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Have you met or seen any celebrities?


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Years ago when we lived in California, we were walking through Carmel with my parents-in-law, and my FIL stumbled and fell forward.  The man who was walking towards us caught FIL and put him back on his feet, then walked on.  Only then did we recognise Pierce Brosnan.

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Yes, but my husband used to work with actors and producers in LA as part of his job (he was their CPA), so we have met quite a few A list and B list celebs.   Unfortunately, I am not allowed to relay the stories though......but some are pretty juicy!   

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A very popular former football player locally.  Just a very brief encounter.

I've had slightly more substantive encounters with some politicians, if that counts.

Might be others that I've forgotten.  I am not good at remembering these things.

My kid met LeBron James and some of his teammates while preparing for a pre-game show.  She also encountered Pink in the elevator.

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Oh, I met former Prime Minister Tony Blair.  I was trying to get into the British Council building in Hong Kong to get to my Cantonese lesson, but was held back by security because Blair was coming out.  When he arrived, he worked the crowd, presumably assuming we had all turned up to meet him...

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Jon from NKOTB stayed at the same resort as my extended family did once when I was a kid. I might have been 12-13. But I developed early so I probably looked older. A younger cousin came and got me said it was someone else from the band, he sat right next to our block of chaise lounges. He ignored her until I said it was Jon, not Joey, then he laser focused on me. He had two women in bikinis touching him at all times. He was very concerned that I not tell anyone he was there. Like he kept following me around, bikini clad women in tow, saying he wasn’t Jon, but he clearly was. It happened at least 3 times. Besides, without fame he wasn’t attractive enough to have multiple women following him like that. He was skinny and a bit gawky and awkward in his own skin. It was weird. He followed us from the pool to the mini golf area and I finally said, “Look, I’m here with my family. The only people I know from the area are my great aunt and uncle. She’s a college Dean and he’s retired. Neither of them care to call anyone to let them know you’re here.” He visibly relaxed, went back to the lounge chairs, and waved at me when we left the pool for dinner later. 

I waitressed at a place one summer that had celebrities come in when I was maybe 20. I remember feeling awkward because I was too young to drink but I was constantly asked for wine recommendations. I remember a few famous people but they were always kind & good tippers so I’ve never felt like I should talk about them. 

Mer many politicians at political events. Several famous pastors, mostly at church conferences or dinners. Several authors when I went to hear them speak. I was seated next to a few British Lords in airplanes as a teen. They were always surprised I knew anything about their political system. 

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I have seen Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban at the grocery store.  And a while back I was walking on a greenway near my house and passed this old guy with crazy hair -- long, curly, and all black with white streaks -- walking a little dog.   I later figured out that it was Steven Tyler.


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I grew up meeting a lot of famous Christians because of my parents.  My parents were embarrassed because when I was three, I insisted on sumo wrestling one of them (in the living room, with clothes on).

I have met a couple of ambassadors etc.  I spoke at UNESCO when I was in fifth grade, which was a disaster, not because of UNESCO but because I was woefully unprepared.

I bumped into Bill Nye the science guy on the street.  It was one of those "I know this guy but can't place him" moments where I prattled on asking him how he was, until I suddenly turned beet red because I realized that I didn't actually know him!  He was very gracious.

A locally famous newscaster went into local politics.  I speak on occasion before the city council but have terrible stage fright.  He took me aside after one time and was very encouraging to me.  (I don't like his politics though).

I studied voice for awhile with a famous opera soprano and then later with a famous coloratura.  The former was all the stereotypes about Opera Divas.  The latter was the kindest most encouraging person ever.

I used to clean house for a famous interior designer.  An absolute genius who treated everyone like dirt.  She used to do stunts like come into the newly mopped kitchen and drop her banana peel on the floor just feet from the garbage can.  I refused to let her treat me the way she treated all her other staff - I got very selective hearing that would somehow only be able to hear her when she treated me politely.  As far as I know, I was one of the only people she actually respected.  It was sad though because she confided in me that despite all her fame and status, she knew that the mayor, and other dignitaries etc. were only nice to her face and actually hated her. 

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Oh, I forgot. I saw Tyson Beckford in a mall in suburban Denver in 1996.   He had 3-4 teen boys with him. As I passed him a boy with him said, “See? Another woman who recognizes you!” I stifled a giggle because until the kid said that I didn’t realize who he was, I just thought he was the second most attractive person I’d ever seen. 

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We were on a college tour with oldest DD at a top University and there was a dad and daughter in our group. I thought the dad seemed rather standoffish and uncomfortable. Kept his sunglasses and hat on, in the back, arms folded. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place him. The daughter was up with the visitors and very chatty and cute with a British accent. It hit me later who he looked just like ... Jude Law. I really think it was him. He was trying to stay so in the background and the British accent and all. Oh and it meant the girl was Iris Law, which matched the pics I found of her when we got home and I looked up his kiddos. I guess she is pretty famous now too. She wasn't hiding or being shy. She was happily touring the school.



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I don't even know who most of these people are! 🤣

I'm not good at recognizing people and would have no idea if I had an entire conversation with a "celebrity", even if I'd seen them in something before. I'm always a bit nervous I won't recognize people I DO know, never mind people I don't, lol. 

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I posted earlier today in the reading thread about Jeannette Walls, author of The Glass Castle  and Half Broke Horses. My mil and hers (from her current husband, not the abusive ex) are first cousins making him and dh second cousins. They barely know each other because both families moved away from their Tennessee mountain town when they were young. She attended a family reunion of the mil's side of the family not long after The Glass Castle came out. I met and briefly spoke with her at the reunion.

My only other brush with a famous person was when I was in my late 20s. Elvin Bishop (Fooled Around and Fell in Love) was out of the limelight way before Guardians of the Galaxy brought his hit back and was playing in small local bars. We literally bumped into each other coming out of the men's and ladies' rooms and did that dance you do when each person is trying to get out of the way. He took me and did a mini pretend waltz then went back on stage. 

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Ran into Woody Harrelson at the airport when I was in college.  I recognized him and pointed him out to my family who other than my cousin didn't believe it was him. I went up to him and asked for a picture and he was super nice and took pictures with my cousin and I.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at a book signing.

Bruce Wills on a trolly tour around Chicago he was filming a movie.



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My DH has some minor celebrities (who were bigger celebrities a few decades ago) on the extended side of his family. Also some pro athletes. Over the years we've been to a few functions where those people attended, and (once) a number of their Hollywood friends were in attendance. Lots of people were all gaga, but I always have and probably always will fail to be impressed with anyone just because they're a celebrity. They're just people. I don't even recognize the names of most celebrities nowadays. 

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When our daughter was two years old, we attended a big agricultural banquet at the end of a conference Mark's brother attended (we were his guests and he was there representing the university he worked for), and R had her picture taken with Orville Redenbacher who had been a celebrity guest. It was pretty awesome. Man was he rickety, so Mark got into the picture just to hold his arm because he desperately wanted to hold her. She thought he was grandpa or something and went right to him. So cute!

I had a master class at conservatory with Ian Hobson, probably not a celebrity to anyone accept people who follow the classical, piano concert world. Still, it was pretty awesome.

We have had a very nice chat with Astronaut Scott Kelly, and with John Barrowman (the creator of Barrowman's equations which makes him a celebrity in the aerospace and rocketry world). Actually, we have had some great conversations with several astronauts.

My all time favorite was meeting Susan at a homeschool conference many years ago.

Nehemiah Kish and Yuhui Choe (Celebrities of the ballet world. Literally referred to as ballet royalty. I attended their wedding reception here in the states, and we are close friends with Nehemiah's parents.)

I've met Beverly Sills, Vladimir Horowitz, Melissa Gilbert (she owned a house in Mid Michigan for a number of years) and Stevie Wonder. (Stevie is from Saginaw, MI and occasionally comes back to do a gig in town or at a school or whatever just to support his hometown.)

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Ive met several famous soccer players.  

My older sister played regularly against Michelle Aker Stahl and did goalkeeping training sort of with Kasey Keller (guys were on the other side of the pitch) I used to fetch the balls.

Mia Hamm, Sissy from Brazil, Julie Fawcett meet and great style.  

Brandi Chastain was a spokesperson for a tournament she watched our final game and gave us our medals. She chatted with a group of us for a long time.  


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My daughter used to swim with a team where one of the NSYNC member's brought his child for lessons.   I've never been a celebrity stalker so i looked them up and I'm pretty sure I remember which one it was but I ignored him unlike the rest of the people there.   

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Years ago during the height of Growing Pains fame my mom was on a pay phone with my pre teen sister in an airport when Kirk Cameron walked by and my mom said “hey- can you say hi to my daughter?” and he got on the phone and talked to my sister. He was really nice and it was a really funny story. 

I try to tell my kids that story and explain he was a teen heartthrob and not a Christian homeschool dad influencer guy but that is how they are seeing him so they aren’t impressed. Like we see him around our town sometimes and he has visited churches around here and they just aren’t impressed. But back when he did it he was way cooler and it was a better story! 


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2 hours ago, MEmama said:

I don't even know who most of these people are! 🤣

I'm not good at recognizing people and would have no idea if I had an entire conversation with a "celebrity", even if I'd seen them in something before. I'm always a bit nervous I won't recognize people I DO know, never mind people I don't, lol. 

If you’ve ever watched a cartoon from the 80s til early 2000’s you’ve heard Frank Welker. He has been Fred Jones on scooby do since the beginning too. His voice acting list is legendary 

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1 hour ago, Pawz4me said:

My DH has some minor celebrities (who were bigger celebrities a few decades ago) on the extended side of his family. Also some pro athletes. Over the years we've been to a few functions where those people attended, and (once) a number of their Hollywood friends were in attendance. Lots of people were all gaga, but I always have and probably always will fail to be impressed with anyone just because they're a celebrity. They're just people. I don't even recognize the names of most celebrities nowadays. 

I started getting People magazine a few years ago and realized I hardly knew any of the new celebrities.  I guess that is what happens when you have a bunch of kids are with them 24/7 and never watch movies or tv shows for over a decade.  I still don't know most of the young ones having seen anything they have done.  I am just somewhat familiar with some of the names now. 

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While at college, DH danced with Brooke Shields. They went to the same college, and he knew her, of course, but she didn't know him. At a college event with a band, she sidled up to DH, put her arm around him, and swayed a few times, then disappeared in the crowd. DH is 6'5", so his height may have been a factor.

He also played football with Dean Cain.

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In the 90's, I chatted with Michael Dukakis at a T (train) stop in Boston. For those who don't recognize the name, he was the Democratic nominee for President (who lost to George HW Bush) and past Governor of Massachusetts. He was famous for taking public transportation. We were both headed to the airport at 6 am and for awhile were the only two waiting for the train. I felt awkward about saying I knew who he was, so we just chatted generally. I told him I was in grad school, and he told me his daughter was interning at NPR. When we got on the train, another guy engaged him in a political conversation. Getting to the airport took two train/subway transfers and a bus trip, and we were together the whole way.

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11 minutes ago, maize said:

I've shaken hands with a US President, a Vice President, and a couple of First Ladies--all while outside the US. 

I'm faceblind so if I ran into a celebrity at random I would be completely clueless.

Can I send you a pm? My dd just discovered she has face blindness when she left home.

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2 minutes ago, maize said:

My dad was present at a meeting between Gorbachev and Bush in Paris in 1990. At one point, all the lights went off (probably a thrown fuse); everyone's security sprang into action but it turned out to be nothing.

This is totally different but still reminded me that my mom and dad played tennis (just on a neighborhood court) with the former emperor (crown prince at the time) and the crown princess.  Then another time, my dad was hiking and the crown prince and his entourage caught up with him, they made small talk for a few minutes and then the crown prince went on ahead.  (This was a different time when security issues were way different than they are now but part of the entourage was made up of security personnel.)

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Oh also John McCain came to our town on the campaign trail and one of his stops was to check out my JROTC program that was one of the best in the nation I was one of his tour guides.

We also have met General Jim Mattis and see him regularly around town. He likes the creole joint at the airport.

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4 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Have you met or seen any celebrities?

Stories welcome.

Chuck Norris came to my daughter's belt ceremony last week (the kids knew he was coming and had been coached NOT To approach him or ask for signatures, pictures, etc. He was here for a meeting with the district and was being gracious and coming to their ceremony as well) and they really surprised us by taking pictures of every kid with him! And then they GAVE those pictures to the parents (I was expecting to be asked to pay for a copy -- to help fund the program) We just got a link yesterday to those pictures! So guess what is now my computer background? 🙂

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1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:

Years ago during the height of Growing Pains fame my mom was on a pay phone with my pre teen sister in an airport when Kirk Cameron walked by and my mom said “hey- can you say hi to my daughter?” and he got on the phone and talked to my sister. He was really nice and it was a really funny story. 

I try to tell my kids that story and explain he was a teen heartthrob and not a Christian homeschool dad influencer guy but that is how they are seeing him so they aren’t impressed. Like we see him around our town sometimes and he has visited churches around here and they just aren’t impressed. But back when he did it he was way cooler and it was a better story! 


My sister had a crush on Kirk Cameron when we were growing up.

It's still hard for me to see him as anything else *wry*

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The former talk show host, Mike Douglas... in an elevator in a hotel when I was in high school.

I'm personally friends with a former Georgia State Superintendent of Schools. When we lived near each other, we were in a book club together and did things socially. Now, it's more of a texting and FB relationship as I've moved away. She was "famous" in Georgia.

Pro-wrestler Fit Finley's son was in my preschool class. I talked to him all the time. He and his wife are so nice. I even went to his house once, as he knew my son wanted to meet him. So kind. It was funny, though, cause his kid thought it was the coolest thing that the teacher came over. 




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2 hours ago, Zoo Keeper said:

David McCullough (historian/author) and I were both at an event at an art gallery and we had a lovely 15 minute conversation about what books he read for fun.  He liked mysteries.  So do I. 🙂

Oh that would be interesting. I've read several of his books and I also like mysteries. 🙂

I forgot I met Patrick Smith (A Land Remembered, Angel City) at a local pioneer festival years ago. He passed away a few years after I met him. He lived in a nearby city in my county and worked at the community college I attended. 

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I met Judy Blume at a book signing once when I was in 5th Grade; I asked a question to try and show that I'd *read* her books, and my question got me a one-on-one chat with her after (it was an embarrassing question and probably horrified my parents/all the grown-ups, ha!) (If you've read "Deenie" which talks about how she soothed herself......I asked about that)

I have met in autograph lines a handful of Christian artists of the early 90s. 

I have met a handful of quilt celebrities at quilt shows. 

I spent our time in line for a ride at Disney 75% sure that Mark Hammill was behind us in line. No one in my family agreed, and I never got up the nerve to ask him (I also figured, if it wasn't, odds are about 50/50 the guy would have pretended to be, and if it was, he probably preferred to go incognito anyway).  I'm still not convinced it wasn't. 

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I'm proud of the time our family met Arnold Schwarzenegger because my dd won an award (fencing) that he presented to her at the Arnold Sports Festival. She stood a little too close to the edge of the stage for the group picture and almost fell off, and Arnold himself caught her and steadied her. She treasures the picture. We were surprised to see how short he is. He was surrounded by a phalanx of eager, happy bodyguards all wearing tan. 

I've met quite a few in the Christian subculture due to a confluence of three: (1) I had an aunt whose literal hobby was attending Christian rock concerts and befriending the musicians. She employed some paparazzi kinda techniques, unfortunately. (2) I worked in a Christian bookstore in high school, so sometimes we'd get an author or musician passing through. (3) I worked in Christian publishing for a little while. While in the publishing world, I lost a lot of respect for some big name people, while I also gained respect for some who were absolutely wonderful to work with. Especially when I was a lowly editorial assistant, I experienced a wide variety in how different "important" people treated me. Some who were unfailingly kind and sweet were Francine Rivers, Angela Hunt, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, and Jan Karon. I make a point of recommending their books.

I was speech partners with a big-deal football player in college. It was not a good experience at all. He didn't do the work and didn't return phone calls. He was not able to rise in the pros after he graduated, but on our campus he was a big deal and my then-boyfriend (now-husband) was astounded that I was partners with this lofty personage, lol. 

I saw Mayor Daley at an art museum with his family. He's also super short. We wandered through the same set of rooms for a little while, and I shamelessly listened in (while acting like I was looking at other things) to the awesome art-museum person who was clearly leading them on a private tour. Honestly, I wasn't all that interested in following HIM. Rather, I was fascinated by all the nifty information the tour guide was sharing. 

One of my favorites was Sheryl Woods, who is an opera singer. She also happens to be related to a friend of mine, and she did an opera presentation in my living room for our local homeschool group. I will never, ever forget her glorious voice filling my house. I've never heard anything like it, and I still tear up remembering the sheer sensory assault as her voice washed over me. She was so lovely and sweet, and it was such a privilege to hear her like that.

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Lots.  E had dinner in the  same place at Slobodan Milosovic and Cyrus Vance.  We didn't like that they were there since Miloovic and his compatriots were smoking in a non smoking dining room.

Saw President Nixon at eh White House as a kid (we were the audience for a photo op in the Rose Garden).    Had breakfast  in a restaurant with Brian Dennehy a few tables down.  Let Forrest Whittaker back in the country.  ALso saw Olivia Newton John but she didn't go through my line.  

Used to see actors more when we lived in LA area.  My husband has seen others- Arnold Schwartzarewger before he was a movie star- he was a bodybuilder.   Then when n he worked at a bookstore, he met some writers. Plus he saw ex President Ford at the airport too plus flew on the same plane as the guy from that Wedding Dress show- which he only knew about because daughters sometimes put it on.                

And we have seen and met lots of politicians too or political wives.  

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A long time ago when I lived in California, I dated a Hollywood stuntman, and I went to some celebrity parties with him.  I remember one of them was at Doug McClure's mansion, probably a name unfamiliar to most but he had been in the TV show "The Virginian" and I used to watch the re-runs of those and always liked his character!   Another time I was at a night club and spent the evening dancing with someone who claimed he was one of the princes of Iran, and he had a security detail with him.  By the end of the evening, he asked me if I'd marry him.  😄.  I didn't really believe any of it then (although he was definitely Iranian), but now and then, I wonder...  



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My husband is some kind of cousin relation to Judy Blume; I never met her. 

Michael Dukakis is my husband's colleague. He and his wife talked my ear off at the last Christmas party! He and my husband take the T (Boston public transportation)  together sometimes.  

Mayim Bialik emailed me about homeschooling. We have a mutual friend and I was the only Jewish homeschooler she knew.  I took a couple of breaths and answered her.  This was before the Big Bang Theory so I knew her as Blossom.

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Not me. I passed an actress from a soap opera once on the street of NYC, and I shared a Southwest flight with Caroline Rhea once, but that's it. 

DH has met some bigger names because he worked for a movie studio in CA. He played with Britney Spears kids when they were very little. 

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Jermaine Clement from Flight of the Concords lives down the street from me so I seem him walking around pretty regularly.  He's just an everyday guy here and when his kid was young, you could see him pushing him in the stroller. Everyone knows who he is, but we just greet him on the sidewalk or in the park with a 'hi' or a nod like is done here to be friendly. 

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