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Do you know of anyone who still doesn't believe in Covid-19? Or is not listening to the guidelines?


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Yes, I know people who still think it isn't a big deal. I see kids playing together around our our neighborhood. I don't get too upset if the kids are rding bikes outside and keeping a good distance, although I'm not allowing my own kids to do it. The ones playing together on trampolines or driveway basketball irritate me more.


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Yes and yes and yes.

I put into a different category those who are mentally unwell and have had increased paranoia. And, yes, I have bumped into those also. 

IMO, the most irrational to deal with are those who themselves didn’t isolate, had a mild disease course, and are ticked that the rest of the world is still on pause. I get that there is a balancing act, but going to the grocery store while Ill was just bad form.

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Out of my personal friends - even those who earlier were “it’s the flu” people - I don’t think any of them still don’t believe it’s a real thing. (However, I snoozed several people on FB so it’s conceivable they are still spouting nonsense. But I doubt it.) 

There are, however, people in FB groups I am in that still seem to think it’s some elaborate hoax. These are prone to ask if you personally know anyone with this disease. But now, hundreds of people will answer back that yes, they do. Some know people who have died. 

I do know some other people, usually guys, who do believe there is a COVID-19, but they do have extremely untrusting beliefs about what the govt is doing. They keep circulating dumb stuff about govt going to grab your guns or saying there are armed guards on the streets in such-and-such city. I just roll my eyes. (I hear these things second-hand; these folks tell my dh.) 

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My 88 year old father thinks it’s no big deal and he was going out as usual until my sister put a stop to it.   But then yesterday she called and asked if they could come over (they live 90 minutes away) but I declined.  My dad has some dementia...I have no excuse for why my sister doesn’t seem to take it seriously. 

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Yes, I do know a good many who tend to give "word-service" to believing it is real, but in actuality, their actions are not changing much. Or they just don't understand how easily contagious this is (and I don't get how they don't understand that!). They still think people are just afraid and panicking, rather than trying to be protective and stop this thing. Or they think it is okay to be in contact one or two or another family at a time, as long as the group itself isn't over ten people. They don't seem to get the limiting your contacts overall thing. 

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I see kids playing together outside every afternoon. Sometimes I have seen parents standing around chatting & supervising the kids, but usually there is no supervision. My kids think I am paranoid that everyone has the virus and that's why I won't let them play with neighbors as they normally do.  Ugh!  Thankfully, my kids can ride their bikes, walk, and fish at a local park but on nice days the park is way too crowded.

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10 minutes ago, East Coast Sue said:

I see kids playing together outside every afternoon. Sometimes I have seen parents standing around chatting & supervising the kids, but usually there is no supervision. 

This is my kid and one neighbor family. Older ds and I still volunteering too 🤷‍♀️ I was over the righteous quarantining that’s all over this board 3 weeks ago. 

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I was just wishing I had someone to vent to about my across the street neighbor. I was able to avoid her by going inside Sunday when she started going off about how there has only been 2400 deaths and why are we doing this.  Today I was trapped a bit(both times socially distant) and she started going off.  I tried to share some other view point but she was insistent that we are screwing over the economy for no good reason.  I know she has crossed state lines to her cabin in the last week (and back).  The other state has a stay at home order as well but she went there to get a couple not necessary things done (grooming type) and she was talking up the precautions these people were doing because they couldn't just shut down as they needed the income etc. And we can just all take precautions and go on with life.  Oh and it's mostly only people who are obese etc anyways.    I actually at that point just rudely left 😒

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33 minutes ago, East Coast Sue said:

I see kids playing together outside every afternoon. Sometimes I have seen parents standing around chatting & supervising the kids, but usually there is no supervision. My kids think I am paranoid that everyone has the virus and that's why I won't let them play with neighbors as they normally do.  Ugh!  Thankfully, my kids can ride their bikes, walk, and fish at a local park but on nice days the park is way too crowded.

Yep, we go on gray days instead.

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3 minutes ago, Seasider too said:

They seem to think of small groups being ok as long as it is a small number, and they aren't getting that it needs to be the SAME people all the time. They think they are ok if they met with these 2 people Monday, and a different 2 people on Wednesday, each of whom probably all went out to the grocery store at some point in the last week. 

Exactly! And due to the fact that I still have to go in to work most days, I'm having a lot of difficulty protecting myself due to this mindset. It's causing me to feel a lot of frustration, because I can't figure out how to avoid it without quitting my job (tempting, but we need it). I'm actually feeling a good bit of stress over this, but don't quite know how to fix it.

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8 minutes ago, Seasider too said:


Like this guy?

My kid says a friend left a group chat in a huff because everyone was on her case about roaming around with various friends. Which sort of implies that neither the youth nor the parent  is serious about social distancing.

What I really seem to be coming across (through what I hear) is that people are genuinely misinformed about what stay at home means. They seem to think of small groups being ok as long as it is a small number, and they aren't getting that it needs to be the SAME people all the time. They think they are ok if they met with these 2 people Monday, and a different 2 people on Wednesday, each of whom probably all went out to the grocery store at some point in the last week. I see things online, but have generally not seen or heard this particular part of the instructions emphasized. 

I'm not sure they are misinformed exactly. The "federal" guidelines are groups smaller than 10. I think people feel like they are following those orders.

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Unfortunately my 82 yo aunt and 84 yo uncle keep trying to go about their business like nothing is different. According to my cousin her mother is oblivious and her stepfather is obstinate. I feel bad for her trying to convince them of the need to stay home. She brings them stuff, picks up their prescriptions, etc, but they still find excuses to go out and be in public. 

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One friend is grudgingly following the orders but thinks it all some conspiracy it's just the flu etc. 

One friend of ODD clearly doesn't get it keeps asking for sleep overs etc.  When my daughter says it's not allowed the  friends says but I had a sleepover with so and so. 😝

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20 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

Exactly! And due to the fact that I still have to go in to work most days, I'm having a lot of difficulty protecting myself due to this mindset. It's causing me to feel a lot of frustration, because I can't figure out how to avoid it without quitting my job (tempting, but we need it). I'm actually feeling a good bit of stress over this, but don't quite know how to fix it.

My kids and I all work at the same place so I understand your frustration. We've just been washing hands more, sometimes 3 times in one transaction. We work with food.


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I have to admit I started off thinking this would all blow over, but I have become a believer and am doing all I can to be safe. Unfortunately I am working in a tax office and we are considered “essential” ( I also didn’t believe we were essential until the stimulus check, where suddenly I it has become really important to help make sure people have filed their taxes) 

That means I see different people every day. Our office has done a fairly good job of changing the process to protect the staff along with our clients, but I don’t really think it’s enough. 

Yesterday a coworker, A woman in her 70s and one of the smartest people I have ever known, shared her thoughts that the virus is not a big deal - it was shocking to hear and not at all comforting. Maybe her focus is taxes and she’s not following the news, but it was actually scary to think that she is going about her life almost as normal and not taking precautions because she doesn’t believe in it.

It puts me and my coworkers and our families and our clients and their families all at risk. I can see how quickly things could domino from just one person not caring. And that has really freaked me out.

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Around here most people seem to be taking it seriously.   We're pretty close to NYC though, so it seems pretty real here.   I do see a lot of people walking a particular street with a walking path when the weather is nice.  I see some groups of kids jogging sometimes but they may be family.   I also feel like it's impossible for people to really distance when it's crowded.  

I have seen posts twice in the past week on local homeschool groups of someone looking for get togethers for her kids to meet other homeschoolers.    I'm hoping she means online and just doesn't feel the need to say it.

Dh is calling his mother every day or two to remind her she shouldn't be going out to the store.  She's turning 85 next week.  He's going to go down this weekend to pick up supplies for her because he's really worried if he doesn't, she'll go out.  There's no one closer to her who would be a better choice to shop for her.  He feels like visiting with her for a few days will also make her more likely to stay home.  He's going to stay through her birthday.    He can make the drive without stopping and is familiar with proper glove and mask procedures.  

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I have read reports that initial predictions about the severity may have been too high. I think it's really important to be looking at the data and making adjustments as we learn. Because if this isn't as deadly as initially feared, it's definitely not worth screwing over the world's economy. 

I have mixed feelings about isolating the older at-risk individuals. I have seen so many "heart-warming" videos about visiting the elderly through glass windows, etc. And I get it. I know why people are doing that. I haven't seen my dad in several weeks. He is very high risk for just about everything, not just COVID. He also has talked for years about being ready to die. On the one hand, I do NOT want to be the one responsible for sharing an illness with him that kills him. But if he dies tomorrow of a heart attack I am going to feel like sh*t for not having taken my kids to see him recently. I feel like it's a lose/lose situation. 

ETA: it doesn't help that my dad has dementia. His health has declined pretty dramatically over the last 8 months, from living alone to not being able to even be left alone. It's not like we have years left with my dad anyway. I feel really conflicted about keeping my kids away from him while, right now, he is still mostly lucid. 

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17 hours ago, Ottakee said:

Well, there was the FB post today about how all vaccines are now made in China and funded by Bill Gates and this is a ploy to injure us with vaccines and lower the population growth rate.

Yeah, and we're pretty close to Chicago which has thousands of cases athough hospitals aren't overrun yet.

I have a friend from co-op who'd I'd been missing so I accepted her friend request, but I have now found out she all about positing about Gates and his campaign to kill us with his vaccines. I'd never seen that one before. [snipped because I'm a little raw about the other aspect]

My next door neighbors (both elderly and not in great health) have rebuffed my repeated attempts to do their errands for them. The lady insists that man can do them, so she's safe. No, no, she's not, and I can't seem to get that through to her. I've taken to calling her every 2 days to check to see if they need something. But I called last night and needed nothing, and then man left this afternoon. Maybe he's just bored? I don't know what to do.

It was interesting to see the progression of an ER doc friend's understanding. She went from "It's the flu." to "We have it all under control." to "Please, please stay home. I can't touch my babies when I come home!"

Our news station just posted an article on how since it got warm in the past two days the playgrounds have been overrun even though they are closed by governor's orders. So, yeah, lots of people not taking it seriously here.

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DD saw a couple of young adult friends if ours talking with a neighbor today and none if them were practicing any physical distancing. Looked like a normal convo from pre-Covid19 days.

Dh's father insists on going out like normal. BIL called asking him what he needed from the store. FIL said he didn't need anything, then called BIL from inside Costco later that same day to ask BIL if he could pick him up anything. FIL also went inside a pharmacy & commented to the employees that it sure was deserted in there. The employee pointed out that the sign on the door said not to come in -- just call & they would bring your prescription out to your car. Argh! 

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The US now has more than double the number of cases that Italy has. 

With a daily increase of ~25,000 confirmed cases, we are on track to have more cases than every other country in the world combined.

Out of the ~240,000 confirmed cases, only ~16,000 have resolved either through recovery or death.  I think we are due to see a whole bunch more deaths in the next couple of weeks.

I guess we're great again, now, right!  We're #1 in something...




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well - Sweden is an experiement.

8 minutes ago, Amy in NH said:

The US now has more than double the number of cases that Italy has. 

With a daily increase of ~25,000 confirmed cases, we are on track to have more cases than every other country in the world combined.

Out of the ~240,000 confirmed cases, only ~16,000 have resolved either through recovery or death.  I think we are due to see a whole bunch more deaths in the next couple of weeks.

I guess we're great again, now, right!  We're #1 in something...




keep in mind - the US has nearly 5 1/2 times the population of Italy.  (and anyone paying any attention knows china is lying through their teeth about their numbers.)

and Italian drs have been frank that everyone hasn't been tested, because a significant number of people have died before ever getting to a hospital.

and there are areas that won't go into lockdown - thinking of new Yorkers rushing out to watch the USN Mercy come into new York harbor.   what part of social distancing don't they understand?

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I have a whackadoodle relative who is hard core into natural healing and stuff. She thinks this flu is a weaponized wave (like radio, idk) of some sort having to do with 5g??!!  And that the vaccine will microchip all of us so the government can track us...?

I can't even. 😶

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So the same neighbor from above has her granddaughter over.  This is not uncommon but they live a couple hours away. Not sure if it's just the one or if the whole family is there too.  They are from a tiny, rural town so I could see coming in and staying here.  But, she just had a neighbor girl come over to play with her granddaughter. My youngest is usually the playmate or all three of them.  She didn't ask me. She must have already known I would say no.  

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I believe it is a real, serious situation and I am listening to the guidelines, but I am not convinced that the risk is as high as some fear.  If you look at the projections the government is making decisions based upon https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections for just a few sample states.  The projected hospital beds even for as soon as tomorrow do not seem reasonable to me:

State     Projected beds needed Apr 3           Current active cases

NY         61,057 (46,211-71,768)                             83,246

TX          2259  (1959-2672)                                 4642

LA          6252 (3230-8840)                                   8820

CA         5023 (4015-6897)                                     9754

Is it really reasonable to project that more than 50% of the cases are going to be hospital beds needed? 

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8 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

I believe it is a real, serious situation and I am listening to the guidelines, but I am not convinced that the risk is as high as some fear.  If you look at the projections the government is making decisions based upon https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections for just a few sample states.  The projected hospital beds even for as soon as tomorrow do not seem reasonable to me:

State     Projected beds needed Apr 3           Current active cases

NY         61,057 (46,211-71,768)                             83,246

TX          2259  (1959-2672)                                 4642

LA          6252 (3230-8840)                                   8820

CA         5023 (4015-6897)                                     9754

Is it really reasonable to project that more than 50% of the cases are going to be hospital beds needed? 

In Michigan, it is hard to get tested unless you are quite ill......so I do think it is reasonable to think that 1/2-2/3 of the people TESTED might need a hospital bed.   Now, there are likely many times more people that will NOT be tested as they aren't sick enough to need urgent medical care.....and therefore aren't in the counts of those "active cases" or "beds needed" counts.

I had a weird pneumonia several weeks ago that left me very short of breath.  Flu was negative.  It might have been COVID???  Obviously we won't know, unless at some point they do antibody tests, because there was no COVID testing in our area then.

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6 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

In Michigan, it is hard to get tested unless you are quite ill......so I do think it is reasonable to think that 1/2-2/3 of the people TESTED might need a hospital bed.   Now, there are likely many times more people that will NOT be tested as they aren't sick enough to need urgent medical care.....and therefore aren't in the counts of those "active cases" or "beds needed" counts.

I had a weird pneumonia several weeks ago that left me very short of breath.  Flu was negative.  It might have been COVID???  Obviously we won't know, unless at some point they do antibody tests, because there was no COVID testing in our area then.

The projection for beds needed tomorrow for Michigan is 11,592 (range of 8436-14,987).  Although the numbers of active cases may really be underestimating how many people are infected, I really can't see how it is reasonable to assume more people will be hospitalize tomorrow than total active cases known today

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3 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

The projection for beds needed tomorrow for Michigan is 11,592 (range of 8436-14,987).  Although the numbers of active cases may really be underestimating how many people are infected, I really can't see how it is reasonable to assume more people will be hospitalize tomorrow than total active cases known today

Is that TOTAL hospital bed needed.....or just COVID beds needed?  Hospitals are still treating those with congestive heart failure, influenza, heart attacks, urgent surgery, trauma, mothers giving birth, etc.   Also, numbers here are taking a few days to get back so I know someone that was hospitalized with it but was being released about the time the test results came back positive....so a few days lag time (but that might be getting shorter as more/better/faster testing is happening).

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15 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

Is that TOTAL hospital bed needed.....or just COVID beds needed?  Hospitals are still treating those with congestive heart failure, influenza, heart attacks, urgent surgery, trauma, mothers giving birth, etc.   Also, numbers here are taking a few days to get back so I know someone that was hospitalized with it but was being released about the time the test results came back positive....so a few days lag time (but that might be getting shorter as more/better/faster testing is happening).

It says "resources needed for COVID patients" so I am taking that to mean that those are the beds needed for COVID patients.  

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3 hours ago, hippiemamato3 said:

I'm not sure they are misinformed exactly. The "federal" guidelines are groups smaller than 10. I think people feel like they are following those orders.

Here it is no more than two but you are not allowed to get closer than 2m to someone not in your isolation bubble do it would be difficult to have a gathering anyway.

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

well - Sweden is an experiement.

keep in mind - the US has nearly 5 1/2 times the population of Italy.  (and anyone paying any attention knows china is lying through their teeth about their numbers.)

and Italian drs have been frank that everyone hasn't been tested, because a significant number of people have died before ever getting to a hospital.

and there are areas that won't go into lockdown - thinking of new Yorkers rushing out to watch the USN Mercy come into new York harbor.   what part of social distancing don't they understand?

That one was weird.  You have such a bad epidemic that the navy has to sent a hospital ship and you go out and welcome it. Crazy.

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And that the vaccine will microchip all of us so the government can track us...?


My dogs and cats are microchipped. I can't track them that way, because they aren't tiny gps tags. If she's worried about being tracked, she ought to stop using a cell phone. Governments actually ARE tracking people by their cell phones right now to help curb the spread of coronavirus. (Not the USA government, to my knowledge, though I've seen some anonymized data about the spread of exposed people lately, but clearly the technology is there.)


My kids aren’t going anywhere but grandparents out of necessity, but also I am not wearing masks and goggles and gloves to the grocery store like some people.


If your kids see their grandparents regularly then you really ought to wear a mask when out to the store or other places with humans. You don't want to be the person who gets your parents/inlaws sick.

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Our local homeschool group is trying to put together a parents-night-out with "social distancing".  There's a lot of mental gymnastics going on to show how it's totally fine!  One of the people that wants to go is currently waiting test results to see if they have COVID. Like...so you are sick with something? And you know you've been exposed to a known COVID case?  And you're being tested for COVID? And you want to go have freaking tacos with other people? Even if it's not COVID, you are sick with something why are you trying to go out and spread your germs?!?!?!?!?!  And everyone is like la la la, all I need is a little bit of cbd oil and a whole lot of Jesus and I'll be fine!

Another friend is posting pics from various state parks with their elderly parents. 

We now have 4 positive cases and community spread in my shitty little town. I suspect our Mayor is holding off on issuing any kind of SIP order until after Easter because the churches will pitch a fit if they can't get butts in pews on Easter Sunday. 

I've also heard the Bill-Gates-Wants-to-Be-Our-Vaccine-Overlord conspiracy theory from people, being promoted by a local graduate of Liberty University. 

This would be funny if it wasn't actually happening around me. 

On the plus side, the grocery store was pretty empty of people today at 4pm. Still no paper goods and limited cleaners, but food was plentiful, including eggs. No flour or yeast, though, but plenty of bread. 

I'm wearing gloves and a mask at the store, and people gave me the hairy eye.  I don't care. My job is to stay alive and out of the hospital over the next 3 months, and gloves and a mask are my new "work uniform". 

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3 hours ago, Fifiruth said:

Was just on the phone with someone from Michigan and he said he’s not surprised that it’s a hot spot because “people don’t care.”

This is not true universally across Michigan.  We live in a suburb of Grand Rapids on the west side of the state.  We have found that most people are doing their very best to follow the rules.  Stores are not busy, local homeschool groups are actively discouraging meetups and playdates, people are scrupulously keeping their distance, I have not seen any groups of unrelated kids out playing. 

It was sunny today so we went to the park in the afternoon.  There was only one small inconspicuous sign that said the playground equipment was closed, but still most parents were keeping their kids off it.  When we were walking on the (wide) trail and crossed paths with other families, every single one had their kids walk single file on their side while we did the same on ours until we were past each other.

On our way home one of my kids took a tumble off their bike as they tried to turn a corner on the sidewalk.  An older couple had been walking well behind us, and they just waited ~10 feet back until we moved along rather than continuing and passing us on the narrow sidewalk.

Overall, I have been proud of my community's cooperative spirit.

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4 minutes ago, CuriousMomof3 said:

What I've heard, although not from people I actually know, is that this is "Darwinism" or the Earth cleansing itself of people who are a burden, and that since it's only killing people who are ill or otherwise compromised, we shouldn't overreact.


Oh, well, if they think there are too many people on the earth, they can just drop dead. I'll help!

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11 minutes ago, wendyroo said:

This is not true universally across Michigan.  We live in a suburb of Grand Rapids on the west side of the state.  We have found that most people are doing their very best to follow the rules.  Stores are not busy, local homeschool groups are actively discouraging meetups and playdates, people are scrupulously keeping their distance, I have not seen any groups of unrelated kids out playing. 


I am not too far from you....maybe 45 minutes west.   Stores here have way too many people in them.......2-3 adults with a bunch of small children (when one adult could go in and the other adult stay at home/outside with the kids).   At parks though, it seems to be going well....ok, except for the lakeshore parks and boardwalk/beaches.  I am seeing WAY more people out on our local bike paths than I normally do, BUT it is small family groups, couples or single people.  Everyone passes far apart and leaves space.  I went to a local county park yesterday and today and people were all very far apart, playground taped off, etc.

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1 hour ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

Good lord, are these Elmira doctors? Corning? I’d really like to know, just in case we get sick, so I know which hospitals to stay the heck away from. 

Not as bad as we first thought....maybe they should haul their rears to NYC and spend a week there. So they don’t care, or aren’t able, to keep away from their own families. Please tell me they’re smart enough and humane enough to keep their families away from the people who are trying to keep their family healthy and alive.


1 hour ago, Medicmom2.0 said:

Honestly it’s across the board both IRL as well as in emergency medicine Facebook groups I am in. The attitudes seem to be either really nonchalant or it’s-the-end-of-the-world.  I don’t see much middle of the road.  Some of this may change if we start seeing more of the virus locally.  My kids aren’t going anywhere but grandparents out of necessity, but also I am not wearing masks and goggles and gloves to the grocery store like some people.

My EMS friends in NYC are getting hit so hard. They’re exhausted.  Just absolutely drained because so many are sick as well as their call volume has jumped exponentially. 

Elmira/Corning is way too close to my parents.  Yikes. They are in a rural PA town, and this is one place they can go to stock up (Sam's/Target, etc. vs. small local stores). They are taking things very seriously.

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4 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

Unfortunately my 82 yo aunt and 84 yo uncle keep trying to go about their business like nothing is different. According to my cousin her mother is oblivious and her stepfather is obstinate. I feel bad for her trying to convince them of the need to stay home. She brings them stuff, picks up their prescriptions, etc, but they still find excuses to go out and be in public. 

My husbands grandparents are exactly the same way! About the same age, too. They will not stay home, despite multiple offers from my husband to bring whatever they need.

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yes - she is complaining about everything being shut down.   For reason's I dont' want to go into,  I think it's triggering a paranoia? reflex.  so, denial.  Is social distancing - though complaining about it.

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15 hours ago, Bootsie said:

Is it really reasonable to project that more than 50% of the cases are going to be hospital beds needed? 

If you can only get tested if you're sick enough to go to the hospital, as is currently the case in many locations, it sure is.

I pretty much avoid following anti-science people online, and I pretty much haven't been out of my house the last month, so I'm not really seeing denial.

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16 hours ago, Spudater said:

It’s not even funny. 
It’s to the point I am ignoring so many people I’m feeling very isolated from people even online. 
Silver lining is it’s cut down my social media time dramatically. 


I am blocking like never before. Mostly it's people in FB groups that I don't know in real life. I just can't deal with the hubris and the mocking. Constant questions like "Does anyone here actually know anyone who's tested positive?" (Personally, no not yet. That doesn't mean it's fake. But I do know someone who seemed to be the perfect candidate for a Covid 19 test--elderly, fever, cough...and he wasn't allowed to test, presumably because the supplies are so low).

Then there is a friend's ex. I've been on the verge of blocking him on FB for a long time. His politics are the complete opposite of mine and he is very vocal about it. Now with the virus, he shares memes like the map of Italy inserted into the U.S. with comments like "No wonder the U.S. has more cases than Italy."  So I finally blocked him. I just don't have the patience any longer.

I do turn to Twitter for reassurance. I treat FB like a family dinner table--I am polite, I try to deal with political rants and I keep my mouth shut. But I have curated my Twitter to feel like home--people who share my beliefs and are smart, so I can learn from them. It's my social media refuge. 

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