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Do you like your name?


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All this name talk has me wondering.


I have always loved, LOVED my name (Melissa). I can't even tell you why. I have always been very proud of it as a kid and as an adult know that even though its a 70's name, I would have probably named my dd this name at some point.


Maybe I love it so much because the choices my parents narrowed down to were Priscilla (my dad lovvvved Elvis' wife at the time) and for something different they were going to call me Prissy. I shudder only because I'm a bit of an adventuresome tom boy, woodsy type. It would have seriously clashed. Lol! Now, 8 yrs later..my sister would have fit the name to a tee. She IS prissy! So this post could have been very different for me, really haha. At the last minute my mom insisted on Melissa. Now my middle name is a bust. I can't even admit that one. Oh and my mothers mom was named....Fanny. And they discussed that too. I dodged some bullets with their name choices, for sure.


So let's talk about your first name...do u like it?

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My first name has grown on me over the years. I didn't like it for awhile as a kid because it was so popular, but by the time I was a teenager I'd made my peace with that.There have been lots of famous, admirable people with my name (lots of horrible people with my name probably too, but those people don't get talked about so much :)). I didn't, however, have any desire to give my daughter my name. My dad and my brother share a name and that's just confusing. 

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I have made peace with my name. It is very unique, and I have never, ever, ever met anyone with my name. When I was younger, this really bothered me, but now I appreciate it. It is actually phonetically correct, but people always mispronounce it at first glance. This used to irritate me to no end, but these days, I guess I have grown accustomed to it. If anyone comes into a waiting room with the "deer in headlights" look, I assume they want me and help them out, LOL. A creative name isn't just a name; it's a lifestyle.

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I didn't when I was little. It's now a name that is in the top 50 but it was close to 500 the year I was born. I was awash in a sea of Jennifers, Jessicas, Michelles, Amandas, etc. with what I felt was a dowdy name. My parents named me after my aunt so I was forever "little ____" in the family, which further irritated me.


As an adult, I came to appreciate that my parents gave me a name that sounds professional, unlike some of the more bimbo-y names of my era.

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I do like my name. When I was a kid, it bothered me that I could never find it on personalized items. I was so excited when I saw my name on a hand-carved keychain at a craft fair that I bought it even though I had no keys to put on it at the time.

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No.  I am called by a nickname of my middle name.  My middle name is nice but I am not called that often.  I'm not sure why my parents decided calling a child by a nickname of her middle name made sense, but here we are.  My kids have nice names.  However, I didn't know my daughter's name was so popular.  I guess I should have done research but I just had my heart set on that name and didn't think that other people did, too.

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I like my name. I just wished it wasn't so popular when I was younger and that people wouldn't assume I went by a nickname despite introducing myself as Kimberly. With my kids I tried to pick names not quite as popular and without automatic nicknames.

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Not when combined with my maiden name.  Which is why I kept my married name even after we split.  My first name is hyphenated and sounds almost identical to my maiden name.  SO I only go by the first part of my name and not the maiden.

Grew up as Brandy-Lee Bradley

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Oh and my mothers mom was named....Fanny. And they discussed that too. I dodged some bullets with their name choices, for sure.




My mother's mom was named Martha Frances and she went by Fanny like your grandma.  My mom's name was Frances Roberta and went by Frannie.  My middle name was Frances - was because I don't use it anymore.  That tradition putting Frances somewhere in the name had to stop. 


I do like my first name.  My dad named me after Susan Hayward if anybody remembers that actress.  The other choice was Beverly Jean, so I'm pleased with their final choice.


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No.  I am called by a nickname of my middle name.  My middle name is nice but I am not called that often.  I'm not sure why my parents decided calling a child by a nickname of her middle name made sense, but here we are.  My kids have nice names.  However, I didn't know my daughter's name was so popular.  I guess I should have done research but I just had my heart set on that name and didn't think that other people did, too.


I am called by a nickname of my middle name, plus it's spelled weird. I don't hate my nickname, but I do loathe the spelling. It is such a pain because no one ever pronounces it correctly or spells it correctly when I pronounce it. My dh keeps telling me just to change the spelling since it's not my legal name anyway, but I've literally gone by my name with the weird spelling my entire life. How do you go about changing that? Just start doing it and tell others to quit spelling your name the way they always have? I would like to change Chelli to Shelli, which keeps a kind of unique spelling that my mom gave me, but changing the first letter makes it instantly pronounceable unlike the "ch" beginning.


Needless to say my kid's have short, classic, easy to spell names.

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Gawd NO! I hate it with a fiery passion of ten thousand suns.  :cursing:  To say I despise it would not begin to cover mt disdain. It was the first of many hateful things with which my mother burdened me. And, sadly, it has stuck around the longest.

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I do like my name. When I was a kid, it bothered me that I could never find it on personalized items. I was so excited when I saw my name on a hand-carved keychain at a craft fair that I bought it even though I had no keys to put on it at the time.

This is my story...exactly!

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I like my name, although it's definitely one of the popular ones for my age. I love the way my first and middle names flow and I continued the tradition of my eldest daughter sharing the middle name (it is my Mom's as well). My name doesn't fit in the "theme" my parents did for my younger siblings though so when I was about 12 they asked me if I would like to change my name. I said no.

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Gawd NO! I hate it with a fiery passion of ten thousand suns. :cursing: To say I despise it would not begin to cover mt disdain. It was the first of many hateful things with which my mother burdened me. And, sadly, it has stuck around the longest.

Yep, this is about how I feel about my name...Amanda, blech! Guess which decade I was born in? I wish I'd changed it ages ago but it's too late. I tried to go by my middle name, Dawn, in middle school but my family refused to oblige. Even that isn't my favorite name but way better than Amanda so I was willing to make the switch. And the nickname options are even worse...Mandy? No thank you, only slutty girls got called that in high school so I couldn't shake that association even if I wanted to.


Sigh, i think long and hard before choosing a name for my kids.

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Mary - it's so boring and antiquated. I was surrounded by Jennifers, Jessicas, Ashleys, and Heathers growing up. I wanted to be cool like them, but I got Mary.  :glare: 
I don't mind it as much now, but still I feel like I'm supposed to act much older than my age. 





I am called by a nickname of my middle name, plus it's spelled weird. I don't hate my nickname, but I do loathe the spelling. It is such a pain because no one ever pronounces it correctly or spells it correctly when I pronounce it. My dh keeps telling me just to change the spelling since it's not my legal name anyway, but I've literally gone by my name with the weird spelling my entire life. How do you go about changing that? Just start doing it and tell others to quit spelling your name the way they always have? I would like to change Chelli to Shelli, which keeps a kind of unique spelling that my mom gave me, but changing the first letter makes it instantly pronounceable unlike the "ch" beginning.


Needless to say my kid's have short, classic, easy to spell names.

If it helps, I've been reading your name as "Shelli" all along. :)

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Yes. There were some things I disliked about it growing up, so I went by my middle name in college. Then I learned that my middle name had its own issues, and I'm back to my first name. The things that used to bug me about it don't anymore. :-)


But I won't be offended if my kids choose to go by their middle names at some point, or by weird nicknames. My parents were very gracious when I made the change. They said, "We wouldn't have given you both names if we didn't like them both."

Actually, my daughter goes by a nickname but we've told her she can decide to go by her normal name once she reaches a point when she really cares. Or she can keep the nickname forever. Whatever. 

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No.  It's so old fashioned.  But, it was supposedly my grandmother's nickname though I never heard anyone call her Polly.  Other than mama, her kids called her Miss Pauline.


My girls have all complained about their names too because they are common. 

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I like my first name, have never been particularly fond of my middle name but did like the fact that it was a family name. I much prefer my married name to my maiden name--I had always wanted a shorter/simpler last name and that is what I got. My kids don't know how lucky they are to have a last name that is easy to spell and quick to write!

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No. I think Rosie is a ridiculous name for a grown woman, but my actual first name is hyphenated and too long for every day use. I don't like my surname either, but won't be changing them because I can't be bothered to fill out the "previous names" section on paperwork for the rest of my life. I hate paperwork.

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I didn't like my name when I was a kid.  It is about as plain sounding as you can get, and I thought I should have been a Wendy or Kelly or Debbie or something fun!  But the name has grown on my.  Yes, I kind of like it now.

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  I hate paperwork.

:iagree:  :cheers2:  I still have a few things to change since my divorce and haven't been wanting to deal with the paperwork. 



I hate my name. My middle name is a shortened version of an aunt's name and my mom wishes she had used the full name. I would have gone by that. My first name is boring and projects a certain image that isn't really me. I would never tell my mom how much I hate it though. 


I do like it with my maiden name - which I went back to after the divorce, but I'd have rather my first name had been something else. 

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I like my name. I tried to tinker with the spelling when I was in high school (I dropped the "e" - gasp!), but fortunately I came to my senses quickly.


I like being Anne with an "e"....



Me, too!

I don't think its the prettiest name in the world--but it's nice.

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Not when combined with my maiden name.  Which is why I kept my married name even after we split.  My first name is hyphenated and sounds almost identical to my maiden name.  SO I only go by the first part of my name and not the maiden.


Grew up as Brandy-Lee Bradley

Okay, that was a little nutty of your parents.


I knew a woman named Roberta. Not unusual, I grant you, but she was the only girl in a family of NINE kids. That's right, she had 8 brothers and one of them is named Robert. So weird. What were they thinking? Except when you have nine kids maybe you don't think too much sometimes.

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No. I think Rosie is a ridiculous name for a grown woman, but my actual first name is hyphenated and too long for every day use. I don't like my surname either, but won't be changing them because I can't be bothered to fill out the "previous names" section on paperwork for the rest of my life. I hate paperwork.

Interestingly, your avatar pic looks A LOT like the only other woman I have ever met named Rosie. She was Roseanne, and she was my Children's Ministry teacher and we had to call her Roseanne, but all the adults in town called her Rosie, because she had been Rosie growing up. She must be elderly now (her health was not good last I heard so I hope she is still alive) but when she was your age, she looked very much like you, lol.

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Nope. I hate my name, always have and always will. To make it worse, my mother spelled it differently than 90% of the other people that share it so I've always had to spell it out for people. My middle name is also horrid.


I've told my children that if they hate their names, I won't be offended and will support a name change if desired.

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I have made peace with my name. It is very unique, and I have never, ever, ever met anyone with my name. When I was younger, this really bothered me, but now I appreciate it. It is actually phonetically correct, but people always mispronounce it at first glance. This used to irritate me to no end, but these days, I guess I have grown accustomed to it. If anyone comes into a waiting room with the "deer in headlights" look, I assume they want me and help them out, LOL. A creative name isn't just a name; it's a lifestyle.

:lol: That's me, when the nurse comes to the door and stands there stuttering I usually pipe up and say "it's okay, just call me Britt."  


I HATED my full name as a child but eventually I got everyone to call me Britt (even my mom) so I'm okay with that.  As for the full thing (Brittina).... I've accepted it. 

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I am called by a nickname of my middle name, plus it's spelled weird. I don't hate my nickname, but I do loathe the spelling. It is such a pain because no one ever pronounces it correctly or spells it correctly when I pronounce it. My dh keeps telling me just to change the spelling since it's not my legal name anyway, but I've literally gone by my name with the weird spelling my entire life. How do you go about changing that? Just start doing it and tell others to quit spelling your name the way they always have? I would like to change Chelli to Shelli, which keeps a kind of unique spelling that my mom gave me, but changing the first letter makes it instantly pronounceable unlike the "ch" beginning.


Needless to say my kid's have short, classic, easy to spell names.


I have a Grace, too :001_smile:  

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well my legal name is Amanda but I go by Mandy. I like them both I suppose. However, I feel like an old soul and love older sounding names. Like the movie out right now, Adaline... I love that name! My middle name nearly rhymes with it..maybe I should have an identity crisis and go by my middle name :p

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My name was a top name in the 50s.  I was born in the 70s.  All my years in school, I never met anyone who was near my age with my name.    BUT....at work, it is a different story.  I have never worked in a situation where there wasn't at least one other person with my name, and several times there were 3 of us, but again, they are usually 20 years older than I am. LOL  


My sister has a name that is a longer version of my name.  Think Annabelle and Anne.  Two distinct names but one can be short for the other.  I was named after my siblings babysitter (I am 6 years younger than my  youngest sibling). 


I am indifferent on my name.  It isn't special, but it isn't horrible. 



DD16 doesn't like her first name at all.  We picked their names so that they could use their first or second names as they preferred.  She is planning to change her name to her middle name legally when she is 18.  I have suggested that she may just want to wait until she gets married so she doesn't have to change her name on all her school records, but will support her with whatever she chooses. 

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I like my first name. But I picked it out when I was four or five.


I don't like my first name, last name combination since I'm the only person on the interest with that combination, likely the only person in the world. .. So it makes it hard to 'hide' online.


That is why when trying to come up with a internet name I picked the most common name i could think of, that's why my online name is Julie Smith.


My full name is another 'Julie Ann Smith' type name, and my family all have to spell our sir name when we give it! Really? It is short, Anglo, very common and simple to spell.


No. I think Rosie is a ridiculous name for a grown woman, but my actual first name is hyphenated and too long for every day use. I don't like my surname either, but won't be changing them because I can't be bothered to fill out the "previous names" section on paperwork for the rest of my life. I hate paperwork.


I've always disliked my name and never had a nickname, but to have to fill out 'previous names' on all paperwork forever more has disuaded me too.

What's the point of changing my name if it keeps following me?


A friend who shared my decade branding first name changed hers on a significant birthday. She swapped it for something unusual.

In the last few years it has become a top 10 name. We don't laugh about it to her face.

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