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How many miles do you drive a day?


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I have hired a driver, so with the driver's miles it probably averages 20+ miles a day when just doing the routine stuff.  This is with me working from home, and the kids taking the school bus, and most of our shopping online.  Some days are much more than 20 miles of course.

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I don’t drive, my husband does the driving 

Monday & Friday (work/kids’ tennis/home) = 7 + 9 + 13 = 29 miles each day

Tues, Wednesday, Thursday (work) = 7 + 7 = 14 each day 

Saturday (kids’ classes) = 14 +21+ 10= 45 miles 

Sunday (kids’ tennis) = 13 + 13 = 26 miles 

So 114 miles per week excluding shopping. Average of 16.3 miles per day.

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Less than ten unless a road trip or field trip. Daily running is currently less than ten miles though some days we do not go out at all.

For several years we lives 20-35 miles from all our sports, co-op, etc. What started out as a reasonable trip once a week for a quality activity snowballed and I got to where I was driving 50-150 miles daily. We moved three years ago. We are once again 30 miles from the bigger city with more co-ops, classes, etc. but I have been very deliberate not to get involved in things outside our small town. While we have missed out on some activities we might enjoy our quality of life is so much better not spending so much time on the road. I did it for about ten years and I just don’t have much tolerance for it anymore. 

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Most days, my car doesn't leave the driveway.  When I do get out, I average about 10 miles.  I may hit 40 miles a week, if I have an errand in a nearby suburb.

In previous states, I was averaging about 1200-1500 miles a month.

We have arranged life so that we're no longer in our car for hours a day.  It's been a conscious choice that involved relocation. 

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I average 125 a week, but several days a week, I don’t drive at all. I live in a large metropolitan area  

Last year, I lived in a very rural area near a small town. I drove a minimum of 40 miles a day, usually averaging 400-500 a week. It was exhausting, but we listened to a delightful number of audiobooks. ? 

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1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

Anywhere from 15-200 on an average day.


Same here. On days I work from home I try to make it zero as I feel I am spending half of my life in the car. On days when I need to meet with clients, it can be as much as 125 miles a day.

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It's 26 miles to oldest's community college, so 52 miles daily M-TH. Friday, I drive 30 miles roundtrip to the other child's school (it's on the way to community college, so I drive M-F to this school). With errands and homeschooled child's activities, I drive between 30-100, with most weekdays between 50-70 miles. I try not to drive too much on the weekend. 

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1 hour ago, Arctic Mama said:

Yeah, for local errands everything is less than four miles away from us, which is so nice!  It’s just the major medical stuff - we could get it closer to home but the big gun specialists and best therapists involve bigger drives.  Fortunately I don’t do it more than once each week, with our current schedule.

Three years ago we moved 5 hours closer to our main medical specialist!  yeah!!  On average we go to their office once a month.  He is now 20 minutes away.  And by doing that, we have found many other specialists to fill in the gaps all now within 20 minutes.  We only have one specialist 7 hours away but fortunately, we didn't even feel the need to see him this year (knock on wood), but know we will need to see him next year as 2 years is the longest my daughter can go.  He has done 4 big surgeries on her.  

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It’s easier to say time than distance. It’s about 8 hours driving in a typical week of regularly scheduled classes and activities. That’s not counting any extra stuff we do as a family, travel for weekend cheer competitions, or errands that cannot be tied into a regular trip out. And that’s with two days a week that DD stays on campus and I pick her up on the way to another activity/class, because otherwise, we’d add about another hour to that.  This is with my generally staying onsite or nearby for most things, too. 

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Oh gosh.  My older son attends a school that is 21 miles from our home.  I drive carpool 3 days a week and I pick him up a 4th day due to an afterschool club ending very close to a counseling appointment.  I try to combine other trips- my clients, errands, other kid classes and appointments with those slogs but the miles add up fast and not everything is in the same direction.  And because we live in a congested metro area with shitty transportation planning, I spend a lot more time in the car than the 21 miles each way would tend to suggest. I get about 275 miles on a tank of gas and I am needing to fill up ~6 times a month if we don’t take any longer road trips.  Blergh.  

I also hate driving but it’s entirely impractical not to.  My sons simply couldn’t access all of their ASD appointments and educational opportunities if I didn’t drive. 

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14 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I used to just drive around our small town.  In really busy days maybe 10 miles. 

Then it went to town that is 20 miles one way.

Now it is going to town that is 50 plus miles one way, 4 times a week.  So lots of days 100 plus.  I hate it the stress and the $


Wow, I couldn't do that unless absolutely necessary.  I just drove 58 miles one way to buy a double stroller from someone and my family thought I was insane. The drive wasn't bad since I got to do it with 2 sleeping kids in the car and just my thoughts.  But to do that multiple times a week I'd go insane

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17 hours ago, dmmetler said:

It’s easier to say time than distance. It’s about 8 hours driving in a typical week of regularly scheduled classes and activities. That’s not counting any extra stuff we do as a family, travel for weekend cheer competitions, or errands that cannot be tied into a regular trip out. And that’s with two days a week that DD stays on campus and I pick her up on the way to another activity/class, because otherwise, we’d add about another hour to that.  This is with my generally staying onsite or nearby for most things, too. 

Time is funny. ?  My mom and sister live in the Atlanta area. They think I'm nuts and I think they're nuts.  It takes them just as long to get to Target through their overpopulated towns as it does for me to drive out of the boonies and into civilization to get to my Target!

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In my current life, about 15-25 miles a day. I drive to school and the store. That's about it!

That's about as low as it's ever been because of a few factors. 1) we moved closer to my school and church last year, 2) my son now drives, eliminating MANY taxiing elements of my life (PTL), including bringing his younger sister to school, 3) dd stopped dancing in order to take on several school activities, which means her entire extracurricular life is now centered at school.

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Sunday - Thursday I'd say 25 miles a day. Friday and Saturday 60 miles each. I have to fill up my 17gal tank in a van approximately once a week, sometimes I can go 9 days. 

Now that we live in the middle of town it's cut down on how far away we are from everything so a lot less driving time to get to each place. But, now my schedule/route doesn't match up nicely so there's a lot of backtracking and suboptimal pathing to get places. 


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5500 miles a year = 15/day. If we moved closer to the part of town I'm usually driving to, the miles I saved would just be shifted to DH's car, as he works in another town. (I'm not willing to move to the town where he works until DS completes school, as PS is potentially an option for high school.)

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My driving time went down significantly this year, but during the previous years, I was driving between two and three hours per day, just to transport my kids to their schools and activities. I put almost 30,000 miles on my van per year. So about 80 miles per day, except that it was less on Sundays, so it was really more on the other days of the week.

That doesn't count the hours that DH drove the kids in his car, doing his share -- at least another hour per day and usually 90 minutes or more.

It was a lot.

This year, two of my kids ride the bus. DD is no longer taking ballet (which required making multiple trips into the city daily), and DD16 has her license. Which means much less driving for me, thankfully.

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I average one or two miles a day. Even when my kids did every activity under the sun we didn’t drive more than 5-10 miles a day. We are very fortunate with a central location and a lot of local activities. When my daughter went to high school, she walked. She’s in college now and can take a train most places she wants to go. 

I took DS on a field trip Friday and had to drive 14 WHOLE miles BOTH ways. It felt like forever. Minimal driving without isolation is a luxury I cherish. 

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I lease my car and usually come in around 10,000/year, so about 27 miles a day. It varies a lot, many days it's less than 5. Mondays it's close to100. We take a 5 hr each way trip to see family about every 6 weeks, so we do a chunk all at once then.

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We are all over the place. It's either just a couple of miles a day if I stay in town which is most of the time. Then a few times a month I leave town and it jumps to 40-80 because we are in a fairly rural area. It always feels like something is either 5 minutes away or an hour away with no in between. This past weekend I drove about 300miles but that's pretty unusual for me. 

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On 10/5/2018 at 6:52 AM, mommyoffive said:

If you had to estimate, how many miles a day do you drive? 


I have an electric car that has 55 miles of range and I very very seldom go over that. Like, I've filled up the (tiny) gas tank 3 times in the past year. So, I'd wager 20-30 miles per day.

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