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What do you and your spouse enjoy doing together...


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...on a regular basis? It might be a hobby, or a sport, or something totally different like attending all the township meetings. Specifics please. Not something vague like "date night". What do you do regularly? Regularly should be about once a month or more often. Could be done at home (watch TV, playing instruments together) or away (going to gym, bike riding, bowling league). Let's just leave out sex for now. That's not what I'm looking for. Just curious about other enjoyable activities for now.

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Ping pong. Almost every night. Tennis and raquetball in summer. I picked up a watercolor kit from hobby lobby the other day and hope to get him to paint with me, dorky I know, but fun. We also take lots of walks in warmer weather or just sit on the porch together.

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We garden together, as well as do other projects together. We like cooking together....


He has a 'real' job, but we both have our real estate licenses--I'm active there and he comes along with me as often as possible. When he retires, he plans to work in the RE field.


We took stained glass classes a few years ago, then bought our own equipment. From time to time we have a stained glass day where we create individual projects. Unfortunately real estate keeps us pretty busy so we have less time for that.


Watching certain shows on TV, going to movies, or out to eat are all fun things for us.


We like hiking on nearby nature trails.


In short, we love being to together. We met in a college work place and have been doing things together for over 35 years. :)

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Cook. Usually that would be me cooking and him in there chatting and helping as needed. I like that a lot and we do that a few times a week or more.


He likes to join me at the skating rink when he can. Which is usually about once a month.


Hiking or biking.


Going to music and book stores and shopping the dollar bins.


There used to be drunken spelling bees, we'd go. He'd usually be in the top 2. If he won they paid our tab so cheap date, lol. Haven't had those in awhile.


My husband loves to go sing karaoke. I love to go and eat and drink and watch. We don't do that monthly but it is a semi-regular thing.


Play scrabble.

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We like to go to art exhibits, poetry readings, watch films either out or in, or over several weeks a series on DVD (recently loved In Treatment, 30 Rock, The Wire) or documentaries (Wild China, anything David Attenborough), go out to dinner or to one of the inexpensive happy hours at great restaurants in our area.  We walk in the evening when the weather's good.  He plays guitar and sometimes I sing.  We've just started getting back into card/board games.  When unavoidable, sit at the dining room table together to do some work (grading, bills, etc).


We did karaoke once a few months ago and definitely need to do that again!



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We do martial arts together. That is our main hobby/activity outside of work and home responsibilities. We go to concerts at the local university when we can afford it. We go to the beach together, but that is usually the whole family, not just a couple outing. We also have several tv shows we both enjoy and watch together on nights in.

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We enjoy board games (he'd love it if I was into video games), hiking, movies, going for walks or drives, swimming at the beach or pool or water park, we have memberships to a bunch of places (zoo, museum, water park, etc) we go to frequently. We love being together and do almost everything as a family.


ETA: We also volunteer at homeless shelter every month with the kids and he helps me cook many nights.

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We do community theatre together.  We like to go camping and we like road trips, especially just the two of us.  We like to travel the back roads where we can see interesting things, talk and sing together.  There is no other person that I enjoy just being with than him. 

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Honestly, very little.  


He travels for work a lot, so he isn't into eating out when he is home.  On the occasion that we are all home at the same time, I will make a family dinner, so we at least eat together.  His job is kind of depressing (he sells a hard to sell product, in a declining market) so I hear the same story over and over, with very little positive coming out of it.  I have done the same job for 15 years, so while the characters change, there is little to talk about there either.


He watches different TV shows than I do, or if it is something that we may watch together that is on Netflix/Amazon, he watches hour after hour in his down time, so he gets ahead of where I am....or since he is gone, I am ahead of him. 


He loves to be on the water, but I can't due to my back issue.


I do the pretty part of the yard, he does the grass.  He would be upset if he knew how much money I spend on the yard every year for flowers etc, so he doesn't get to know that. LOL  I work on the yard on my days off, he does his part on his days off.


He listens to Rush Limbaugh/political/economics radio, I listen to NPR.


He works during the week, I work Fri-Sun.  We only have days off together when we have a vacation. Even then, we often split up due to our special needs daughter (one person stays with her, while the other does something they like to do, but can't with her).








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We have a lot of shared interests but most of them are somewhat inaccessible to us right now due to schedules and finances. But we like to explore:  road trips, museums, public gardens, hiking in state and other parks, just walking around towns and such.  We used to do a lot of wine-tasting and took some wine classes together when we lived in northern California... not so many wineries here in PA. ;)   We like to go to bookstores and music performances.  Love going to baseball games together and plan to do more of that this summer.   (I think last year we didn't get to any games, how pathetic.)    We do enjoy cooking together when time and inspiration permit.  

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We don't do that much together either.  He cycles, I walk, I don't have a good bike & he cycles long distances.  We do watch some tv shows together and did watch Breaking Bad and now Sons of Anarchy together.  We play games with friends and our kids, but we really don't say "oh, let's go ..........."  We have gardened some, but he always thinks his ways are better.  He does help me can when we make chipotle salsa, only because he has to smoke some of the vegetables.  I do have to work with him some, which I hate, but always try and have a good attitude about it.  (he's a painting contractor, so we do have to paint apartments sometimes)


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We play Ticket to Ride on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes we play other games, too, but TTR is our favorite.


We have a few TV shows that we enjoy watching together. Sometimes we'll go back through our favorites...we're going to watch through at least the first several seasons of E.R. soon.


We also build Lego sets together. We've finished three big sets so far, and have another one waiting. Kind of like doing puzzles (which we used to do), but you have something more substantial when you're done.


We're also huge St. Louis Cardinals fans, so we watch a lot of games together...and on the rare occasion that we do have a date night and it's summer, we go to  a game.


I guess we just hang out together, and do whatever we happen to be doing. But we've been doing that for 15+ years, so I guess it's working! :)

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Pretty much every weekend if weather permits. We have always made this a priority. When the kids were younger, we'd go as a family; now it's just the two of us.


rock climbing

Whenever an opportunity presents itself (usually in the summer when we travel). We used to go climbing every weekend when we lived in Germany.



almost every evening, 2-3 miles/45-60 minutes. Our chance to talk and catch up.


attending concerts and theatre performances

whenever there is an event, at least once per month


We also watch movies together, go on the occasional bike ride, enjoy hosting dinner parties.

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During the week when he is out of town for work we use online chat each night and usually play World of Warcraft together.


On weekends we have late dinners together after kids are in bed, watch TV, play games either online, cards, or sometimes board games.  We go to movies every once in a while.  Sometimes we do Cub Scout training together.  We are both trainers.  Sometimes we just sit and talk about stuff.


We would like to start doing more hiking together, going on short day hikes and work our way up to overnight hikes.

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We don't do much together. We have very different interests. He an introvert and I'm an extrovert. We do walk together. Just walk around the country roads. It costs nothing, is healthy and we can at least have an uninterrupted conversation. We go out to eat once in a while. We like to grocery shop together. We sit next to each other at kid sports games/recitals/plays.

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Dh and I just recently began doing CrossFit together three times a week.  It's been a great thing for us both physically and relationally and we can go even on days that I work so it's not so bad when we only have one day off together during the week.

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We take walks almost every night. We like to go to Half Price Books together. He comes shopping with me in the evenings sometimes. We're big planners. We go to McDonald's often and sync up our calendars, discuss the kids, schedules, activities, goals, progress, etc...We love to do foot rubs. Almost every day when he gets home from work. We just plop down on the sofa and give each other a decent foot rub. 


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It varies. We watch Tv shows...I try to push more cerebral stuff because it's so fun to talk to him. I think hubby and I really bond over our conversations with each other about deep stuff. I've often read a deep novel and persuaded him to read it too so we could talk about it. We also go on walks with the kids- to the farmer's market in the summer and around the neighborhood otherwise. We also will bring the kids to the playground to spaz with neighborhood kids while we catch up on each other. We also share a love for comedy clubs or poetry slams. We tend to like doing off-the-wall stuff with each other. But we are also content just chilling at a coffee shop.


We're getting into almost 10 years together so it's been interesting to watch us evolve. We're definitely more laid-back in our time together than we were even 5 yrs ago.

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Hiking (in good weather.)

Visiting national parks.

Watching Sherlock.

Cooking (Okay - he enjoys it more than I do because it is something he GETS to do, not something he has to do.  But I enjoy being his sous chef.)

Walking the dog.


We need to find a regular activity that we both enjoy.  I took up rock climbing thinking we could do it together (despite my fear of heights.)  I though dh would ove it, but he never took it.  Meanwhile, I became obsessed with it. 

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*Horseback riding (usually at least once or twice a week--we have a farm/stables in DH's family about an hour from where our main house is)




*Group effort cooking 


*Watching our children amaze us


*Swimming/Jacuzzi (especially at night after the kids are all safely in bed)

*Family Breakfasts and Dinners with our children


We also take time every day to just talk and touch base about life, the kids, and our challenges and struggles.  We usually pray together at some point (or many points on some days) each day as well.  It took us quite awhile after our daughter's death to get back to this place where we can really communicate, connect, and support.  We went through the motions for years because we really did still love each other and loved the other children we had who needed us to at least coparent to the best of our abilities. Time, healing, and our continued efforts have intervened and we're really solid in a way that we weren't before and now we just continue to try to build on that foundation. 

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We enjoy each other's company very much, so we do a lot together...walk, jog, do yoga, etc... Even if it's simple task, like a trip to the grocery store or run an errand, he likes to come along if possible. We are both soccer fiends, so any games that are on tv, we like to watch them together.

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We don't often get out just the 2 of us. As a family we like to hike and ride bikes, sometimes we do that alone but usually it is a family event. We play games together, we went for a huge stint of playing yahtzee and then 10 Days..... We have a few shows we like to watch together, like Sherlock, or movies that aren't kid appropriate. A lot of times we just talk to each other. We enjoyed rock climbing as well but we don't have anywhere local to go though so it cannot be a regular event. 

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Our primary joint interest is sports. We enjoy going to college basketball and football games. We talk sports a lot and will watch some on TV, but we only get the basic 5 channels (bunny ears.) We listen to sports news podcasts together in the car.


We both love to be on the water. Moving so far inland last year was hard on us as we would be out in the boat together regularly before we moved - now we've sold it. :(


We also like to play Scrabble.

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Margaret mentioned baseball games. We do that, too. We're a triple A city so it is fun watching the boys who're trying to make to the Big Show.


I'll be his helper in the yard. I don't care what he does so I just follow along. It's his passion, not mine.


We have some TV show we both like.

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Board games~DH is a collector and I'm an interested bystander. We tend to save really complex stuff for the weekends but we'll play card and other simple 2-players during the week. We have a few Cons we go to. 


Cooking~Our kitchen is the perfect size for tandem or separate cooking. One of us will be over the stove and the other will be walking around, cutting, cleaning, mixing, working the oven. Again, mostly on the weekends but if he's home one of us is cooking and the other is usually hanging out or cleaning the kitchen while it happens. 


TV/movies~We have a few we watch together that are on regularly (we'll catch them on Hulu when we want to) and we're usually going through some series. 


Reading~We do read-alouds together and we often read next to each other and talk about what we're reading. This one is kind of ironic since DH was not a reader when we met. I turned him. 



In the summer we walk the dog together and have occasional bike rides as a family. We each have some separate hobbies that the other participates in on occasion. He'll sometimes help me with gardening and I'll help him with his Maker stuff. We'll work through part of a programming book together. Stuff like that. We also like to drive on backroads, etc., and just talk. 


It would be nice if we were more active, but this is what we can do right now. We spend a lot of time together often without *doing* anything. 

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Hiking and reading silently and out loud. We'd like to take dance and art classes but that will have to wait until the end of the summer. We love to go to the beach, but I wouldn't say it was "on a regular basis".


And smooching. We're frequent smoochers. :)

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We take a lot of walks, go to coffee shops, and listen to live music . . . anything from the symphony to blue grass. He likes to go to dance performances with me, but I'm usually IN the show. Sometimes I can sneak into the audience and see some of the show with him. Our weakness is dining out, so we do that a lot. I also like to listen to him practice his various instruments while I do something on the couch in the evenings (sewing, Internet, etc)

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We exercise and stretch together every morning and study during the evenings massage and trigger point therapy.

He's more into hard core stuff, but also does some incredible hot stone massage. I'm into aromatherapy and emotional healing massage.


It's a first interest that we share and passionate about and our marriage has never been as strong as it is now. :)

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We go to concerts or ballets monthly.


We hike in nicer weather.


He stands in the kitchen and talks with me while I cook. I sit at the table and talk with him while he cleans up :D


We plan and take vacations.


He likes to watch movies or tv shows on the laptop while I prefer to read books, but we do that in the same room.

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We take walks regularly although my husband is working a lot at the moment so the walks are on an irregular schedule this month.  He had the day off today.  We walked on some trails at a nearby park, then had lunch out.  Last week, on a day off, we went to see a film together.  In summer, we often go for a swim together or go kayaking.


One of our favorite things to do together is attend the big library used book sale twice annually.  We make a date out of that one.


Before our son was born we often played cribbage in the evening. We have started doing that again as empty nesters.


After The Boy turned ten or so, we subscribed to the Symphony as a family outing.  The Boy may have left for college, but we continue to attend symphony concerts.


Our public radio station sponsors a number of events:  musical performances, films, parties. We attend several of these during the year.


So while we do not have a routine (____ every Tuesday), we do make a point of getting out and about together for something as simple as a walk or lunch or something more orchestrated like the symphony ( ;) ) or a play.



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We keep an early bedtime for the kids and intend to continue doing so even as the kids get older, so we have a few hours together without children most nights.


At home we like to watch TV together. We are intentional about what we choose, and we often find either drama series' that are well written and deal with interesting themes which we can talk about (House MD for example) and we frequently watch cooking shows (heston blumenthal is a big one) or documentaries together and discuss them.


He loves to cook special recipies which we sort of do together


We have begun reading some parenting books together.


We do organizational/cleaning tasks in the evening together sometimes, like my new schoolroom setup or folding washing, again giving us opportunity to talk together.


And we do activities with the kids which we find give us together time as well, things like pulling out a special construction toy or going outside to play as a family.


Outside the house, we enjoy finding cheap but good restaurants. Money is tight, but we always get water and rarely deserts, so it is affordable to do once every couple of weeks. We will sometimes just pack the kids up in the evening and go for a nice long drive with some music or talking. Two weeks ago we found ourselves eating ice cream down at the beach at 9pm! A little unusual but the kids loved the adventure and we talked and connected while they built sandcastles and played in the very edge of the water (no higher than halfway up the calf of the leg after twilight)


He is also very interested in education so things like field trips with the kids are fun for him too, and we talk a lot about our kids futures.


We have gone through some hard times recently so talking has been a very important thing for us to prioritize, it's the only thing which has helped us to keep things together this year as we finally start to come out from an almost year-long series of events which almost ended in separation. We make the conscious choice to find things to talk about and talk, just generally like friends as well as seriously like a couple and like parents.

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Walking - daily weather permitting - or once in a while we'll head to a big store or mall to get it in if we get cabin fever or need to get something from the shopping place.


Cooking - a few times per week.


TV shows - we catch one or two per day - always together, never apart.


Errands - post office, bank, grocery shopping - we call these our "dates."


Travel - as often as finances allow.


Hiking - when we can get away to do it - generally coupled with traveling - camping sometimes too - and scuba or snorkeling, etc.


Working with the ponies (in nice weather).


Gardening (vegetables - also nice weather).


Shoveling snow (winter).


Church (Sundays).


Play games.


Talking and catching up/sharing our day occurs with all of these, of course.  He works from home so we spend a LOT of time together - which works for me as I'm a "time" love language person.

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Watching sporting events (mostly hockey and baseball)

Playing board games--Pandemic is our current favorite

Planning travel we'd like to do in the future and/or when we win the lottery  :lol:

Traveling to the places we can afford without the lottery win

Watching a TV series or movie together at home

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We have what dh calls our "stay-tes" where we stay at home, feed the kids on their own, put them to bed, and then get takeout and watch a movie or catch up on TV shows. We've never done the candles/fancy dinner thing as it's not our thing, but I could totally see where this would work. Lobster or steak or something equally special?


Otherwise, on the more mundane side, we catch up on TV shows, cook together, cuddle in bed while each does their own thing (read or something on the iPad), fold laundry, talk about curent events, and on very rare occasions we've played a game of some sort.


Recently, we took a cooking class through community ed at the technical college. That was *a lot* of fun. We'd absolutley do that again, though it's tough to do with dh's work schedule.

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Dog training, dog showing, agility trials, etc.


Volunteer as 4H leaders together


Local musical events or concerts


Art exhibits, local and in major museums


Art projects-drawing, painting, etc


sometimes home improvements


Going to the library or bookstore together


Bible study


Watching documentaries and a rare TV series together--he enjoyed Inspector Lewis and we watched it together, also Bleak House from a few years back


Attending local historical, or naturalist lectures




severing on boards of a couple of local organizations and assisting with event planning 


discussing history, literature, art, music, education, relationships 



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We stay up late playing Carcassonne!  Or, as we call it, "Crack-a-sone!"  We like it better for just two players than Catan, because I refuse to trade resources with him.


We no longer play Scrabble because we argue about the outcome.  (He can't spell; I don't pay attention; he wins; darn it!)


I can't wait until the kids are old enough for us to go out to bookstores together.  Somebody mentioned Half Price Books and made me jealous.

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Out of the House:

Art museums (about every other month)


Live Music

Try new restaurants (usually connected with one of the above or with a group of friends).

Wine tastings


In/Around the House:

Take walks

Talk while he cooks.

Watch tv/movies

Sit and talk on deck/couch

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