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That's it! I am never going to the movie theater again!


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I love movies. I especially love action, adventure and sci-fi movies, which are great to watch on a big screen at the theater.

But .... I just can't handle people anymore. Being out in the general public means that you take your chances you will run into someone obnoxious. 

My local movie theater has instituted a new system where you have to choose a seat when you buy your ticket. I usually go to the self-serve kiosk instead of the long line at the ticket counter to buy my tickets, and the kiosk does not require you to pick a seat. I did not think it would be a problem because I never go to the movies during peak times. I am always the one going on a random Thursday at 1:00 when there will be only a few people. 

So I am sitting in the row and seat I want in a COMPLETELY EMPTY theater. Two people come in and say "that is my seat" to me. Ugh. Okay I will move down a few. Then 4 more people came in, same thing. So I move down again, and then realize that we are now 7 people squished in the same row, and all the other rows are empty! Ridiculous, but once people had those tickets in their hand they were NOT going to sit in a seat right next to the assigned. 

I know, I know, I am the one who doesn't have a reserved seat. But, really?! Your ticket says Seat 8A and you can't sit in 10A?

Then I went to the movies this Saturday to see the Avengers. Again, no matter where I sat, one of the 8 other people who came in behind me claimed my seat. After shuffling around a bit I ended up near some man who proceeded to burp loudly. I finally moved to the furthest corner of the theater with the worst view just to get away from people. 

I'm just going to save up for a HUGE tv and stay home to watch movies. 😞



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I don’t like it when you have to pre-pick seats like that.  I’d rather get in the theater and see who is around me and scope out the best place to sit.  What if the person behind me is a wiggly kid who will jostle my seat during the movie?  I want to see that in person with my own eyes.  When you pre-pick seats, you can’t tell who is going to be around you.  

I also don’t like theaters with those huge leather reclining seats.  I know I’m probably weird for that, but I don’t like them.  I like regular seats and I like walking into the theater and picking my seats based on who I can see around me.  And I’m known for getting up and moving if someone comes and sits close to me and I don’t want them to.  I don’t like it when people sit directly in front or directly behind me, even with stadium seating, so I’ll move over a few seats if someone does that. 

Granted...around here, theaters are very rarely full at all, so it’s easy to move somewhere else.  They’re usually between 1/4 - 1/2 full at the times when I go.  Fri/Sat night might be a different story, but I don’t go on Fri/Sat night.

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The people who pre-buy probably won’t move their seats because they can’t know if the theater will fill up and they’ll have moved into someone else’s seat and they’ll just have to move back to the original seat.  

However, if it’s obvious that no one else is going to show up, then if I was them, I’d move.  I don’t like being directly next to other movie goers (most people don’t.)

Edited by Garga
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My husband pre-buys the tickets because our movie theater is 30 minutes away and he never knows if the traffic will be good or horrible.  I am so over where we live!  He also can't sit close to the screen because he had a spinal fusion and can't hold his neck in that position, so he doesn't want to risk paying a ton of money and getting a terrible seat. I kind of liken it to Southwest's policy of prepaying for early bird checkin -- it guarantees that you will be in the A boarding group. 

That being said, I don't go because I hate spending that much money on the movies.  I'd rather stay at home and watch from the comfort of my own house!

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I think it's really strange that you have a cinema that has BOTH options for the same theater.  Around here if your movie is being shown on a screen with the recliners, it's reserved seating only.  If it's general admission, it's regular seats and first come-first serve.

I would actually complain to the theatre about their system.

I used to hate the reserved seating concept, but we spent a summer going to the movies every single $5 Tuesday and we wasted a lot of time getting to the theater super early to guarantee decent seats for us.  Two of us get severe motion sickness/vertigo if we're too close to the screen, so it's important to us to be so far back from the screen.  Reserved seating means we can get to the theater right on time some days.

Of course, now we have issues in that it's usually three of us going to the movies, and reserved seats are done in pairs.  I hate having that oddball seat! DS and I take turns with the odball seat that might be shared with a stranger.  I hate it when I get stuck next to someone who chews loudly but the worst by far was the little boy, fresh from soccer practice, who took his shoes off and then squirmed the entire movie.  OMG, sport stink completely ruined the movie for me. 

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Ridiculous, but once people had those tickets in their hand they were NOT going to sit in a seat right next to the assigned. 

I know, I know, I am the one who doesn't have a reserved seat. But, really?! Your ticket says Seat 8A and you can't sit in 10A?



Of course not. If your ticket says 8A, and some random person is sitting in 8A so you sit in 10A instead, then when the person whose ticket says 10A comes in you'll have to be the one hopping around from seat to seat.

Are you certain that the kiosk that doesn't require you to pick a seat didn't assign you a seat at random? I find it hard to believe the system is that convoluted that it really allows both systems for the same theater at the same time. If so, you need to complain to the managers and have them fix this situation... and until they do, you really ought to assume that in a mixed system, all the "good" seats are going to be taken by reserved tickets when the movie actually starts.

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I don’t like preselecting the seats when you walk in to buy. It takes forever in line for people to pick their seats. I don’t mind so much when it is done from home prior to arrival. It’s nice to know with a group that we can all sit together.

But, I hate being annoying so I have gone in and not asked the person sitting in my seat to move and just sat in available seats. And sure enough someone came in and asked me to move because I was in their seat. So then there was a big chain reaction shuffle. So painful for someone like me that would rather not speak to any strangers in a theater let alone have to ask them to move out of my seat.

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I like you Home'scool, but I can't agree with you here. (Sorry.) A person has every right to expect to be able to sit in the seat he or she selected and paid for. I can understand that you don't like being bumped. It's annoying, sure. But you're making other people deal with the inconvenience of being bumped from the seat they had to take because you took theirs? That's not right. I agree with those who said this is an issue to take up with the theater. It seems like a weird system.

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Our movie theater also recently changed to a "pick your seat" format and I also hate it. However, you (general you) have to work with the system. The theater needs to change the option of not picking a seat. Honestly, if I was the person who had to ask you to move- I'd be pretty annoyed. I would not sit somewhere else because I would be afraid that someone would come and ask me to move. I would be super polite and try not to let my annoyance show, but it would be there. IMHO, you don't get to be annoyed with the person following the rules. Of course, not going is an option- but so is just picking a seat.

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I've never been to a move theater that had reserved seats, but almost all live theater I've attended has had reserved seats, and people sit in their assigned spot. Of course if I get to my assigned seat and someone is in it, I have to ask them to move - I can't just go sit in someone else's seat.  But people have always been gracious about moving, because they recognize they are in the wrong seat. There's no reason to be annoyed with someone for wanting to sit in the seat they chose.  I don't know why it would be any different in a movie theater with assigned seats. 

The problem really is having some assigned and some not assigned, as others have said, unless there are separate sections for assigned and general seating.

ETA in my experience at baseball parks, it's the same way.  Even if the stadium is not full, people sit in their assigned seat, or graciously move if the 'owner' of the seat appears later in the game.  But there is also a general admission section where people can sit whereever they like, no assigned seats.  That is a very casual atmosphere and people move around a lot (there's not an expectation of quiet and stillness) but still people don't expect to sit in someone else's seat. 

Edited by marbel
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I get what you all are saying .... if a person has a reserved seat and then sit somewhere else then they could get bumped. 

And I am thinking that maybe the kiosk is not set up yet for picking seats because it is a new system? IDK.

It just struck me as so ridiculous that we were all squished in the same row and the rest of the theater was empty. It's very likely I am just getting old and crotchety! 

This reminds me of a somewhat similar situation: When my girls were little we had to endure those 4 hour recitals at the end of the year. Of course everyone brought friends and grandparents and whatnot, and getting good seats (general admission) was always a crush. One recital we had great seats, middle center, and 10 minutes into the recital the fire alarm went off. Everyone had to leave the building, and when we came back in ..... you guessed it! Everyone grabbed for new seats causing a lot of bickering and bitching. Crowds of people just never do well together.😁


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Our theater now has you pick your seat when you purchase your ticket at the window. I like it because I can see which seats are available and take ones that aren't close to others. I didn't like the pick-your-seat-before-you-enter-the-theater requirement at first, but now I see that it actually can have some advantages. 

I'd be concerned if I didn't sit in my assigned seat that someone coming in after me would have my non-assigned seat and so I'd have to move, so, yes, I'd probably want my assigned seat. I wouldn't want to have to relocate to yet another seat. 

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I actually like assigned seating.  It is all our theater has now for everyone, not just those who purchase from the counter.  We pick our seats at the kiosk and we have only had a problem once.  We ended up next to a person who was horribly smelly.  DH went and requested a seat change and they exchanged our tickets for new seats.

I find it odd that they have some people with assigned seats and some without. It seems like a bad idea unless they have a separate non-reserved seating section.

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Ours recently put in those horrible supposedly comfortable (NOT!) recliners and went to the stupid seat picking thing as well. It just makes standing in line that much longer and annoying. We have the option of purchasing seats online ahead of time, but you still have to wait in the same line to get your actual tickets when you get there, behind all the people who are picking their seats as they purchase their tickets. And for this "privilege" of reserving seats online, you have to pay an extra dollar per ticket "convenience" fee!  I hate everything about it. 

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20 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:


My first thought would be to just sit somewhere else if someone were in my seat, but then there might be a chain reaction of seat shuffling. So, with this new seat system, an introvert could be possibly forced to ask a whole family with small children to move to other seats. Yikes. I feel butterflies just thinking about that.


I am a very shy, awkward introvert who doesn't like talking to people I don't know.  (Actually I'm not sure being introverted has anything to do with it.) Still, in a situation with assigned/reserved seats, I have never had a problem telling people they are in the wrong seat. People are not surprised to be asked to move, because either they made a mistake when sitting down or they knew they took a risk sitting in a seat assigned to someone else. I've also sat in the wrong seats, and have had to move when asked.  I have apologized and gone to find my correct seat.  It's really not a big deal at all.  

(There is always the possibility that someone will get nasty about it but I wouldn't go into it expecting that to be the default.)



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The ticket kiosk needs to get updated.

I could understand people asking you to move, because if they sat in a seat that wasn't theirs, chances are the next person would have tickets for those seats and then they would be in trouble.

Many people don't come to the movies often enough to know that the seats at X:00 are never filled.

Do you have the ability to book seats online?  That could save you the time and trouble at the movie theater.

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It just struck me as so ridiculous that we were all squished in the same row and the rest of the theater was empty. It's very likely I am just getting old and crotchety! 


The image is very funny, but of course they all chose seats in that row when they bought their tickets for the same reason you did when you entered the theater!

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44 minutes ago, VaKim said:

Ours recently put in those horrible supposedly comfortable (NOT!) recliners and went to the stupid seat picking thing as well. It just makes standing in line that much longer and annoying. We have the option of purchasing seats online ahead of time, but you still have to wait in the same line to get your actual tickets when you get there, behind all the people who are picking their seats as they purchase their tickets. And for this "privilege" of reserving seats online, you have to pay an extra dollar per ticket "convenience" fee!  I hate everything about it. 

When our theater went to this, they installed kiosks for printing out the tickets without going to the counter. We just scan a qr code and they print.

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We like the assigned seats, for reasons others have mentioned -- no more going hours early for good seats for a hot movie release, or even a normal movie night since there are 5 of us. We do buy in advance, though; DH won't buy online anymore due to the "convenience fee" but we will regularly swing buy the theater and either buy at the kiosk (which does allow you to select your seats, at our theater) or via a person (because sadly often times the kiosk is broken/won't print), so then we just show up in time for the movie, grab drinks if we want, and walk right in. 

I don't love the seats being in pairs (because, 5 of us), but with the arm rest down it's not a huge deal. At least the seats are big enough to have lots of space. 

We have had to ask people to move from our seats before; they were nice about it. DH would definitely not just move if we came and found someone in our seats....he chooses based on very specific location in the theater, so certainly if he'd gotten our ideal seats, no, he would not give that up because someone was sitting in the seats we'd chosen & paid for. Luckily our theater does not have some assigned/some not (I too wonder if the kiosk is assigning you an empty, unreserved seat and you just haven't noticed it on your ticket), so it's not been an issue very often. I think just once, and the people *had* assigned seats, just were sitting with friends while waiting on the movie to start (we arrived close to late for that one). 

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I love assigned seating! I usually buy our tickets a few hours before the movie starts, and I can see whether the theater will be full or empty. We go during the week to the "expensive" theater where they also serve food.  The tickets for the kids movies are only $1 but most parents don't want to shell out money for a meal, so the theater is mostly empty.  It's awesome!

What grinds my gears is when we are in a completely empty theater and someone comes in after us and picks seats *right next to us*.  Are you kidding me? Why?! Why do you need to sit right next to me when there are 75 other seats you could pick?!  I have been told it's some sort of extrovert vs introvert thing, but I don't know. 

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24 minutes ago, scholastica said:

When our theater went to this, they installed kiosks for printing out the tickets without going to the counter. We just scan a qr code and they print.

We don't print tickets at all. We bypass those waiting for tickets and go straight to the ticket collector and they just scan our phone. 

I only go to theaters with reserved seating now because I love it. We hate having people behind us so always get the last row. We've had to ask people to move before and it's never pleasant but I know if we just took another seat we'd probably be asked to move as well. 

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I am guessing that if the only people coming to the theater ended up in your row, that was the primo row to sit, which is why they opted to buy those tickets.  And if I buy a ticket for 8A, I expect to sit in 8A. 

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6 hours ago, Lady Marmalade said:

I think it's really strange that you have a cinema that has BOTH options for the same theater.  Around here if your movie is being shown on a screen with the recliners, it's reserved seating only.  If it's general admission, it's regular seats and first come-first serve.

I would actually complain to the theatre about their system.

I used to hate the reserved seating concept, but we spent a summer going to the movies every single $5 Tuesday and we wasted a lot of time getting to the theater super early to guarantee decent seats for us.  Two of us get severe motion sickness/vertigo if we're too close to the screen, so it's important to us to be so far back from the screen.  Reserved seating means we can get to the theater right on time some days.

Of course, now we have issues in that it's usually three of us going to the movies, and reserved seats are done in pairs.  I hate having that oddball seat! DS and I take turns with the odball seat that might be shared with a stranger.  I hate it when I get stuck next to someone who chews loudly but the worst by far was the little boy, fresh from soccer practice, who took his shoes off and then squirmed the entire movie.  OMG, sport stink completely ruined the movie for me. 

This. In theaters that I've been to with assigned seating, it applies to the whole theater. It's stupid that they have a system where in one theater some can choose seats ahead of time and others can randomly choose where to sit. 

Edited by Elfknitter.#
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I like the assigned seating, too.

I'm a short person, and my experience of going to the movies is entirely different when I can sit somewhere I can guarantee a decent view of the screen without a random tall person's head in my way. I know which seats in our local theatres will do that for me, and I love being able to lock those in when I buy my tickets. Because it does actually matter to me where I sit, I would not be willing to just sit somewhere else if I came in and found someone sitting in the seat I had intentionally chosen, reserved and paid for.

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1 hour ago, MissLemon said:


What grinds my gears is when we are in a completely empty theater and someone comes in after us and picks seats *right next to us*.  Are you kidding me? Why?! Why do you need to sit right next to me when there are 75 other seats you could pick?!  I have been told it's some sort of extrovert vs introvert thing, but I don't know. 


I’ve gotten up and moved when that happens.  I don’t like it!  And yes, I’m introverted.

37 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I'm a short person, and my experience of going to the movies is entirely different when I can sit somewhere I can guarantee a decent view of the screen without a random tall person's head in my way. I know which seats in our local theatres will do that for me, and I love being able to lock those in when I buy my tickets. Because it does actually matter to me where I sit, I would not be willing to just sit somewhere else if I came in and found someone sitting in the seat I had intentionally chosen, reserved and paid for.


Do you not have stadium seating?  Even when my kids were only 4 feet tall, they could see the screen just fine because of stadium seating.  Now, non-stadium seating—yuck.  I think all churches should have stadium seating.  I spend every morning looking at the back of people’s heads.  I get a good spot and then 2 minutes into the start of the service, someone slips in and sits right in front of me.  

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Although I understand the OP's frustration, I agree with others that it was not wrong for the people assigned to that seat to ask her to move. I think it's weird that the kiosk doesn't assign seats and think that should be fixed; then the problem won't happen.

We moved last year, and the theater we are nearest now makes you reserve seats. There are definite pros and cons. Because we are a family of six -- and need to sit together, because we share popcorn -- it can be hard to get six seats together for a popular movie. I've learned that it's best to buy the tickets in advance, but I don't do it online, because I can't stomach the additional fees; instead I go to the theater and get them personally. Which can be annoying, since it often means going out of the way to do that.

I don't get a system that makes everyone reserve seats in multiples of two. That seems crazy, because people don't always go to the theater in even numbers. I've never heard of that.

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I rarely go to the movies because of cost and time and realism wrt humanity, but when I do, I always buy reserved seats online. For lots of reasons that make going to the movies enjoyable and that otherwise I’d likely just stay home.  I wouldn’t want to switch my seats either. If nothing else, all the theatres here charge what I think is a large fee for reserving online. If I’m paying extra to reserve my seat in advance - why do you think I should sit elsewhere because you didn’t?  Last time we went I paid $65 in tickets and had a “convenience online fee” that brought my total to slightly under $80. So heck yeah, since I paid an extra amount equal to 1-2 more tickets just to get those seats, I am going to expect to sit in those seats.

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6 hours ago, Home'scool said:

... So I move down again, and then realize that we are now 7 people squished in the same row, and all the other rows are empty! ...

Not trying to "rain on your JAWM rant" (LOL!), but I'm scratching my head over why you didn't just move to a seat several rows away, instead of staying in a row of people and feeling uncomfortable for the duration of the film, esp. once the film started and no one else was coming in and claiming seats....??? 

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I lo-o-ove  being able to preselect my seat and would not be willing to give up my selected seat. One of the bonuses of preselected seats is I don't need to be early. I can just go to my seat right when the movie is going to start. If I found someone in my seat, I'd ask them to move. (I preselect from home, before deciding to go to the theater! and I have movie theater membership so I don't pay extra fees for online purchase)

But that mixed system sounds like a mess!


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I have never been to the movies with assigned seats.  DD says she hasn't either.  I quit going to the movies because of all the talking people do during the movies these days.  I haven't been in several years. 

Saving for the big TV is a great idea!

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I like designated seats, because it makes it easy to ensure a group can sit together even on opening night without waiting in line for 12+ hours.

That said, I wouldn't go to a theater anymore unless I was doing it as a group activity. My couch is more comfortable!

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38 minutes ago, Mbelle said:

I have never been to the movies with assigned seats.  DD says she hasn't either.  I quit going to the movies because of all the talking people do during the movies these days.  I haven't been in several years. 

Saving for the big TV is a great idea!

Alamo Drafthouse movie theaters will kick you out if you talk during the movies.  They are also really firm about no cell phones and no kids after a certain time. I love going there during the day! 

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For those who feel uncomfortable asking someone to move....just go ask an usher. They will ask them to move for you. 

I would likely write an email to the manager and ask about the two styles of ticket sales. It is odd that they have two formats for the same seats. In your position, I would likely just start standing in line so I could choose my seats.....or arrive after the previews start to reduce the chance of getting asked to move from random seats.

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5 hours ago, Tap said:

For those who feel uncomfortable asking someone to move....just go ask an usher. They will ask them to move for you. 

I would likely write an email to the manager and ask about the two styles of ticket sales. It is odd that they have two formats for the same seats. In your position, I would likely just start standing in line so I could choose my seats.....or arrive after the previews start to reduce the chance of getting asked to move from random seats.

I haven't seen ushers in movie theaters in years.  Are they still around? 

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3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I haven't seen ushers in movie theaters in years.  Are they still around? 

The closest thing I've seen to an usher in a movie theater is someone picking up trash between movies.

It's really not that hard to ask someone to move.  "Oh, excuse me, we have tickets for those seats."  And the people get up and move. Maybe not always  happily, but they will move. Because their tickets have seat numbers too (unless it's a weird situation like the OP's). 

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Not trying to "rain on your JAWM rant" (LOL!), but I'm scratching my head over why you didn't just move to a seat several rows away, instead of staying in a row of people and feeling uncomfortable for the duration of the film, esp. once the film started and no one else was coming in and claiming seats....??? 

It was a case where at first I moved down three seats, then a few seats more, then was up against a wall. The only way out was back down the row over 7 people, but I did move haha. It was just so silly being squished in a row when the rest of the theater was empty.

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I'm a little surprised by people paying online convenience fees for tickets.

Our theatre chain has a rewards program that eliminates the convenience fee.  And then all my ticket and food purchases add up and every $100 I spend I get a $5 reward added to my account.  

On top of that, I also have the Fandango app- which works at multiple chains if we're traveling and want to see a movie.   I can stack the Fandango with my local rewards and double dip on my rewards.  We see a lot of movies discounted or free by utilizing rewards with both systems.  And, I never pay that convenience fee for my tickets.  Both rewards programs are completely free, and I just have to deal with the occasional e-mail telling me what's playing.  Even for the very occasional movie viewer, the rewards programs are worth it. 

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19 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

Home'scool, I still like your idea of saving for a huge TV and watching movies at home.  🙂

(Side note: My dh is a channel-surfer which drives me batty, so sometimes I lie in bed and watch TV with my TINY iPhone screen. Since I'm so nearsighted, I can hold it right up to my face and see just fine). 

Your post gave me a nasty flashback to an ex-boyfriend now known as Mistake.   That is my IRL name for him, not just an online thing.   He loved to channel-surf.   I used to do cross-stitch with teeny-tiny squares, so I had something to focus on.  One time he fell asleep AND CONTINUED TO CHANNEL SURF.   I had DirectTV and he surfed through every last channel before I noticed that anything was wrong.  His finger twitched at his normal speed.   I had almost dumped him over this next thing.   I would record Law and Order and instead I would get a recording of him channel surfing through the intro death scene. 

I like the recliner chairs.  Although I bring in a travel pillow which helps a lot.  One thing I like about the recliner chairs is that since people are spaced more apart, that it doesn't matter so much who is next to you.  Although, we only go 2-3 times a year. 

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21 hours ago, Joker said:

We don't print tickets at all. We bypass those waiting for tickets and go straight to the ticket collector and they just scan our phone. 


Our theater is so small, we don't even have a ticket collector. You just buy your tickets at the outside window, then go in and sit down.

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2 minutes ago, vonfirmath said:

SOmetimes I like reserved seats, sometimes I don't. When we are going to a movie with our book club, it makes it harder to get seats together 😞


I was just thinking about that.  If several people are going to a movie together and want to each pay their own way is there any way to positively sit together? 

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10 minutes ago, happi duck said:

I was just thinking about that.  If several people are going to a movie together and want to each pay their own way is there any way to positively sit together? 

When we’ve done that we just text each other the seats we’ve picked and they buy beside us. Usually we’re buying them at the same time but from our homes, not together.

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12 hours ago, happi duck said:

I was just thinking about that.  If several people are going to a movie together and want to each pay their own way is there any way to positively sit together? 


Have one person coordinate, and everybody gives their cash to that person.

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6 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:


Have one person coordinate, and everybody gives their cash to that person.

That's what some people I know do already.  I was just wondering if there's a way when people want to buy their own.  (For loyalty points or whatever)

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