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What do you REALLY wish you were capable of that you just cannot do..


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you know, simple things that sure would help things out if you could just DO it..


For me, it's cut my kids' hair.  I'd been thinking this for a long while and the recent thread about how much we spend on their hair brought it up again for me.  I can do a TON of things most of the girls my age either can't do or aren't interested in ...like construction, and hunting..  but if you put a pair of scissors in my hands, I'm going to make a huge mess.  I'm really great at fine motor stuff and things that require finesse so why can't I figure this out?  DH says i'ts because I'm not mathy and it's all about angles  :toetap05:     I have TRIED and have just really embarrassed the family members who allowed it.  :lol:   but I grumble every time I cart the kids off to get this done.  I even watch very carefully everything person who cuts their hair and have tried to at least just trim my DD's curly layers or DS's neck and sideburns but it always ends up with them hating me.   :laugh:   Maybe it's just one of those things you have a thing for or you DON'T but I sure wish I could.


How about you?



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It would help a lot if I could sew. Not just sew, really, but make or modify patterns. I'm plus size, and that size clothing isn't always readily available in the places I live, but very nice, inexpensive cloth often is. If only I could turn it into something well fitting and flattering ... or even just alter clothes I do buy off the rack that don't fit quite right.

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I wish I could be a mom to dd8 (special needs), but with the knowledge, patience and understanding that her Behavior Therapist has.   I know she would be further along if I could be a better therapist-mom to her, but I am not.....so she isn't.  I just can't be that person every hour I am around her. I wish I was, but it takes so much energy and effort, I just run out of oomph. 



I absolutely dread waking her up in the morning. Absolutely. Dread. It.  The hour before she heads out of the door for the day is the worst hour of my day. There is full on, top of the lungs, screaming (dd8) in my house before 7am so often, that my older kids wake up to it, and just go back to sleep.  There could be a murder happening in the next room and they wouldn't know.   I know there are some strategies I could try, but honestly, at 6:30am, social stories, rules charts, positive reinforcement and other wonderful ideas are just not going to happen.  The problem lies in that it will take 2 hours to do it right :thumbup: , but using mindful manipulation and threats gets her out of the door in 1 hour.  :sad:  


I do much better at night, but for some reason that first hour of the day, I just can't pull the therapist-mom's skills out of my brain.

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Not get lost. I can't find anything. My dh is puzzled by this. It's not that I'm not trying. I just have no sense of direction, no map in my head.


Not procrastinate.


Drive a stinking tractor. Oh how this would make my life easier. I just have to stop being so terrified and I can't get over that.


Keep up with detail stuff like balancing the checkbook and monitoring bills.



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Not a big thing, but I wish I was good at decorating my house. I go to friends' houses and it doesn't matter if they have a smaller or bigger house than mine, smaller or larger income than ours. They all seem to make their houses look good. I just don't have an eye for putting a room together and believe me I've been trying for years. 

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I wish I could sew. I mean, it's embarrassing.  I knit, I weave, I make other cute things, I love to cook, but I can't sew a lick.  The last time I tried, I bought a length of cloth to make a pair of shorts, and the first step was to cut it in half.  Despite extreme care and slowness, during the cutting I got going a tiny bit diagonally and ended up with two non-matching pieces, one of which was now too small to get the required pattern pieces on.  


And I wish I could do woodworking, because I have so many great ideas for things I would like to make that way.  But I know, for sure, that combining me with a table saw would mean missing fingertips.  It's just a bad, bad idea.

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I wish I could cut my kids' hair. I can cut DH's beautifully and always do, but I just can't do the kids.


I wish I were trained as an OT, a Speech-Pathologist, and an ABA practitioner. I do the best I can and keep studying and learning.


I wish I were the calm, collected, go-getting person I was before the last two years happened. I'm getting better, but I have a long way to go.

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I would love to be able to Crochet, but I seem to have a mental block against it.  I have had two separate people try to teach me, I have watched YouTube videos, I have read instruction books, studied websites, I simply cannot do it.  I makes me sad.  There are such adorable patterns out there!


I can't seem to French Braid either, though I have soldiering away at that.  My poor, patient daughter.

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So! Many! Things! :D But right now, cooking is on my mind. I can cook, but I'd love to be able to cook the kind of meals that really wow people. I'd also like to be able to keep a cleaner home. I'm not very well organized, and I'm not neat by nature, though I'm trying to change that. Having three dogs doesn't help. I took a lot of French in college, and yet can't speak a word of French. I'd like to change that too. I wish I could sing. I wish I could speed read.


Cutting hair isn't one of my things, though. I'm more than happy to leave that to the professionals. :) I just can't even imagine myself ever being that trustworthy with a pair of scissors. :lol:

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Meal planning/cooking.


I mean, I do meal plan some & definitely cook, but I find the entire process stressful & not fun. I wish I enjoyed it more.


As far as non-practical everyday skills, I wish I had the mountaineering ability to climb really big mountains.

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I would love to be able to Crochet, but I seem to have a mental block against it. I have had two separate people try to teach me, I have watched YouTube videos, I have read instruction books, studied websites, I simply cannot do it. I makes me sad. There are such adorable patterns out there!



It took me several weeks of crocheting every day to get the hang of it. I knew how to knit but this was so different. I didn't think I would ever get it..my crocheting was way too loose and wonky and uneven...but I stubbornly kept going and eventually it clicked.

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Set up a Word Press SELF-Hosted blog. I even took a class and told the instructor repeatedly that, come hell or high water, I had to learn how to SELF host, not use the free template. Guess what I still was not able to get instructed on before the end of the class? That's right. Still cannot do it.

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Drive in strange cities. The idea of driving to a strange place or flying in and renting a car leaves me in panic. DD is starting to get speaking engagements for her reptile advocacy out of area, and it makes things about 10x harder because I'm scared to drive in strange places.

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Not be so introverted. I would like to hang out with people more often; people who I truly like... but I can never plan it and invite them over. I just like being alone more. I live in fear of people who want to 'just stop by for a little bit.'


Be a morning person.


Get on a plane... and go to all the places I have always dreamed about seeing. I may be able to do this some day when my kids are grown and with medication!

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