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Would You Change Your Name?


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Your actual name, not your username.


If you think your name is "okay" or less, would you ever change your name? (How do you think you're parents would take it?)

Would you care if your kids changed their names?(Legally and socially)


I'm not asking if you'd fight them about it or refuse to call them their new name, I'm asking if you'd be feel something that they disliked their name enough to (legally and socially) change it.


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My oldest will probably change her name. We hyphenated her last name, as she was born before I married my husband, and at the time, I felt like two long last names made her name long enough without a middle name. Well, she hated not having a middle name since toddlerhood, and she has used a particular name as a middle name for the last five years, more than half her life. We will probably eventually legally change it. I feel kind of bad that I didn't give her a middle name off the bat.

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My last name is not cute or pretty or fancy sounding. In fact it sounds a little silly if you hear it for the first time. However, I love it because it is mine and my mom's and my grandpa's. So, no, never the last name. In fact my whole name is a family name, so while it is not my favorite name by a mile, I love that it was given to me by my family. I love my eyes because they are my grandfather's eyes, not because I think brown eyes are prettier than hazel.


My daughter actually asked if she could have my last name. I was worried her father would claim parental alienation, so I flat out told her no, that when she was eighteen she could do it but she needed to think about how her dad would feel about that. I think that actually made sense to her . If she brings it up again we'll talk about hyphenating it when she's eighteen if she wants.


Both of my kids have rejected their first names, and of course I was a bit sad. But we gave them short, cute middle names for that reason, so my answer was to offer to switch to the middle name and even switch it on their official documents--particularly as the middle names are the family names, whereas the first names are just historical. Interestingly, when offered that option, both decided that they liked their first names after all, although they initially LOVED the idea.

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I would change my first name, I just don't like it and it has no family ties. I also wish my mom had used my aunts full name as my middle name, not a dimuitive form. I will never change my last name again, even if I get married again.


Will I ever do it, no.


For my son, I would feel disappointed as he is named after his father's father. I would honor his change because he's his own person.

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I don't think I'd go so far as to change my name legally, but I could see myself changing it socially, definitely. My grandmother in law is ALWAYS called Rose, ALWAYS. I found out on her birthday that her name is actually Eunice, which she hates, apparently it was old fashioned even when she was born lol, and she has gone by her middle name of Rose since teenager-hood. I have another friend who changed her name socially to something completely different and unrelated to her birth names (first or middle). 


Having said that, I wouldn't be upset in the slightest if they changed it socially. I would be upset if they changed it legally, but that's because, in my experience for someone to legally change their name is usually a sign of a new identity, an independence from family of origin, a separation, a statement that the child who grew up as Sally is no longer Sally at all but Betty and the difference is more than just the name. Someone who just doesn't like the sound of their name usually just changes it socially or finds a nice nickname, I've never seen someone who just dislikes their name actually change it legally. If it truly was just a case of the child hating their name so much that they wanted a legal change, I think I'd be fine with that, I don't care about the name, what would carry the emotion and sadness for me is the circumstances under which it is changed.


And speaking of name changes, my husband used to work retail. A man came in, in a trenchcoat and all, to the game store my husband worked in. He needed to show his ID for some reason I don't remember, I think he was trading in games, and, no joke, his name was Righteous Paladin, right there on his drivers licence. There's name changes, and then there's name changes, lol.

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I used to hate my name because there were always at least 3-4 Amys in my grade at school.


I have one child who has changed their name, and one who plans to.  My feelings are hurt, but there's not much I can do about it.  Ultimately, it's not about me.


Having this experience as a parent makes me appreciate how much it would hurt my mother if I changed my own name.  And now that I'm middle-age I am used to my name and really just wouldn't bother.

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I have one girl who *hates* her middle name with a Fire passion. (It's Kate.) I will not be surprised if she swaps it out for something else eventually. For the past two years "Elephant" has been her middle name of choice. And truly, I will other mind her changing her middle name at all.


Another kid hates her full name, but loves the short version that we always have used. She might legally change eventually, too, but again I would not mind a bit.


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I've never liked my first name - don't mind my middle or last name (maiden or married last name).  When I was young I was called by my middle name and my mom/dad/sister still use it.


However, when I went away to college I wanted to break away from home, so had folks start using my first name and it's stuck that way everywhere else.


I'm too old now to change anything.  I've just gotten used to it.  In hindsight I'd probably have preferred sticking with my middle name though.


I don't mind if my kids change anything.  My youngest already goes by a nickname he likes.  We still call him by his first name, but that's more because we're old and set in our ways (or forgetful) than being upset about what others call him.

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I might change my name if I hated it. I'm ambivalent about it. It's a fine enough name.


It wouldn't bother me if my kids wanted to change their name. Both are compromise names to begin with because my husband thought he got to have an opinion, too. :P So, if the kids hated it, I'd be fine if they wanted to change it.

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I gave them 'average' names - not old fashioned, not way out, not hard to spell (not that this stops people spelling them incorrectly) - so I can't imagine a scenario where they'd have a good reason to want to change their names. So as it stands, if they DID want to change their names, I'd be more concerned about the bigger issues of insecurity, identity or dissatisfaction than with the name change itself. In a hard to imagine scenario where they had a logical reason for changing their name I'd go along with it because it made sense.

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I like my first name just fine and love my middle name, so I'd never change them.


Yes, I would be very sad if my children changed their first or middle names. I picked those names, and I picked none of them lightly. Their names are their names and were chosen just for them. (DS2 especially had better never change his name -- none of our names on our short list were right for him, and it took five days before we found the right one. But the second we did, we knew it was his name. I agonized over "who are you, sweet baby?" until we knew. He can't change it, lol. And DS4's name is applicable to the circumstances surrounding his birth; I believe that God chose his name for a reason, to point to His power and glory.)

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My name is okay.  I don't dislike it at all, but I can say I am overly fond of it either.  I actually would like it better if people used the pronumciation that my parents intended.  I think it sounds prettier.  I would not go to the trouble of changing it, although I do have days I wish my mom had named me the name she preferred.  I do go by my username some places actually.  I use it as my gaming name when I play with DH and so many of my online friends know me by Loowit rather than my actual name.


I would be sad if any of my children decided to change their names.  They reflect a lot about their heritage, but it will be their choice when they are adults.  So far none of them have expressed a wish to change their name, although my youngest has express a desire to move to Ireland or England where they would know how to pronounce it correctly the first time they see it.

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I don't love my name but I don't dislike it either.  It's a very generational type name -- like Judy, Lori, Sally, etc.  But I'm fine with it.  My parents picked it special for me, so as long as it's not bad, I'll keep it.


I think all of my kids like their names, so I don't foresee anyone changing them.  If they do, I might feel just a tad sad, depending on their reasoning.  But, I don't think I'd lose too much sleep over it.

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DS is named after a cat and a famous ancient emperor. If he wanted to change it, it would be OK with me but the randomness of the name really suits him now. Unless he has a male child, he will be the last one to carry our line of the family name. If I got married, I don't know that I would want his last name changed.


I've been called a bunch of things and variations of my name throughout the years. I don't mind my name, it's not terribly common....but its not a favorite. I can't imagine I would ever legally change it.

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If I could go back to my birth and get my parents to pick a first name I like better, I would totally do it. I don't feel like there'd be any point to doing it now.


If DS ever decides to change his name to something he feels fits better, I won't argue with him. It was meant to be a gift, not a life sentence.

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My mom has gone by her middle name since she was a baby, and the family all still calls her a nickname (which she hates) based off her middle name.  But she really doesn't like her first name at all.  


My husband also thought he should have an opinion about names for our kids.  Somewhere, he got the idea that I would name my son Muffin--just because I named a cat that.  Sigh.  So we went round and round, and I finally gave in.  Son goes by his middle name because the first name is too common and I have an aversion to it for several not fun reasons that I have had counseling for.  


My daughter as well was not named anything I would have chosen.  She would have been Liza Grace, and it would have suited her to a tee.  She heard the story of what I wanted to name her, and is now asking to be called Liza.  Neither of their names are trendy yet, but I do see the popularity of them and variations on the lists.


I like my names and would never change them.

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I went through a phase of wanting to use my middle name instead of my first name when i was young but I got over it. Dd has stated that she wants to called a version of her middle name, but then she forgets about it when she's distracted by something else. She's 7. If she really persisted I would grudgingly call her by the other name. Mostly I think she's bothered that she doesn't really know anyone with the same name because it's not as common as when I was younger, and many girls with the name use a nickname instead of the full name. There also isn't a saint with her exact name, while her brothers have names of saints. We let the kids pick a special dessert on their saint name days because I just like having random celebrations and DD has to choose one of the saints that have a very similar name to hers, but it's not quite the same.


I think I would be a little hurt if any of my kids really wanted to change their names because I love their names and DH and I put a lot of thought into them. It's their decision though.

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Good gravy I can barely call them the right names now. I'd be screwed. My uncle was called his middle name growing up but switched to his first name in high school. My grandmother still calls him Middle name. My grandfather calls him a mixture of both. Usually "Middle-First-Whatever-the-hell-he-goes-by-these-days" :rofl: because it's only been 40 years...

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I did. 


I never felt connected to my full legal first name, and for years I regularly changed it to my nickname everywhere that allowed me to do so. I also never cared for my middle name. There was no big reason for it; I just didn't especially like it.


I kept my maiden name when I got married, but then several years and two kids later decided I wanted to have the same last name as the rest of my family. At that point, it required a legal name change to make the switch. I figured that, as long as I was filing the paperwork to take care of the last name, I might as well do the whole shebang and end up with a name I actually like.


So, my nickname is now my legal first name, my family (kids and husband) helped me choose a new middle name, and I share my last name with the people who are most important to me in the world.


No regrets at all. It's one of the best things I've ever done for myself.


I have no clue how my parents felt about it. I can't say for sure they even know. We have not spoken except when forced to by law for a couple of decades.


If one of my own kids decided to change his or her name, I will admit I would feel a twinge. We put a lot of thought and care into choosing names for them, and it would make me a little sad if one of my kids chose to discard all of part of that. However, when push comes to shove, the name belongs to the person, not to his or her family. So, I would try to put my own feelings aside and be supportive.

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My name is a bit on the cutie-pie side.  If and when I have any sort of serious career (besides homeschooling), I will have to think about what I want to be called.  


I'm not going to change my name though.  



I would be disappointed if my kids wanted to change their names...though there is one with a middle name that I never chose anyway...  lol

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I haven't changed my name (well... my surname at marriage)... but around 9th grade I stopped 'going by' my given name preferring my middle name.

I still use my Middle Name (it's a family name) and my parents and brothers still usually call me by my first name but no one else does, sometimes I have to remind people that my middle name is not my first name.


Because all of my children's names are family names -- I would be hurt if they changed their names :(


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I despise my name.  I was lied to that my middle name was a "family name."  Turns out, the family I thought was mine was actually my mother's step family.  The worst part, is that my mother coerced me into continuing the "tradition" with my oldest child.  I haven't worked up exactly how to tell her.  


I've never been allowed to know who my biological father is/was.  


The problem is that now I'm in my 30's.  And how do you go about re-naming yourself?  Everyone says I look like a Stephanie.  

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I wouldn't change mine because it would be a huge fuss and cause confusion.  I mean, I have dozens of important legal records in my name.  Education, professional licenses, employment / health / credit history, home ownership, my kids' adoption and citizenship documents, and so much more.  I would have to have a really awful name to want to mess with all that history.


If I did, I think my parents would think I had gone a little nuts.  I don't think they would feel hurt, just like, why?  The only person I know who did that ended up with a name like "tree" or something.  It's just an odd thing to do in my experience.


My kids can change their names if they want to, after they turn 18.  I don't think I would feel badly about it.  They have been through two legal name changes already, related to their adoption, and sometimes one of them says she wants to go back to her birth name.  I told her that is fine, as long as she waits until she's 18.  But if they are going to change their names, they should do it before they have a lot of important / legal documents in their name.  And I hope they would change it to something that is an actual name.  :P

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good lord, I can't even remember the year I was born or how old I am. If I changed my name I wouldn't remember who I was. I didn't even change it when I got married. My sister did change her last name when she got married and I have no idea what it is.


As for my kids, well, it's up to them but...I am pretty sure I wouldn't remember their new name either, lol.

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Your actual name, not your username.


If you think your name is "okay" or less, would you ever change your name? (How do you think you're parents would take it?)

Would you care if your kids changed their names?(Legally and socially)


I'm not asking if you'd fight them about it or refuse to call them their new name, I'm asking if you'd be feel something that they disliked their name enough to (legally and socially) change it.

I have always seriously hated my name. Barbara. It has never fit me. Barbara is a 50s name and I grew up in the 80s. To add insult to injury, I was named after an aunt that eventually became persona non grata in the family. And SHE was named after my g- g-grandmother who I'm learning was pure evil (she accused her oldest daughter of witchcraft, threw her out and disowned her when she was 18). For that reason, I've never named any of my kids to honor someone in the family.


That said, I've never seriously considered changing it. Probably because I found it really hard to choose what I wanted to be instead. Nothing was good enough to risk hurting my mom over.

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I have one girl who *hates* her middle name with a Fire passion. (It's Kate.) I will not be surprised if she swaps it out for something else eventually. For the past two years "Elephant" has been her middle name of choice. And truly, I will other mind her changing her middle name at all.


Another kid hates her full name, but loves the short version that we always have used. She might legally change eventually, too, but again I would not mind a bit.


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My oldest changed her middle name from Elizabeth to marigold for a few years. She goes by Elizabeth now though Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€¹

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I despise my name.  I was lied to that my middle name was a "family name."  Turns out, the family I thought was mine was actually my mother's step family.  The worst part, is that my mother coerced me into continuing the "tradition" with my oldest child.  I haven't worked up exactly how to tell her.  


I've never been allowed to know who my biological father is/was.  


The problem is that now I'm in my 30's.  And how do you go about re-naming yourself?  Everyone says I look like a Stephanie.  


I am sorry you were kept from your biological family.


I think regarding your name--just change it and go for it. Write a short and sweet e-mail: "My name was given to me did not stick. My name for life was chosen with love by myself, my [insert family members here if you share the choice] and I will answer to that name. This is not an order or request: it is for your information. Love, Newname Lastname."


Everyone else can deal with it and get over it. Your name. We can help brainstorm. :D In my experience, Stephanies also work well as Genevieves or Guineveres.

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My name is a bit on the cutie-pie side. If and when I have any sort of serious career (besides homeschooling), I will have to think about what I want to be called.


I'm not going to change my name though.



I would be disappointed if my kids wanted to change their names...though there is one with a middle name that I never chose anyway... lol

I don't think you should even worry about it. Now that the late 80s-early 90s babies are growing up in beginning to see a lot of Caitlyns and Ashleys and Madisons in some pretty impressive positions.

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My dd didn't like her middle name until her late teens. It's a family name she now loves . Many kids wanted to change their names around 3rd or 4th grade when I worked in an elementary school. I don't know. I think it would be hard to get used to new names. Memories, haha, from 5 to 8 if I had let her change her name it would have been to Dorothy Gale. :D That's what she told everyone her name was.

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I could not care less if my kids changed their names.  I may have difficulty calling them by the new name, but as long as they let me call them by an appropriate name, I am fine with that.  If they suddenly wanted me to call them something like "Demon Seeker" I might have an issue with that.


DD17 goes by her middle name, and has planned to change it legally between highschool and college since she was in 5th grade.  She is now thinking about waiting until she gets married, but either way I am fine.  Our deal with her was, when she changed from her first to her middle name in 5th grade, that she had to be polite and not correct people if they messed up and called her by her first name.  She needed to give people time and grace during the changing process.  She answers to both names in different family circles, and she says she doesn't even notice which name people use, as long as it is people who called her by her first name when she was little.  If someone new in her life tries to use it (like a school friend), they get corrected.  LOL 


She and I both have 'different world' names picked out.  It is our names if we lived different lives and picked our own names.  They are completely different first and last names.



We call dd9 (my great niece) by a name that isn't even legally her name.  Her birth first and middle names are not ones I like and do not fit her at all.   Her first name is a made up name, that became popular about 10 years ago when a famous person used it. We gave her a new name at 2yo and she goes by that name and her legal last name. As a total coincidence, there are 3 patients with my daughters bio-name who are patients in the pharmacy where I work.  All 3 kids are being raised by a family member. Her bio dad calls her by her birth name, and I asked her which name she prefers...she prefers our name, so we stick with it.  



My nephew is transgender, and changed his name from a very feminine one, to an androgynous one.  It took us all about a year, to use saying the new name without having to think about it. He is very forgiving when we occasionally still slip up on occasion.  (usually when we are talking about something in the past when he was still a girl with a girls name.  Those time seem to be the hardest to change in our memories.)


My other niece used a nick name her whole life, but decided to go by her given name a few years ago after that age of 21.   Her full name is a very feminine, two part name. Her nick name was just the first part of the two part name, so again, it takes some effort to start saying the whole name, but not a big deal. 




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I go by a shortened version of my name but only since I became an adult.  DD has a very pretty first name, Aubrey but insists on being called Brie (like so many others).  I deal because it's her name but I can't always remember, plus I have overt 20 nick names I call her (we actually counted) so I don't regularly call her Aubrey anyway.


Everyone in the family really dislikes DS's first name and all I can say is that I came up with it when I was 12 and loved it. So instead he goes by Alex from his middle name, I have offered to change it for him but for now he says no.  The same for my husband, I hate his first name and I'm not sure I would have found him nearly as attractive if that's what he had been called, luckily he's got a nice middle name that he's always gone by.  I refused to change my last name when we got married (I have a cool last name) Dh offered to change his to mine, which was sweet but required too much paper work.


All of that to say yes, I'd probably support them if they wanted to change their names but I hope they don't.

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I have looked into changing my legal first name because I have never, not even for a second in my life been called by my first name.


My mom shortened my middle name into Chelli moments after I was born and that is what I've always been called and how it's always been spelled. The only place where you'll find my legal first name are on legal documents.


I would love to make Chelli my legal first name, but change the spelling to Shelli so people know how to pronounce it but it still retains a little of the creative spelling with the "i" ending. I don't know that my mom would mind. I've asked her many times why she didn't just name me that since that's what they always called me.


The only thing holding me back is the mess of going through the legal channels to do it and having all new documents etc. issued to me.


As for my kids, I hope they don't change their names. So far all three of them seem to really love their names for which I'm glad since we tried to do simple, classic names for all of them.

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No, I wouldn't change my name; it's been my identity for over 50 years and I like it. 


I'd be *ever-so-slightly* perturbed if DD changed her name when she married, but not enough to get upset or say anything about it.  I wouldn't want my kids to change their names; DH and I put a lot of thought into their names and it was our first gift to them. 

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I dislike my first name rather intensely.  It didn't help when I married a man whose last name isn't ideal.


I wish I'd started using my very normal middle name when I was a kid.  Now at 53 I feel like it's too late to change.


I don't think it would bother me if either of the boys wanted to change their names.  We put a lot of thought into picking out fairly normal but not over used names for them (first and middle) so they'd have an alternate choice if they decided they didn't like their first names.  Neither has ever said anything, but then neither have I ever mentioned how much I dislike my name.

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Gil, didn't you recently say something about wondering if we've been repeating conversations?!?  :lol:


My answer is still that my name's okay, and I can't imagine changing it.

I'd be kind of bummed if my kids wanted to change names, but I'd get over it.  Assuming we're talking about a mature young adult/adult who is taking the matter seriously.

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I don't like my name. I frequently go by my middle name. The only reason I haven't changed my name is I don't want the fuss and bother of having to change drivers license, credit cards, bank accounts, etc. My mom would probably not understand. My dad wouldn't care (even though he's the one who chose my name).


So, if my kids wanted to change their names, I'd understand and support them. I might feel a bit sad that the one we named ended up not liking the name, but I believe people should be called what they want to be called, so I'd get over it.

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My parents and I are naturalized citizens. We had the opportunity to change our names at the immigration office when going through the final steps. I was eighteen at the time. When the attorney asked me if I wanted to change my name I no I like my name.   My parents were so happy they were just beaming!


My mother though, removed her much loathed middle name!



ETA: I would hate it if my boys changed their names. 

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I like my name so I wouldn't change it. If my kids chose to change their names, it would bother me, but I would be as supportive as possible. I probably wouldn't help them legally change it until they are adults.


My husband goes by a shortened version of his given name. He really doesn't care to be called by his given name although his parents and grandparents continue to call him that name. It bothers his parents that he goes by the shortened name but no one gives the other party a hard time about.

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Just reread your question, my feelings would be hurt if my kids told me they hated their names, but I would keep that feeling private. I put a lot of thought into their names and they have special meaning, however that special meaning is to me and to my husband, not necessarily my kids.

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Well, I changed my name, and it wasn't just about gender transition, because I could have just changed the spelling of my first name, which with a minor spelling adjustment was gender neutral. Instead I picked a new, equally gender neutral name I liked better and had been contemplating since I was 18.


If my kids expressed dissatisfaction with their names in a persistent way, I would suggest they try going by their middle names for a while before resorting to a legal name change. We gave them first names that admittedly scream "My parents are geeks", but their middle names are ordinary, normal, but not super common names.


My parents still call me by the name they gave me, which doesn't bother me much.



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My name is fine. I don't love it or hate it, but it's ME. It's what my parents called me the day I was born, what my first grade teacher and and best friend up the street and college friends and husband have all used to mean ME. So... I would never change it. That would feel like peeling off a piece of who I am and throwing it away. 


I would be disappointed if a child changed his/her name but would get over it. 

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My name is...fine. I don't care that much about it one way or the other, but I can't imagine what I would use for a different name. I mean, when I was like 8, I decided my name should be Misty Ruby Pearl, but I outgrew that idea. ;) So, no, I wouldn't change my name. I think a person who changes his or her name should have a pretty compelling reason to do so, and I don't think "meh, it's okay" is a compelling reason to change. 


If my kids wanted to change their names, I would be sad, as I really love their names. But if they had compelling reasons, I hope I would be understanding.

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I insisted that my youngest DD be given the middle name of Elizabeth in case she didn't like her first name when she grew up (I don't care all that much for it but it honors MIL's heritage and my aunt). A bunch of both my relatives and DH's relatives go by their middle names including MIL. I figured that "Elizabeth" would give DD2 lots of different options: Liz, Beth, Libby, Ellie, Liza, Betty, etc.


I worked with a lady who had changed her first name after a divorce to the feminine version of her father's name. He had passed away shortly prior and she figured that since she had to go through the hassle of changing her last name, she might as well change her first name to one she actually liked.


I wouldn't have a problem with my kids changing their names unless it was part of a more drastic lifestyle change of which I disapproved like Bruce/"Caitlyn" Jenner. ETA: I would be fine with calling my child an androgynous nickname. But not a full-fledged feminine or masculine name that did not correspond with that child's biology.

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