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Till what age did your girls grow in height


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My kids are all tall and seem to keep adding height longer than their peers. My dd is 19 and has grown an inch or two since she went off to college in the fall. She’s got me beat now - she’s 6’ and I’m a measly 5’10”.🙂 She started her period just before her 15th birthday.

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My DD was about 15, period at 13. The pedi told us the rule of thumb is all growth usually stops by 2 years after the period starts. That was about right for us. The last year to 6 months the growth was very little and slow. We only know she grew at all because we measure on our kids' birthdays. She had grown, just not a lot. At 16 her mark was the same as at 15 and it hasn't changed at 17. 

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My Dd got her period at 13 and was 5'3. She grew one more inch that year before she turned 14. She claims to be 5'4.5" ( A half inch taller than me but I don't think so!!!😁)

I am two inches taller than my mom. Dh is 6' and the shortest of his brothers, uncles, and even his dad. But his mom was 5'2" and so poor Dd just didn't get lucky enough for that gene. I did get my height young. I was 5'4" in 5th grade when I was 11 and got my period.

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Throughout their teens. DD15 is still growing, even though a doctor told us she would stop about a year ago, due to the growth plates in her feet being almost closed. Nope, she is still steadily growing. She is almost 6' tall. 

DD23 grew until mid-high school. She is 5'9". I don't remember exactly how old she was, but probably 16-17. when she stopped.


Anecdotally, it seems like the taller someone is, the more likely they are to keep growing inn their later teens.


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I don't remember, but I do know that my dd who had a period at a younger age stopped growing at a younger age.

I always heard that if you double their 2-year-old height, that'll give you an idea of where they'll be when they stop growing.  I actually can't remember how accurate that was for our girls, but I do know that the order of heights at their 2-year mark was the same order of heights when they were each full grown.  That is, the one who was shortest at 2 years was shortest as an adult.  The one who was tallest at 2 years was tallest as an adult...  And the ones in-between were the same order as well.


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My period started at age almost 12, and I grew from 5'6" to 5'9" between then and when I was 18.  Most of the growth happened by the time I was 15 or so, but I actually grew an inch during my freshman year in college.

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Typically you expect growth to stop two years after menarche, though it isn't unheard of for somebody to have a random late growth spurt and/or to gain another inch or so during their first pregnancy, especially if that first pregnancy is in their teens or early 20s.

Children who enter puberty earlier are likely to stop growing earlier, and often they end up short as adults despite having been tall as kids - that early growth was a sign of early puberty, and it fizzled out, well, early.

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All 3 of my girls ( 2 bio are adults, 1 adoptee of a different race is 16) stopped growing around the time of their first periods at ages 11-13. We're all 5"1to 5"3, including adoptee.  My husband, who fathered my bio kids, is 6ft. tall. Kids get however tall they're going to get.  I kinda hoped they'd get tall enough to not need specialty petite sizing, but that didn't work out. Shrug.

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My older girls seem to have quit growing but they still hold out hope that they'll get another inch or so. They're 17 and haven't outgrown anything in years. One of them had an xray around age 14 and was told she probably wouldn't grow anymore and I don't think she did; nothing significant anyway. My youngest DD (14) seems to have had a small growth spurt over the last year and is hoping for more, but she may end up remaining the shortest. She's barely tall enough to ride without a booster seat. I'm 5'2 (rounded up) and remain the tallest female in the house. I'm shorter than my mom- I don't know what happened to the trend of each generation getting a little taller! 

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Similar to what others have said -- My daughter grew until she was about 14. 

My sincere hope was that she would get taller than I am (5'2" on a tall day) and maybe even tall enough not to have to shop in the petites department. She just barely made it, landing at about 5'4". (My husband is 6'1".)

Our son grew a little longer, I think, and wound up almost exactly the same height as my husband. 

They were both taller than I am by the time they were 13, and delighted by that fact.

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There is NOT a rule for this!  I do not believe there is any 'real' correlation between start of periods and growth potential.

I grew 8 inches after I started my period...(over 3 years).  I also grew an extra 1/2 inch in college.

My oldest also grew about 8 inches more

My middle daughter grew 9 inches more (plus another 1/2 inch in college)

My youngest grew 7 inches more then another 1.5 inches in college (1 inch from age 19 to age 20!).


DH and I have a college friend (male) who was 5'5" when he graduated from high school.  He grew 12 inches during college...puberty and growth again is individual (genetics) thing!

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6 hours ago, Katy said:

There’s usually only one growth spurt after a period starts, and maybe an inch after that. 

I don’t think this is correct. I started my period at 9. I stopped growing at 13 as did my mother and my grandmother. Not my dd though. She didn’t start until 14, after she had stoped growing.

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21 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:

DH and I have a college friend (male) who was 5'5" when he graduated from high school.  He grew 12 inches during college...puberty and growth again is individual (genetics) thing!

Someone I went to high school with had same thing happen -- I clearly remember running into him and not recognizing him until  he spoke (and almost fell down in shock at that point!)

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I kept growing until I was nearly 18 (apart from an inexplicable inch gained in my late 20s), although the rate of growth slowed dramatically after I was 15. Which I'm happy about, because it means most of the T-shirts I wore then still fit me. I think everyone finds their own growth pattern, and some of my classmates didn't grow after age 11.

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8 hours ago, Tap said:


Anecdotally, it seems like the taller someone is, the more likely they are to keep growing inn their later teens.


This did not hold true for me or my girls. I'm 5'11" and haven't grown since I was 13. My oldest is 5'10" and stopped growing around 13 as well. My next oldest daughter is 5'8" and stopped growing around 13 as well. 

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My oldest grew about 8 inches in a little over a year. I don't remember specifics, but she was 12ish and she was at least 5'8" that year - although she may have turned 13 by the end of that growth spurt. She is a little over 5'10" now and hasn't grown significantly since she was 14 or early 15.

Dd12 (newly 12) is 5'3" now and it seems like she might be poised for a growth spurt? I am predicting she will end up at 5'8" or 5'9". We'll see, but I would be surprised if she isn't 5'7" by her next birthday.

Boy growth is more the topic of conversation in our house these days. I have a 15 year old who would really, really like to make it to 6' tall. He was always around 50%ile growing up, started puberty at a younger age (younger at least than his brother), and is 5'10" now. We know, because he has been just shy of Dd18 for awhile. LOL He may eke out a little more, but I don't know that he has 2 more inches in him.

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I'm pretty sure my 15 yr old is done their hasn't been any real growth in over a year and it's been 3 yrs since she started her period.

Growing up the vast majority of the soccer's players I knew reached their full height by 15.

My sister's grew later but also didn't start their monthly time until 16 they both grew a huge amount but not for long. Like grew 6 inches in a summer kind of growth.

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5 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I don’t think this is correct. I started my period at 9. I stopped growing at 13 as did my mother and my grandmother. Not my dd though. She didn’t start until 14, after she had stoped growing.

It's not a universal truth, but it is typical according to multiple pediatricians we've talked to. I'm sure some families have different genetic variations.

It's sort of similar to how most girls start their periods when they weigh about 100 pounds. There are plenty of outliers, but the majority start when they hit that weight.  It's one of the reasons they think women 250 years ago didn't start until an average of closer to 15 or 16, but now average age is closer to 11.  Some women are still not getting theirs until 16, but that's not typical.

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5 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I don’t think this is correct. I started my period at 9. I stopped growing at 13 as did my mother and my grandmother. Not my dd though. She didn’t start until 14, after she had stoped growing.


You may have heard before that the plural of anecdote is not data.

I'll point out that inasmuch as people vary from the norm, it's probably something passed down in families.

If I say that most people in the world have brown eyes, and you point out that you, your mother, grandmother, and daughter all have green eyes, I'll say "So what?" That doesn't prove anything other than that you all inherited a rare gene!

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15 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Well, I reached 5’3” at about 12 and always was every time I was measured until I was 21 and then I grew to 5’4” 😂

Almost this exact thing happened to my dd! She was 5’3” at 12.5 years old. She just grew 1.5 inches this fall at 22.5! So now she’s 5’4.5”! Blew all our minds, but she remembered her cousin growing in college too. She had always held out hope she’d eventually grow, and she did! 

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My girls both got their periods at about 11.7yo.  One seems to have stopped growing around her 15th birthday (but she didn't grow much over those last 3 years at all).  My other kid, 15yo, might still be growing.  She definitely grew some at age 14.  So the one year rule of thumb is flexible.  🙂

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Me, my sibling and my nieces:

No one grew more than 1 inch more after they got their period.  

I was just under 5’8 at age 11 when I got my period and I was ~5’9 when I graduated high school.  My youngest niece is 13 and not quite 5’1 (gets the shorter genes from the other side of her family!) and she was 5’ when her period started at 12.  This pattern has been very consistent with most of the young girls I know.  My mother was 5’10 when she was 11 (and started her period) and she ended up being just a smidge under 6 feet.  I was hoping to be 5’11+ myself for basketball but that was NOT meant to be.  

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