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Would you rather mow the lawn or clean the house?


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I was thinking about this today as I was outside mowing the lawn..........ok, i was really mowing down weeds on the horse pasture.


I would MUCH rather be outside mowing the lawn/pasture than cleaning the house.  I would rather scoop horse poop out of the dry lot and arena than clean the house.  With the mowing, it stays done for WEEKS (since we only do the tall weeds) whereas the house is a mess in 10 minutes.


I did not inherit my grandmother's cleaning genes.

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I'd rather have someone do both but in a pinch I'd pick mowing because it's a concrete job that has a beginning and end and at the end you can say "look, it's done"

The house is a big amorphous blob of chores. There's always something else that could be cleaned, washed, wiped down, dusted....

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I'd rather have someone do both but in a pinch I'd pick mowing because it's a concrete job that has a beginning and end and at the end you can say "look, it's done"


The house is a big amorphous blob of chores. There's always something else that could be cleaned, washed, wiped down, dusted....

This is SO true.  When it is done, it is done.

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Normal yard, no funky trimming, limited weeding, temps at a reasonable 85 degrees, ?  Mow (although my allergies would hate me for it).


Large yard, with lots of decorative plants that have to be carefully dealt with, tons of weeds to pull, lots of specialty plants to weave around, temps hovering around 100 degrees?  Clean house.

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Funny you bring this up.  I told my ds to please unload and load the dishwasher and start his laundry and I headed out to push mow the lawn.  It was acutally quite relaxing..  I have not mowed in years, having 3 boys I haven't had to, but for some reason I am choosing mowing  and like it.  I think it is because I consider it exercise for the day.  We have a huge yard and we do having a riding mower but I prefer to push mow.

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Normal yard, no funky trimming, limited weeding, temps at a reasonable 85 degrees, ? 

Yes, horse pastures aren't really fussy.  We have 5 acres and between pastures and lawn we mow about 3 of it..........well, what the horses don't neat.  Dh does the fussy mowing and trimming around the house.  I have ds weed wack around the pasture 2-3 times a year.  Mowing in the pasture is easy.  It is also relaxing as the phone isn't ringing, kids aren't asking for things, etc.

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I'd rather have someone do both but in a pinch I'd pick mowing because it's a concrete job that has a beginning and end and at the end you can say "look, it's done"


The house is a big amorphous blob of chores. There's always something else that could be cleaned, washed, wiped down, dusted....

^^^^ This for me too.

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I prefer being outside, but only in cool/cold weather.  Heat (which, for me, means temperatures above 75 deg. F.) renders me miserable.  Seasonal allergies, triggered by mowing, also deter me from selecting this.


Cleaning is a neutral activity.  Neither like nor dislike. 

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If I had a decent yard, I would choose mow. As it is, the yard has ruts, a steep bank, too many obstacles to mow around...


Ds is going away to college next month and dh and I will have to take over our lawn care.  I'm quite sad about that. 

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I would rather clean the house, because then I know that everything is in its place.  Anyone can mow a lawn, but when other people "clean," they always do stuff that bugs me, and I have to rearrange etc. afterwards.

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Anything outdoors from mowing to pulling weeds over cleaning any day even if it is drizzling out. I will only stop for lightening and hazy, hot and humid and in the 90's but then I will take the time to rest up until it is cooler and I can get back to it.  Cleaning - give me an excuse and I will stop instantly!

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Mowing the lawn: Ticks, fear of Lyme disease, sun burn, non-stop runny nose so need to stop to break out the tissues every 4 minutes, itchy eyes, sweat.


Cleaning the house: music, tv on in the kitchen if I want, cool temperature, soft couch for breaks, no physical discomfort.


Cleaning the house wins hands-down for me.

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