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Introversion, Extroversion Test


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26 Introvert preferring smaller social circles.


The problem with the test about conversations and spotlights didn't differentiate between people who speak a lot on a few, specific subjects and opposed to talking in general.


I think the 25 minutes is how long before it times out. I think it took me 5.

Right. I got a 19. Want to talk about education, especially phonics? I will talk to you all day. And, a few other subjects. But random small talk? Not so much.

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I scored 21, which was higher than I expected. But I did think some of the questions that were trying to target extrovert tendencies actually applied to me as a perfectionist introvert (ex: whether I am ambitious or driven to succeed, etc.).


I do enjoy social time with small groups of people on a very infrequent basis (once every month or two would be perfect). But I am less social than that, and it suits me fine. 

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The summary didn't feel like me though. I have trouble with these though. There are often a LOT of questions where I really feel like it depends so much. Like, "new experiences" - well, I seek some out relentlessly, like travel, but others, like food not at all. Or do people come to me for advice or find me easy to talk to? Well, some people really, really do and say I'm open and kind and it always surprises me and other people find me really annoying and closed off and weird.

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According to your results you appear to be the type of person who doesn't socialize often. You likely have a limited social network, and possibly aren't really interested in extending it beyond a few close and intimate friendships. Having an active social life apparently isn't the most important thing to you. Chances are that when the opportunity arises to socialize among a large group of people, you'll likely turn it down if possible. This doesn't necessarily mean you don't enjoy socializing or being around people. Rather, you generally prefer spending time with smaller groups of friends. Individuals who score similarly to you typically aren't conversation-starters, especially with people they aren't familiar with. In addition, they aren't known to be exceptionally outgoing, unless among close friends.

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I scored a 19. DH would probably score the same or lower, as would several of our children.


Our third and fifth children, otoh -- they'd probably score way up high. Life is a party for our middle child. Strangers are friends he hasn't met yet. His idea of the best time ever would be to have all of his little friends over at once. His little brother seems to be much the same.

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58. I had problems answering the questions, though, because I feel my personality varies so much depending on the situation and who I'm with. In some groups I'm confident and extroverted, where with others I pull in to my shell.

Yeah me too. I swung from one end to the other...And the description of me wasn't accurate. Not that I suspected it to be. As I realize it's just a bit of funny. :-)

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yes. This is what is so hard for me when friends move away or leave my normal group. I have a hard time developing a deep friendship with more than 1-2 people, so a loss is very difficult.

Exactly.  It takes me a very long time to develop confidants and when I lose them, I am very alone.  I lost my bf 3 years ago (she moved me to more of an acquaintance) and I still have not recovered from that loss.  I can wear the extrovert suit when I need to, but it gets heavy and exhausting after a short while, necessitating a retreat to introvert cave and some netflix binging. 

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63--I don't totally agree with how I was described though. I have close friends over oftenish and sometimes neighbors/people from church. I do like getting to know people and making friends. I organized a monthly book club and look forward to that. I like to take a kid when I go on errands. I like it when people just stop by or call. I'm not the life of the party though and do like alone time, have other introvert traits. I like people but meaningful/genuine relationships. Hm.

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I suspect I'm a zero. I couldn't even answer the questions. "at a party, you would be..." ummm no, I wouldn't be at a party. Most questions referred to things I just don't do.

Ha! I scored high but rarely do parties (we do a New Year's casual get together/overnighter for a few/brunch with friends, but no one else we know does parties!), I don't do co-ops (lots of small talk, strangers), I hate shopping (for some reason I associate shopping with being an extrovert, lol), but I am outgoing/friendly and like people. I'm not "the life of the party" like the survey said in anyway, shape, or form. I've been described as a good listener and enjoy getting to know others.

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I got a 42 - higher than I thought I would get.  It depends on my mood and where I am in my cycle.  I really enjoy hanging out with our ten or so close friends.  I enjoy meeting new people IF I'm already with someone I know (so that person can do most of the talking).  I like socializing in groups because then I don't have to talk so much.  I need time alone after each event or even going out to do some shopping.  It totally zaps my energy, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. However, I go crazy if I have too many social obligations in one week.

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I scored 61. Not surprising. I usually come up just a bit over on the E side on the Myers-Briggs.

I don't think the description really fit me though. As a pp said, I am not a life of the party type at all.

I am a natural extrovert, but had many circumstances which required me to be alone or functioning in a self-contained sort of way throughout my life. So now I do really need some of the down time and alone time.

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57. Spot on. When there is an event to go to, I am THERE. I love it! I'll stay late!


But if no one else plans the events, I'm totally alone at home puttering around happy as a busy bee.


So, I'm extroverted when someone else gets the ball rolling, but I don't roll the ball for myself.

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57. Spot on. When there is an event to go to, I am THERE. I love it! I'll stay late!


But if no one else plans the events, I'm totally alone at home puttering around happy as a busy bee.


So, I'm extroverted when someone else gets the ball rolling, but I don't roll the ball for myself.


Thars similar to me, but it's only because I married an 'outgoing' introvert.... otherwise, I would have parties and such at home.

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38 which is fairly accurate.  I am a more private person except among close friends but I am trying hard to be "big and brave" and try new things to get to know people at our new church (of 1000 people of whom I knew about 5 when we started.....after coming from a church of 150 where I had known everyone for 25 years).  I am enjoying some of the group activities but I am not big into sharing my deepest darkest secrets with those I just met.

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I got an 18. I usually overthink these things but I tried to go with my fast answer this time. I don't completely agree with the description. I definitely prefer small groups of close friends but I actually could use a few more friends. I am very introverted though and need recharge alone time that I do not get very often and it starts to get to me and drive me crazy. I don't like having a lot going on. It really drains me.

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I scored a 5 on Sociability and 100 on Need for Space. The 100 is definitely correct, but I was surprised by the 5 — I thought my answers were fairly moderate, so I wasn't expecting such an extreme score. In thinking about it, though, I suspect that my idea of "moderate" is kind of skewed, and that what I think of as moderate/normal is probably a lot closer to the introverted end of the spectrum than the middle. So that in itself was sort of enlightening.

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I got a 10. Dh would be somewhere in the middle, I'd guess. I've always known I was very introverted, but then I moved to a place where everyone in my neighborhood hires a maid to clean. Everyone except me because I am too introverted to do it. I cannot figure out how all of them can stand to have someone else in their house all day long 3 or 4 (or more) days a week when they are home too.  Dh cannot understand it. :)


The test was taking too long to load, but I'm pretty introverted.  I used to have full-time help when I lived in Asia.  The way that it worked for me was getting to know the person so that I was comfortable with her.  It was difficult at the beginning, but fine over time.  It was brilliant to have the house clean and to have automatic babysitting.


ETA: I got a 21, so maybe it was easier for me to get used to having someone in my home.

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I had my DD do the test. She got a 37, which seems about right. But when I told her my score (2), she said, "Wow, Mom. You really don't like people!" :lol:

Quote from a fellow introvert, "It's not that I don't like people. There just aren't very many people I like."
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