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What can you hear right now?


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Right now, I hear:


Stargate Atlantis playing in the background on my computer.


Dolphin sounds DD16

Singing a song DD16

Dram Cha Cha song, and now OMI Cheerleeder, and now  Weeknd Can't Feel My Face  (all played in the amount of time to create this post)  DD16........yep, she is ADD, just in case you are wondering LOL

And her own rendition of American Pie turned into a screamo song LOL  



Magic School Bus from DD8s room (what she usually falls asleep to)


Distant cars. 

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Washing machine, cat with the injured eye yowling because he wants to go to sleep and I'm not in bed for him to lay on yet (only gets to do that since he is injured and DH is out of town), neighbors having a discussion after midnight on their lawn, me getting ready for bed while I try to type out this response.  I have no idea why I felt compelled to respond while getting ready for bed, but there you go.  :)

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The local news that I have on while I'm catching up online.


Birds - oodles and oodles of birds who sing so sweetly in the morning.


Our rooster crowing reminding me I've yet to do chicken chores.  (Yes, he's a bird, but he's not a songbird.)


Some outdoor insects chirping.


Ringing in my ears.  :glare:


And occasionally a pony whinny.  


I'd be hearing the cats too, except they are now pleased with their servant this morning.  They weren't earlier...


No traffic.  I love living where we do.


And this morning, no AC or fan needed either.  I love nature's natural AC!  Windows are wide open!

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Minecraft zombies, Larry the Cable Gut pitching prilosec, Chi Pin snoring in my lap, hermit crabs munching on crape myrtle leaves, tippy tap of silky terrier pacing on top of the back of the sofa, clicking of computer chess oops dh lost another game 'cause he's grumbling.

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Banging around and power tools from the construction guys.  And occasional talking.

The fan in my computer.

Other people getting ready for work.

The keys on my keypad tap tap tap.

Occasionally a squeak from my chair.


(My kids are at horse camp and I'm supposed to be working.)

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It's pretty quiet currently, our company has gone for a walk and youngest is at work.

I hear the traffic in the distance, bird song, the kitten's bell on her collar as she plays and the clackety clack of my keyboard.


Earlier, it was mayhem, one laptop playing Skyrim, one playing Age of Mythology, the chatter of dear voices, the outdoor shower running, laughter and joy.  As it will be again later when they are all back home again.

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The hum of the computer


The fan


The toilet running (I know, I should get that fixed...)


Wow... nothing else. Dh is asleep. Kids are at camp. Apparently nothing is happening in the city - no sirens, no screaming people on the street...

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DD#1 picking out "All Creatures of Our God and King" on the piano.


Puffs of air as DD#2 is pretending to take my blood pressure with her doctor kit.


"Uh-oh!" over and over from DS.  Nothing is wrong, it's just his favorite word to say.  Oh, now he's trying to do something that sounds kind of like singing with DD#1's piano playing.


Myself typing. ;)

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