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Checking up on the oldies here.....


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You're asking us without telling us how things are going there?  I'm not sure that's legal.  If so, it certainly isn't ethical!   :lol:


Still breathing and walking here - two pretty important factors in my life.  Still loving working at school plus adjusting to the empty nest too.  I'll admit to missing the "good old days," but I also have to add that it's mighty inexpensive to go places and do things now that it's just the two of us, so there are pros and cons.


If I could get back that time I put in a bottle, I'd be living in 2006 permanently.  My kids were 10, 12, and 14 then.  It was a wonderful year.

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How old?  :closedeyes: 


Still here, still plugging along. Enjoying some of the newer things on the market and pulling out some of my oldie goldies that really get the job done.




ETA: And good to see you here. I really miss some of the old timers who contributed so much to building this community!

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Dd is happily married, living in NJ, working as a medic, and finishing her chem degree.


Next eldest has applied to four colleges, has been accepted a two including his safety which will be affordable so some of the pressure is off.


He and I were nearly killed in a car wreck - tboned by someone who ran a stop sign. We were both badly injured, he worse than me though, but we are healing and life is moving forward. We are very grateful to still be here and hopefully not permanently disabled.


Middle day is 16, graduates next year and has already been making some important college decisions.


Youngest is 14. They are all still homeschool.


The rocket team lost a rocket at competition in a rocket eating tree and due to lightening only two miles away, could not reply so they finished 40th out of 725 teams...their worst finisher. On the other hand, they won the presentation competition at TARC and garnered some amazing kudos.


I have a small event planning business on the side, still pursue classical music and lead a 4H club, still look longingly at horses, and regularly visit my favorite Arabian gelding.


What is up with you?

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Hey!  Nice to see you here.  I'm still lurkin' around.

We moved house 2 times in one year, the kid graduated high school and is doing an internship with a software company and playing way too many video games.  Gah.  

My health is generally better.

We have a pool.  I get my exercize scraping the leaves off the top.


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Hey, Remudamom!  Good to see ya!  


All mine have gradgittated (dh says that to annoy me) and I'm now a lowly office worker.  (Going to bed on time suits me just fine, thank you.)  I'm fighting some health battles, but other than that, doing well. 


Someone better get going on a serious relationship though--I'd like to have grands before I'm crotchety.  (oh, wait...)


Good to see ya, and--ahem:  your news?  Do tell.


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We are still here as well.


The girls and I are still riding as much as we can.  We are doing a Michigan Distance Derby where we track our trail miles.  I am almost to 250 miles on my 23 year old paint gelding.  My 17dd is almost to 150 miles on her 1/2 arab gelding and 19dd is just shy of 100 miles.  She had a 1/2 arab gelding but he was a bit much for her so we just recently got a Haflinger/Paint pony gelding for her.  He is only THREE (against all rules of buying a horse for a special needs kid) and is almost all WHITE (against all rules of sanity).  He was amish owned before and has been in a triple hitch but we don't know if he was ever single driven so that is something we hope to try next next.  He is 13.2hh and as round as can be but has been super steady on the trails and is learning well.


We need you here to help cart train him for us.

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Another classic here...altho' how you can sign in w/o pony picture I do not know!


Oldest art girl is graduating with her BFA in December and debating where to start her independent life (since we moved away from her during freshman year)

Son has his AA and is applying to 4-year schools for fall transfer

DD#2 is a senior, finishing *soon* and NOT wanting to think about college

And the bonus child is a 6th grader having a fairly academic year.


I am engaged in the annual christmas crochet marathon. This year it's beanies.

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It's been so long since I've posted anywhere but FB I can't seem to do it.  


Kids are grown, the  triplets are now 20, one ds dating a lovely gal from South Korea, other son just getting to know another lovely from our church,  dd in a serious relationship with lovely from church's brother and graduated with MBA and loves her new job.  Youngest  dd unaffiliated at the moment.  Oldest son and dil now have two gorgeous girls and another due in March.


Down to two driving ponies and three riding horses.  Sold my quarter horse mare to a little girl down the road for $10 with the agreement that she had to sell her back to me if/when the time comes.  They are darling together.  Dh bought me a new Arab for my bday this year.  He knows nothing, can't back, spooky, stiff,  no leg cues no nothing.  I adore him.  I call him Loki because he's full of mischief.  He's terrified of cattle, probably going to kill me.


I'm going to try to get baby pics up or at least a link.

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Glad to see you back!  I've missed your sassy style and horse pics. 


I have two in college.  One will graduate December 2015 (a semester early) with a BA in Biology and a minor in Classics.  Loving school, loving research, has a girlfriend (his first and she is lovely.)  My second started college this fall and is supposed to be studying Physics. In all gen eds this quarter because he was able to skip out on a one physics course and 2 calc courses.  Just before college, he earned his black belt in karate.  The change in him was immediate.  He is adjusting very well as far as I can tell (hardly ever hear from that one and it breaks my heart.)  We've come a long way since last year at this time when he was in an intensive outpatient program for mental health problems.  Dd is a freshman in high school and is going to public school part-time.  She went to her first dance and is having a blast.  She is still rock climbing competitively.  So, my entire life is walking my dog, chauffeuring dd, and counting the minutes til dh is home:).  And I sneak in a few climbs with friends.

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Delighted to see you!


We moved to a whole 'nother state. We went from a tiny urban lot in a big city to a wooded acre. It's beautiful here, although the leaf removal is kicking our butts. Dd is a senior, considering plans for a gap year and looking at colleges for after that. Ds is begging to go to a brick-and-mortar high school--not sure where we'll land with that, but he's a good guy and so we are investigating and praying about the best option for him.

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