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My dog died


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I had her put to sleep 4 weeks ago.  She was 16.  She had no quality of life.  She was completely blind and deaf and had severe arthritis.  She would get lost in her own house, and then she would get scared because she didn't know where she was or who was touching her.  I have no doubt that it was the right thing to do.  I am surprised, but I have no guilt.  She went peacefully in my arms.  She gave me kisses right before she fell asleep, and I told her how good she was and how much I loved her.


The problem is that she was my dog.  She was my soul mate dog.  She was my friend.  She loved me more than she loved anything else, including herself.  I loved her too.  I only had her for 3 years, but as soon as I picked her up, she was mine and I was hers. I have never had another dog like her.


I just miss her so much.  I cry every time someone mentions her name.  People say things like "you gave her such a great home" and "she was so lucky to have you."  I know they are trying to be kind, but the truth is that I was so lucky to have her.


I am feeling sorry for myself tonight.  I thought it might help if I wrote it down.  


I think it has.

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I saw a bumper sticker that showed a paw print and inside it said, "Who rescued who?" (or whom perhaps)  


 I think soul mate dogs are ...  special  beyond words.  And so hard to lose.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 

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I'm so sorry. I truly understand. I, too, had to put down my sweet companion recently. I miss her terribly. I wish you peace and comfort in the coming days.


This is me too.  It is so hard.  For me the worst is having screensaver photos of my sweet guy pop up on the computer when I walk by and I realize he is gone all over again.  The other day I asked my daughter to just shut the computer down so I wouldn't be tortured.  I'm so sorry.  I'm having a hard time with it too.  We have 2 other dogs, but they are my kids dogs.  He was mine in the same way your dog was yours.  I'm going to cry now.  You are not alone, though I'm sure that isn't much consolation.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: For you, OP, and all those suffering from the loss of a pet.  

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The problem is that she was my dog. She was my soul mate dog. She was my friend. She loved me more than she loved anything else, including herself. I loved her too. I only had her for 3 years, but as soon as I picked her up, she was mine and I was hers. I have never had another dog like her.


I just miss her so much. I cry every time someone mentions her name. People say things like "you gave her such a great home" and "she was so lucky to have you." I know they are trying to be kind, but the truth is that I was so lucky to have her.



I'm so sorry. It sounds like you both were lucky to have each other. Your post clearly shows she brought such joy to your life. But you made sure her last three years were filled with love. ::hugs::

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I'm so sorry. :grouphug:


The year my dog died someone gave me a Christmas ornament of a dog that looked just like her, with a little halo over her head. I completely fell to pieces. I thought it was so insensitive and wanted nothing to do with the ornament. But now, years later, every Christmas that ornament has a special place near the top of our tree. I hang it up, have a few tears, and remember my wonderful dog.


So if you think having mementos of your dog is too painful right now, try putting a few photos or a keepsake away for a later time. I am so glad to have my special remembrance time each year.

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Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.  I know it hurts so much.  We had to have ours put down a few years ago as well (she was 15), and she was MY dog from day 1 (we had her from a pup).  She was the best do I've ever had.  There will never be another dog like her.  She gave us 15 years of unconditional love and nothing could have been better.  I will hurt for a long time.  It's been 3 years and there are still days when I cry.  Not often, but sometimes, because I still miss her.  Even though you only had her for a few years, you'll never forget them.

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I am so sorry. I have had many pets over the years, but there were those few who burrowed deep into my heart and left huge holes when they died. The crying is good, I think, it helps the healing.


It does get easier... I haven't forgotten my childhood dog (one of the special ones -- she was there from when I was a toddler until after I moved out of my parents' house) and still have her old collar, but 20 years later I only cry once in a while when a particularly poingant memory hits. When those come, I make a donation to the local animal shelter in her memory and get a smile to balance things out.

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I'm so sorry. :-(. Many, many hugs to you for the grief you are experiencing. My heart dog passed four years ago from cancer...I will always miss him dearly. As several pp have mentioned...I still actively mourn him at times. He was my "baby" when I was experiencing infertility before kiddos. Bodie was his name (hence my screen name...Bodiesmom. :-) ).


Again, I'm so sorry for your heartache. :-(


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Thank you.  It really does help to know that other people know how I am feeling.  I feel like the pain should be getting better, but I still miss her so much.  I really like the ideas of getting a Christmas ornament that looks like her and making a donation to a shelter in her name.  I am going to do both of those things.


We do have other pets, and our 7 month old rescued kitten has decided that my newly open lap is now his favorite place to cuddle.  That helps, because Java was definitely a lap dog.  I could not sit down without her being in my lap.  We have two other dogs also, and one of them has been sitting with me more.  She has always been my husband's dog, and she has never payed me much attention even before we got Java.  Actually, when we first lost Java, one of the two dogs sat with me all of the time.  It was like they were taking turns at taking care of me.


I am so sorry to everyone else who has lost a dog, especially a soul mate dog.  I guess that love and strong bond we felt with these dogs is the reason that it hurts so much, and I know I wouldn't give that up for anything.

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Guest yankinclover

...applause, please! People who have been embraced by an animal and who reciprocate as only a Human can ( Offering your heart, knowing it will be broken) are a blessing. Speaking from experience as a shelter volunteer and dog lover, I know dog shelters are full, with dogs who were cast-off due to circumstances of life and who sit and wait for the thing only a Human can give - a heart.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: I'm so, so sorry for your loss.  It is so hard. I know your doggy soulmate has left a hole in your life.  


I lost my doggy soul mate a few Mother's Days ago, and it still hurts.  He was 16, too.  He was my best friend and soul mate doggy even in my single days.  I still miss him.  The vet, who loved my pup, too, told me to look forward to my dog visiting me in dreams.  And he has.  I hope your doggy soul mate will visit you in yours.

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Thank you.  It really does help to know that other people know how I am feeling.  I feel like the pain should be getting better, but I still miss her so much.  I really like the ideas of getting a Christmas ornament that looks like her and making a donation to a shelter in her name.  I am going to do both of those things.


We do have other pets, and our 7 month old rescued kitten has decided that my newly open lap is now his favorite place to cuddle.  That helps, because Java was definitely a lap dog.  I could not sit down without her being in my lap.  We have two other dogs also, and one of them has been sitting with me more.  She has always been my husband's dog, and she has never payed me much attention even before we got Java.  Actually, when we first lost Java, one of the two dogs sat with me all of the time.  It was like they were taking turns at taking care of me.


I am so sorry to everyone else who has lost a dog, especially a soul mate dog.  I guess that love and strong bond we felt with these dogs is the reason that it hurts so much, and I know I wouldn't give that up for anything.


I had heard people before talk about their heart dog, and I never really got it till we got Willow.  She ended up seeing us through the very early death of our Lab at 3 1/2 due to bone cancer.  I think that getting through that really bonded her to us, and I have no doubt that she would have laid down her life for one of us.  I just try to think of her over the Rainbow Bridge.  I know she found our Lab, and they together found my grandfather, who LOVED dogs.  

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