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For fun: How many kids


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1 minute ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2 and dh wanted 4

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

I don't want any more if that is what you are meaning 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

In looks? Yes. 

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order?  I am the oldest 






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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 

I wanted 4. 

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number?


4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

Yes. My second daughter looks and acts like me. It could be also because we both have ADHD that we think similarly. 

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order? 


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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 4

2. How many do you have? 7 total, 6 living

3. Are you happy with that number? yes, but we would be open to more

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? yes, younger dd is my mini me

5. How many siblings do you have? 2

6. What's your birth order? oldest

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5 minutes ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2, but didn’t think they would be twins

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 
I used to think DS1 was, but I’m not sure now that he is 17 🤪

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order?







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15 minutes ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1. I wanted 6, dh wanted 2 when we were dating. We compromised on 4. 
2. 4

3. In general, yes. Sometimes I wonder if temperamentally I’d have done better with three. I get over stimulated easily.  I always wanted a big family, but one of the reasons we stopped at four was I knew I’d have a nervous breakdown if I had more. I loved that I had four most of the time and I certainly wouldn’t not want my fourth who is my child who is closest to me in some ways—probably bc of an age gap. But I just wonder sometimes if it wasn’t really the best for me. 
4. 2 siblings

5. oldest 


I skipped one! My girls each have some aspects that are like me and others that are different. My oldest son has my temperament. 

Edited by freesia
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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 4 - 6

2. How many do you have? 2

3. Are you happy with that number? Yep 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? They both have personality traits that are just like me and others that are just like my husband, and of course still more that are all their own. I tried my best to not tell them they were 'just like' me or anyone else. 

5. How many siblings do you have? 3

6. What's your birth order? youngest


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How many kids did you want before you had them?

 I can’t be sure now, but I think 4 was the number.

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

I’m happy, but not sure I’m done.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

My dad tells me I was just like my 3rd kid and apparently she is my “pay back” 🤣

5. How many siblings do you have?

My parents have 2 others  besides me, but I grew up alone due to large age gap.

6. What's your birth order? 

I’m the baby and it shows . I’m a brat sometimes.

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 4

2. How many do you have? 3

3. Are you happy with that number? yes (although I certainly wouldn't mind another adult child; I was hoping #3 would be twins)

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? no

5. How many siblings do you have? 1

6. What's your birth order? younger of the two

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33 minutes ago, alysee said:
  1. 1. How many kids did you want before you had them?
  2. 2. How many do you have?
  3. 3. Are you happy with that number? 
  4. 4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 
  5. 5. How many siblings do you have?
  6. 6. What's your birth order? 
  1. 3-4
  2. 2
  3. Yes, but stopping at 2 was a bit contentious at the time.
  4. Ha! NO! 
  5. 1
  6. Older of the two of us
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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? I didn't have a certain number in mind, and when I was 17-19, I didn't want any kids.

2. How many do you have?  2

3. Are you happy with that number?  Honestly, I wish we had more. It is my only real regret. I had trouble getting pregnant. Having the second one at 36, we didn't think we should try a long time and have one in our 40s. We didn't think it would be fair to the kids was our opinion at the time. 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? No, but dd is a lot like dh. Ds is more like me. 

5. How many siblings do you have? 2

6. What's your birth order?  Middle

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28 minutes ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

Never picked a number

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

Mostly. Kinda wish I could have fit one or two more in

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

2 full, 1 half, 1 step, 2 former step, and 1 step-step. But I was raised as 1 of 3. (I’m 17 years older than my half brother, and my mother remarried when I was 23.)

6. What's your birth order? 

Oldest of natural siblings.  My stepbrother is a few years older than me.





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1. 4

2. 2

3. Y and N. I still would have liked a bigger family and more sibs for my kids, but one of ours is easily 3 kids worth of work, so I guess it’s good as is. We married late and that limited our options to some degree.

4. Dd is like me in tastes and values, but unlike in abilities. Ds is like me in temperament, mostly in the bad ways. They each look like both me and Dh.

5. 1

6. Older

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?


2. How many do you have?

4 living, one died at 20 weeks gestation

3. Are you happy with that number?

Yes! Though would have had a couple more that we lost

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

Yes, 3rd ds is weirdly like me.  Actually, I am one of 4 girls and each of my kids is just like the corresponding Auntie.

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order? 


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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? - 5

2. How many do you have? - 3 

3. Are you happy with that number? - not really, but it's all that health will permit. 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? - yes, just 1

5. How many siblings do you have? - 3 

6. What's your birth order? - first

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?  Two

2. How many do you have?  Two

3. Are you happy with that number?  Yes but lately I've been thinking that I should have had a few more...because homeschooling

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you?  Each of them are just like me in some ways and so very different in other ways

5. How many siblings do you have?  Zero

6. What's your birth order?  Number one


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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?


2. How many do you have?

2 and 1miscarrage

3. Are you happy with that number? 

Yes. I wish the third would have lived not for the number of children but because it's sad that he didn't.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

My DD is like me. There are a few things that she takes after my husband but 90% me.

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order? 


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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

I started out wanting four, but after the first two were born, I realized that three was going to be my limit. I didn't think I could do a good job with more than three.

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 


4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

No. They are all a little bit like me, but none are just like me.

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order? 


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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

I wanted 3 or 4. 

2. How many do you have?

I have 2. 

3. Are you happy with that number? 

Kind of. My younger girl is 6, and I'd like to do something other than homeschool with my life, and I don't want to start over. But I wish we'd been in a better place and managed to have 3 or 4 like we planned. 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

Both the kids are a palpable mix of DH and me. We're fairly different people, despite both being mathematicians (I wanted it that way), and you can see exactly where they get each trait from. 

5. How many siblings do you have?

Depends how you count! No full ones, 2 half-sisters, 2 stepsisters, 3 ex-stepsisters. Phew! 

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1 hour ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?


2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

Yes.  4 is a good number. Things often come in multiples of 4 😄 In retrospect I do wish we’d had a fifth as a playmate for our little caboose, but at the time I just couldn’t fathom doing it again. 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? No

5. How many siblings do you have? 6

6. What's your birth order? Oldest. 






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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

I wanted five.  

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

Yes.  I mean, I would have liked to have had more, but things are expensive, and we would have had to change a lot of things if we'd had more.  (Different car, probably a minivan, stuff like that).

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

My youngest is a lot like me.  

5. How many siblings do you have?

1 sister

6. What's your birth order? 



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2 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1/2/3:  In the beginning, I wanted three. Then there was a period that I wanted six or seven. But it turned out to be much harder to end up with three than expected. So ultimately, three (living) kids was what I wound up with. I am happy with that number *now*. 

4. All of my kids are like me in some ways. My daughter used to resemble me the most but her look has changed and now my youngest resembles me the most. 

5/6. I grew up the third of five. One sister has died, though, and my brother lives far away; I see him very rarely. In some respects, I was more like the oldest of the younger set. A lot of my traits are more similar to a firstborn than to a middle. 

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3 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1. I was sure I only wanted one.

2. Four!

3. Yes

4.Yes, my oldest is just like me, and her oldest is just like her!

5.Three siblings

6. 3rd born, though I was the youngest until I turned 9.  What a change from being treated as the baby to being responsible for my brother’s care while our folks worked. 

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? either 2 or 4 

2. How many do you have?  3  - youngest was colicky and did. not. sleep. 

3. Are you happy with that number?  yes 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you?  yes - my youngest 

5. How many siblings do you have? 1 

6. What's your birth order? 18 months younger, but I fit the profile of the older sibling😀

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? zero, then maybe two

2. How many do you have? one

3. Are you happy with that number? I didn't used to be but I am now. I am profoundly grateful to have DD in our lives. DD says she loves being an only child and wouldn't want it any other way, but I worry about her being lonely later. I hope she has lots of kids to take care of her. 🙂 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? Oh, yes. But she is also like her dad in many ways. Thank God for that. 😉 

5. How many siblings do you have? two

6. What's your birth order? middle child

Edited by MercyA
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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 4

2. How many do you have? 4 living (lost 5th at 11 weeks)

3. Are you happy with that number? Yes! But if we'd have had a late oopsie, i'd have been toast probably.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? A mix of me and dh

5. How many siblings do you have? I have 2, dh has 5

6. What's your birth order? We're both second, but oldest of our gender

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3 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want

 before you had them?


2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 


3 hours ago, alysee said:

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

All of my kids are more similar to me than different. 

5. How many siblings do you have?


6. What's your birth order? 







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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?


2. How many do you have? Pregnant with our fourth now

3. Are you happy with that number?  Yes, I hope to be done having biological kids after this but I really hope we can foster again once our youngest is out of the baby stage.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? Nope

5. How many siblings do you have? 7 blended

6. What's your birth order? 6th

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3 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:


How many kids did you want before you had them?

 I can’t be sure now, but I think 4 was the number.

2. How many do you have?


3. Are you happy with that number? 

I’m happy, but not sure I’m done.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

My dad tells me I was just like my 3rd kid and apparently she is my “pay back” 🤣

5. How many siblings do you have?

My parents have 2 others  besides me, but I grew up alone due to large age gap.

6. What's your birth order? 

I’m the baby and it shows . I’m a brat sometimes.

It's fun to see another pregnant mom on here ❤️ I'm due with our fourth in late April.

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3 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 






10 (one died at birth so 9 raising)in 17 years and six months exactly. I breastfed for 18 months -3 years and got pregnant usually between 10-16 months PP although it was later a couple times.  Yes this means I tandem nursed a baby and toddler multiple times 

Yes. Although I did really want twins and would have been happy with a couple more babies.  I don't use birth control and had my last at 37. I'm now 45. That ship sailed 😂

Not exactly no. But I can see myself in different things they do. But also there dad and grandparents etc. 



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4 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them? I didn’t have a plan or number in mind. 

2. How many do you have? 4 (#4 is my rainbow baby. 

3. Are you happy with that number? No. I love them, but I had no idea what I was in for in the later years since I had them close together. I  also worry for the world they are now living in, but I have a pretty bleak outlook right now, 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? Nope! Not one. 

5. How many siblings do you have? 1

6. What's your birth order?  I am the younger of us two kids. I have one older brother. 






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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?  Many, when we got married 4 or more.

2. How many do you have? 3

3. Are you happy with that number?   I would say I am resigned.  We dealt with years of infertility and feel happy to have had the children we have.  I still have a bit of longing for more, but know that it isn't going to happen now.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? Nope.  Oldest and youngest are a bit like DH.  Middle has a lot of his grandfathers on both sides personalities.

5. How many siblings do you have? 2

6. What's your birth order? middle

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 0

2. How many do you have? 3 plus one who came to us as a 17-year old

3. Are you happy with that number? very

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you?  not even a little bit, lol. It is a great mystery considering we have spent so much time together throughout the years. Two of the kids are just like each other, though! And the other is like her dad. ♥ Funnily enough, our bonus kid is probably the most like me - he was meant to be ours! 😄


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4 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1) 4ish, DH wanted 9 😂

2) 2

3) Yes

4) No

5) 2

6) I'm the middle child, oldest girl

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4 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1. We said 4-6

2. As of 3 days ago, we have 5!

3. Yes. I was happy with 4. I'm happy with my surprise too.

4. They're all a unique mix.

5. 1

6. Oldest 

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6 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1 - didn't think about it

2 - 5

3 - yes

4 - two that take after me, two that take after dh, and one that's a mix/himself

5 - a brother and a sister

6 - youngest

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them?  6

2. How many do you have?    3

3. Are you happy with that number?    Yes  (Not quite sure I can handle anymore!)

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you?   Yes

5. How many siblings do you have?   none

6. What's your birth order?   Only child

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11 hours ago, alysee said:

1. How many kids did you want before you had them?

2. How many do you have?

3. Are you happy with that number? 

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you? 

5. How many siblings do you have?

6. What's your birth order? 





1: two

2: four (plus one due in Jan!)

3: super happy-I only wanted two because that seemed like a fine number. Once we had them...I discovered what a blessing they truly are. I'm not opposed to more after this one comes.

4: in the bad ways? Yes...sadly. But, I look at it as an opportunity to help them tackle those things early in their life before it becomes a habit that is even harder.

5: I'm the 3rd of 4.

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1. How many kids did you want before you had them? 3

2. How many do you have? 1

3. Are you happy with that number? yes - at first I was devastated to not be able to have another but I love it now.

4. Do you have any kids that are just like you?  he's a nice mix between DH and I and a lot of just him. 

5. How many siblings do you have? 1

6. What's your birth order? oldest

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3 hours ago, LauraClark said:

1: two

2: four (plus one due in Jan!)

3: super happy-I only wanted two because that seemed like a fine number. Once we had them...I discovered what a blessing they truly are. I'm not opposed to more after this one comes.

4: in the bad ways? Yes...sadly. But, I look at it as an opportunity to help them tackle those things early in their life before it becomes a habit that is even harder.

5: I'm the 3rd of 4.

Oh yay!! Another pregnant lady on the boards! I don’t think I knew this. Mine is due in February. #5 for me too.

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