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**UPDATE** I was offered the job - More in OP


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I interviewed after another candidate, and another was waiting when I left.


I came back to my side of town, texted the woman who would be my supervisor asking for an email address to "thank her and the others and to summarize some info." She called and left a message that they are "recommending me for hire". It is for a County job, so it now goes to the behemoth of HR who will call me to arrange paperwork, compliance training (clinicians almost always need certain trainings on file), etc. That is the only hiccup - that training is during the week but my school job is SO THRILLED for me, they will work with me. I have been here a long time and they have seen me through much; they get the need for this. But, this school is closed for 2 weeks coming up for an International Tour, and hopefully the training will overlap some of that.


The job comes with benefits; 80% of regular benefits. I am not sure what that looks like but I guarantee it looks better than the benefits I have now. ;)


The job is fast paced, intense, challenging. It is essentially an Emergency Psychiatric Unit. "We" assess, a Psychiatrist diagnoses, and we send people back to the criminal justice setting, home, behavioral health hospital, substance abuse treatment, etc. We have a voluntary and involuntary dock. The women (3) who interviewed me are all over 50 and have been there for more than 10 years each.


I give up weekends, but I get each weeknight with my kids, and I don't have my kids every other weekend anyway. I also gain ability to get out of debt, repair/build credit, get some decent medical care (even eventually some electives), begin a 401K, have an emergency fund AND some regular savings. And I won't have to check the calendar each day, anxiously waiting for payday.

Yes, the schedule is grueling. But my schedule has been grueling for years; at least now I am going to be compensated for it.











It is ALL weekend (eta: the job, not the interview) . Seriously - 6:45 am to 11:15 pm Saturday and Sunday.


But I am already working 7:00 am to 9:00 pm M - Th and all day Friday and a few hours Saturday. I would quit the nighttime job, and work out my Administrative/School contract for the year. I'd go HOME Monday - Friday nights. Be with my kids in the evening.

The salary would be more than I have been paid ever. The combination of income would allow me to pay debt, increase credit rating, have an emergency fund, start saving/retirement, buy decent and reliable cars, save for a down payment on a modest home and even fix my teeth and get lasik.

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Joanne, I've read your posts over the years and marveled at your tenacity. You are a supreme example in delayed gratification. For YEARS, you completed your degrees and certifications working multiple jobs as single parent despite financial, health, and other personal obstacles. Your work ethic is hard to match. While I am sorry for your trials, they have given you a perspective that help you help others. Your life is now on a different trajectory. You deserve it, girl!

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