp down properly.  :grouphug:  :grouphug: I had a really good experience at the hospital too with my hemorrhage after miscarriage. More hugs.  :grouphug:

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