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Tell me about your Mother's Day!


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We skipped church, since DH was feeling under the weather.

No present, no card, but:


Woke up late (for us), around 8.

Did a stretchy yoga video.

Ate leftover cake for breakfast.

Decided to not go out for lunch (ick, crowds). Sent DH to the grocery for ingredients: spaghetti and strawberry shortcake it is!

And now the girls and I are having a Harry Potter marathon.


Seriously, best Mother's Day in YEARS.

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BalletBoy made me a "card" on Scratch.


Mushroom promised to cook me dinner and asked for my order. Then he went to the store to (spend my money) to get the ingredients. Still...


We're doing school, as we often do on Sundays. The kids are writing "This I Believe" essays and they're sweet. BalletBoy is writing about how the universe is big and Mushroom is writing about the need for stories. It's cool that both of them came up with these on their own. But then Mushroom had a panic attack so that put a slight damper on the day.


At least the sun is out. Finally. We're generally not big on mother's day. I think it's a bit of a bad holiday - it's like, let's take mothers for granted for the entire year and then give them flowers and chocolate and act like we actually value their role one day a year to alleviate any sense of guilt. Bah to that. But it was sweet that Mushroom wanted to cook dinner.

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Since I'm working today, I was up early and left before my daughters were awake.  This is the fourth Mother's Day in a row I've had to work and I was feeling a bit bitter this morning.  I work at a recreation center; we're closed to the public but have after hour reservations.  I was so wonderfully surprised to find this morning's reservation was a church attended by some very good friends I've not seen in months!  Seeing them has made the start to Mother's Day much better.  We're going to spend sometime catching up after the service is over.  Plus my three honorary nieces are performing a liturgical dance and I get to watch!

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Bit of a backstory. I almost killed DH yesterday when he needed to take my SUV, instead of his car, to run errands with DD14. I knew they were going out for Mother's Day things, so I told them I just needed the SUV back by 3:30, as I was hosting a movie and pizza party for some kids at our subdivision clubhouse - at 4:00. DH didn't get back home until a bit AFTER 4. I was fuming. Seriously fuming. Late to the kids' party I was hosting? Seriously. Luckily the Dad I usually co-host events with was able to run by my place to grab the tons of pizza, sodas, etc to take back to the clubhouse with him and set up for me (the SUV also has my boys' carseats in it).


But, really, I needed to just chill. They got caught in traffic. Not their fault and not the end of the world. DD14 threw out there that they had stopped by Fresh Market to get ingredients for a special dinner for tonight, after shopping for my gifts. The road they had to take is notoriously terrible on the weekends (well, all the time). I felt like a butt after that. 


Anyway, this morning DH cooked a wonderful breakfast, did the dishes, the kids gave me their gifts (they got me the illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the Harry Potter Cookbook, and Godiva chocolates). Then I ran DD14 up the street to a neighbor's house (she's pet sitting). 

DH just handed me his gift. A new phone :) I was NOT going to ask him for another phone, as I've went through 4 or 5 in the past couple years - the boys break them or ruin them in various ways. Strict orders to not let the children touch the new phone, but he's a dear for getting it, lol. 


I hear through the grapevine that he's making duck, a cajun pasta, and a vegetable for dinner (I love duck!). I also see a couple bottles of wine on the counter. 


It's been a wonderful day. Made even nicer by how excited DD14 and DH were about the day - and that they remind the boys, all year (not just on Mothers Day), to respect me, love me, and appreciate me. 


Today is a hard day for DH. He always goes out of his way to make it special for me, but I know it's hard for him. Last night when I was dancing to Buble with DS6, I caught DH videotaping us and when he sat back down he had tears in his eyes - and said that his mom used to dance with him the same way. :(

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yesterday was my birthday (at least it is never ON mother's day.  1ds's bd is the 15 - also never ON mother's day. though 2dd's graduation was . . . ). dudeling had a sleepover at 1dd's friday night.  we went to the bloedel reserve - and out to lunch afterwards. (could have picked a better restaurant. alas.)  so had ferry boat rides coming and going.  we were literally the first car in line for the next ferry.  (we watched them load the one we missed.)  so, we actually sat in the car and enjoyed the view from there.   gorgeous day - depending upon location, was into the mid 80s.    I talked to 2dd (she's in DFW), she'd planned on calling me today (not sure if she still will.  she sent my mother's day gift to 2ds weeks ago.) 


today - dh bought me a tenderloin to bbq. he's also worked on making me a white chocolate coconut cake.  he looked for a recipe online, we'll see how it turned out.  years ago, we'd go out for dessert, and that's what I'd order.  I never learned where the restaurant got it, and then they went under.

1dd and 1ds will come over later to dinner. the weather is not nearly as nice today.

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DH took all the kids to church, leaving me alooonnnee. (I went last night)


Planted flowers that I bought last night, which I never do because they are so expensive. 


Now I'm going to shower, eat Thai food that no one else likes, and read a book. Glorious. 


Tonight I'm still cooking but it's stuff I like (and I like to cook) and I refuse to do dishes. 


I deserve it because I finally let the kids get a dog this weekend, so everyone in my family isn't making it up when they say I'm the best mom ever.  :lol:

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Got up early to go and visit my Mom and MIL and I'm really sick...so dh sends me to ER --acute respiratory infection with a side of bronchitis--5 meds later and I'm home.


So ...the guys are down visiting them and getting my hugs.  


The kids all went in and got me a beautiful limited edition charm for my pandora bracelet, 2 vases of tulips and a killer raspberry chiffon cake.



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It's a nice peaceful Sunday after a packed active week.

Got up at six. Read TS Elliot. Had coffee with DH.

Some puttering on the computer, weeding in the yard, writing.

Talked with DD on the phone. Made smoothies, started lunch.

Saw fewer annoying sappy Mother's day posts on fb than in past years.

Will go for walk with friends later today.

Life is good - without observing Hallmark holidays.

My kids appreciate me. My DS told me spontaneously a few months ago in the car that he would pick us again as parents if he had to choose and that he thinks we're pretty cool.

Hearing these words spontaneously from a 17 y/o is worth much more to me than cards or flowers on a prescribed day.

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Mine started with snuggles with my littlest; he wraps his arms around me when he's still mostly asleep every morning and covers me with kisses.  It's a pretty awesome start to any day, but especially Mother's Day.  My big ones all came in to wish me a Happy Mother's Day (7yo DS2 still keeps coming up to give me hugs, kisses, and MD wishes), and when I came downstairs, they had all made me lots of cards, and DH brought me flowers.  DH and DD made pancakes too.  


Now I am just chilling out.  That in itself is pretty cool.  No idea what we're doing for dinner tonight, and I don't especially care, as long as I don't have to make it or clean up after it.


ETA: DH suggested we go to this little Italian place I like, which is casual enough to be kid-friendly and nice enough for a special occasion, with really good food (and huge portions).  Yes, please!  The children all behaved properly, and I am pleasantly stuffed, with leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.  Win all around!


(I should say that my DH's family tends to make a big thing out of holidays, so that's what he grew up doing, and it's carried over.)

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Dd wrote me a sweet poem and asked her daddy to drive her to the store to get me some white chocolate truffles. This morning Dd and Dh brought me to dunkindonuts. Now Dh and DS are making bbq chicken, Dd made couscous. DS and Dd did all chores without being told. Oh and there's strawberry cheesecake for dessert. So a nice mothers day it is.

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Woke up with a migraine. But it's going away. Dh said to get ready to go to town. It's also my bday and he wants to replace my engagement ring since I lost mine a few years ago. Kids will be cooking me steak, ranch potatoes and squash with zucchini for dinner.

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We don't really do Mother's Day. I'll call my Mom and talk to both her and my son who is with her for a couple of weeks. I stayed home with Dd6 and Dd1 today. Dd6 has been running a fever the past three days. Dd1 is talking more. One of her new favorites is, "I make mess," as she drags me over to a new mess so I can pick it up for her. Maybe that exact dynamic isn't what I would have chosen to celebrate Mother's Day with, but I'll take hearing her sweet little voice.

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I've always been uncomfortable with enforced holidays like Mother's Day, though when our kids were younger, we did some traditional stuff.  (Breakfast in bed, etc.   ;))  Now, I really don't care so much myself.  I know my children love me, and they are so sweet and thoughtful year round.  


Last night, we took our (married) ds out for dinner and a movie for his college graduation, and also our youngest dd's roommates drove out to our small town to spend the weekend with us.  It is very fun to have them here!  One is from Africa, and another from another state.  So, most of the weekend (other than ds's graduation -- which he did not choose to walk in but we of course still celebrated) is being host to dd's sweet roommates.  Nothing special other than that.  After roommates leave, the rest of us here will probably watch a good movie and eat popcorn.   :)


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My MD started yesterday when I bought supplies of food that don't need much preparation today.   Sandwiches, salad, and a mushroom tapas sort of thing that I'm happy to make myself. 


Oh, I also picked up a tube of cinnamon bun dough so my daughter could make those for part of breakfast.


We went to church and are home now, just hanging out.  In a  little while I'll start the mushrooms and my family will make their sandwiches.  Then we'll eat some cake that my daughter should be frosting.  Tonight, my husband and I will go to evening church service, and when we get home we'll watch an episode of Castle while I have a cocktail. 


That's a good day for me.  No gifts; my request.  After I struggle to figure out my MIL's gift and get it sent to her, I'm done with gifts.  I'm just sort of done with the tyranny of gifts because of her.  (Yeah, it's my MIL and not my own mother, but FIL is just as hard so my husband and I cut a deal that I take care of his mom and he takes care of his dad.  It's OK because my daughter helps me. :-) )

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Have a blessed mother's day everyone!!! Dh cooks breakfast and dinner (he does every Sunday anyway). He's at the store while I enjoy Christmas music in the car. Got some me time yesterday, went to Adoration to spend time with the Lord, got candles for a good deal at bath and body works (I love candles!), and got a massage :) We usually don't do big gifts, but this year I did invest some money in our kitchen (ordered some Pampered Chef items). Overall a great weekend!!

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Going to see Captain America with the family, which means no need to cook dinner...popcorn and soda will do! 


I have come to dislike Mother's Day. My mom passed away a few years ago, dh's mom has dementia, we're kind of estranged from our middle daughter, oldest dd struggles on MD because she lost a baby around this time and because her adopted son (only three years old) has been asking about his biological mom and she can't answer his questions.  I don't want cards or flowers or anything....I just want to make it a nice, low key day. 


The worst part is that everyone asks 'what we're doing' for Mother's Day.  If I tell them nothing, they think dh or our kids are awful people, and if I make something up, I just feel dumb. 

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Going to see Captain America with the family, which means no need to cook dinner...popcorn and soda will do! 


I have come to dislike Mother's Day. My mom passed away a few years ago, dh's mom has dementia, we're kind of estranged from our middle daughter, oldest dd struggles on MD because she lost a baby around this time and because her adopted son (only three years old) has been asking about his biological mom and she can't answer his questions.  I don't want cards or flowers or anything....I just want to make it a nice, low key day. 


The worst part is that everyone asks 'what we're doing' for Mother's Day.  If I tell them nothing, they think dh or our kids are awful people, and if I make something up, I just feel dumb. 


:grouphug:  I know some people who think my husband and kids owe me a big MD celebration.  Bah!  When asked, I say something like "we're doing just what I want to do...." and then say as much or as little as I want to say, even if I finish the sentence with  "... nothing."


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We're empty nesting now, so MD isn't much.  We used to go out hiking on it every year.  It was a ton of fun.


Now we've taken the opportunity to go to my inlaws so hubby can spend time with his dad and brother.  I'm babysitting his mom as I type (advanced Alzheimers).  We all ate together at Golden Corral (way to spend a ton of money on a special day!).


Hubby got me four new plants for the farm, two azaleas, a hydrangea, and a rhododendron. Those should look nice in the future.


All in all, a very good MD as hubby won't have much more time with his dad (FIL's health is deteriorating).  I enjoy watching them have good times together and giving FIL a break, so no complaints.


I'll see my own mom later this month.  I called her yesterday.  We'll see middle son next week at his graduation and youngest will be home for the summer soon after that.

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Got up at 6 (blah!) to shower for church.  Really should have thought ahead and showered the night before.  I do not like getting up early.


But after that, things got better.  Went to church and loved the message today (about how women are equal to men in the church and should be expected to serve equally as the men, with an equal voice.  Oppression of women in the name of Christianity is a pet peeve of mine, so it was good to hear a sermon about NOT oppressing women in church.)


I left church early to relax at home from having to wake up so early, while everyone else went to Sunday school and shopping.  I like my alone time.  It was refreshing.


After dh and the boys came home, we went to a Chinese buffet with my DH's parents. 


Am home now and playing on the computer.  I'm supposed to be gathering some papers for the homeschool portfolio (required in PA), but I'll put that off for another few minutes and keep playing for a bit. 


DH and the boys will make me dinner tonight.  Yes!  I hate making dinner!


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You know, before I had kids I hated Mother's Day.  I thought it was a goofy, contrived holiday.


When I had little kids, I loved the idea of Mother's Day, because I finally understood how much work it is to be a mother.  But Mother's Day itself  was never very satisfying.  The only thing I wanted to do on Mother's Day, as the mother of highly energetic kids, was stay in bed and read, but that NEVER EVER happened. We were obligated to drag the kids out to see grandma and it just meant more work for me.  Blah.  I used to think that Mother's Day should be for people who are actively mothering small children. 


Now that the kids are older and I'm not run so ragged, I'm back to thinking Mother's Day is a goofy holiday.  And I still believe that Mother's Day should be reserved for women who are actively mothering small children.  Mothers of small kids should be required to stay in bed all day long, watching tv, reading books, and eating candy, while someone wonderfully trustworthy and tender with the kids cares for the kids for that one day. 


Now, as I posted above, I'm having a great Mother's Day today, but it's still a contrived and goofy holiday. 


ETA:  Goofy and contrived because of all those saccharine commercials and cards.  Gak.  And I also think it's a minefield for so many people: people with infertility issues, people whose moms have passed, people who had terrible mothers, people whose children have passed.  Ugh.  What a horrible holiday for some many, yet everything about it is supposed to be sweet, sweet, sweet, and pink and flowery.  It feels so fake a lot of the time.  I'm reminded of Holden Caulfield and how he thinks everything is phony.  I feel a bit like him about Mother's Day.  


Yet, I did enjoy my hibachi buffet lunch.  Yum!

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:grouphug:  I know some people who think my husband and kids owe me a big MD celebration.  Bah!  When asked, I say something like "we're doing just what I want to do...." and then say as much or as little as I want to say, even if I finish the sentence with  "... nothing."



Yeah, I'm doing exactly what I want to do, which is how it is most days...I'm captain of this ship! I don't even know why it bugs me...it's not my family or friends express disapproval that we're not having a Mother's Day Festival, it's random people like my hosta stealing neighbor or the cashier at the grocery store.   If I was the kind to want today to be a big deal, my family would happily comply. It's just not a big deal to me.  

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We are suppose to "celebrate" next weekend. DH is taking half of Thursday off (Meg has her Court of Awards that night :)) and Friday so we can go to Artisphere, so excited! Going to have lunch out and check out the art, buy something special. Saturday he is taking off from his day job and we are having Meg's new first bedroom furniture delivered.


Anyways, unknowingly to me, my husband came home (4am in the morning from his second job) with a bouquet of flowers, a Pandora charm for my bracelet, and cards.


I have also received texts from my other children and some friends wishing me a happy mother's day.


I can't believe I forgot this! On Monday, the lawn care guy (with fifteen years experience in horticulture) is going to make me a path to my front door and plant ferns and hostas on the shady side of my house. The following time in two weeks he will plant perennials in the sunny front of my house and down further in the yard, butterfly bushes. 

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Woke up to snuggles with the littlest, then she brought a huge bouquet of irises and lupine, from our yard. So sweet. Breakfast in bed, and charms for my bracelet from the munchkins. A cheese and fruit tray on a new serving tray made of a slice of tree. Beautiful. :)


Wonderful day puttering in the yard. We found and identified a snake, found 3 lizards and about 6 or 7 frogs. Kids are out making movies, and for a change It doesn't seem to be a zombie apocalypse!


Lunch was delivery from my favorite Asian diner.


DH put together a new table and chairs for outside, and used the chainsaw to cut new stumps to use as tables at the fire pit.


Tonight we're grilling pizza out and roasting marshmallows.


Happy Mother's Day to all!

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We invited my mom over for brunch, then saw Captain America with my middle son (toddler is too little, oldest is having massive allergy issues).


Now I'm about to paint my living room.


ETA: Scratch the painting, change that to cuddling. Little guy is sick and wheezing. I'm laying down with him and DH is bringing me ramen in bed, haha.

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I slept late for me (about 7:30). Dh made breakfast which was oatmeal made on the stove and not a microwave (a big thing for me), bacon and coffee.

Went to church. The sermon was excellent from a guest pastor (and not about mothers) and we sang one of my favorite songs so that was nice. 

We went for a long walk at one of my favorite nature places, a local wetlands park. 

Home now and I'm going to finally do some weeding in the yard after a week of rain. I may also plant some new plants dh bought yesterday at our neighborhood plant sale. 


Earlier in the week I asked for a yoga mat because I've been exercising at home and the floor is hard. :) That had already come a few days ago from Amazon. 


The kids and dh all made me cards. Dh is creative and artistic and he always makes funny cards for holidays and I always look forward to them. My 4th grade school hating son made me the best card though. "I love you very much Mom, BUT you've been making me do a lot of math problems lately so here is a math problem for you." Then he wrote out this long math problem that he made up. :)


I think dh is making dinner. My guess is steak, salad and bread which is my favorite dinner. There is also a dessert in the fridge that I wasn't supposed to look at but I think is a lemon tart that he made this morning. 


Typically we are at the beach with my parents for Mother's Day and I usually go out with my Mom and we do stuff for her so it was kind of nice to have a day just for our family this year. That sounds kind of selfish, but we'll see them next week and I'll take her out then so it's ok. 

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ETA:  Goofy and contrived because of all those saccharine commercials and cards.  Gak.  And I also think it's a minefield for so many people: people with infertility issues, people whose moms have passed, people who had terrible mothers, people whose children have passed.  Ugh.  What a horrible holiday for some many, yet everything about it is supposed to be sweet, sweet, sweet, and pink and flowery.  It feels so fake a lot of the time. 




For me, add to it that Mothers Day in my home country was made an official holiday in 1933 by the Nazis to get mothers to bear more Aryan babies and was tied into the whole Aryan superiority ideology, gag. A few years later they started out handing medals to mothers of many.

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I have had a nice day so far.  Went to Mass and then we all went out to lunch at a new restaurant (well one I hadn't been to before).  My oldest dd gave me one of those adult coloring books and a nice set of pencils.  My oldest son sent me a recording of Waltzing Matilda he did on guitar.  And the rest of the family cleaned out the garage which was a hellish mess!  And we might go to a nearby park to take a nice walk a bit later.  And the weather which had been raining all week, cleared and it is just a gorgeous spring day out.  :)

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Actually quite good.


We've had years where DH was in the hospital either right before or during, the kids were little, and nothing got done. Some years I struggled with all the flowery stuff about "missing your mom" because of horrific drama with mine and that side of the family. Frankly I wanted the holiday to go away.


But this year it worked out.


I had to go to Costco on Saturday, and DH told me to buy myself some roses because he knows I love their roses. He gave the teens money to buy a card from him, and they used their own money to buy theirs.


The sermon at church didn't bug me, although there was an odd reference to a Robert Frost poem and a young adult book that didn't fit IMHO.


We did take-out Afghan food for lunch. I went to the gym with my oldest, and we were the only ones in the weight room.


And I'm good!

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I taught Sunday school, which I love. A birthday and games today. Zonk was a winner with the kids. We usually stay catching up with friends at least an hour after with friends, and good friends were visiting from out of town. So fun to see them.


Lunch in the park with my family.


I'm laying in bed resting and enjoying quiet while DH gets a movie with the kids.


Someone will make dinner tonight after the movie, which will include watermelon (the only think I wanted when pressed).


I'm also ordering myself the book boundaries probably today. It's been awhile since I treated myself, and this book has been on my list for sometime. I Looked it over in B&N yesterday, but it's so much cheaper online. It looks really great. Looking forward to reading it.

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DH wins husband of the year. I was having an rotten/cranky day yesterday and my normally "flowers and cards are dumb" guy got me flowers and a really funny card. Then this morning he made me stuffed French toast and eggs, delivered on a tray in bed... This is our tradition though with all the kids. Then a sappy card FROM HIM this morning with two asiatic lilies to plant in my flower bed.


Put together a soffit, took some photos, did some homework, took a nap. Headed to my mom's and his mom's to deliver plants and let the kids cover them with kisses.

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Dh is away working, so he got me flowers yesterday. Ds has been sick all weekend.


Let's see- for lunch I had a can of vienna weiners (only want them about once every 10 years) and a pint of butter pecan ice cream.


Ds went and got some fried chicken a little while ago. The main thing is-no cooking or dishes today. Other than that, I am mostly marathon studying for my certification test that is scheduled for Tuesday.




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My furry kids let me sleep till 7 (never happens)


I thought I had timed calling my mother when she was not home but she was :(

She started an argument with me which led to a really short phone call


Asa result I convinced college daughter to come home on Friday and not spend 10 days with toxic grandmother, so that turned into a win!


Went to movies with son which was fun.


Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

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We don't really celebrate these kinds of holidays(holidays for grown ups), I much prefer Halloween or 4th of July over Mother's Day, Valentines or even my anniversary. But today is a big game day for the kids (D&D) and DH got up to take them (they're gone for 5 hours) so I didn't have to.  That's huge for me better than any present and bonus it was free (I hate spending $$). Oh, I got big hugs from everybody which made me a bit sniffly (I get hugs all the time don't know why today makes it different).


ETA: DS did make a promise to always visit on mother's day after he's grown and moved out.

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This is one for the history books.


Found out yesterday that my husband is working today.


Last night I went to get drinks with a girlfriend. Figured I was giving my husband and the boys a chance to get something together.


Two bourbons and the free wells the waiter brought over to us because who knows why combined forces to make me quite sleepy and I laid down when I got home and was immediately asleep.


I woke up this morning at 8:00 with two sons who have climbed into my bed at some point in the night. My husband is looking for his glasses frantically.


When I remind my husband to call his mother and grandmother, it becomes clear that my husband didn't know it was mothers day. I take it in stride (I'm not hung up on the exact day). My husband however does not take it in stride and starts to slightly freak out because he feels badly about forgetting.


Receive from my younger son a book he wrote called How to Make a Good Day as my mother's day card. Which he made that morning and which reads like a how to book for me to be a better mother. I haven't decided if this is sobering or hilarious. I'm 50/50 on it. Notice the lid for the filter on the vacuum is missing. Last kid to use it has no idea. Some searching and time later kid says "OH you mean the thingy that goes on the top of the vacuum?!" and he immediately rushes to retrieve it from a bin of Hero Factory parts (!?)


Husband finds his glasses and disappears for a long time. I assumed he was just going to grab our traditional mimosa stuff and some flowers and would be back in like 15 minutes. Uh, no. He's gone for a really long time and when he gets home...he has mimosa stuff and a wilted fuchsia plant. Why did it take so long? He left his wallet at home and was looking for a store where he could use his phone to pay.


He then needs a ride to work right then, no time for mimosas, because I needed the car and he was too late for the bus or his bike. Drive him to work in the nick of time.


Go to Costco. Shop for flea treatment for the cat, some salmon I will cook for dinner and a few random "bored at Costco on a Sunday" purchases. Stop at auto supply store and get a radiator cap, air filter, oil filter, and high mileage oil to use sometime this week. Contemplate if I should replace the spark plugs or not. Decide not.


Come home, fix kids lunch, put away Costco stuff.


Corner the cat and give her the flea stuff.


Corral kids into getting some chores done.


Decide to hang the fuchsia and feed it before it dies. Remember that my patio is full of crap and I can't hang it. So clean big stuff off patio (3 bikes, two closet doors (don't ask), a table, three chairs, an ironing board (uh, so thats where that has been!) and two coolers) and wash off patio furniture. Put stuff that needs to go to storage in van. Make list of what I need to do to fix two of the bikes and mull if I should sell the third. On a roll with cleaning so I declutter and organize our third bedroom which is sort of an office and sort of a craft spot. Fill bin with stuff to list on Buy Nothing. Find the our favorite Mrs. Piggle Wiggle book.


Pay bills. Make a budget to get some bigger car stuff done. Email a couple of contacts and clients to fish for some more work because I don't like the cost of the car needs.


Boys are scootering now. When they come back I am going to read Mrs. Piggle Wiggle ans give them a heavy snack because dad is working swing shift and the salmon dinner will be pretty late.


In a bit my husband will be home. We will eat the salmon dinner and put the kids to bed. He wants to take me out tonight to have a mother's day do over. I think I want to stay home and climb into bed before I'm too tired to stay awake for teA.


And that's a wrap. I don't mind him working because the money is nice and it's not like working at a hospital he expects weekends and holidays off. Still can I just say that swing shift is the stupidest of all the shifts?! I'd rather have him here until late afternoon or back by early evening. Luckily it's not a common shift for him.

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Just updating that my two younger boys did call today.  Such sweet lads!  My oldest did not.  That's not surprising.


I love them all anyway.


Life with MIL hasn't been as bad as it can be either (Alzheimer's again).  We ended up watching I Love Lucy, Gilligan's Island, Laverne and Shirley and Gunsmoke together because she can still remember little bits of some of those older shows.  She can't follow the shows, but seeing things she remembers (even commercials or characters like the Skipper) makes her happy.  And hey, it beats my having to watch Fox News over and over and over again (her usual Channel).


All in all, it's been a darn good Mother's Day here.  I'm off to bed now since she is too.  

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My MIL came for dinner and left in anger because I told her that I didn't need her to intervene with my daughter's mild upset that she was handing quite well. MIL kind heartedly wanted to "defend" DD, who she thought was getting in trouble (she wasn't) and then presumably felt like she was 'in trouble' too when I told her that "I didn't need her to interfere." I was probably abrupt, and 'interfere' was a poor word choice (I meant intervene)... But really. Drama, much?


I feel defensive, but I feel defensive because I feel crappy. I just can't do anything right with that woman, and nothing I do that's right (for years!) counts for the worth of a fart if I step on her toes once in a while. Not like she doesn't step on my toes too!!! I guess I'm also a little on the angry side of defensive.

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One ds and I went to a Mother's Day 5K early this morning, our first 5k. Had a hot catered breakfast afterwards, and our church had a mothers day brunch as well. DS was doubly happy about all the food! We were both psyched and proud to finish the race, and finish pretty okay, especially since we hadn't trained for it. DD had card waiting at home. And bought me flowers in a mom mug at church. 5k ds made me a card too. Other child didn't but signed one dh bought. Napped in the afternoon, planted the owners, played some games with the kids, and went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner tonight. All in all, a nice day :)

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Well I sat around and watched Downton Abbey most of the day, I'm on season 3. I helped ds finish getting ready for his first international trip tomorrow, talked to my mother twice (once to talk her down after my sibling made her upset), politely told off said sibling on a Facebook comment after her latest posting (which has to do with me and my mother), had another glass of wine, and hugged ds as he went off to bed. 


We had lunch with my mother yesterday, it was very nice. 

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My MIL's birthday was today, so I cooked and cleaned and hosted the family. I might have felt a smidge resentful to spend Mother's Day working like that, but I love her and won't always have her. My oldest son brought over awesome meats to grill and his wife had taken some photos of all my boys together that are darling. The last one was of the oldest running after their car as they drive away. They are heading to college in the fall, and it was both hilarious and tender.

Edited by Danestress
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Every year, EX and the kids take me out for dinner for Mother's Day, usually on Saturday, to avoid the crowds on Sunday. This year, DS is in Palm Springs, so he and his gf sent me flowers! EX didn't have a plan until Friday night, as his mother appeared on his doorstep Friday afternoon. Surprise! He asked me if lunch was ok instead of dinner, and I said it was fine. Where did we go? Chick Fil A. I like CFA, but not for a special occasion. EX texted DD and told her that's where I wanted to go  and then he texted me and said that's where SHE wanted to take me. Whatevs. Nothing new under the sun there. But, despite the cheap lunch and the lie, he bought me 4 place settings of the Fiestaware Bistro set. Nothing new there, either. Lie and manipulate, but buy a pricey gift to keep me from saying anything. And, I didn't say anything. DD was embarrassed and upset over the restaurant choice. So, today, I took us both out to my favorite Mexican place for lunch, then we drove through Culver's for custard. We both spent the rest of the day working on final projects for our classes. 


I just laugh about it. No matter how hard he tries to make it seem different, he's no different today than he was 10 years ago when I threw him out. I was initially insulted by the restaurant choice, but after I thought about it, who cares. I got free CFA, 4 new Fiestaware place settings and a lovely lunch today with my DD. I came home with our custard and my lovely bouquet of flowers from DS and GF and got my final chem project done. 


It was a good day. :)

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I hosted brunch at my house. My sister and her kids came as well as my parents. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed having the time to spend just catching up and talking with my mom and sister. My kids had a lot of fun hanging out with their cousins. It really couldn't have been a nicer day.

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It's been a good day. DH usually has early morning meetings before church, but they were cancelled, so he was home to help the kids make me breakfast in bed and get them ready for church. Nice day at church. Afterward, he took the kids to deliver flowers to his mother and grandmother. Then we went to my parents for dinner. I got a hydrangea for the backyard, an assortment of handmade kid gifts and cards, and enough chocolate to last me until Christmas :D

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I told my work people / friends (in advance) that I didn't want any work stress, nor any comments on my parenting!  So they tried to honor that.  My kids tried (less successfully) to not fight or be peevish.


I am having a rough day physically, all day, so that is coloring things, but I tried to make the best of things.  I did skip church, though I enjoy church on Mother's Day.


My kids dragged me downstairs in the morning to see the cake and cards and balloons that the aunties helped them buy yesterday.


Then we watched a Shirley Temple move that we hadn't seen before.


Went out for lunch and pie.  Bought my mom a strawberry-covered cheesecake.


Bought my mom some flowers and cards and went to my folks' house.  (1+ hour drive.)


Hung out in a relaxed mode with my parents, brother/SIL, sister, and my kids.  My sister made Spaghetti casserole.


Drove back home late at night (but not too late, since the kids have school Monday).


Got on the computer to finally check messages etc.

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