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Update on my cancer situation ...


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I had an ultrasound on my breast last Thursday (the same day my father passed away).  It showed that the chemo they were using did nothing to shrink the tumor.  Yesterday the oncologist said they want to do surgery now (rather than after more chemo).  I wasn't able to think straight due to be exhausted both physically and emotionally from the day before and told her I couldn't give her a response right then.  I need to ask some questions, but now that I am more alert, I think the surgery is probably a good idea.


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Please let us know when they schedule the surgery, Luanne, so we can be sure to say extra prayers for you before, during and after the procedure. (I know a lot of us are praying for you every day already, but extra prayers can't hurt, right?)


I'm sorry the chemo didn't shrink the tumor. :( I hope the surgery is a complete success and that your doctors are able to do whatever it takes to cure you.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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For the past 8 years I have been a RN in the recovery room of a cancer hospital. They can do many amazing things with mastectomy and breast reconstruction. The docs I work with are amazing. I would not hesitate to go the surgical route, as tough as surgery can be. Best of luck to you and your healthcare team.

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I do need to talk to my mother first to make sure I know her schedule since she will have to transport my daughter to and from work while I am incapacitated.  She isn't home right now.  She went to my sister's house to look at and retrieve the guest book from my father's funeral.

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I can't decide if I should call the doctor or just wait the two weeks until I am scheduled to see her again anyway. Thoughts?

I would call. The sooner you remove the cancer from your body, the less opportunity you give it to spread. If I was diagnosed with any form of breast cancer, I would want the fastest most aggressive treatment available in order to give me the best odds of beating it. I am truly sorry you are going through this.

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Call now. :)


I am active on an ovarian cancer forum (close family member has oc), and know that just because you are not reponding to this particular type of chemo, doesn't mean that you won't repond to another type, and there are usualy at least several options available. The doc likely doesn't want to delay any longer since the tumor did not respond to the first choice chemo, and that's a prudent decision, imo. So, after the surgery is done, they can try another type. I know you're not excited about another type of chemo, but the options do exist.



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Call now.  It will take time to get everything set up and appointments in place.  Get the ball rolling, as others have said.  Give your doc the heads up ASAP and talk to your mom when you get the chance.  You can work out the schedule later.  BTDT.  Huge hugs.  My dad passed away right before I found out I had cancer and we were deeply entrenched in settling his estate.  I know this is so exhausting and it is hard to know what to do.  Huge hugs.  



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My aunt had a mastectomy after chemo not helping and she was given almost 30 more years of life.  Some live a completely normal life afterwards for more than 30 years, but we are thankful for my aunt's 30 years.

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