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What time do your children wake up?

Guest thefranks2009

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Guest thefranks2009

I'm curious what other families consider a "normal" wake up time. We usually get up around 5:00 A.M. but I'm starting to wonder if that may be too early... Sorry if this seems like a silly question!

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Guest thefranks2009

Wow! I didn't expect replies so quickly :) but I'm relieved that there are other early risers out there. Haha, I guess most of our friends and family seem to be night owls then.

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My alarm goes off at 6:30 and my husband and I are usually up between then and 7.  Kids set their alarms if they have to be up and out for some reason, but on a "regular" homeschool day with no early appointments, I start sending the dog to wake them up between 7:30 and 8.    If someone has been sick, anything goes.   My kids and husband will naturally sleep till at least 9.  I can't sleep much past 7 anymore.


BTW:  5 am is only too early if you think it's too early.  If you have things to do, or people naturally wake up then, it's not too early.

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DH is up and out before 5a. My kids are usually up by 8a but occasionally sleep later (growth spurts, unauthorized reading at night, illness). They're not in bed until 9 or 10p though due to DDs gym schedule so I'm OK with a later start. I've never been a morning person anyway. We do school from 9a to 2p or 10a to 3p. Afternoon activities begin at 4:30.

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Before the teenage years, my kids didn't have a wake-up time. That was one huge advantage of homeschooling. Then dd started public high school and she and I both get up at 6:30am. But after I take her to school, I usually come home and go back to sleep. A couple of years ago, ds started waking at 10:30am to start his online classes at noon. We all know how to wake up early if we need to do so. I don't feel the need to practice it.

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My kids are almost always up before 6. They watch TV or play quietly until I get up around 7:30. Of course, if we have to actually be somewhere in the morning, I can't drag them out of bed. They sleep later in the summer when they are able to be more active.

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For the first 15 years of his life my oldest got up at 6:00 every morning. When the time would change, it would be 5:00, but I made a rule that he had to stay in bed until 6:00 and he usually did. As he got older the rule became he couldn't wake me up before 6:00 and that worked too.


Now my teenagers will generally sleep as long as I let them and stay up equally late. We get up at 7:00 on school days due to afternoon commitments though. If they were in ps they would have to get up at 5:00 and be at school at 7:00. They feel lucky.

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It isn't too early if it works for your family.


Our family doesn't all get up at the same time. Dh wakes up around 6:30. I get up at 6 on days I have school. One DD 14 gets up on her own around 7. The other DD 14 gets up anywhere between 8 and 9. On days DD 18 doesn't have to go to school she will easily sleep until 1 or so in the afternoon.

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We have a enforced 7:30 wake up time for the kids during the week.  They have lots of activities they enjoy, so we generally need to be done with school early in the day.  I've also found anything we get done before about 1 pm in terms of school is much high quality than anything after.  DH gets up by 6 and heads to work.  My alarm is set for 6:30, but sometimes I just lay in bed and read until the kids get up.  I actually wish I could get in the habit of getting out of bed sooner.

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Ds wakes between 6 and 7. He was a 5:30 kid for several years. Definitely a morning person, like me.

Dd usually between 7 and 8. Like Dh, not a morning person.


They both sleep later in the winter when it is cold and dark in the mornings. We are up early in the summer, gardening and playing outside before it gets so hot.

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I get up at 6am. Ds gets up at 7 because I won't allow him to get up before that. :-). If I don't make these rules he ends up waking earlier and earlier and needing to go to bed earlier and earlier. Dd is the opposite. I have to wake her up by 7:30. If I don't do this, she'll want to wake up later and later and stay up later and later at night.

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Theoretically, 7:00.  Ha!  Well, they have a bus to catch at 7:37 so it can't be too much later than that.  (Forget earlier.)


I hate waking up.  I can't wait until my kids are independent enough to get their own selves off to school so I can sleep in!  :P

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DS is finally at an age when he sometimes sleeps past 7 (today 8!!). When he was smaller, we had to get a color-changing clock so he would know when he was allowed to get up, or he would've gotten up at 4 or 5. I prefer to stay in bed until the sun is up.

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My son is a night owl and because of our schedule he gets up around noon. I gave up subscribing to a cultural norm for a schedule. :coolgleamA:  He can get up early when he needs, as in today. 


If 5 am works for you, then let it work. 


When he was in private school, he had to be up by 6:15. He did it, but was a bear for two years. 


I am generally up by 7 as I have college 3 days a week. 

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Dh and I get up at 6- 6:30 am on work days and about 7 on non work days.  I often actually get up at 5:30 am since I don;t always need that much sleep.  My youngest, who is the only one I am still homeschooling and sort of in charge of, wakes on non college days at around 9am and on college days at around 8am. 

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Mine are 2, 4, 6, and 8.  They tend to wake within 15 minutes of each other, around 6:30.  This is so much better than when the oldest was a baby, and they used to regularly hit 5:30.  I can handle 6:30, occasionally creeping towards 7.  It is awesome.

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Wow, for me, 5am is early.  DH and I are both night owls.  He doesn't have to be at work until 8am.  My children wake up naturally sometime between 7 and 8.  I like to be up ahead of them so I shoot for 6am.  It's still dark at 6am.  I can't imagine 5am.  HOWEVER, my best friend is usually up at 5, kids up at 6 and starting school by 7:30.  I think it's whatever works for you. Unless you're having a really hard time waking up your children every single morning, then it's probably fine.

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I'm usually up by 4:45 to walk with friends in the morning. It's something I look forward to, so it's easier for me to get up. Dh is usually up by 6:00 and dd by 7:00. We're all usually in bed by 10 pm or so. On the weekends, we'll sleep until about 7:30.


When the college students are home, they pretty much sleep until noon or later for the first few days :-)

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My littlest wakes around 5-7. My older two 7-8. Me 7-8. They usually pounce me in the morning to wake me up. I am a night owl who goes to sleep between 12-3am. Here is us during school. :zombiechase: Come here my precious I want your brain, for educational purposes that is. 

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