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S/O tattoos


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The other thread made me curious.


Do you have any? Do you regret any?


Do you have strong feelings about them in general (for yourself or others)?


I have 6 currently, and I'm in the process of thinking up 3 more. I love them and think they're beautiful. I don't regret any but my first one was on my pelvis and pregnancy was not particularly kind to that region. I don't care about other people's tattoos or bodies so I don't really have strong feelings about them, I don't care if my kids get a hundred of them or none.

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I don't have any. I don't want any. I don't find them attractive.


I'm not against the idea of other people having them, though. I figure that there are plenty of things about me that other people probably aren't crazy about, so who am I to tell them what they should do with their own bodies?


So basically, my opinion is that I don't like them, but if you do, you should get them and be proud of them. :)

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I have had one too many friends go in for a tat and come out not liking it as much as they thought they would. I'm not a fan of them on me. Never will get one and neither will my kids while they are kids. But I don't really care if someone else has one. I have seen nice ones that really show some wildly good artistic talent. In the end, I really don't care how someone else dresses, puts make-up on, or decorates their skin (except those new ring/window things in the bottom lip that I've seen pictures of. Those freak me out.). In the end, I do things with my body that others might not do and they do things that I might not do, and that's just fine. I like the world with a little variety.

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In the end, I really don't care how someone else dresses, puts make-up on, or decorates their skin (except those new ring/window things in the bottom lip that I've seen pictures of. Those freak me out.).

No idea what that is and I'm afraid to google, sounds scary. :)

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I don't and will never have any tattoos. I usually don't mind them on other people and occasionally think they look great.


I wasn't upset when Ds19 got a tattoo on his upper arm, but I'd be disappointed if he got one on his hand, neck, head or face.

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I have one that is 19 years old. No regrets. Tattoos are art, plain and simple. The problem is that tatoos can make a person look different and that person will be judged because he must a nonconformist who is to be shunned. I think that kind of attitude stinks, but there you go. But that's just my personal opinion.

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I do not have any and do not like them at all. I think they look tacky.

Me too. I think they are nasty (although some are lovely pictures). I don't care if people get them but I do think it is niave to think older props won't judge you (my stepbrother could never understand why he scared some old people when he turned up at their house with all his tattoos showing). But I am now on the old side and my younger siblings think quite differently.

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I have 3 small ones.  I do regret one, but not in some deep, troubling way.  It'd be an easy cover up, I just haven't cared enough to bother.

I would like to get a larger, more prominent piece, but it seems like such a hassle to go through multiple sessions.  I've gotten way too lazy to be cool. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't have one and don't like them.  I wish I were more ambivalent about them on others, because it's really none of my business.... but there you go.  I think they look tacky. 


I'm thinking now that it will be considered more non-conformist to NOT have a tat.   We were on vacation with all the family (me, dh, 6 kids, 2 spouses, and my dad)... none of us have tattoos... and, from walking around the park on a sunny day, I think it was unusual.  I felt pretty proud to be an outlier.  ;)



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I don't like things that can't be undone, so no, I don't have one. I also wish I hadn't gotten my ears pierced as a kid.


No objection to tasteful ones on other people, but if DS ever shows interest, I will suggest a location where he controls who sees it (e.g., shoulder, not hand). Like other choices of self-presentation, tattoos are not appreciated by some people and in some settings, and I prefer that he not limit himself unnecessarily.

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I don't have any and would never get any.  I've never seen any I've liked on another person.  However, I'm a live and let live person, so I've no desire to stop anyone else from getting one.


I'll admit that when we were in the hiring stage of hubby's business (civil engineering) he'd have never hired an engineer with a visible tat (wouldn't care if there were one or more unseen).  Anything that does or could affect clients would be a negative... not just tats but various extra jewelry or hair color or whatever too.  Fortunately, it was never a problem.  I think those with the needed skills who choose to live in our area understand how things work.  However, when we lived in VA and FL working for others, not having such things was a written requirement to get hired (no facial hair too).  Some of that might have changed over the years and become unwritten now.  I don't know to be honest.


Different areas may vary, of course.


And who knows how things might change as the generations change.

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I have seen awful tats, beautiful tats, and tats that didn't impact me aesthetically me one way or another.


I personally would be a very unlikely tattoo bearer as I hate, hate, hate needles.


Although, I have considered a small white tattoo on my wrist or neck.


Seeing someone with a tattoo doesn't make me think less of them or their abilities. (For reference- I know therapists, pastors, and lawyers that are all highly competent professionals with visible tattoos.)

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When I was growing up, the only 'nice' people who had tattoos were military men.   Yeah, that's outdated thinking.  I think some are attractive but I wouldn't get one. 


One thing about the half-sleeve tattoo:  I've seen some that are really pretty, like a piece of art.  But I still find them a bit jarring unless the person is wearing a sleeveless shirt, and the shirt is in a color that goes well with the tattoo.  It's like the tattoo is a part of the outfit, in a way.  I don't know if that makes sense.


I do remember seeing a woman with a really ugly skull tattoo on her leg at an amusement park. She caught me looking at it - I was actually trying to figure out what it was.  She gave me a glare and I thought, sorry, but, you can't help but know this is calling attention to yourself.   But probably I just looked like a disapproving old lady as I squinted.  This was when tattoos were still relatively unusual. 

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I think it's a bit daft if you have Chinese characters and you don't know what it means or something.

Thank you. Or they're upside down!



I see this sort of thing all the time. There are celebrities who claim their name means something or other in a language, that is absolute gibberish and no such thing. They are never challenged.

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I have two very small ones. I got them when I was young, maybe 18 or so. I don't regret them, they represent that time in my life! I still like them and what they stand for. I think tattoos can be beautiful or a stupid idea lol. I wouldn't mind if my dd's wanted one, it's their body. Just like I wouldn't mind crazy hair dye or piercings. At this point I don't think I want any more, simply because well, I don't think about it lol.

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I don't have any and never plan to get any.  My dh has one that he got right before we started dating and I know he wants one more that he's been thinking about for  a long time.  I hope he never gets it because in my mind they are a waste of money!  I don't really think/care about anyones tattoos.  I just don't want dh wasting our money

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I don't have any.  Dh doesn't like them.  I play with the idea of getting one every now and then, but I can't imagine finding anything I like enough to want it permanently on my body, and my body is falling down, so placement would also be an issue.  I think I am much more likely to get my tongue pierced than get a tattoo.  I have 2 children that want tattoos.  I won't give permission for it, so they will have to be over 18 and pay for it themselves.  My just turned 18 yo son wants lots of them and all over.  Again, not a fan, but not my body, not my decision.


IF I was ever to get one, it would definitely be words of some kind.  Words, like books, are what matter to me.

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I don't have any, but don't mind them on other people.  *I* personally can't think of anything I'd like drawn on my skin that I want to look at forever.  Dh has one that he regrets getting.  It wasn't done very well and he doesn't care much for tattoos in general any more.  Thankfully, it is where no one can see it unless he shows it to them.  

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I have three. A small one on each foot and a larger one on the underside of the forearm. I don't regret any of them and will possibly get more in the future. DH has a wedding ring and a larger piece on his upper arm. Both my parents have one each.

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I don't have any.  I don't care if other people do, though I find some distasteful, like the half naked ladies on men's arms.


I strongly considered on for my 40th bday (small and on my upper back where it would not be very visible, but my dh objects in a huge way to tats so that swayed me against it.


I think it is probably a good idea to wait until a certain age (don't ask me what that would be) to get one.  I think my 19 year old might get one and then regret it.  She is still young and impulsive.  It might be better for her to wait until she is 22 or so.  I don't know.  I think it depends on the person's maturity.

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I have three.  Two of them I love, the other I like just fine but I honestly forget I have it most of the time.


I have a large rib piece drawn that has very special meaning for me, but I'm not sure I'll ever do it.  My tolerance for pain has decreased as I've gotten older, and when I got the last one on the top of my foot I decided then that I didn't think I'd be able to sit through the sessions for one as large as the one I want, in the place I want it.


I don't care if people have them or not.  To each his own.  That said, my 18 year old wants one, but I encouraged her not to get a tattoo in a place that can be seen unless she wants it to be seen, since she doesn't yet know the line of work she'll be going into.  Like it or not, some industries are more conservative than others.



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No desire....I have a skin cancer risk, last thing I want to do is make it hard to visually notice changes.


This is why it's no for me as well.

Dh considers getting a small tattoo and if he does, I'll be okay with it.

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I have one and do not regret it.  I knew the spot for a few years and chose the design a year before I got it.  I was 21 when I got it but I knew I need to think it through a while.  I also had to travel to RI because, at the time, MA didn't allow tattoo parlors.

I can see maybe 2 more in my future.

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None and no interest for me but I have seen some beautiful ones.  My parents were definitely anti-tattoo, but one of my childhood friends has some tattoos and we are all still very close.  Mom and Dad accepted it without question and still loved her like another daughter.  I have several friends with tattoos, in fact.  One friend in particular has them on pretty much every inch of his body.  None are offensive.  Most are very symbolic of something.  His wife also has some extensive tattoos.  She has some beautiful ones.  They are terrific parents, have a wonderful marriage, and are very level headed.  I have a relative that always told me that pretty much all people who got tattoos were unstable and crying out for help and attention.  They were wrong, of course.  


DD has stated she may get one at some point because she loves art and has seen some beautiful images she would like to be part of her body.  But she has openly discussed this with me, I did not reject her suggestion out of hand, so she was more interested in my thoughts and I was honestly interested in hers.  She agreed that she needs to wait until she is much older to make a decision that alters her body permanently.


I doubt DS would ever consider one.  He doesn't like change.  And he has very sensitive skin.

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I have one. Yes, I regret it. I was not sober, I was 18, and I was in downtown Atlanta (yes, I know they aren't SUPPOSED to do tats on people who aren't sober, but well - yeah, lol).

It's a chinese symbol on the upper part of the back of my neck.

When I pull my hair up, I look like some odd cross between a very Irish looking thug, and a librarian (what with my small frame, mousy hair, longer skirts, and conservative flats, lol).


I do not care for tats. I never HAVE. No clue what possessed me that night.

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I have one.  I don't regret it.


I would like to have more, but I don't.  DH doesn't love them, and he likes my skin the way it is, he says.   :ack2:  So I try to convince him every now and then that another one wouldn't be ugly, but honestly they also cost a fair amount, so I never end up getting them.


Off the top of my head I can think of about 5-6 more I'd like to have.  (just for kicks, they are this one (or similar), one below my collarbone (favorite quote), one on the inside of my wrist, and one on my finger (even though I know they fade fast).  Possibly one somewhere on the upper back or the foot.  Or both.  I really love tattoos lol)


I don't care what other people do.




ETA:  Looking back, the only things I did that I regretted were piercings.  They weren't even real 'shocking' piercings - cartilage of one ear and my belly button, when I was 18.  But BOTH of them didn't do well and I ended up taking them out because they were so painful even months later.

I've always said I would recommend a tattoo before a piercing lol.  :D

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