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  1. Safe & Fair granola Gluten free and so yummy!
  2. Baking dog treats Dog photo shoot (Valentine’s Day, st Patrick’s day) Videos of the dogs Lunch at chik fil a
  3. Cataphil soap Google it. My pediatrician swore by it and I was at my wits end. 24 hours later they were gone forever.
  4. This reminds me of when my daughter learned to skate so she could go to someone’s birthday at the skating rink…… Too much $$$$ spent to calculate, tens of thousands of miles driven, too many hotel rooms paid for to count, costumes, etc Its 18 years later, she still skates, loves it as much as she did on day 1 and the best part is it cost me $0!
  5. Do you have any vets that make home visits? Ask vet for sedation before you bring him in. Good luck!
  6. We ate out a ton because my mother hated to cook and what she did cook no one wanted to eat (besides my father).
  7. I pay about $300 for queen size comforters from the company store 2 kids, multiple cats, 1 dog and 10 years later they are still going strong
  8. I ❤️German Shepherds (I’ve had 3) They can do no wrong in my world. 🙂
  9. Make a donation in his name.
  10. I have flown with cats. One was definitely not a fan of takeoff and landings. We took cats into a very tiny private room for security check. Furry pets are not welcome in rental cars and many taxis/ubers do not welcome them.
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