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What are your top five most frequently used apps?

Indigo Blue

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On the iphone?

I'm not sure what constitutes an app vs. a website or whatever?  I realize this makes me a dinosaur.

My usage varies over time.  When I'm being healthy, I check the health app a lot, LOL.  I check the weather app if I am worrying about getting rained out or having a horribly hot day for a planned event/activity.

I opened twitter and instagram accounts for the sole purpose of following my favorite musician.  So I click on those at least daily, but I never post.

I also play certain games on the iphone daily.  Several New York Times free games, nerdle, quordle, 2048, and I check worldle to see if I'm up to it.  I don't know if these would be called "apps" though.

Facebook I usually use on my laptop, but sometimes when I don't have laptop access, I'll check it on my cell phone.

Maps probably gets used  an average of 2x/week?  Similarly, google is used, but not super frequently.

I don't use my phone for music or TV/youtube watching, except in rare instances (like when I need to watch a demonstration of my TKD form before my class, or when I want to prove to my kids of the official existence of a song I'm singing.  😛

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2 minutes ago, Hannah said:

I'm surprised that there is only one WhatsApp user.  Is it not a commonly used app in the US?  It would be the nr 1 for most people in South Africa.

So mine are






I use Whatsapp very occasionally- with people I know in other countries. Or who are traveling in other countries. 

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4 minutes ago, Hannah said:

I'm surprised that there is only one WhatsApp user.  Is it not a commonly used app in the US?  It would be the nr 1 for most people in South Africa.

So mine are






A guy in India almost fainted when I told him I don't use WhatsApp.  😛

I actually do have some occasional activity on WhatsApp, with groups that include international folks.  My international friends and I don't touch base all that often.  My friend who has international family probably uses it every day.  But for me, I can contact everyone close to me for free with a regular phone call, text, email, or facebook message.

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Based on number of times I've opened them in the last 7 days:

Habitica (gamified productivity)

Sweepy (housework)

Duolingo (to study Spanish)

Rainbow (food tracker) and Watercat (water tracker) about equally

Duo (video calling)


I don't use YNAB or FB on my phone, nor my main email accounts, nor my school planning sheet--I use my laptop for those. I try to keep my phone use mostly productive.

I don't have WhatsApp. I just text people or video call.

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7 minutes ago, SKL said:

A guy in India almost fainted when I told him I don't use WhatsApp.  😛

People here would probably not believe you either!  Everyone uses WhatsApp, even for business appointment and such.  Facebook messenger is much less common.   I have family and friends overseas and we use it between us as well.

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I'm not sure how to check my app usage, other than looking at what uses the most battery life on my phone. That seems pretty accurate:

Libby library app for audiobooks
FaceTime (my girls call me on FT, but if I initiate, it would be with a regular phone call)
Yahoo Mail

Not too long ago, Candy Crush probably would have be up there, but I haven't been playing it recently.

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51 minutes ago, Hannah said:

People here would probably not believe you either!  Everyone uses WhatsApp, even for business appointment and such.  Facebook messenger is much less common.   I have family and friends overseas and we use it between us as well.

I started using WhatsApp a few years ago when one of our group chat members was living overseas. I only recently put messenger on my phone. 

My top used apps aside from email and YouTube are: 


Spider Solitaire



NightLight (my bedroom gets really dark and I need some light to sleep better. The app makes a huge difference.)

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Depends on whether we're talking about my laptop or my phone.

On my laptop:

  • Google Calendar
  • Google News
  • Gmail (for purely personal emails)
  • Outlook (for my "professional" email)
  • Chrome (usually streaming the classical music feed from my local NPR station and also have open WTM, the dashboard for my online classes, plus whatever shopping or new sites strike my fancy that day)

On my phone:

  • Run Across American challenge tracker
  • PocketCasts
  • Fitbit
  • OverDrive/Libro.fm (cheating by listing two, but they are both audiobook apps, so I'm going with it)
  • Camera
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Besides texting and my photos:  



gmail/ google chat

Pokemon Go

It kinda rotates between amazon (not just for ordering but for looking at stuff), YouTube, Audible, and Fark

I also check my step count and the weather pretty frequently and I open Safari a lot, which I use both to check the Hive and for random web searches. 

Edited by Terabith
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Podcast Guru

Why can I only pick 5? lol

I used WhatsApp when we were on a cruise so I could keep in touch with our cat sitter (the cat was just dx'd with diabetes right before we left so I needed to know she was doing okay). I currently only use it to chat with my friend who is living in Crete while her husband is stationed at Souda Bay. Mostly I use Messenger and the SMS app that came installed on my Samsung Galaxy phone.

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